Publications de la station biologique du Pacifique et le personnel connexe (1990-2000)
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Partie 1A : Publications dans les revues scientifiques à comité de lecture (ne comprennent pas les publications de l'ISM) - Cliquez pour plus de détails
Cette liste des publications contenues dans les revues scientifiques à comité de lecture a d'abord été dressée au moyen des moteurs de recherche sur Internet. Elle a ensuite été distribuée au personnel actuel aux fins d'examen. La liste n'est pas forcément complète.
1990 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Abrahams, M.V., and M.C. Healey. 1990. Variation in the competitive abilities of fishermen and its influence on the spatial distribution of the British Columbia salmon troll fleet. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1116-1121.
2. Beacham, T.D. 1990. A genetic analysis of meristic and morphometric variation in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) at three different temperatures. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:225-229.
3. Beacham, T.D., and C.B. Murray. 1990. Photoperiod and its effect on incidence of sexual maturity in pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:1209-1213.
4. Beacham, T.D., and C.B. Murray. 1990. Temperature, egg size, and development of embryos and alevins of five species of Pacific salmon: a comparative analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:927-945.
5. Bell, G.R., R.W. Hoffmann, and L.L. Brown. 1990. Pathology of experimental infections of the sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas), with Renibacterium salmoninarum, the agent of bacterial kidney disease in salmonids. Journal of Fish Diseases 13:355-367.
6. Bernard, F., and D.J. Noakes. 1990. Pumping rates, water pressures, and oxygen use in eight species of marine bivalve molluscs from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1302-1306.
7. Bigg, M.A., and P.F. Olesiuk. 1990. An enclosed elutriator for processing marine mammal scats. Marine Mammal Science 6:350-355.
8. Blackburn, J., and W.C. Clarke. 1990. Lack of density effect on growth and smolt quality in zero age coho salmon. Aquaculture Engineering 9:121-130.
9. Bower, S.M. 1990. Shellfish diseases on the west coast of Canada. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 90(3):19-22.
10. Bower, S. M., and G. R. Meyer. 1990. Atlas of anatomy and histology of larvae and early juvenile stages of the Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis). Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 111:51p.
11. Brown, L.L., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1990. Control of vertical transmission of Renibacterium salmoninarum by injection of antibiotics into maturing female coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 9:127-131.
12. Brown, L.L., R. Ricks, T.P.T. Evelyn, and L.J. Albright. 1990. Experimental intra-ovum infectionof coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) eggs with Renibacterium salmoninarum using a microinjection technique. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 8:7-11.
13. Campbell, A. 1990. Aggregations of berried lobsters (Homarus americanus) in shallow waters off Grand Manan, eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:520-523.
14. Campbell, A. 1990. The lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery off lower Argyle, southwestern Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1177-1184.
15. Campbell, A., N. Bourne, and W. Carolsfeld. 1990. Growth and size at maturity of the Pacific gasper Tresus nuttallii (Conrad 1837) in southern British Columbia. Journal of Shellfish Research 9:273-278.
16. Cass, A.J., R.J. Beamish, and G.A. McFarlane. 1990. Lingcod Ophiodon elongatus in southern British Columbia. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 109:40p.
17. Crawford, W.R., A.V. Tyler, and R.E. Thomson. 1990. A possible eddy retention mechanism for ichthyoplankton in Hecate Strait. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1356-1363.
18. Debrosse, G., S. Sulkin, and G. Jamieson. 1990. Intraspecific morphological variability in megalopae of 3 sympatric species of the genus Cancer (Brachyura, Cancridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 10:315-329.
19. Devlin, R.H., D.G. Holm, K.R. Morin, and B.M. Honda. 1990. Identifying a single copy DNA sequence associated with the expression of a heterochromatic gene, the light locus of Drosophila melanogaster. Genome 33:405-415.
20. Eales, J.G., D.A. Higgs, L.M. Uin, D.L. MacLatchy, 0. Bres, J.R. McBride, and B.S. Dosanjh. 1990. Influence of dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels and chronic 3, 5, 3#-triiodo-lthyronine treatment on thyroid function in immature rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. General & Comparative Endocrinology 80:146-154.
21. Evelyn, T.P.T., L. Prosperi-Porta, and J.E. Ketcheson. 1990. Two new techniques for obtaining consistent results when growing Renibacterium salmoninarum on KDM2 culture medium. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 9:209-212.
22. Foighil, D.0., B. Kingzett, G.0. Foighil, and N. Bourne. 1990. Growth and survival of juvenile Japanese scallops, Patinopecten yessoensis in nursery culture. Journal of Shellfish Research 9:135-144.
23. Foote, C.J. 1990. An experimental comparison of male and female spawning territoriality in a Pacific salmon. Behaviour 115:283-314.
24. Garnick, E., and L. Margolis. 1990. Influence of four species of helminth parasites on orientation of seaward migrating sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) smolts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2380-2389.
25. Gillis, D.J., B.A. McKewon, and D.E. Hay. 1990. Physiological and histological aspects of late oocyte provisioning ovulation, and fertilization in Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1505-1512.
26. Gillis, D.J., B.A. McKeown, and D.E. Hay. 1990. Ultrastructural observations on the ovary and eggs, and the development of egg adhesion in Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1495-1504.
27. Hartman, G.F., and J.C. Scrivener. 1990. Impacts of forestry practices on a coastal stream ecosystem, Carnation Creek, British Columbia. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences223:148p.
28. Hay, D.E. 1990. Tidal influence on spawning time of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2390-2401.
29. Healey, M.C. 1990. Implications of climate change for fisheries management policy. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:366-373.
30. Healey, M.C., R.E. Thomson, and J.F.T. Morris. 1990. Distribution of commercial troll fishing vessels off southwest Vancouver Island in relation to fishing success and oceanic water properties and circulation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1846-1864.
31. Hedrick, R.P., T.S. McDowell, M.L. Kent, and R.A. Elston. 1990. A small RNA virus isolated from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 6:173-181.
32. Holtby, L.B., B.C. Andersen, and R.K. Kadowaki. 1990. Importance of smolt size and early ocean growth to interannual variability in marine survival of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2181-2194.
33. Holtby, L.B., and M.C. Healey. 1990. Sex specific life history tactics and risk taking in coho salmon. Ecology 7:678-690.
34. Jackson, L.J., J.G. Stockner, and P.J. Harrison. 1990. Contribution of Rhizosolenia eriensis and Cyclotella spp. to the deep chlorophyll maximum of Sproat Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:128-135.
35. Jamieson, G.S., and A.C. Phillips. 1990. A natural source of megalopae for the culture of Dungeness crab, (Cancer magister) Dana. Aquaculture 86:7-18.
36. Johnson, S.C., and L.J. Albright. 1990. Lepeophtheirus cuneifer Kabata, 1974 (Copepoda:Caligidae) from seawater-reared rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1414-1416.
37. Juanes, F., and E. B. Hartwick. 1990. Prey size selection in Dungeness crabs: the effect of claw damage. Ecology 71:744-758.
38. Kabata, Z. 1990. Prohatschekia stocki sp. nov. (Copepoda:Hatschekiidae) a parasite of an Australian fish, Rhinhoplichthys haswelli. Beaufortia 41:135-139.
39. Kabata, Z. 1990. Revision of the genus Clavellopsis Wilson, 1915 (Copepoda:Lernaeopodidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:2564-2566.
40. Kent, M.L. 1990. Netpen liver disease (NLD) of salmonid fishes reared in seawater: species susceptibility, recovery, and probable cause. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 8:21-28.
41. Kent, M.L., and S.C. Dawe. 1990. Experimental transmission of a plasmacytoid leukemia of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Cancer Research 50:5679-5681.
42. Kent, M.L., J.M. Groff, G.S. Traxler, J.G. Zinkl, and J.W. Bagshaw. 1990. Plasmacytoid leukemia in seawater reared chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 8:199-209.
43. Kent, M.L., and M. Moser. 1990. Ortholinea alata n. sp. (Myxosporea: Ortholineidae) in the northern butterfly fish Chaetodon rainfordi. Journal of Protozoology 37:49-51.
44. Kingzett, B.C, N. Bourne, and K. Leask. 1990. Induction of metamorphosis of the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis Jay. Journal of Shellfish Research 9:119-124.
45. Klut, M.E., and J.G. Stockner. 1990. Virus-like particles in an ultra-oligotrophic lake on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:725-730.
46. Levy, D.A. 1990. Coevolution of diel vertical migrations in juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and crustacean zooplankton in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1755-1764.
47. Levy, D.A. 1990. Reciprocal diel vertical migration behaviour in planktivores and zooplankton in British Columbia lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1755-1764.
48. Levy, D.A. 1990. Sensory mechanism and selective advantage for diel vertical migration in juvenile sockeye salmon, (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1796-1802.
49. Levy, D.A. 1990. Sex ratio variation in surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus, gillnet catches due to differences in mesh size. Journal of Fish Biology37:347-504.
50. Levy, D.A., I. Yesaki, and B. Christensen. 1990. Impacts of log storage upon epilimnetic dissolved oxygen and juvenile sockeye salmon in Babine Lake, British Columbia. Water Resources 24:337-343.
51. Margolis, L., and N.P. Boyce. 1990. Helminth parasites from North Pacific anadromous chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. established in New Zealand. Journal of Parasitology 76:133-135.
52. Matthews, K.R. 1990. A comparative study of habitat use by young-of-the-year, subadult, and adult rockfishes on four habitat types in central Puget Sound. Fishery Bulletin (U.S.) 88:223-239.
53. Matthews, K.R. 1990. An experimental study of the habitat preferences and movement patterns of copper, quillback, and brown rockfishes (Sebastes spp.). Environmental Biology of Fishes 29:161 -178.
54. Matthews, K.R. 1990. A telemetric study of the home ranges and homing routes of copper and quillback rockfishes on shallow rocky reefs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:2243-2250.
55. McFarlane, G.A., and R.J. Beamish. 1990. Effects of an external tag on growth of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), and consequences to mortality and age at maturity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1551-1557.
56. McLean, E., and R. Ash. 1990. Modified uptake of the protein antigen horseradish peroxidase (HRP), following oral delivery to rainbow trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 87:373-379.
57. McLean, E., and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. The absorption of bioactive proteins by the fish gastrointestinal tract:a review. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 2:1-11.
58. McLean, E., E.M. Donaldson, H.M. Dye, and L.M. Souza. 1990. Growth acceleration of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) following oral administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin. Aquaculture 91:197-203.
59. McLean, E., A.L. von der Meden, and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. Direct and indirect evidence for intact peptide absorption by teleost gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Fish Biology36:489-498.
60. Mundie, J.H., D.E. Mounce, and K.S. Simpson. 1990. Semi-natural rearing of coho salmon, (Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), smolts, with an assessment of survival to the catch and escapement. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 21:327-345.
61. Murray, C.B., and T.D. Beacham. 1990. Marking juvenile pink and chum salmon with hot brands in the form of a binary code. Progressive Fish-Culturist 52:122-124.
62. Murray, C.B., T.D. Beacham, and J.D. McPhail. 1990. Influence of parental stock and incubation temperature on the early development of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:347-358.
63. Noakes, D.J., D.W. Welch, M. Henderson, and E. Mansfield. 1990. A comparison of preseason forecasting methods for two returns of British Columbia sockeye salmon stocks. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 10:46-57.
64. Olesiuk, P.F., M.A. Bigg, and G.M. Ellis. 1990. Recent trends in the abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:992-1003.
65. Parsons, T.R., B.E. Rokeby, C.M. Lalli, and C.D. Levings. 1990. Experiments on the effect of salmon farm wastes on plankton ecology. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan 37:49-58.
66. Peden, A.E., and G.S. Jamieson. 1990. New distributional records of marine fishes off Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Canadian Field-Naturalist 102:491-494.
67. Richards, L.J., and J.T. Schnute. 1990. Use of a general dose-response model for rockfish fecundity length relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1148-1156.
68. Richards, L.J., J.T. Schnute, and C.M. Hand. 1990. A multivariate maturity model with a comparative analysis of three lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) stocks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:948-959.
69. Rogers, I.H., I.K. Birtwell, and G.M. Kruzynski. 1990. The Pacific eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) as a pollution indicator organism in the Fraser River estuary, Vancouver, British Columbia. Science of the Total Environment 97:713-727.
70. Schnute, J.T., T.J. Mulligan, and B.R. Kuhn. 1990. An errors-in-variables bias model with an application to salmon hatchery data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1453-1467.
71. Schnute, J.T., and L.J. Richards. 1990. A unified approach to the analysis of fish growth, maturity, and survivorship data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:24-40.
72. Schweigert, J.F., C.W. Haegele, and M. Stocker. 1990. Evaluation of sampling strategies for assessing Pacific herring spawn deposition using SCUBA surveys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 10:185-195.
73. Servizi, J.A., and R.W. Gordon. 1990. Acute lethal toxicity of ammonia and suspended sediment mixtures to chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 44:650-656.
74. Shah, R.M., E.M. Donaldson, and G.G.E. Scudder. 1990. Toward the origin of the secondary palate: a possible homologue in the embryo of fish, Oncorhynchus kisutch. with description of changes in the basement membrane area. American Journal of Anatomy 189:329-338.
75. Shirvell, C.S. 1990. Role of instream root wads as juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (0. mykiss) cover habitat under varying stream flows. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:852-861.
76. Shortreed, K.S., and J.G. Stockner. 1990. Effect of nutrient additions on lower trophic levels of an oligotrophic lake with a seasonal deep chlorophyll maximum. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:262-273.
77. Smith, B.D., and G.A. McFarlane. 1990. Growth analysis of Strait of Georgia lingcod by use of length-frequency and length-increment data in combination. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:802-812.
78. Smith, B.D., and G.A. McFarlane. 1990. Movement and mortality of tagged male and female lingcod in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:813-824.
79. Smith, B.D., G.A. McFarlane, and M.W. Saunders. 1990. Variation in Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) summer length-at-age near southern Vancouver Island and its relationship to fishing and oceanography. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2195-2211.
80. Solar, I.I., E. McLean, I.J. Baker, N.M. Sherwood, and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. Induced ovulation of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) following oral-administration of Des-Gly10-(D-Ala6)LHRH ethylamide. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 8:497-499.
