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FNFC 2014 Annual General Assembly: Approach to the management of Aboriginal fishing in Pacific Region

Approach to the management of Aboriginal fishing in Pacific Region (PDF, 575 kb)

Presented to the FNFC Annual Assembly, Prince George, BC November 2014

Workshop purpose:

Part 1: Background and policy context


Overview of FSC policies and practice

Key operational tools for the management of Aboriginal fisheries

Pacific Region Aboriginal programs

Aboriginal programs – Funded activities

Activity Area AAROM AFS
Fisheries Management Operations $6,400,000 $7,744,000
Stock Assessment $170,000 $2,795,000
Catch Monitoring $149,000 $1,992,000
Capacity Development $172,000 $522,000
Compliance and Enforcement $0 $388,000
Habitat Mgt and Enhancement $13,000 $354,000
Hatcheries $0 $349,000
Economic Opportunity Fisheries $0 $21,000
Total $6,904,000 $14,165,000

What we’ve heard from First Nations

Challenges in Managing FSC Fisheries

Cohen Commission recommendations related to FSC

Part 2: Current Pacific regional operational approach to managing FSC fisheries

Regional FSC Fisheries Access Framework

Purpose of the Framework:

Provide staff with a consistent operational approach and common set of criteria to respond to requests from First Nations to:

  1. Pre-Contact and Continuous Use (this criteria is only required for fishing area access change requests)
  2. First Nations’ Community Needs for FSC Fish
  3. Conservation Concern
  4. Other Valid Legislative Objectives
  5. Manageability

Regional FSC fisheries access framework: Procedures

  1. Request received from from Chief or official representative of the Band
  2. DFO evaluates the request
  3. DFO obtains as much information as possible from the First Nation and offers to meet
  4. DFO consults with First Nations that may be potentially impacted
  5. DFO decision
  6. Area staff to notify First Nations of decision

Challenges with current process

Time for discussion


Key legislation

Key regulations

Policy for the management of Aboriginal fishing, 1993

Provides the following key DFO policy direction:

Other key policies and guidelines

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