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Pacific regional harbour authority advisory committee terms of reference

Revised July 2017


The DFO Consultation Framework states that:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) will undertake consultations in order to improve departmental decision-making processes, promote understanding of fisheries, oceans and marine transport issues, and strengthen relationships.

As such, starting in the late 90s, the Small Craft Harbours Program (SCH) began establishing Regional Harbour Advisory Committees (RHAACs) as a means to assist SCH in the management of its Program, further support its decision-making process and enhance relationships with Harbours Authorities (HAs) at the regional level. A National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) was also formed in 2001.

Purpose of committee

To provide advice to, and share information with, SCH Pacific on matters of regional interest regarding the HA Program and the SCH program overall in order to assist SCH Pacific in the development of regional policy and best operational practices. Members must present their views based on their knowledge and own experience.

As such, PRHAAC will:

Structure of committee

The PRHAAC will be chaired by the Regional Director, SCH Pacific.

The PRHAAC shall be comprised of up to three SCH Pacific staff (ex-officio) and six to eight HA representatives who reflect the Membership criteria noted below.

As determined by the Chair, working groups and/or sub-committees may be created to address issues deemed important to SCH Pacific or the PRHAAC. Additional representatives not currently on the PRHAAC may be asked to participate on working groups and/or sub-committees through an invitation by the Chair.

The chair will solicit HAs in the Pacific Region for PRHAAC nominations and/or expressions of interest, as required to support increased awareness and transparency regarding membership.

Membership and participation

PRHAAC members will be appointed, as required, by the Chair in consultation with the Committee. Members will represent a cross-section of HAs, reflecting the range in size and geographic location of harbours involved in the SCH Pacific program.

PRHAAC members will also reflect the diversity of the HA membership in Pacific Region and include individuals with varied client (e.g. commercial fish harvester) and HA experience and expertise.

HA representation on the PRHAAC will comprise both HA employees and HA Directors, or their equivalent, with members required to be either/or at the time of their appointment and for the duration of their tenure.

PRHAAC terms will be for a minimum of two years. Members may be re-appointed by the Chair for subsequent terms.

Where a person is unable to actively and regularly participate as a member of the PRHAAC for any reason (e.g. health concerns, personal circumstances) the Chair may appoint another person to the PRHAAC.

Roles and responsibilities

Small Craft Harbours Pacific Region

PRHAAC Members

The primary roles and responsibilities of PRHAAC members include:


Meetings of the PRHAAC will be called at the request of the Chair. Typically two in-person and two conference call meetings will be held per year, with meetings occurring, where possible:

A meeting plan for the year will be developed by SCH Pacific, in consultation with PRHAAC members.

SCH staff and other guests may attend PRHAAC meetings at the invitation of the Chair.


Correspondence to members, including agendas, records of discussion and supporting documentation, will be forwarded to PRHAAC members via email or fax.

When possible, agendas will be developed and distributed to PRHAAC members at least two weeks prior to meetings to facilitate consultation and information gathering as required. All background documents and information will be provided in advance as/when it is available.

Meeting records will be kept and a draft version distributed to PRHAAC members for review within four week following meetings, when possible.

Agendas and records of discussion, once finalized, will be translated and posted on Fisheries & Oceans Canada's Public Consultation website for the Pacific Region, in order to ensure they are accessible to all HAs and the public.

All attempts will be made for recommendations and advice developed by the PRHAAC to be done using a consensus process, without the requirement that formal votes be taken. Consensus does not require that all members be in complete agreement, but rather that all are willing to accept, or consent to, what is being put forward on behalf of the PRHAAC. When consensus is not possible, the PRHAAC will convey its recommendations and advice in a manner that communicates that varying points of view expressed by all its members.

PRHAAC involvement by HA representatives is done on a voluntary basis and no honoraria or remuneration for their involvement will be provided. Approved PRHAAC meeting costs and associated member travel costs will be reimbursed by SCH for all PRHAAC meetings and working group/sub-committee work.

Linkages to Other HA organizations and SCH advisory bodies

The Chair will work collaboratively with the President of the Harbour Authority Association of BC (HAABC) to ensure that appropriate communication linkages are maintained between the PRHAAC and the HAABC.

Three representatives from the PRHAAC will be selected by the Chair, in consultation with PRHAAC, to participate and represent Pacific Region HAs at NHAAC meetings.

In the even that a NHAAC representative is unable to attend a NHAAC meetings, or there is a vacancy , a replacement NHAAC representative will be appointed by the Chair.

Code of conduct

Committee members shall adhere to the Code of Conduct, attached as Annex A.

The Chair may terminate PRHAAC membership if code of conduct issues cannot be adequately addressed through other reasonable means.

Evaluation and monitoring

SCH will evaluate the consultative processes' effectiveness on a periodic basis in consultation with the PRHAAC.

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