81. Stocker, M., and T.H. Butler. 1990. Surplus production-model analysis of crab (Cancer magister Dana) fisheries of British Columbia, Canada. Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) 9:231-254.
82. Stocker, M., and B. M. Leaman. 1990. Effects of extended jurisdiction on management and conservation of Canada's Pacific coast fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 10:144-153.
83. Stockner, J.G., M.E. Klut, and W.P. Cochlan. 1990. Leaky filters: a warning to aquatic ecologists. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:16-23.
84. Swain, D.P., and B.E. Riddell. 1990. Variation in agonistic behaviour between newly emerged juveniles from hatchery and wild populations of coho salmon, (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:566-571.
85. Thompson, P.A., P.J. Harrison, and J.N.C. Whyte. 1990. Influence of irradiance on the fatty acid composition of phytoplankton. Journal of Phycology 26:278-288.
86. Trites, A.W. 1990. Thermal budgets and climatic spaces:the impact of weather on the survival of Galapagos (Arctocephalus galapagoensis Heller) and northern fur seal pups (Callorhinus ursinus L.). Functional Ecology 4:753-768.
87. Velji, M.I., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1990. Protective immunity in juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch following immunization with Vibrio ordalii lipopolysaccharide or from exposure to live V. ordalii cells. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 9:25-29.
88. Waldichuk, M. 1990. Adams River salmon run: a marvel in resource restoration. Marine Pollution Bulletin 21:553-555.
89. Waldichuk, M. 1990. Dioxin pollution near pulp mills. Marine Pollution Bulletin 21:365-366.
90. Waldichuk, M. 1990. Marine biotoxins and human activity. Marine Pollution Bulletin 21:215-216.
91. Waldichuk, M. 1990. Sea otters and oil pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin 21:10-15.
92. Ware, D.M., and R.W. Tanasichuk. 1990. A method for forecasting the timing of ripeness in Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) females. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2375-2379.
93. Welch, D.W., and G.A. McFarlane. 1990. Quantifying the growth of female Pacific hake (Merluccius productus): an example of measuring uncertainty and bias in non-linear parameter estimation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:672-681.
94. Welch, D.W., and D.J. Noakes. 1990. Cyclic dominance and the optimal escapement of Adams River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:838-849.
95. Whyte, J.N.C., N. Bourne, and N.G. Ginther. 1990. Biochemical and energy changes during embryogenesis in the rock scallop Crassadoma gigantea (Gray). Marine Biology 106:239-244.
96. Whyte, J.N.C., N. Bourne, and C.A. Hodgson. 1990. Nutritional condition of rock scallop Crassadoma gigantea (Gray) larvae fed mixed algal diets. Aquaculture 86:25-40.
97. Whyte, J.N.C., J.R. Englar, and B.L. Carswell. 1990. Biochemical composition and energy reserves in Crassostrea gigas exposed to different levels of nutrition. Aquaculture 90:157-172.
98. Whyte, J.N.C., and W.D. Nagata. 1990. Carbohydrate and fatty-acid composition of the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis fed monospecific diets of yeast or phytoplankton. Aquaculture 89:263-272.
99. Withler, R.E., and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1990. Genetic variation in resistance to bacterial kidney disease within and between two strains of coho salmon from British Columbia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:1003-1009.
100. Wood, C.C., and C.J. Foote. 1990. Genetic differences in the early development and growth of sympatric sockeye salmon and kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) and their hybrids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2250-2260.
1991 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beacham, T.D. 1991. Developmental stability, heterozygosity, and genetic-analysis of morphological variation in pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:274-278.
2. Beacham, T.D., and N.V. Varnavskaya. 1991. Effect of parental heterozygosity on pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha embryonic and alevin survival and development at extreme temperatures. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:2485-2489.
3. Beacham, T.D., and R.E. Withler. 1991. Genetic variation in mortality of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) challenged with high water temperatures. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22:125-133.
4. Beamish, R.J., and C.D. Levings. 1991. Abundance and fresh-water migrations of the anadromous parasitic lamprey, Lampetra tridentata in a tributary of the Fraser River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1250-1263.
5. Benfey, T.J., E.M. Donaldson, and L.A. Johnson. 1991. Inability of flow-cytometry to distinguish X-chromosome-bearing from Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa of chinook salmon. Progressive Fish-Culturist 53:36-40.
6. Beninger, P.G., R.W. Elner, and Y. Poussart. 1991. Gonopods of the majid crab Chionoecetes opilio (O. fabricius). Journal of Crustacean Biology 11:217-228.
7. Bernard, F.R., S.M. McKinnell, and G.S. Jamieson. 1991. Distribution and zoogeography of the bivalvia of the eastern Pacific ocean. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences112:60p.
8. Black, E.A., J.N.C. Whyte, J.W. Bagshaw, and N.G. Ginther. 1991. The effects of Heterosigma akashiwo on juvenile Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and its implications for fish culture. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 7:168-175.
9. Boutillier, J.A., and N.A. Sloan. 1991. Evaluation of escape modifications in traps for prawn, Pandalus platyceros. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:784-791.
10. Bower, S.M., and L. Margolis. 1991. Potential use of helminth parasites in stock identification of flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami. in North Pacific waters. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1124-1126.
11. Brodeur, R.D., and D.M. Ware. 1991. Long-term variability inzooplankton biomass in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography 1:32-38.
12. Campbell, A., D.J. Noakes, and R.W. EIner. 1991. Temperature and lobster, Homarus americanus yield relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2073-2082.
13. Deets, G.B., and Z. Kabata. 1991. Lernanthropus corteziensis n.sp. (Copepoda: Lernanthropidae), parasitic on the gills of a teleost fish in Mexican waters. Systematic Parasitology 18:77-80.
14. Devlin, R.H., B K. McNeil, T.D.D. Groves, and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Isolation of a Y-chromosomal DNA probe capable of determining genetic sex in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1606-1612.
15. Eaton, W.D., M.L. Kent, and T.R. Meyers. 1991. Coccidia, X-cell pseudotumors and Ichthvophonus spp. infections in walleye pollock (Theregra chalcogramma) from Auke Bay, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27:140-143.
16. Fargo, J., and A.V. Tyler. 1991. Sustainability of flatfish-dominated fish assemblages in Hecate Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 27:237-253.
17. Foote, C.J., W.C. Clarke, and J. Blackburn. 1991. Inhibition of smolting in precocious male chinook salmon. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1848-1852.
18. Fyhn, U.E.H., W.E. Clarke, and R.E. Withler. 1991. Hemoglobins in smoltifying chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha subjected to photoperiod control. Aquaculture 95:359-372.
19. Fyhn, U.E.H., and R.E. Withler. 1991. A genetic polymorphism in hemoglobins of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1904-1910.
20. Fyhn, U.E.H., and R.E. Withler. 1991. Ontogeny of hemoglobins in chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Comparative Biochemical Physiology 98B:201-208.
21. Gillespie, G.E. 1991. Range extensions and records of rare fishes from the coastal waters of British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist105:124-126.
22. Gusev, A. ., and Z. Kabata. 1991. Redescription of, and comments on, Caligus lacustris Steenstrup et Lutken, 1861 (Copepoda, Caligidae), a parasite of fresh-water fishes. Folia Parasitologica (Prague) 38:57-61.
23. Healey, M.C. 1991. Diets and feeding rates of juvenile pink, chum, and sockeye salmon in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:303-318.
24. Henderson, M.A., and A.J. Cass. 1991. Effect of smolt size on smolt-to-adult survival for Chilko Lake sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:988-994.
25. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, L.M. Uin, B.A. Himick, and J.G. Eales. 1991. Influence of dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels and chronic 3,5,3/-triiodo-1-thyronine treatment on thyroid function in immature rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss at low temperature. General Comparative Endocrinology 80:146-154.
26. Himick, B A., D.A. Higgs, and J.G. Eales. 1991. The acute effects of alteration in the dietary concentrations of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid on plasma T4, T3, and glucose levels in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. General Comparative Endocrinology 82(3):451-458.
27. Irvine, J.R., B.R. Ward, P.A. Teti, and N.B.F. Cousens. 1991. Evaluation of a method to count and measure live salmonids in the field with a video camera and computer. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 11:20-26.
28. Jamieson, G.S. 1991. Pacific and Atlantic blue mussel mortality in British Columbia. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 91(2):37-42.
29. Johansson, J.I., and M.V. Abrahams. 1991. Interbreeding with domestic strain increases foraging under threat of predation in juvenile steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, an experimental study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:243-247.
30. Johnson, S.C., and L.J. Albright. 1991. Development, growth, and survival of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of the Marine Biology Association of the U.K. 71:425-436.
31. Johnson, S.C., and L.J. Albright. 1991. The developmental stages of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kreyer, 1837) (Copepoda: Caligidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:929-950.
32. Johnson, S.C., and L.J. Albright. 1991. Lepeophtheirus cuneifer Kabata, 1974 (Copepoda: Caligidae) from seawater-reared rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1414-1416.
33. Kabata, Z. 1991. Copepoda parasitic on Australian fishes, XIII: family Hatschekiidae. Journal of Natural History 25:91-121.
34. Kabata, Z. 1991. Jusheyhoea moseri n. so. (Copepoda:Chondracanthidae), a parasite of macrourid fishes in Hawaiian waters. Systematic Parasitology20:155-159.
35. Kent, M.L., L. Margolis, and J.W. Fournie. 1991. A new eye disease in pen-reared salmon caused by metacestodes of Gilquinia squali (Trypanorhyncha). Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 3:134-140.
36. Kent, M.L., M.T. Wilkinson, A.S. Drum, and R.A. Elston. 1991. Failure of transmission of hemic neoplasia of bay mussels, Mytilus trossulus. to other bivalve species. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 57:435-436.
37. Kieser, D., M.L. Kent, J.M. Groff, W.E. McLean, and J. Bagshaw. 1991. An epizootic of an epitheliotropic lymphoblastic lymphoma in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 11:1-8.
38. Klut, M.E., and J.G. Stockner. 1991. Picoplankton associations in an ultra-oligotrophic lake on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1092-1099.
39. Kreiberg, H. 1991. Collapsible portable tank for fish-handling operations. Progressive Fish-Culturist 53:55-57.
40. Kreiberg, H., and J. Powell. 1991. Metomidate sedation reduces handling stress in chinook salmon. World Aquaculture 22(4):58-59.
41. Leaman, B.M. 1991. Reproductive styles and life history variables relative to exploitation and management of Sebastes stocks. Environmental Biology of Fishes 30:253-271.
42. Levings, C.D., K. Conlin, and B. Raymond. 1991. Intertidal habitats used by juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) rearing in the north arm of the Fraser River Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 22:20-26.
43. Levings, C.D., and R.B. Lauzier. 1991. Extensive use of the Fraser River basin as winter habitat by juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1759-1767.
44. Levy, D.A. 1991. Acoustic analysis of diel vertical migration behaviour of (Mysis relicta) and kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) within Okanagan Lake, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48(1):67-72.
45. Levy, D.A., R.L. Johnson, and J.M. Hume. 1991. Shifts in fish vertical-distribution in response to an internal seiche in a stratified lake. Limnology and Oceanography 36:187-192.
46. MacDonald, B.A., R.J. Thompson, and N.F. Bourne. 1991. Growth and reproductive energetics of three scallop species from British Columbia (Chlamys hastata. Chlamys rubida, and Crassadoma gigantea). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:215-221.
47. Matthews, K.R., and L.J. Richards. 1991. Rockfish (Scorpaenidae) assemblages on trawlable and untrawlable habitats off Vancouver Island, British Columbia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 11:312-318.
48. McLean, E., D.B. Parker, C.M. Warby, N.M. Sherwood and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Gonadotropin release following oral delivery of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and its superactive analog (des-Gly10 (D-Ala6) LHRH ethylamide) to 17 ß-oestradiol-primed coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum). Journal of Fish Biology 38:851-858.
49. McLean, E., M.A. Sadar, R.H. Devlin, L.M. Souza, and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Promotion of growth in diploid and triploid coho salmon with parenteral administration of recombinant porcine somatotropin. Aquatic Living Resources 4:155-160.
50. Mundie, J.H., D.E. Mounce, and K.S. Simpson. 1991. Semi-natural rearing of coho salmon smolts (Oncorhynchus kisutch), with an assessment of survival to the catch and escapements. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 21:327-345.
51. Mundie, J.H., K.S. Simpson, and C.J. Perrin. 1991. Responses of stream periphyton and benthic insects to increases in dissolved inorganic phosphorus in a mesocosm. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2061-2072.
52. Newbound, G.C, and M.L. Kent. 1991. Experimental interspecies transmission of plasmacytoid leukemia in salmonid fishes. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 8:159-166.
53. NikI, L., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1991. Influence of seven immunostimulants on the immune response of coho salmon to Aeromonas salmonicida. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 12:7-12.
54. Piferrer, F., and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Dosage-dependent differences in the effect of aromatizable and non aromatizable androgens on the resulting phenotype of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 9:145-150.
55. Richards, L.J. 1991. Use of contradictory data sources in stock assessments. Fisheries Research (Amst.) 11:225-238.
56. Richards, L.J., R. Kieser, T.J. Mulligan, and J.R. Candy. 1991. Classification of fish assemblages based on echo integration surveys. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1264-1272.
57. Riddell, B.E., and D.P. Swain. 1991. Competition between hatchery and wild coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): genetic variation for agonistic behaviour in newly-emerged wild fry. Aquaculture 98:161-172.
58. Schnute, J.T. 1991. The importance of noise in fish population models. Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) 11:197-223.
59. Schweigert, J.F. 1991. Multivariate description of Pacific herring Clupea harengus pallasi stocks from size and age information. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2365-2376.
60. Servizi, J.A., and D.W. Martens. 1991. Effect of temperature, season, and fish size on acute lethality of suspended sediments to coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:493-497.
61. Sherwood, N.M., A.L. Kyle, H. Kreiberg, C.M. Warby, T.H. Magnus, J. Carolsfeld, and W.S. Price. 1991. Partial characterization of a spawning pheromone in the herring, Clupea harengus pallasi. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:91-103.
