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Groundfish Trawl Advisory Committee (GTAC) terms of reference


The Groundfish Trawl Advisory Committee (GTAC) will provide a forum

Principles of Consultation

Consultation between government and the public is intrinsic to effective policy development. It should be a first thought, not an after-thought. Why? Effective consultation improves the chances of successfully developing and implementing management policy. Successful consultation will: improve information exchange, giving both sides the information on which to base a decision and reducing misinformation; give people affected by a policy the chance to provide advice; and increase confidence in DFO actions.

Advisory committees are one part of consultation. The committees provide a forum for discussions between DFO and the commercial industry and other stakeholders. To be worthwhile, a clear, mutual understanding of the purpose and expectations of all parties to the consultation is essential from the outset. Terms of reference should be developed that meet the following principles.

Advisors need to be selected so they are accountable to the groups they represent. At the same time, DFO has to be accountable for its actions to the Committee.

Open and Accessible:
Consultation should involve all parties who can contribute to or are affected by the outcome of the consultation

To begin with, the committees require clear mandates, priorities, and procedures. When running, they require skilled management.


Voted Participants # of Representatives
T - licence holders Max. of 10
DFO Appointments # of Representatives
Processors Max. of 5
UFAWU 1 representative
Deep Sea Trawlers Association 1 representative
Groundfish Development Authority 1 representative
First Nations 1 representative
Canadian Groundfish Research and Conservation Society 1 representative
Province of BC - Ministry of Fisheries 1 representative
DFO As required


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