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Commercial fisheries licensing rules and policies reference document Pacific region

Licence prefix categories

Commercial fishing licences in the Pacific Region are often referred to by alphabetic letters (known as a “prefix”), which represent the species and fishing method. Some examples are "A" for Salmon, "S" for Shrimp by trawl, and "ZN" for Rockfish.

All Aboriginal communal commercial licence prefixes begin with the letter "F".

All commercial party based and vessel based licenses are issued under the authority of the Fisheries Act and Section 19 of the Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993 and confers authority to fish under the conditions applicable to this licence, subject to provisions of the Fisheries Act and Regulations made thereunder.

Prefix Party based licence descriptions
FRC Fisher registration card Unlimited entry
HG Roe herring by gillnet Limited entry
HS Roe herring by seine Limited entry
J Spawn on kelp by purse seine Limited entry
NAG Salmon by gillnet – Northern Native Fishing Corp. Limited entry
Z2 Clam by hand picking or hand digging Limited entry
Z2ACL Clam by hand picking or hand digging - Aboriginal Limited entry
Z8 Smelt by gillnet or set net Limited entry
ZA Green sea urchin by dive Limited entry
ZC Red sea urchin by dive Limited entry
ZD Sea cucumbers by dive Limited entry
ZF Euphausiid by pelagic trawl Limited entry
ZM Food and bait herring Unlimited entry
ZN Rockfish by hook and line (inside and outside) Limited entry
ZS Pacific sardine by seine Limited entry
ZSF Pacific sardine by seine - Aboriginal Limited entry
ZU Eulachon by gillnet Limited entry
ZX Special use bait herring – personal Unlimited entry
ZY1 Special use bait herring - sport Limited entry
ZY2  Special use bait herring - commercial Limited entry
ZY3 Special use bait herring - domestic food Limited entry
ZY4 Special use bait herring - zoo/aquarium Limited entry
ZWO Pacific wild oyster Limited entry
ATBR Transboundary commercial salmon (Taku & Stikine) Limited entry
ATBRF Transboundary FN commercial salmon (Taku & Stikine) Limited entry
AYR Yukon river – commercial salmon Limited entry
Prefix Vessel based licence descriptions
AG Salmon by gillnet Limited entry
AS Salmon by seine Limited entry
AT Salmon by troll Limited entry
C Schedule II species by hook and line Limited entry
CT Schedule II species (tuna) Unlimited entry
D Transporting (packing) Unlimited entry
G Geoduck and horseclam by dive Limited entry
K Sablefish by longline or trap Limited entry
L Halibut by hook and line Limited entry
R Crab by trap Limited entry
S Shrimp by trawl Limited entry
SEC68 Section 68 - high seas, in international waters Limited entry
T Groundfish by trawl Limited entry
USA68 USA68 section 68 - albacore tuna in USA waters Limited entry
W Prawn and shrimp by trap Limited entry

All communal commercial party based licenses are issued under the authority of the Fisheries Act and Subsection 4(1) of the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations and confers authority to fish under the conditions applicable to this licence, subject to provisions of the Fisheries Act and Regulations made thereunder.

Prefix Communal commercial - aboriginal licence descriptions
FAG Salmon by gillnet Limited entry
FAS Salmon by seine Limited entry
FAT Salmon by troll Limited entry
FC Schedule II species by hook and line Limited entry
FG Geoduck and horseClam by dive Limited entry
FH Herring roe by gillnet Limited entry
FHS Herring roe by seine Limited entry
FG Geoduck and horseclam by dive Limited entry
FJ Herring spawn on kelp by purse seine Limited entry
FK Sablefish by longline or trap Limited entry
FL Halibut by hook and line Limited entry
FR Crab by trap Limited entry
FS Shrimp by trawl Limited entry
FT Groundfish trawl Limited entry
FW Prawn and shrimp by trap Limited entry
FZA Green sea urchin by dive Limited entry
FZC Red sea urchin by dive Limited entry
FZD Sea cucumber by dive Limited entry
FZF Euphausiid by pelagic trawl Limited entry
FZN Rockfish by hook and line (inside and outside) Limited entry
FATBR Transboundary communal commercial salmon (Taku and Stikine) Limited entry
Prefix Other licence descriptions
EEZ Exclusive economic zone - foreign vessels
CS Contaminated shellfish - harvest depuration
CSO Contaminated shellfish - oyster relay
XMCFR Management of contaminated fisheries regulations
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