62. Smith, B.D., and G.S. Jamieson. 1991. Movement, spatial distribution, and mortality of male and female Dungeness crab, Cancer magister. near Tofino, British Columbia. Fishery Bulletin (U.S.) 89:137-148.
63. Smith, B.D., and G.S. Jamieson. 1991. Possible consequences of intensive fishing for males on the mating opportunities of Dungeness crab. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:650-653.
64. Solar, I.I., and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. A comparison of the economic aspects of monosex chinook salmon production versus mixed sex stocks for aquaculture. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 91(3):28-30.
65. Suttle, C.A., W.P. Cochlan, and J.G. Stockner. 1991. Size-dependent ammonium and phosphate uptake, and N-P supply ratios in an oligotrophic lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1226-1234.
66. Swain, D. P., and B. E. Riddell. 1991. Domestication and agonistic behaviour in coho salmon: reply. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:520-522.
67. Swain, D.P., B.E. Riddell, and C.B. Murray. 1991. Morphological differences between hatchery and wild populations of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): environmental versus genetic origin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1783-1791.
68. Tallman, R.F., and M.C. Healey. 1991. Phenotypic differentiation in seasonal ecotypes of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:661-671.
69. Tanasichuk, R.W., D.M. Ware, W. Shaw, and G.A. McFarlane. 1991. Variations in diet, daily ration, and feeding periodicity of Pacific hake Merluccius productus and spring dogfish Squalus acanthias off the lower west coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2118-2128.
70. Taylor, E.B., and C.J. Foote. 1991. Critical swimming velocities of juvenile sockeye salmon and kokanee, the anadromous and non-anadromous forms of Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Journal of Fish Biology 38:407-419.
71. Temte, J.L., M.A. Bigg, and 0. Wiig. 1991. Clines revisited:the timing of pupping in the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Zoology (London) 224:617-632.
72. Teskeredzic, E., M. Tomec, M. Hacmanjec, E. McLean, Z. Teskeredzic, and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. The effect of porcine somatotropin therapy upon growth and body composition of leather carp (Cyprinus carpio) maintained at sub-optimal temperatures. Riv. Ital. Aquacult. 26:131-135.
73. Thorarensen, H., E. McLean, E.M. Donaldson, and A.P. Farrell. 1991. The blood vasculature of the gastrointestinal tract in chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), and coho Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 38:525-531.
74. Townsend, L.D., B.C. Kingzett, and N. Bourne. 1991. An improved method for handling large numbers of juvenile scallops. Aquaculture 92:389-392.
75. Trites, A.W. 1991. Does tagging and handling affect the growth of Northern fur seal pups (Callorhinus ursinus)? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2436-2442.
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77. Tyler, A.V., and W.R. Crawford. 1991. Modeling of recruitment patterns in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2240-2249.
78. Velji, M. I., T.P.T. Evelyn, and L.J. Albright. 1991. Nature of the immune response in coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch following vaccination with Vibrio ordalii lipopolysaccaride by two different routes. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 11:79-84.
79. Waldichuk, M. 1991. Sustainable development in the marine context. Marine Pollution Bulletin 22:110-111.
80. Ware, D.M., and R.E. Thomson. 1991. Link between long-term variability in upwelling and fish production in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2296-2306.
81. Welch, D.W., L. Margolis, M.A. Henderson, and S. McKinnell. 1991. Evidence for attacks by the bathypelagic fish Anotopterus pharao (Myctophiformes) on Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2403-2407.
82. Welch, D.W., and D.J. Noakes. 1991. Optimal harvest rate policies for rebuilding the Adams River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:526-535.
83. Whitaker, D.J. and M.L. Kent. 1991. Myxosporean Kudoa thyrsites:a cause of soft flesh in farm reared Atlantic salmon. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 3:291-294.
84. Whyte, J.N.C., N. Bourne, and N.G. Ginther. 1991. Depletion of nutrient reserves during embryogenesis in the scallop Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 149(1):67-79.
85. Whyte, J.N.C, and J.A. Boutillier. 1991. Concentrations of inorganic elements and fatty acids in geographic populations of the spot prawn Pandalus platyceros. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:382-390.
86. Withler, R.E., and U.E.H. Fyhn. 1991. Agenetic polymorphism in hemoglobins of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1904-1910.
87. Yousif, A.N., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1991. Occurrence of lysozyme in the eggs of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 10:45-49.
88. Youson, J.H., and R.J. Beamish. 1991. Comparison of the internal morphology of adults of a population of lampreys that contains a nonparasitic life-history type, Lampetra richardsoni, and a potentially parasitic form, L. richardsoni var. marifuga. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:628-637.
1992 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Adamson, M.L., D.F. Clease and L. Margolis. 1992. Differentiation of Philonema spp. (Nematoda: Philometridae) in British Columbia salmonid fishes using DNA restriction fragment length differences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(8):1650-1656.
2. Beacham, T.D. 1992. Early survival and growth of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in fresh and saline water. Aquaculture 106(21):151-159.
3. Beacham, T.D. and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1992. Genetic variation in disease resistance and growth of chinook, coho, and chum salmon with respect to vibriosis, furunculosis, and bacterial kidney disease. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 121(4):456-485.
4. Beacham, T.D. and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1992. Population and genetic variation in resistance of chinook salmon to vibriosis, furunculosis, and bacterial kidney disease. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 4(3):153-167.
5. Beacham, T.D. andT.P.T. Evelyn. 1992. Population variation in resistance of pink salmon to vibriosis and furunculosis. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 4(3):168-173.
6. Beamish, R.J. and CM. Neville. 1992. The importance of size as an isolating mechanism in lampreys. Copeia 1992(1):191-196.
7. Beamish, R.J., B.L. Thomson and G.A. McFarlane. 1992. Spiny dogfish predation on chinook and coho salmon and the potential effects on hatchery-produced salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 121(4):444-455.
8. Black, E.A., D.J. Gillis, D.E. Hay, C.W. Haegele and C.D. Levings. 1992. Predation by caged salmon in British Columbia. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 92(3):58-60.
9. Bower, S.M. 1992. Winter mortalities and histopathology in Japanese littlenecks, Tapes philippinarum (A. Adams and Reeve, 1850) in British Columbia due to freezing temperatures. Journal of Shellfish Research 11 (2):255-263.
10. Bower, S.M., J. Blackbourn and G.R. Meyer. 1992. Parasite and symbiont fauna of Japanese littlenecks, Tapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve, 1850), in British Columbia. Journal of Shellfish Research 11(1):3-19.
11. Bower, S.M., J. Blackbourn, G.R. Meyer and D.J.H. Nishimura. 1992. Diseases of cultured Japanese scallops (Patinopecten yessoensis) in British Columbia, Canada. Aquaculture 107:201-210.
12. Brocklebank, J.R., D.J. Speare, R.D. Armstrong and T. Evelyn. 1992. Septicemia suspected to be caused by a rickettsia-like agent in farmed Atlantic salmon. Canadian Veterinary Journal 33:407-408.
13. Brodeur, R.D. and D.M. Ware. 1992. Long-term variability in zooplankton biomass in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography 1:32-38.
14. Burd, B.J., R.E. Thomson and G.S. Jamieson. 1992. Composition of a deep scattering layer overlying a midocean ridge hydrothermal plume. Marine Biology (Berl.) 113(3):517-526.
15. Burgner, R.L., J.T. Light, L. Margolis, T. Okazaki, A. Tautz and S. Ito. 1992. Distribution and origins of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 51:92p.
16. Butler, T.H. 1992. Mortality rates of Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) -comment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(7):1 518-1521.
17. Campbell, A. 1992. Characteristics of the American lobster fishery of Grand Manan, NewBrunswick, Canada. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:139-150.
18. Clarke, C.W. and C.D. Harvell. 1992. Inducible defenses and the allocation of resources: a minimal model. American Naturalist 139(3):521-539.
19. Clarke, W.C, R.E. Withler and J.E. Shelbourn. 1992. Two smolting phenotypes in chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) produced by disjunctive photoperiod responses. American Zoologist 32:49A.
20. Clarke, W.C., R.E. Withler and J.E. Shelbourn. 1992. Genetic control of juvenile life history pattern in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(11):2300-2306.
21. Cooper, K.L., K.D. Hyatt and D.P. Rankin. 1992. Life history and production of Neomysis mercedis in two British Columbia coastal lakes. Hydrobiologia 230(1 ):9-30.
22. Diez, J.M., G. Giannico, E. McLean and E.M. Donaldson. 1992. The effect of somatostatins (SRIF-14, 25, and 28), galanin and anti-SRIF on plasma growth hormone levels in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch, Walbaum). Journal of Fish Biology 40(6):887-893.
23. Donaldson, E.M. 1992. Symposium: Marine resources of the North Pacific Ocean. Introduction. Transactions of the Royal-Society of Canada 6 Series 1(1990):293-294.
24. Eales, J.G., D.L. Maclatchy, D.A. Higgs and B.S. Dosanjh. 1992. The influence of dietary-protein and caloric content on thyroid function and hepatic thyroxine 5'-monodeiodinase activity in rainbow trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Zoology 70:1526-1535.
25. Eaton, W.D. and M.L. Kent. 1992. A retrovirus in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) with plasmocytoid leukemia and evidence for the etiology of the disease. Cancer Research 52(23):6496-6500.
26. Ellis, G.M. and A.W.Trites. 1992. The RAM-packs came back: a method for attaching and recovering pinniped data recorders. Aquatic Mammals 18(2):61-64.
27. English, K.K., R.C. Booking and J.R. Irvine. 1992. A robust procedure for estimating salmon escapement using the area-under-the-curve method. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(10):1982-1989.
28. Fargo, J. and A.V. Tyler. 1992.Statistical testing of research trawl data with implications for survey design. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 29(1/3):97-108.
29. Foote, C.J., C.C. Wood, W.C. Clarke and J. Blackburn. 1992. Circannual cycle of seawater adaptability in Oncorhynchus nerka: genetic differences between sympatric sockeye salmon and kokanee. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(1):99-109.
30. Hargreaves, N.B. 1992. An electronic hot-branding device for marking fish. Progressive Fish-Culturist 54(2):99-104.
31. Healey, M.C. and J.F.T. Morris. 1992. The relationship between the dispersion of salmon fishing vessels and their catch. Fisheries Research 15:135-145.
32. Henderson, M.A., D.A. Levy and J.S. Stockner. 1992. Probable consequences of climate change on freshwater production of Adams River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Geo Journal 28(1):51-59.
33. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, M.D. Plotnikoff, J.R. Markert, D. Lawseth, J.R. McBride and J.T. Buckley. 1992. Influence of dietary protein to lipid ratio and lipid composition on the performance and marine survival of hatchery reared chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 92(3):46-48.
34. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, L.M. Uin, B.A. Himick and J.G. Eales. 1992. Effects of dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels and chronic 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine on growth, appetite, food and protein utilization and body composition of immature rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, at low temperature. Aquaculture 105(2):175-190.
35. Holtby, B. and D.P. Swain. 1992. Through a glass, darkly: a comment on Ruzzante's reappraisal of mirror image simulation studies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(9):1968-1969.
36. Holtby, L.B., R.K. Kadowaki and K.S. Simpson. 1992. Factors affecting the vulnerability of juvenile coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha) in a saltwater sport fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(10):2164-2178.
37. Hume, J.M.B. and K. Tsumura. 1992. Field evaluation of two rainbow trout strains introduced to three British Columbia lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12(3):465-473.
38. Irvine, J.R. and R.E. Bailey. 1992. Some effects of stocking coho salmon fry and supplemental instream feeding on wild and hatchery-origin salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:125-130.
39. Irvine, J.R. and N.T. Johnston. 1992. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) use of lakes and streams in the Keogh River drainage, British Columbia. Northwest Science 66(1):15-25.
40. Irvine, J.R., R.C. Booking, K.K. English and M. Labelle. 1992. Estimating coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) spawning escapements by conducting visual surveys in areas selected using stratified random and stratified index sampling designs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(10):1972-1981.
41. Jensen, J.O.T., W.C. Clarke, J.N.C Whyte and W. Damon. 1992. Incubation and larval rearing of sablefish (Anoplopama fimbria) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 92-3:49-51.
42. Johnson, S.C. and L.J. Albright. 1992. Comparative susceptibility and histopathology of the response of naive Atlantic, chinook, and coho salmon to experimental infection with Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 14:179-193.
43. Johnson, S.C. and L.J. Albright. 1992. Effects of Cortisol implants on the susceptibility and the histopathology of the responses of naive coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch to experimental infection with Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 14:195-205.
44. Kabata, Z. 1992. Copepoda parasitic on Australian fishes, XIV: an assemblage of bathypelagic species. Journal of Natural History 26(1):9-45.
45. Kabata, Z. 1992. Copepoda parasitic on Australian fishes, XV: family Ergasilidae (Poecilostomatoida). Journal of Natural History 26(1):47-66.
46. Kent, M.L., J. Ellis, J.W. Fournie, S.C. Dawe, J.W. Bagshaw and D.J. Whitaker. 1992. Systemic hexamitid (Protozoa: Diplomonadida) infection in seawater pen-reared chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 14:81-89.
47. Kimura, D.K., J.J. Lyons, S.E. MacLellan and B.J. Goetz. 1992. Effects of year-class strength on agedetermination. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43(5):1221-1228.
48. Levy, D.A. and C.C. Wood. 1992. Review of proposed mechanisms for sockeye salmon population cycles in the Fraser River. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 54(2/3):241-261.
49. MacDonald, J.S. and J.C. Scrivener. 1992. The Stuart-Takla fisheries / forestry interaction project: impacts on aquatic ecosystems in the interior of British Columbia. Northwest Environmental Journal 8(1):157-158.
50. Margolis, L., T.E. McDonald and D.J. Whitaker. 1992. Assessment of the impact of the myxosporean parasite, Ceratomyxa shasta, on survival of seaward migrating juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, from the Fraser River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(9):1883-1889.
51. Matthews, K.R. 1992. A telemetric study of the home ranges and homing routes of lingcod Ophiodon elongatus on shallow rocky reefs off Vancouver Island. Fishery Bulletin 94:784-790.
52. Mazur, C.N., D.A. Higgs, E. Plisetskaya and B.E. March. 1992. Utilization of dietary starch and glucose-tolerance in juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of different strains in seawater. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 10(4):303-313.
53. McFarlane, G.A. and R.J. Beamish. 1992. Climatic influence linking copepod production with strong year-classes in sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(4):743-753.
54. McLean, E., E. Teskeredzic, E.M. Donaldson, Z. Teskeredzic, Y. Cha, R. Sittner and CG. Pitt. 1992. Accelerated growth of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch following sustained release of recombinant porcine somatotropin. Aquaculture 103(3/4):377-387.
55. McMahon, T.E. and L.B. Holtby. 1992. Behaviour, habitat use and movements of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch smolts during seaward migration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(7):1478-1485.
56. Morgan, J.D., J.O.T. Jensen and G.K. Iwama. 1992. Effects of salinity on aerobic metabolism and development of eggs and alevins of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Zoology 70(7):1341-1346.
57. Morton, K.F. and S.G. MacLellan. 1992. Acoustics and freshwater zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 14(8):1117-1127.
58. Mulligan, T.J. and B.M. Leaman. 1992. Length-at-age analysis: can you get what you see? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(4):632-643.
59. Murray, C.B., T.P.T. Evelyn, T.D. Beacham, L.W. Barner, J.E. Ketcheson and L. Prosperi-Porta. 1992. Experimental induction of bacterial kidney disease in chinook salmon by immersion and cohabitation challenges. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 12:91-96.
60. Nagata, W.D. and J.N.C. Whyte. 1992. Effects of yeast and algal diets on the growth and biochemical composition of the rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) (Muller) in culture. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 23:13-21.
61. Noakes, D.J. and A. Campbell. 1992. Use of geoduck clams to indicate changes in the marine environment of Ladysmith Harbour, British Columbia. Environmetrics 3(1):81-97.
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1993 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Abrahams, M.V. and M.C. Healey. 1993. A comparison of the willingness of 4 species of Pacific salmon to risk exposure to a predator. Oikos 66(3):439-446.
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3. Andersen, R.J., D.L. Burgoyne, D.E. Williams, F. Kong, E. Dilip De Silva, S. Miao, T.M. Allen, CF.B. Holmes, D. Chen and M. Kent. 1993. New natural products from marine invertebrates. Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 123(6):293-299.
4. Andersen. R.J., H.A. Luu, D.Z.X. Chen, CF.B. Holmes, M.L. Kent. M. Leblanc. F.J.R.M. Taylor and D.E. Williams. 1993. Chemical and biological evidence links microcystins to salmon net pen liver disease. Toxicon 31 (10):1315-1323.
5. Beacham, T.D. 1993. Competition between juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and its effect on growth and survival. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71(6):1270-1274.
6. Beacham, T.D. and CB. Murray. 1993. Acceleration of maturity of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) using photoperiod control. Aquaculture 109:315-325.
7. Beacham, T.D. and CB. Murray. 1993. Fecundity and egg size variation in North American Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus). Journal of Fish Biology 42(4):485-508.
8. Beamish, R.J. 1993. Climate and exceptional fish production off the west coast of North America. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(10):2270-2291.
9. Beamish, R.J. and D.R. Bouillon. 1993. Pacific salmon production trends in relation to climate. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(5):1002-1016.
10. Bourne, N.F. 1993. Quayle, Daniel Branch -1913-1993 -Obituary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(11):2528-2529.
11. Bower, S.M. and G.R. Meyer. 1993. Stegotricha enterikos gen. n., sp. n. (class Phyllopharyngea, order Rhynchodida), a parasitic ciliate in the digestive gland of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71(10):2005-2017.
12. Bower, S.M., G. Meyer and J.A. Boutillier. 1993. Diseases of spot prawns (Pandalus platyceros) caused by intracellular bacterium and a Hematodinium-like protozoa). Journal of Shellfish Research 12(1):135.
13. Bradford, M.J., P.A. Guerette and D.A. Roff. 1993. Testing hypotheses of adaptive variation in cricket ovipositor lengths. Oecologia (Heidelberg) 93(2):263-267.
14. Bradford. M.J., and D.A. Roff. 1993. Bet hedging and the diapause strategies of the cricket Allonemobius fasciatus. Ecology 74(4):1129-1135.
15. Brocklebank, J.R., T.P.T. Evelyn, D.J. Speare and R.D. Armstrong. 1993. Rickettsial septicemia in farmed Atlantic and chinook salmon in British Columbia: clinical presentation and experimental transmission. Canadian Veterinary Journal 34:745-748.
16. Chan, W.K. and R.H. Devlin. 1993. Polymerase chain reaction amplification and functional characterization of sockeye salmon histone H3, metallothianein-B, and protamine promoters. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 2(5):308-318.
17. Devlin, R.H. 1993. Sequence of sockeye salmon type 1 and 2 growth hormone genes and the relationship of rainbow trout with Atlantic and Pacific salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:1738-1748.
18. Du, S.J., R.H. Devlin and CL. Hew. 1993. Genomic structure of growth hormone genes in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): presence of two functional genes, GH-I and GH-II, and a male specific pseudogene, GH-0. DNA Cell Biology 12(8):739-751.
19. Eaton, W.D., B. Folkins, J. Bagshaw, G. Traxler, and M.L. Kent. 1993. Isolation of a retrovirus from 2 fish cell lines developed from chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) with plasmacytoid leukemia. Journal of General Virology 74:2299-2302.
20. Gjernes, T., A.R. Kronlund and T.J. Mulligan. 1993. Mortality of chinook and coho salmon in their first year of ocean life following catch and release by anglers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 13(3):524-539.
21. Gregory, R.S. 1993. Effect of turbidity on the predator avoidance behaviour of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(2):241-246.
22. Gregory, R.S. and T.G. Northcote. 1993. Surface, planktonic, and benthic foraging by juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in turbid laboratory conditions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(2):233-240.
23. Gregory, R.S., J.A. Servizi and D.W. Martens. 1993. The effects of suspended sediment on salmonids: a critical examination of the Stress Index. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 13(4):868-873.
24. Haegele, CW. 1993. Epibenthic invertebrate predation of Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, spawn in British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 107(1):83-91.
25. Haegele, CW. 1993. Seabird predation of Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, spawn in British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 107(1):73-82.
26. Hajen, W.E., R.M. Beams, D.A. Higgs and B.S. Dosanjh. 1993. Digestibility of various feedstuffs by post-juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in sea water 1. Validation of Technique. Aquaculture 112:321-332.
27. Hajen, W.E., D.A. Higgs, R.M. Beames and B.S. Dosanjh. 1993. Digestibility of various feedstuffs by post-juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in sea-water II. Measurement of digestibility. Aquaculture 112(4):333-348.
28. Harrison, P.J., P.A. Thompson, M. Guo and F.J.R. Taylor. 1993. Effects of light, temperature and salinity on the growth rate of harmful marine diatoms, Chaetoceros convolutus and C. concavicornis that kill netpen salmon. Journal of Applied Phycology 5:259-265.
29. Heath, D.D., G.K. Iwama and R.H. Devlin. 1993. PCR primed with VNTR core sequences yields species specific patterns and hypervariable probes. Nucleic Acids Research 21(24):5782-5785.
30. Henderson, M.A. and M.C. Healey. 1993. Doubling sockeye salmon production in the Fraser River -Is this sustainable development? Environmental Management 17(6):719-728.
31. Hervio, D., S.M. Bower and G.R. Meyer. 1993. Detection, isolation, and host specificity of Mykrocytos mackini, the cause of Denman Island disease in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Shellfish Research 12(1):136.
32. Higgins, M.J., L. Margolis and M.L. Kent. 1993. Arrested development in a freshwater myxosporean, Myxidium salvelini, following transfer of its host, the sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), is transferred to sea water. Journal of Parasitology 79(3):403-407.
33. Holtby, L.B., D.P. Swain and G.M. Allan. 1993. Mirror-elicited agonistic behaviour and body morphology as predictors of dominance status in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(3):676-684.
34. Ishida, Y., S. Ito, M. Kaeriyama, S. McKinnell and K. Nagasawa. 1993. Recent changes in age and size of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the north Pacific Ocean and possible causes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(2):290-295.
35. Jamieson, G.S. 1993. Marine invertebrate conservation:evaluation of fisheries over-exploitation concerns. American Zoologist 33(6):551-567.
36. Jamieson, G.S. and A. Phillips. 1993. Megalopal spatial distribution and stock separation in Dungeness crab (Cancer magister). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(2):416-429.
37. Johannes, M.R.S. 1993. Prey aggregation is correlated with increased predation pressure in lake fish communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(1):66-73.
38. Johnson, S.C. and L. Margolis. 1993. The efficacy of ivermectin for the control of the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Atlantic salmon. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 17(2):101-105.
39. Johnson, S.C. and L. Margolis. 1993. Host effects on egg production, development, and growth of the parasitic copepod (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) (Copepoda: Caligidae). Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoologists 24(2):68-69.
40. Johnson, S.C, J.M. Constible and J. Richard. 1993. Laboratory investigations on the efficacy of hydrogen peroxide against the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus saimonis and its toxicological and histopathological effects on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 17:197-204.
41. Johnson, S.C, M.L. Kent, D.J. Whitaker and L. Margolis. 1993. Toxicity and pathological effects of orally administered ivermectin in Atlantic, chinook, and coho salmon and steelhead trout. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 17(2):107-112.
42. Johnsson, J.L, W.C. Clarke and R.E. Withler. 1993. Hybridization with domesticated rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reduces seasonal variation in growth of steelhead trout (0. mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(3):480-487.
43. Jones, T.O., N.F. Bourne, S.M. Bower and G.K. Iwama. 1993. Effect of repeated sampling on hemolymph PH, P02 and hemocyte activity in the Pacific oyster, (Crassostrea gigas) (Thunberg). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 167(1):1-10.
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45. Kabata, Z. 1993. Two new species of Copepoda (Crustacea) parasitic on marine fishes. Systematic Parasitology 26:233-239.
46. Kent, M.L., and S.C. Dawe. 1993. Further evidence for a viral etiology in plasmacytoid leukemia of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 15(2):115-121.
47. Kent, M.L., D.J. Whitaker and L. Margolis. 1993. Sphaerospora oncorhynchi n.sp. (Myxosporea: Sphaerosporidae) from the kidney of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in British Columbia and its possible relationship to the myxosporean causing proliferative kidney disease in salmonid fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71 (12):2425-2430.
48. Kent, M.L., D.J. Whitaker and L. Margolis. 1993. Transmission of Myxobolus arcticus Pugachev and Khokhlov, 1979, a myxosporean parasite of Pacific salmon, via a triactinomyxon from the aquatic oligochaete Stylodrilus heringianus (Lumbriculidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:1207-1211.
49. Kent. M.L., M.D. Powell. D. Kieser, G.E. Hoskins, D.J. Speare, J.F. Burka, J. Bagshaw and J.W. Fournie. 1993. Unusual eosinophilic granule cell proliferation in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Journal of Comparative Pathology 109:129-140.
50. Kieser, R., T.J. Mulligan, L.J. Richards and B.M. Leaman. 1993. Bias correction of rockfish school cross section widths from digitized echo sounder data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(8):1801-1811.
51. Lavasseur, M., P.A. Thompson and P.J. Harrison. 1993. Physiological acclimation of marine phytoplankton to different nitrogen sources. Journal of Phycology 29:587-595.
52. Levy, D.A., R.L. Johnson and J.M.B. Hume. 1993. Shifts in fish vertical distribution in response to an internal seiche in a stratified lake. Limnology and Oceanography 36(1):187-192.
53. Macdonald, J.S. and B.D. Chang. 1993. Seasonal use by fish of nearshore areas in an urbanized coastal inlet in southwestern British Columbia. Northwest Science 67(2):63-77.
54. Margolis, L. 1993. A case of forensic parasitology. Journal of Parasitology 79(3):461-462.
55. Margolis, L. 1993. British Columbia parasitologists: a brief history. Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoologists 24(3):49-50.
56. Martens, D.W. and J.A. Servizi. 1993. Suspended sediment particles inside gills and spleens of juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(3):586-590.
57. McLean, E., E.M. Donaldson, E. Teskeredzic and L.M. Souza. 1993. Growth enhancement following dietary delivery of recombinant porcine somatotropin to diploid and triploid coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 11(1/6):363-369.
58. McLean, E., E. Teskeredzic, E.M. Donaldson and L.M. Souza. 1993. Accelerated growth of diploid and triploid coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), following dietary administration of recombinant porcine somatotropin. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 11:363-369.
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61. Murray, C.B., T.D. Beacham and L.W. Barner. 1993. Growth and survival of newly emerged and juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) reared at different salinities. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71(6):1230-1237.
62. Newbound, G.C, R.J.F. Markham, D.J. Speare, S.M. Saksida, B.M. Despres, B.S. Horney, F.S. Kibenge, J.A. Sheppard, G.M. Wright and M.L. Kent. 1993. Production of monoclonal antibodies specific for antigens derived from tissue of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) affected with plasmacytoid leukemia. American Journal of Veterinary Research 54(9):1426-1431.
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78. Servizi, J.A., R.W. Gordon, D.W. Martens. W.L Lockhart, D.A. Metner. I.H. Rogers, J.R. McBride and R.J. Norstom. 1993. Effects of biotreated bleached kraft mill effluent on fingerling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(4)-:846-857.
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80. Stephen, C, M.L. Kent and S.C. Dawe. 1993. Hepatic megalocytosis in wild and farmed chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in British Columbia, Canada. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 15:35-39.
81. Stevens, T.A., R.E. Withler. S.H. Goh and T.D. Beacham. 1993. A new multilocus probe for DNA fingerprinting in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and comparisons with a single locus probe. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(7):1559-1567.
82. Tanasichuk, R.W., A.H. Kristofferson and D.V. Gillman. 1993. Comparison of some life history characteristics of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) from the Canadian Pacific Ocean and Beaufort Sea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(5):964-971.
83. Teskeredzic. E., E.M. Donaldson, Z. Teskeredzic, I.I. Solar and E. McLean. 1993. Comparison of hydroacoustic pressure and thermal shocks to induce triploidy in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 117:47-55.
84. Teskeredzic, E., Z. Teskeredzic, E.M. Donaldson, E. McLean and I. Solar. 1993. Triploidization of coho salmon following application of heat and electric shock. Aquaculture 116:287-294.
85. Thompson, P.A., M. Guo and P.J. Harrison. 1993. The influence of irradiance on the biochemical composition of three phytoplankton species and their nutritional value for larvae of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Marine Biology (Berlin) 117:259-268.
86. Traxler, G.S., J.R. Roome and M.L. Kent. 1993. Transmission of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in seawater. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 16(2):111-114.
87. Trites, A.W. 1993. Biased estimates of fur seal pup mass: origins and implications. Journal of Zoology (London) 229:515-525.
88. Trites, A.W., and A.E. York. 1993. Unexpected changes in reproductive rates and the mean age at first reproduction during the decline of the Pribilof fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(4):555-561.
89. Wallis, A.E., and R.H. Devlin. 1993. Duplicate IFG-1 genes in salmon display alternative splicing pathways. Molecular Endocrinology 7(3):409-422.
90. Welch, D.W. 1993. Phytoplankton productivity. Nature (London) 362(6423):795-796.
1994 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Allen, J.A., and T.H. Butler. 1994. The caridea (Decapoda) collected by the mid-Pacific mountains expedition, 1968. Pacific Science 48:410-445.
2. Beacham, T.D., C.B. Murray, and L.W. Barner. 1994. Influence of photoperiod on the timing of reproductive maturation in pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and its application to genetic transfers between odd-and even-year spawning populations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:826-833.
3. Beamish, R.J., C.E.M. Neville, B.L. Thomson, P.J. Harrison, and M. St. John. 1994. A relationship between Fraser River discharge and interannual production of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) in the Strait of Georgia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:2843-2855.
4. Bourne, N.E. 1994. In Memoriam: Daniel Branch Quayle. Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1):1-4.
5. Bower, S.M., S.E. McGladdery, and I.M. Price. 1994. Synopsis of infectious diseases and parasites of commercially exploited shellfish. Annual Review of Fish Diseases 4:1-199.
6. Bradford, M.J. 1994. Trends in the abundance of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of the Nechako River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:965-973.
7. Brown, L.L., G.K. Iwama, T.P.T. Evelyn, W.S. Nelson, and R.P. Levine. 1994. Use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect DNA from Renibacterium salmoninarum within individual salmonid eggs. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 18:165-171.
8. Budworth, P.R., J.L. Senger, M.D. Griswold, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Relationship of plasma steroids to germ cell development and the presence of protamine mRNA in rainbow trout during the induction of spermatogenesis with partially purified salmon gonadotropin. Journal of Fish Biology 44(6):983-995.
9. Cass, A.J., and C.C. Wood. 1994. Evaluation of the depensatory fishing hypothesis as an explanation for population cycles in Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1839-1854.
10. Clarke, W.C., and J. Blackburn. 1994. Effect of growth on early sexual maturation in streamtype chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Aquaculture 121:95-103.
11. Clarke, W.C., E. Virtanen, J. Blackburn, and D.A. Higgs. 1994. Effects of a dietary betaine/amino acid additive on growth and seawater adaptation in yearling chinook salmon. Aquaculture 121:137-145.
12. Clarke, W.C., R.E. Withler, and J.E. Shelbourn. 1994. Inheritance of smolting phenotypes in backcrosses of hybrid stream-type X ocean-type chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Estuaries 17:13-25.
13. Cousins, K.L., and J.O.T. Jensen. 1994. The effects of temperature on external egg membranes in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and the occurrence of soft-shell disease. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:1854-1857.
14. Devlin, R.H., B.K. McNeil, I.I. Solar, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. A rapid PCR-based test for Y-chromosomal DNA allows simple production of all-female strains of chinook salmon. Aquaculture 128:211-220.
15. Devlin, R.H., J.C. Byatt, E. McLean, T.Y. Yesaki, G.G. Krivi, E.G. Jaworski, W.C. Clarke, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Bovine placental-lactogen is a potent stimulator of growth and displays strong binding to hepatic receptor-sites of coho salmon. General Comparative Endocrinology 95(1):31-34.
16. Devlin, R.H., T.Y. Yesaki, CA. Biagi, E.M. Donaldson, P. Swanson, and W.-K. Chan. 1994. Extraordinary salmon growth. Nature (London) 371:209-210.
17. Dimes, L.E., N.F. Haard, F.M. Dong, B.A. Rasco, I.P. Forster, W.T. Fairgrieve, R. Arndt, R.W. Hardy, F.T. Barrows, and D.A. Higgs. 1994. Estimation of protein digestibility -II. In vitro assay of protein in salmonid feed. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 108:363-370.
18. Eaton, W.D., B. Folkins, and M.L. Kent. 1994. Biochemical and histologic evidence of plasmacytoid leukemia and salmon leukemia virus (SLV) in wild-caught chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from British Columbia expressing plasmacytoid leukemia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 19:147-151.
19. Eaton, W.D., B. Folkins, M.L. Kent, S. Dawe, G.C. Newbound, and J. Zinkl. 1994. Preliminary analysis of the polypeptides of the salmon leukemia virus (SLV) and evidence for development of a bimodal viremia following SLV infection. Veterinary Microbiology 42(2):217-227.
20. Fargo, J. 1994. Examining recruitment relationships for Hecate Strait English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus). Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 32:385-397.
21. Fargo, J., and A.V. Tyler. 1994. Oocyte maturation in Hecate Strait English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus). Fishery Bulletin 92:189-197.
22. Foote, C.J., I. Mayer, C.C. Wood, W.C. Clarke, and J. Blackburn. 1994. On the developmental pathway to nonanadromy in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:397-405.
23. Gillespie, G.E., and M.W. Saunders. 1994. First verified record of the Shortfin Mako Shark, Isurus oxyrhinchus, and second records or range extensions for three additional species, from British Columbia waters. Canadian Field Naturalist 108(3):347-350.
24. Hargreaves, N.B., D.M. Ware, and G.A. McFarlane. 1994. Return of the pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) to the British Columbia coast in 1992. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:460-463.
25. Heath, D.D., G.K. Iwama, and R.H. Devlin. 1994. DNA fingerprinting used to test for family effects on precocious sexual maturation in two populations of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook salmon). Heredity 73:616-624.
26. Heath, D.D., R.H. Devlin, J.W. Heath, and G.K. Iwama. 1994. Genetic, environmental, and interaction effects on growth and stress response of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) fry -reply. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:981-983.
27. Heath, D.D., R.H. Devlin, J.W. Heath, and G.K. Iwama. 1994. Genetic, environmental and interaction effects on the incidence of jacking in Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (chinook salmon). Heredity 72:146-154.
28. Hoenig, J.M., W.G. Warren, and M. Stocker. 1994. Bayesian and related approaches to fitting surplus production models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1823-1831.
29. Hsieh, W.W., D.M. Ware, and R.E. Thomson. 1994. Wind-induced upwelling along the west coast of North America, 1899-1988. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:325-334.
30. Jensen, P.G., J.T. Hoeg, S. Bower, and A.V. Rybakov. 1994. Scanning electron microscopy of lattice organs in cyprids of the Rhizocephala akentrogonida (Crustacea: Cirripedia). Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:1018-1026.
31. Johnsson, J.I., W.C. Clarke, and J. Blackburn. 1994. Hybridization with domesticated rainbow trout reduces seasonal variation in seawater adaptability of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 121:73-77.
32. Kabata, Z. 1994. Caligus inopinatus n. sp. (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida), with comments on intrageneric groupings in the genus Caligus Muller, 1785. Systematic Parasitology 29:89-95.
33. Kent, M.L., and S.C. Dawe. 1994. Efficacy of Fumagillin DCH against experimentally induced Loma salmonae (Microsporea) infections in chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 20:231-233.
34. Kent, M.L., L. Margolis, and J.O. Corliss. 1994. The demise of a class of protists: taxonomic and nomenclatural revisions proposed for the protist phylum Myxozoa Grassé, 1970. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:932-937.
35. Kent, M.L., L. Margolis, D.J. Whitaker, G.E. Hoskins, and T.E. McDonald. 1994. Review of Myxosporea of importance in salmonid fisheries and aquaculture in British Columbia. Folia Parasitologia 41:27-37.
36. Kieffer, T.J., P.J. Schieldrop, E. McLean, E.M. Donaldson, and J.C. Brown. 1994. A radio immunoassay for oncorhynchid growth hormone targeted to the physiological range. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 72:1155-1161.
37. Kiessling, A., D.A. Higgs, B.S. Dosanjh, and J.G. Eales. 1994. Influence of sustained exercise at two ration levels on growth and thyroid function of all-female chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in seawater. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1975-1984.
38. Kreiberg, H. 1994. A survey of animal care consideration for fish handling. Human Innovation Alternatives 8:592-596.
39. Kreiberg, H. 1994. Conversion ratios and fish mortality. Pacific Coast Aquaculture 7(5):10-11.
40. Kruzynski, G.M., and I.K. Birtwell. 1994. A predation bioassay to quantify the ecological significance of sublethal responses to juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to the antisapstain fungicide TCMTB. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1780-1790.
41. Kruzynski, G.M., I.K. Birtwell, and G.L. Chew. 1994. Behavioural approaches to demonstrate the ecological significance of exposure of juvenile Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) to the antisapstain fungicide TCMTB. Journal of Aquatic Ecology and Health 3:113-127.
42. Lee, E.G.-H., and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1994. Prevention of vertical transmission of the bacterial kidney disease agent Renibacterium salmoninarum by broodstock injection with erythromycin. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 18:1-4.
43. Levings, C.D. 1994. Feeding behaviour of juvenile salmon and significance of habitat during estuary and early sea phase. Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research 69:7-16.
44. Levings, C.D. 1994. Some ecological concerns for net-pen culture of salmon on the coasts of the northeast Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, with special reference to British Columbia. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 4:65-141.
45. Levings, C.D., N.A. Hvidsten, and B.O. Johnsen. 1994. Feeding of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts in a fjord in central Norway. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:834-839.
46. Lundqvist, H.. S. McKinnell, H. Fangstam, and I. Berglund. 1994. The effect of time, size and sex on recapture rates and yield after river releases of salmon-salar smolts. Aquaculture 121:245-257.
47. Mayer, I., E. McLean, T.J. Kieffer, L.M. Souza, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Antisomatostatin induced growth acceleration in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 13:295-300.
48. McKinnell, S., H. Lundqvist, and H. Johansson. 1994. Biological characteristics of the upstream migration of naturally and hatchery-reared Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25(2):45-63.
49. McLean, E., E.M. Donaldson, I. Mayer, E. Teskeredzic, Z. Teskeredzic, C Pitt, and L.M. Souza. 1994. Evaluation of a sustained-release polymer-encapsulated from of recombinant porcine somatotropin upon long-term growth performance of coho salmon, (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 122:359-368.
50. McLeese, J.M., J. Johnsson, F.M. Huntley, W.C. Clarke, and M. Weisbart. 1994. Seasonal changes in osmoregulation, Cortisol, and Cortisol receptor activity in the gills of parr/smolt of steelhead trout and steelhead-rainbow trout hybrids, Oncorhynchus mykiss. General Comparative Endocrinology 93:103-113.
51. Moran, P., A.M. Pendas, E. Garciavazquez, J.T. Eizquierdo, and D.T. Rutherford. 1994. Electrophoretic assessment of the contribution of transplanted Scottish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to the Esva River, Northern Spain. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:248-252.
52. Murray, CB. 1994. A method for preparing chinook salmon otoliths for age determination, and evidence of its validity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123:358-367.
53. Paclibare, J.O., T.P.T. Evelyn, L.J. Albright, and L. Prosperi-Porta. 1994. Clearing of the kidney disease bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum from seawater by the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, and the status of the mussel as a reservoir of the bacterium. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 18:129-133.
54. Perry, R.I., and S.J. Smith. 1994. Identifying habitat associations of marine fishes using survey data: an application to the northwest Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:589-602.
55. Perry, R.I., M. Stocker, and J. Fargo. 1994. Environmental effects on the distributions of groundfish in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1401-1409.
56. Piferrer, F., and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Uptake and clearance of exogenous estradiol-170 and testosterone during the early development of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kitsutch), including eggs, alevins and fry. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 13(3):219-232.
57. Piferrer, F., M. Carrillo, S. Zanuy, I.I. Solar, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Induction of sterility in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) by androgen immersion before first feeding. Aquaculture 119:409-423.
58. Piferrer, F., S. Zanuy, M. Carrillo, I.I. Solar, R.H. Devlin, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Brief treatment with an aromatase inhibitor during sex differentiation causes chromosomally female salmon to develop as normal, functional males. Journal of Experimental Zoology 270:255-262.
59. Piferrer, F., T.J. Benfey, and E.M. Donaldson. 1994. Gonadal morphology of normal and sex reversed triploid and gynogenetic diploid coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Journal of Fish Biology 45:541-553.
60. Richards, L.J. 1994. Trip limits, catch, and effort in the British Columbia rockfish trawl fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 14:742-750.
61. Richards, L.J., and B.A. Megrey. 1994. Recent developments in the quantitative analysis of fisheries data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:2640-2641.
62. Richards, L.J., J.T. Schnute, and J. Fargo. 1994. Application of a generalized logit model to condition data for trawl-caught Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:357-364.
63. Robinson, C.L.K., and D.M. Ware. 1994. Modelling pelagic fish and plankton trophodynamics off southwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1737-1751.
64. Schnute, J.T. 1994. A general framework for developing sequential fisheries models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1676-1688.
65. Schnute, J.T., and L.J. Richards. 1994. Stock assessment for the 21st century. Fisheries (Bethesda) 19(11):10-16.
66. Scrivener, J.C., T.G. Brown, and B.C. Andersen. 1994. Juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) utilization of Hawks Creek, a small and non-natal tributary of the upper Fraser River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1139-1146.
67. Smith, T.G., and A.R. Martin. 1994. Distribution and movements of belugas, Delphinapterus luecas, in the Canadian High Arctic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1653-1663.
68. Stanley, R.D., B.M. Leaman, L. Haldorson, and V.M. O'Connell. 1994. Movements of tagged adult yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, off the west coast of North America. Fishery Bulletin 92:655-663.
69. Stockner, J.G., and K.S. Shortreed. 1994. Autotrophic picoplankton community dynamics in a pre-alpine lake in British Columbia, Canada. Hydrobiologia 274:133-142.
70. Taylor, E.B., T.D. Beacham, and M. Kaeriyama. 1994. Population structure and identification of North Pacific Ocean chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) revealed by an analysis of minisatellite DNA variation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1430-1442.
71. Thomson, K.A., W.J. Ingraham, M.C. Healey, P.H. Leblond, C. Groot, and C.G. Healey. 1994. Computer simulations of the influence of ocean currents on Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) return times. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:441-449.
72. Varnavskaya, N.V., C.C. Wood, and R.J. Everett. 1994. Genetic variation in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations of Asia and North America. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:132-146.
73. Varnavskaya, N.V., C.C. Wood, R.J. Everett, R.L. Wilmot, V.S. Varnavsky, V.V. Midanaya, and T.P. Quinn. 1994. Genetic differentiation of subpopulations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) within lakes of Alaska, British Columbia, and Kamchatka, Russia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:147-157.
74. Weslawski, J.M., M. Ryg, T.G. Smith, and N.A. Oritsland. 1994. Diet of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in a fjord in West Svalbard. Arctic 47:109-114.
75. Wespestad, V.G., G.G. Bargmann, and D.E. Hay. 1994. Opportunities for the enhancement of the lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus Girard, in Puget Sound and Georgia Straits. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25(1):189-197.
76. Whyte, J.N.C, W.C Clarke, N.G. Ginther, J.O.T. Jensen, and L.D. Townsend. 1994. Influence of composition of Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia on growth of larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria Pallas). Aquaculture 119:47-61.
77. Withler, R.E., and T.D. Beacham. 1994. Genetic consequences of the simultaneous or sequential addition of semen from multiple males during hatchery spawning of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Aquaculture 126:11-23.
78. Withler, R.E., and T.D. Beacham. 1994. Genetic variation in body weight and flesh colour of the coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in British Columbia. Aquaculture 119:135-148.
79. Withler, R.E., T.D. Beacham, R.F. Watkins, and T.A. Stevens. 1994. Identification of farm reared and native chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, using the nuclear DNA probe B2-2. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51(Suppl. 1):267-276.
80. Wood, C.C, B.E. Riddell, D.T. Rutherford, and R.E. Withler. 1994. Biochemical genetic survey of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51(Suppl. 1):114-131.
81. Yousif, A.N., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1994. In vitro evidence for the antibacterial role of lysozyme in salmonid eggs. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 19:15-19.
82. Yousif, A.N., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1994. Purification and characterization of a galactose-specific lectin from the eggs of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and its ineraction with bacterial fish pathogens. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 20:127-136.
1995 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Appelbaum, S., W.C. Clarke, J.E. Shelbourn, J.O.T. Jensen, J.N.C. Whyte, and G.K. Iwama. 1995. Studies on rearing of lingcod Ophiodon elongatus. Aquaculture 135:219-227.
2. Beacham, T.D., R.E. Withler, and C.C. Wood. 1995. Stock identification of sockeye salmon by means of minisatellite DNA variation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:249-265.
3. Beamish, R.J., and CM. Neville. 1995. Pacific salmon and Pacific herring mortalities in the Fraser River plume caused by river lamprey (Lampetra ayresi). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:644-650.
4. Beamish, R.J., B.E. Riddell, CM. Neville, B.L. Thomson, and Z. Zhang. 1995. Declines in Chinook salmon catches in the Strait of Georgia in relation to shifts in the marine environment. Fisheries Oceanography 4:243-256.
5. Beck, G.G., and T.G. Smith. 1995. Distribution of blubber in the northwest Atlantic harp seal, Phoca groenlandica. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73(11):1991-1998.
6. Blázquez, M., F. Piferrer, S. Zanuy, M. Carrillo, and E.M. Donaldson. 1995. Development of sex control techniques for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) aquaculture: Effects of dietary 17a-methyltestosterone prior to sex differentiation. Aquaculture 135:329-342.
7. Bower, S.M. 1995. Differences in acquired and innate resistance among Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) against the haemoflagellate Cryptobia salmositica and numbers delivered by the leech vector Piscicola salmositica. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52(Suppl. 1):1-6.
8. Bower, S.M., R.E. Withler, and B.E. Riddell. 1995. Genetic variation in resistance to the hemoflagellate Cryptobia salmositica in coho and sockeye salmon. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 7:185-194.
9. Bradford, M.J. 1995. Comparative review of Pacific salmon survival rates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:1327-1338.
10. Bradford, M.J., and D.A. Roff. 1995. Genetic and phenotypic sources of life history variation along a cline in voltinism in the cricket Allonemobius socius. Oecologia 103:319-326.
11. Bradford, M.J., G.C Taylor, J.A. Allan, and P.S. Higgins. 1995. An experimental study of the stranding of juvenile coho salmon and rainbow trout during rapid flow decreases under winter conditions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:473-479.
12. Brocklebank, J.R., D.J. Speare, and M.L. Kent. 1995. Microsporidian encephalitis of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in British Columbia. Canadian Veterinary Journal 36:631-633.
13. Brown, L.L., T.P.T. Evelyn, G.K. Iwama, W.S. Nelson, and R.P. Levine. 1995. Bacterial species other than Renibacterium salmoninarum cross-react with antisera against R. salmoninarum but are negative for the p57 gene of R. salmoninarum as detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 21:227-231.
14. Campbell, P.M., and R.H. Devlin. 1995. Assessing the exposure of fish to pollutants: a sensitive molecular technique to quantitate CYP1A1 mRNA levels. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 95(2):33-40.
15. Clancy, S., R. Beames, D. Higgs, B. Dosanjh, N. Haard, and B. Toy. 1995. Influence of spoilage and processing temperature on the quality of marine fish protein sources for salmonids. Aquaculture Nutrition 1:169-177.
16. Després, L., M.L. Adamson, and T.E. McDonald. 1995. Development of a diagnostic molecular marker for Philonema spp. (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) infecting salmonids in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52 (Supplement 1):129-133.
17. Devlin, R.H., T.Y. Yesaki, E.M. Donaldson, S.J. Du, and C.-L. Hew. 1995. Production of germline transgenic Pacific salmonids with dramatically increased growth performance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:1376-1384.
18. Devlin, R.H., T.Y. Yesaki, E.M. Donaldson, and C.-L. Hew. 1995. Transmission and phenotypic effects of an antifreeze/GH gene construct in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 137:161-169.
19. France, R., N. Yan, P. Olesiuk, R. Nero, P.A. Del Giorgio, and W. Keller. 1995. Secondary analysis of relationships between pelagic invertebrate predators and phytoplankton abundance and water clarity. Freshwater Biology 34:255-261.
20. Galvin, P., S. McKinnell, J.B. Taggart, A. Ferguson, M. O'Farrell, and T.F. Cross. 1995. Genetic stock identification of Atlantic salmon using single locus minisatellite DNA profiles. Journal of Fish Biology 47 (Supplement A):186-199.
21. Hammill, M.O., M.C.S. Kingsley, G.G. Beck, and T.G. Smith. 1995. Growth and condition in the Northwest Atlantic harp seal. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:478-488.
22. Heath, D.D., R.H. Devlin, T.J. Hilbish, and G.K. Iwama. 1995. Multilocus DNA fingerprints in seven species of salmonids. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73:600-606.
23. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, A.F. Prendergast, R.M. Beames, R.W. Hardy, W.W. Riley, Jr., and G. Deacon. 1995. Canola protein products in aquaculture. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 2:25-32.
24. Hinch, S.G., M.C. Healey, R.E. Diewert, K.A. Thomson, R. Hourston, M.A. Henderson, and F. Juanes. 1995. Potential effects of climate change on marine growth and survival of Fraser River sockeye salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:2651-2659.
25. Hsieh, W.W., D.M. Ware, and R.E. Thomson. 1995. Wind-induced upwelling along the west coast of North America, 1899-1988. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:325-334.
26. Johnson, S.C., and Z. Kabata. 1995. Two new copepod species of the genus Pseudotaeniacanthus Yamaguti and Yamasu, 1959 (Poecilostomatoida: Taeniacanthidae), parasitic on moray eels in the Red Sea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52(Supplement 1):166-174.
27. Jones, T.O., J.N.C. Whyte, N.G. Ginther, L.D. Townsend, and G.K. Iwama. 1995. Haemocyte changes in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, caused by exposure to domoic acid in the diatom Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multiseries. Toxicon 33:347-353.
28. Jones, T.O., J.N.C. Whyte, L.D. Townsend, N.G. Ginther, and G.K. Iwama. 1995. Effects of domoic acid on haemolymph pH, PCO2 and PO2 in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas and the California mussel, Mytilus californianus. Aquatic Toxicology 31:43-55.
29. Kabata, Z. 1995. Dedicated to Leo Margolis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52 (Supplement 1):iii-v.
30. Kent, M.L., S.C Dawe, and D.J. Speare. 1995. Transmission of Loma salmonae (Microsporea) to chinook salmon in sea water. Canadian Veterinary Journal 36:98-101.
31. Kent, M.L., M. Higgins, D.J. Whitaker, and H. Yokoyama. 1995. Proliferative kidney disease and Sphaerospora oncorhynchi in wild-caught salmonids from the Puntledge River system, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52 (Supplement 1):13-17.
32. Kent, M.L., V. Rantis, J.W. Bagshaw, and S.C. Dawe. 1995. Enhanced detection of Enterocytozoon salmonis (Microspora), an intranuclear microsporean of salmonid fishes, with the Warthin-Starry stain combined with hematoxylin and eosin. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 23:235-237.
33. Kent, M.L., D.J. Whitaker, M.J. Higgins, J.M. Blackburn, and S.C. Dawe. 1995. Manifestation of proliferative kidney disease in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) following transfer of infected smolts to sea water. Fish Pathology 30:93-99.
34. Kent, M.L., J.N.C. Whyte, and C LaTrace. 1995. Gill lesions and mortality in seawater penreared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar associated with a dense bloom of Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira species. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 22:77-81.
35. Kiessling, A., B. Dosanjh, D. Higgs, G. Deacon, and N. Rowshandeli. 1995. Dorsal aorta cannulation: a method to monitor changes in blood levels of astaxanthin in voluntarily feeding Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Aquaculture Nutrition 1:43-50.
36. Levings, C.D., D.E. Boyle, and T.R. Whitehouse. 1995. Distribution and feeding of juvenile Pacific salmon in freshwater tidal creeks of the lower Fraser River, British Columbia. Fisheries Management and Ecology 2:299-308.
37. Levings, C.D., A. Ervik, P. Johannessen, and J. Aure. 1995. Ecological criteria used to help site fish farms in fjords. Estuaries 18:81-90.
38. Margolis, L. 1995. Introduction of President Desser. Journal of Parasitology 81:843-844.
39. McKinnell, S. 1995. Age-specific effects of sockeye abundance on adult body size of selected British Columbia sockeye stocks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:1050-1063.
40. Newbound, G.C, R.J.F. Markham, M.L. Kent, D.J. Speare, and M.A. Thorburn. 1995. Comparative analysis of a monoclonal-antibody-based immunofluorescence test for plasmacytoid leukemia in chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 21:123-130.
41. Richards, L.J., J. Fargo, and J.T. Schnute. 1995. Factors influencing bycatch mortality of trawl-caught Pacific halibut. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:266-276.
42. Schnute, J.T., and L.J. Richards. 1995. The influence of error on population estimates from catch-age models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:2063-2077.
43. Shah, R.M., A.V. Young, E.J.E. Feeley, and E.M. Donaldson. 1995. Growth and differentiation of the secondary palate in a teleostean fish, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Journal of Experimental Zoology 271:220-227.
44. Shrimpton, J.M., R.H. Devlin, E. McLean, J.C Byatt, E.M. Donaldson, and D.J. Randall. 1995. Increases in gill cytosolic corticosteroid receptor abundance and saltwater tolerance in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) treated with growth hormone and placental lactogen. General and Comparative Endocrinology 98:1-15.
45. Stephen, R.C, CS. Ribble, and M.L. Kent. 1995. Observer variation in the histological diagnosis of plasmacytoid leukemia (Marine anemia). Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 59:15-19.
46. Teskeredzic, Z., D.A. Higgs, B.S. Dosanjh, J.R. McBride, R.W. Hardy, R.M. Beames, J.D. Jones, M. Simell, T. Vaara, and R.B. Bridges. 1995. Assessment of undephytinized and dephytinized rapeseed protein concentrate as sources of dietary protein for juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 131:261-277.
47. Ware, D.M. 1995. A century and a half of change in the climate of the NE Pacific. Fisheries Oceanography 4:267-277.
48. Welch, D.W. 1995. First record of offshore spawning for the Black Rockfish, Sebastes melanops. Canadian Field-Naturalist 109(4):477-479.
49. Welch, D.W., A.I. Chigirinsky, and Y. Ishida. 1995. Upper thermal limits on the oceanic distribution of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the spring. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:489-503.
50. Whyte, J.N.C, N.G. Ginther, and L.D. Townsend. 1995. Formation of domoic acid and fatty acids in Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multiseries with scale of culture. Journal of Applied Physiology 7:199-205.
51. Williams, D.E., M.L. Kent, R.J. Andersen, H. Klix, and CF.B. Holmes. 1995. Tissue distribution and clearance of tritium labeled dihydromicrocystin LR epimers administered to Atlantic salmon via intraperitoneal injection. Toxicon 33:125-131.
52. Withler, R.E., T.D. Beacham, I.I. Solar, and E.M. Donaldson. 1995. Freshwater growth, smolting, and marine survival and growth of diploid and triploid coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 136:91-107.
53. Yatsu, A., M. Dahlberg, and S. McKinnell. 1995. Effect of soaking time on catch-per-unit-effort of major species taken in the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1990. Fisheries Research 23:23-35.
54. Yin, K.D., P.J. Harrison, S. Pond, and R.J. Beamish. 1995. Entrainment of nitrate in the Fraser River estuary and its biological implications. 1. Effects of the salt wedge. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 40:505-528.
55. Yin, K.D., P.J. Harrison, S. Pond, and R.J. Beamish. 1995. Entrainment of nitrate in the Fraser River estuary and its biological implications. 2. Effects of spring vs. neap tides and river discharge. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 40:529-544.
56. Yin, K.D., P.J. Harrison, S. Pond, and R.J. Beamish. 1995. Entrainment of nitrate in the Fraser River estuary and its biological implications. 3. Effects of winds. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 40:545-558.
57. Yousif, A.N., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1995. Immunological evidence for the presence of an IgM-like immunoglobulin in the eggs of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 23:109-114.
58. Yousif, A.N., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1995. Interaction of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch egg lectin with the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 21:193-199.
59. Zhang, Z., R.J. Beamish, and B.E. Riddell. 1995. Differences in otolith microstructure between hatchery-reared and wild chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:344-352.
1996 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Balfry, S.K., L.J. Albright, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1996. Horizontal transfer of Renibacterium salmoninarum among farmed salmonids via the facal-oral route. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 25:63-69.
2. Barrett-Lennard, L.G., T.G. Smith, and G.M. Ellis. 1996. A cetacean biopsy system using lightweight pneumatic darts, and its effect on the behavior of killer whales. Marine Mammal Science 12(1):14-27.
3. Beacham, T.D. 1996. The use of minisatellite DNA variation for stock identification of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. Fishery Bulletin 94:611-627.
4. Beacham, T.D., K.M. Miller, and R.E. Withler. 1996. Minisatellite DNA variation and stock identification of coho salmon. Journal of Fish Biology49:411-429.
5. Beacham, T.D., R.E. Withler, and T.A. Stevens. 1996. Stock identification of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using minisatellite DNA variation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:380-394.
6. Bigler, B.S., D.W. Welch, and J.H. Helle. 1996. A review of size trends among North Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:455-465.
7. Bower, S.M., G.R. Meyer, and J.A. Boutillier. 1996. Stained prawn disease (SPD) of Pandalus platyceros in British Columbia, Canada, caused by a rickettsial infection. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 24:41-54.
8. Brown, L.L., G.K. Iwama, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1996. The effect of early exposure of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) eggs to the p57 protein of Renibacterium salmoninarum on the development of immunity to the pathogen. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 6:149-165.
9. Calambokidis, J., G.H. Steiger, J.R. Evenson, K.R. Flynn, K.C. Balcomb, D.E. Claridge, P. Bloedel, J.M. Straley, C.S. Baker, 0. von Ziegesar, M.E. Dahlheim, J.M. Waite, J.D. Darling, G. Ellis, and G.A. Green. 1996. Interchange and isolation of humpback whales off California and other North Pacific feeding grounds. Marine Mammal Science 12(2):215-226.
10. Campbell, P.M., and R.H. Devlin. 1996. Expression of CYP1A1 in livers and gonads of Pacific salmon: quantitation of mRNA levels by RT-cPCR. Aquatic Toxicology 34:47-69.
11. Campbell, P.M., G.M. Kruzynski, I.K. Birtwell, and R.H. Devlin. 1996. Quantitation of dose-dependent increases in CYP1A1 messenger RNA levels in juvenile chinook salmon exposed to treated bleached-kraft mill effluent using two field sampling techniques. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15(7):1119-1123.
12. Candy, J.R., E.W. Carter, T.P. Quinn, and B.E. Riddell. 1996. Adult chinook salmon behavior and survival after catch and release from purse-seine vessels in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:521-529.
13. Clarke, W.C, J.E. Shelbourn, J. Blackburn, and J.O.T. Jensen. 1996. Rearing of lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, to the juvenile stage. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 96-1:14-16.
14. Craig, J.K., C.J. Foote, and C.C. Wood. 1996. Evidence for temperature-dependent sex determination in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:141-147.
15. Domanico, M.J., R.B. Phillips, and J.F. Schweigert. 1996. Sequence variation in ribosomal DNA of Pacific (Clupea pallasi) and Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:2418-2423.
16. Donaldson, E.M., R.H. Devlin, F. Piferrer, and I.I. Solar. 1996. Hormones and sex control in fish with particular emphasis on salmon. Asian Fisheries Science 9:1-8.
17. Gazola, R., M.I. Borella, E.M. Donaldson, M.V. Val-Sella, N. Sukumasavin, F. Fava-de-Moraes, and G. Bernardino. 1996. Plasma steroid and corticosteroid levels in female pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus, Teleostei-Characidae. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 29:659-664.
18. Gong, B.Q., A.P. Farrell, A. Kiessling, and D. Higgs. 1996. Coronary vascular smooth muscle responses to swimming challenges in juvenile salmonid fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:368-371.
19. Gregory, R.S., and C.D. Levings. 1996. The effects of turbidity and vegetation on the risk of juvenile salmonids, Oncorhynchus spp., to predation by adult cutthroat trout, O. clarkii. Environmental Biology of Fishes 47:279-288.
20. Hamano, A., T. Sasakura, R. Kieser, K. Cooke, K. Kubota, and A. Clay. 1996. Target-strength measurements of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) in Canadian waters using quasi-ideal and conventional beam transducers. ICES Journal of Marine Science 53:273-279.
21. Hartman, G.F., J.C. Scrivener, and M.J. Miles. 1996. Impacts of logging in Carnation Creek, a high-energy coastal stream in British Columbia, and their implication for restoring fish habitat. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53 (Supplement 1):237-251.
22. Hervio, D., S.M. Bower, and G.R. Meyer. 1996. Detection, isolation, and experimental transmission of Mikrocytos mackini, a microcell parasite of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 67:72-79.
23. Hlggins, M.J., and M.L. Kent. 1996. Field trials with fumagillin for the control of proliferative kidney disease in coho salmon. Progressive Fish-Culturist 58:268-272.
24. Higgins, P.S., and M.J. Bradford. 1996. Evaluation of a large-scale fish salvage to reduce the impacts of controlled flow reduction in a regulated river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:666-673.
25. Hyatt, K.D. 1996. Stewardship for biomass or biodiversity. Fisheries 21(10):4-5.
26. Jensen, J.O.T., W.E. McLean, W. Damon, T. Sweeten, and D. O'Dowd. 1996. Elemental iodine as a fungicide for Pacific salmon. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 96(1):26-28.
27. Johnson. S.C., R.B. Blaylock. J. Elphick. and K.D. Hyatt. 1996. Disease induced by the sea louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) (Copepoda: Caligidae) in wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) stocks and Alberni Inlet, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:2888-2897.
28. Kabata, Z. 1996. Profile: Alexander Vladimirovich Gusev. Systematic Parasitology33:77-78.
29. Kent, M.L., J. W. Bagshaw, J. Nener, and B. Raymond. 1996. Myxobolus cyprini Doflein, 1898, in Peamouth: First report of this myxosporean in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 8:159-162.
30. Kent, M.L., S.C. Dawe, S. St. Hilaire, and R.J. Andersen. 1996. Effects of feeding rate, seawater entry, and exposure to natural biota on the severity of net-pen liver disease among pen-reared Atlantic salmon. Progressive Fish-Culturist 58:43-46.
31. Kent, M.L., D.M.L. Hervio, M.F. Docker, and R.H. Devlin. 1996. Taxonomy studies and diagnostic tests for myxosporean and microsporidian pathogens of salmonid fishes utilising ribosomal DNA sequence. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 43:98S-99S.
32. Koljonen, M.-L., and S. McKinnell. 1996. Assessing seasonal changes in stock composition of Atlantic salmon catches in the Baltic Sea with genetic stock identification. Journal of Fish Biology 49:998-1018.
33. Kreiberg, H. 1996. Effect of meal frequency on winter growth and feed wastage in farmed chinook salmon. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 96(1):55-57.
34. Logerwell. E.A., and N.B. Hargreaves. 1996. The distribution of sea birds relative to their fish prey off Vancouver Island: opposing results at large and small spatial scales. Fisheries Oceanography 5:163-175.
35. Margolis, L., M.L. Kent, and P. Bustos. 1996. Diseases of salmonids resembling myxosporean whirling disease, and the absence of Myxobolus cerebralis, in South America. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 25:33-37.
36. Marin de Mateo, M., J. McGeorge, D. Morris, and M.L. Kent. 1996. Comparative studies of PKX and Sphaerospora spp. from salmonids using lectin and monoclonal antibody staining techniques. Journal of Fish Diseases 19:55-63.
37. McKay, S.J., R.H. Devlin, and M.J. Smith. 1996. Phytogeny of Pacific salmon and trout based on growth hormone type-2 and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 DNA sequences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:1165-1176.
38. McLean, E. R.H. Devlin, E.M. Donaldson, and J.C. Byatt. 1996. Bovine placental lactogen invokes rapid growth in chinook salmon. Aquaculture Nutrition 2:243-248.
39. Miller, K.M., and R.E. Withler. 1996. Sequence analysis of a polymorphic Mhc class II gene in Pacific salmon. Immunogenetics 43:337-351.
40. Miller, K.M., R.E. Withler, and T.D. Beacham. 1996. Stock identification of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) using minisatellite DNA variation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:181-195.
41. Morris,T.J., and A. Campbell. 1996. Growth of juvenile red sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) fed Zostera marina or Nereocystis luetkeana. Journal of Shellfish Research 15-777-780.
42. Mulligan, T.J., and R. Kieser. 1996. A split-beam echo-counting model for riverine use. ICES Journal of Marine Science 53:403-406.
43. Newcombe, C.P, and J.O.T. Jensen. 1996. Channel suspended sediment and fisheries: A synthesis for quantitative assessment of risk and impact. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:693-727.
44. Perry, R.I., N.B. Hargreaves, B.J. Waddell, and D.L. Mackas. 1996. Spatial variations in feeding and condition of juvenile pink and chum salmon off Vancouver Island, British Columbia Fisheries Oceanography 5:73-88.
45. Rice, J., and H. Gislason. 1996. Patterns of change in the size spectra of numbers and diversity of the North Sea fish assemblage, as reflected in surveys and models. ICES Journal of Marine Science 53:1214-1225.
46. Rice, J.C, and L.J. Richards. 1996. A framework for reducing implementation uncertainty in fisheries management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:488-494.
47. Richardson, J.S., and C.D. Levings. 1996. Chlorinated organic contaminants in benthic organisms of the lower Fraser River, British Columbia. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 31:153-162.
48. Riley, W.W. Jr., D.A. Higgs, B.S. Dosanjh, and J.G. Eales. 1996. Influence of dietary arginine and glycine content on thyroid function and growth of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Aquaculture Nutrition 2:235-242.
49. Roff, D.A., and M.J. Bradford. 1996. Quantitative genetics of the trade-off between fecundity and wing dimorphism in the cricket Allonemobius socius. Heredity 76:178-185.
50. Schnute, J.T., and A.R. Kronlund. 1996. A management oriented approach to stock recruitment analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:1281-1293.
51. Slaney, T.L., K.D. Hyatt, T.G. Northcote, and R.J. Fielden. 1996. Status of anadromous salmon and trout in British Columbia and Yukon. Fisheries 21(10):20-35.
52. Stephen, C, C.S. Ribble, and M.L. Kent. 1996. Descriptive epidemiology of marine anemia in sea-pen-reared salmon In southern British Columbia. Canadian Veterinary Journal 37:420-425.
53. St-Hilaire, S., C Ribble, and M. Kent. 1996. Getting a grip on Kudoa. Northern Aquaculture 2(3):11.
54. Stockner, J.G., and E.A. Maclsaac. 1996. British Columbia lake enrichment programme – two decades of habitat enhancement for sockeye salmon. Regulated Rivers Research & Management 12:547-561.
55. Taylor, B.E., D.A. Donovan, E. McLean, E.M. Donaldson, and T.H. Carefoot. 1996. Effect of recombinant vertebrate growth hormones on growth of adult abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana. Aquaculture 140:153-158.
56. Taylor, E.B., C.J. Foote, and C.C. Wood. 1996. Molecular genetic evidence for parallel life-history evolution within a Pacific salmon (sockeye salmon and kokanee, Oncorhynchus nerka). Evolution 50(1):401-416.
57. Thomson, R.E., and D.M. Ware. 1996. A current velocity index of ocean variability. Journal of Geophysical Research 101:14297-14310.
58. Welch, D.W., and J.N. Till. 1996. First record of a chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, from the Thompson River: Adams River spawning grounds, British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 110(2):332-334.
59. Werner, F.E., R.I. Perry, R.G. Lough, and C.E. Naimie. 1996. Trophodynamic and advective influences on Georges Bank larval cod and haddock. Deep-Sea Research II 43:1793-1822.
60. Whitaker, D.J., M.L. Kent, and J.A. Sakanari. 1996. Kudoa miniauriculata n. sp. (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) from the musculature of bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) from California. Journal of Parasitology 82(2):312-315.
61. Whyte, J.N.C., T.O. Jones, N.G. Ginther, and L.D. Townsend. 1996. Physiological effects and retention of domoic acid in the oyster, Crassostrea gigas, fed the toxic alga Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multi-series. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 96(1):73-75.
62. Wood, C.C, and C.J. Foote. 1996. Evidence for sympatric genetic divergence of anadromous and non-anadromous morphs of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Evolution 50(3):1265-1279.
63. Wu, L, A. Zielinski, J.S. Bird, and R. Kieser. 1996. Synthesis of symmetric flattop radiation patterns. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 21(1):105-108.
64. Yin, K., P.J. Harrison, R.H. Goldblatt, and R.J. Beamish. 1996. Spring bloom in the central Strait of Georgia: interactions of river discharge, winds and grazing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 138:255-263.
1997 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Afonso, L.O.B., P.M. Campbell, G.K. Iwama, R.H. Devlin, and E.M. Donaldson. 1997. The effect of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole and two polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons on sex steroid secretion by ovarian follicles of coho salmon. General Comparative Endocrinology 106:169-174.
2. Anderson, J.S., D.A. Higgs, R.M. Beames, and M. Rowshandeli. 1997. Fish meal quality assessment for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared in sea water. Aquaculture and Nutrition 3:25-38.
3. Baxter, J.S., E.B. Taylor, R.H. Devlin, J. Hagen, and J.D. McPhail. 1997. Evidence for natural hybridization between Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in a north central British Columbia watershed. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:421-429.
4. Beamish, R.J., C. Mahnken, and C.M. Neville. 1997. Hatchery and wild production of Pacific salmon in relation to large-scale, natural shifts in the productivity of the marine environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54:1200-1215.
5. Beamish, R.J., C.M. Neville, and A.J. Cass. 1997. Production of Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in relation to decadal-scale changes in the climate and the ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:543-554.
6. Bower, S.M., D. Hervio, and G.R. Meyer. 1997. Infectivity of Mikrocytos mackini, the causative agent of Denman Island disease in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas, to various species of oysters. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 29:111-116.
7. Bradford, M.J. 1997. An experimental study of stranding of juvenile salmonids on gravel bars and in sidechannels during rapid flow decreases. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 13:395-401.
8. Bradford, M.J., and D.A. Roff. 1997. An empirical model of diapause strategies of the cricket Allonemobius socius. Ecology 78:442-451.
9. Bradford, M.J., and G.C. Taylor. 1997. Individual variation in dispersal behaviour of newly emerged Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the Upper Fraser River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1585-1592.
10. Bradford, M.J., G.C. Taylor, and J.A. Allan. 1997. Empirical review of coho salmon smolt abundance and the prediction of smolt production at the regional level. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:49-64.
11. Brown, L.L., T.P.T. Evelyn, and G.K. Iwama. 1997. Specific protective activity demonstrated in eggs of broodstock salmon injected with rabbit antibodies raised against a fish pathogen. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 31:95-101.
12. Campbell, P.M., and R.H. Devlin. 1997. Increased CYP1A1 and ribosomal protein L5 gene expression in a teleost: The response of juvenile Chinook salmon to coal dust exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 38:1-15.
13. Carolsfeld, J., M. Tester, H. Kreiberg, and N.M. Sherwood. 1997. Pheromone-induced spawning of Pacific herring. 1. Behavioral characterization. Hormonal Behavior 31:256-268.
14. Courtenay, S.C, T.P. Quinn, H.M.C Dupuis, C. Groot, and P.A. Larkin. 1997. Factors affecting the recognition of population-specific odours by juvenile coho salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 50:1042-1060.
15. Desser, S.S., and S.M. Bower. 1997. Margolisiella kabatai gen. et sp. n. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), a parasite of native littleneck clams, Protothaca staminea, from British Columbia, Canada, with a taxonomic revision of the coccidian parasites of bivalves (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Folia Parasitologia 44:241-247.
16. Desser, S.S., and S.M. Bower. 1997. The distribution, prevalence, and morphological features of the cystic stage of an apicomplexan parasite of native littleneck clams (Protothaca staminea) in British Columbia. Journal of Parasitology 83(4):642-646.
17. Diebakate, C, A. Raibaut, and Z. Kabata. 1997. Thamnocephalus cerebrinoxius n.g., n. sp. (Copepoda: Sphyriidae), a parasite in the nasal capsules of Leptocharias smithii (Muller & Henle, 1839) (Pisces: Leptochariidae) off the coast of Senegal. Systematic Parasitology38:231-235.
18. Docker, M.F., R.H. Devlin, J. Richard, J. Khattra, and M.L Kent. 1997. Sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of Loma salmonae (Microsporea). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 29:41-48.
19. Docker, M.F., M.L. Kent, D.M.L. Hervio, J.S. Khattra, L.M. Weiss, A. Cali, and R.H. Devlin. 1997. Ribosomal DNA sequence of Nucleospora salmonis Hedrick, Groff and Baxa, 1991 (Microsporea: Enterocytozoonidae): Implications for phylogeny and nomenclature. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 44(1):55-60.
20. Easton, M.D.L., G.M. Kruzynski, I.I. Solar, and H.M. Dye. 1997. Genetic toxicity of pulp mill effluent on juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using flow cytometry. Water Science & Technology 35:347-355.
21. Farrell, A.P., W. Bennett, and R.H. Devlin. 1997. Growth-enhanced transgenic salmon can be inferior swimmers. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:335-337.
22. Foote, C.J., G.S. Brown, and C.C. Wood. 1997. Spawning success of males using alternative mating tactics in sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1785-1795.
23. Grout, J.A., C.D. Levings, and J.S. Richardson. 1997. Decomposition rates of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and Lyngbyei's sedge (Carex lyngbyei) in the Fraser River estuary. Estuaries 20:96-102.
24. Hay, D. 1997. Role of forage fishes in marine ecosystems. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 7:295-296.
25. Hay, D.E., and P.B. McCarter. 1997. Larval distribution, abundance, and stock structure of British Columbia herring. Journal of Fish Biology 51 (Supplement A):155-175.
26. Hervio, D.M.L., M.L. Kent, J. Khattra, J. Sakanari, H. Yokoyama, and R.H. Devlin. 1997. Taxonomy of Kudoa species (Myxosporea), using a small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequence. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:2112-2119.
27. Johnsson, J.I., J. Blackburn, W.C. Clarke, and R.E. Withler. 1997. Does pre-smolt growth rate in steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) predict growth rate in seawater? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:430-433.
28. Kabata, Z., and H.P. Arai. 1997. Margolis, Leo-1927-1997 -In-memoriam. Journal of Parasitology 83:619.
29. Kent, M.L., D.J. Whitaker, and S.C. Dawe. 1997. Parvicapsula minibicomis n. sp. (Myxozoa, myxosporea) from the kidney of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Parasitology 83:1153-1156.
30. Kent, M.L., D.J. Whitaker, J.D.W. Moran, and Z. Kabata. 1997. Haemobaphes disphaerocephalus, an accidental parasite of seawater pen-reared Atlantic salmon. Canadian Veterinary Journal 38:110-111.
31. Kissil, G.W., I. Lupatsch, D.A. Higgs, and R.W. Hardy. 1997. Preliminary evaluation of rapeseed protein concentrate as an alternative to fish meal in diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh 49:135-143.
32. Labelle, M., C.J. Walters, and B. Riddell. 1997. Ocean survival and exploitation of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) stocks from the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1433-1449.
33. Levings, C.D., and D.J.H. Nishimura. 1997. Created and restored marshes in the lower Fraser River, British Columbia: Summary of their functioning as fish habitat. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 32:599-618.
34. Lim, C, R.M. Beames, J.G. Eales, A.F. Prendergast, J.M. McLeese, K.D. Shearer, and D.A. Higgs. 1997. Nutritive values of low and high fibre canola meals for shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). Aquaculture Nutrition 3:269-279.
35. Margolis, L., J.M. Groff, S.C Johnson, T.E. McDonald, M.L. Kent, and R.B. Blaylock. 1997. Helminth parasites of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) from Prince William Sound, Alaska: Comparisons with other populations of sea otters and comments on the origin of their parasites. Journal of Helminthological Society of Washington 64(2):161-168.
36. Matkin, CO., D.R. Matkin, G.M. Ellis, E. Saulitis, and D. McSweeney. 1997. Movements of resident killer whales in southeastern Alaska and Prince William Sound, Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 13:469-475.
37. Mattiucci, S., G. Nascetti, R. Cianchi, L. Paggi, P. Arduino, L. Margolis, J. Brattey, S. Webb, S. D'Amelio, P. Orecchia, and L. Bullini. 1997. Genetic and ecological data on the Anisakis simplex complex, with evidence for a new species (Nematoda, Ascaridoidea, Anisakidae). Journal of Parasitology 83:401-416.
38. McFarlane, G.A., and M.W. Saunders. 1997. Fecundity of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) for three stocks off the west coast of North America. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report 38:114-119.
39. McKay, S.J., M.J. Smith, and R.H. Devlin. 1997. Polymerase chain reaction based species identification of salmon and coastal trout in British Columbia. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 6:131-140.
40. McKinnell, S., J.J. Pella, and M.L. Dahlberg. 1997. Population-specific aggregations of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the North Pacific Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2368-2376.
41. McKinnell, S., and A.J. Thomson. 1997. Recent events concerning Atlantic salmon escapees in the Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54:1221-1225.
42. McKinnell, S., A.J. Thomson, E.A. Black, B.L. Wing, C.M. Guthrie, J.F. Koerner, and J.H. Helle. 1997. Atlantic salmon in the North Pacific. Aquaculture Research 28:145-157.
43. McLean, E., R.H. Devlin, J.C. Byatt, W.C. Clarke, and E.M. Donaldson. 1997. Impact of a controlled release formulation of recombinant bovine growth hormone upon growth and seawater adaptation in coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon. Aquaculture 156:113-128.
44. Miller, K.M., and R.E. Withler. 1997. Mhc diversity in Pacific salmon: Population structure and trans-species allelism. Hereditas 127:83-95.
45. Miller, K.M., R.E. Withler, and T.D. Beacham. 1997. Molecular evolution at Mhc genes in two populations of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Molecular Ecology 6:937-954.
46. Nagata, M., and J.R. Irvine. 1997. Differential dispersal patterns of male and female masu salmon fry. Journal of Fish Biology 51:601-606.
47. Rice, J.C, and A.R. Kronlund. 1997. Community analysis and flatfish: diagnostic patterns, processes, and inference. Journal of Sea Research 37:301-320.
48. Richards, L.J., J.T. Schnute, and N. Olsen. 1997. Visualizing catch-age analysis: a case study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1646-1658.
49. Ricker, W.E. 1997. Cycles of abundance among Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:950-968.
50. Shaw, R.W., D.M.L. Hervio, R.H. Devlin, and M.L. Adamson. 1997. Infection of Aulorhynchus flavidus (Gill) (Osteichthyes: gasterosteiformes) by Kudoa thyrsites (Gilchrist) (Myxosporea: multivalvulida). Journal of Parasitology 83:810-814.
51. Shaw, R.W., M.L. Kent, M.F. Docker, A.M.V. Brown, R.H. Devlin, and M.L. Adamson. 1997. A new species of loma (Microsporea) in shiner perch (Cymatogaster aggregata). Journal of Parasitology 83:296-301.
52. Shumway, S.E., T.L. Cucci, M.P. Lesser, N. Bourne, and B. Bunting. 1997. Particle clearance and selection in three species of juvenile scallops. Aquaculture International 5:89-99.
53. St-Hilaire, S., M. Hill, M.L Kent, D.J. Whitaker, and C. Ribble. 1997. A comparative study of muscle texture and intensity of Kudoa thyrsites infection in farm-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar on the Pacific coast of Canada. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 31:221-225.
54. St-Hilaire, S., C Ribble, D.J. Whitaker, and M.L. Kent. 1997. Evaluation of a non-destructive diagnostic test for Kudoa thyrsites in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 156:139-144.
55. Stratholt, M.L., E.M. Donaldson, and N.R. Liley. 1997. Stress induced elevation of plasma Cortisol in adult female coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), is reflected in egg Cortisol content, but does not appear to affect early development. Aquaculture 158:141-153.
56. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1997 Influence of biomass and ocean climate on the growth of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) from the southwest coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2782-2788.
57. Traxler, G.S., J.R. Roome, K.A. Lauda, and S. LaPatra. 1997. Appearance of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and neutralizing antibodies in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka during their migration and maturation period. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 28:31-38.
58. Welch, D.W. 1997. Anatomical specialization in the gut of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus): evidence for oceanic limits to salmon production? Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:936-942.
59. Welch, D.W. 1997. Obituary -Leo Margolis, O.C, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. 1927-1997. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1682-1683.
60. Whyte, J.N.C. 1997. Impacts of harmful algae on the west-coast aquaculture industry and a national research plan by the Phycotoxins Working Group of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to address such issues. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 97(3):19-25.
61. Whyte, J.N.C, J.C. Davis, and J.R. Forbes. 1997. Harmful algae in Canadian waters and management strategies. Ocean Research 19:161-171.
62. Williams, D.E., M. Craig, S.C Dawe, M.L. Kent, R.J. Andersen, and C.F.B. Holmes. 1997. C-Labeled microcystin-LR administered to Atlantic salmon via interaperitoneal injection provides in vivo evidence for covalent binding of microcystin-LR in salmon livers. Toxicon 35:985-989.
63. Williams, D.E., M. Craig, S.C. Dawe, M.L. Kent, C.F.B. Holmes, and R.J. Andersen. 1997. Evidence for a covalently bound form of microcystin-LR in salmon liver and Dungeness crab larvae. Chemical Research in Toxicology 10:463-469.
64. Williams, D.E., S.C. Dawe, M.L. Kent, R.J. Andersen, M. Craig, and C.F.B. Holmes. 1997. Bioaccumulation and clearance of microcystins from salt water mussels, Mytilus edulis, and in vivo evidence for covalently bound microcystins in mussel tissues. Toxicon 35:1617-1625.
65. Withler, R.E., T.D. Beacham, T.J. Ming, and K.M. Miller. 1997. Species identification of Pacific salmon by means of a major histocompatibility complex gene. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:929-938.
66. Withler, R.E., and K.M. Miller. 1997. Structure of an unusual minisatellite locus, Ssa1, in Pacific salmonids. Journal of Heredity 88:415-422.
67. Yin, K., R.H. Goldblatt, P.J. Harrison, M.A. St. John, P.J. Clifford, and R.J. Beamish. 1997. Importance of wind and river discharge in influencing nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton production in summer in the central Strait of Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 161:173-183.
68. Yin, K., P.J. Harrison, and R.J. Beamish. 1997. Effects of a fluctuation in Fraser River discharge on primary production in the central Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1015-1024.
69. Yin, K., P.J. Harrison, R.H. Goldblatt, M.A. St. John, and R.J. Beamish. 1997. Factors controlling the timing of the spring bloom in the Strait of Georgia estuary, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1985-1995.
1998 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Addison, R.F., and T.G. Smith. 1998. Trends in organochlorine residue concentrations in ringed seals (Phoca hispida) from Holman, Northwest Territories. Arctic 51(3):253-261.
2. Amin, O.M., and L. Margolis. 1998. Redescription of Bolbosoma capltatum (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from false killer whale off Vancouver Island, with taxonomic reconsideration of the species and synonymy of B. physeteris. Journal Helminthological Society of Washington 65(2):179-188.
3. Beacham, T.D., and J.B. Dempson. 1998. Population structure of Atlantic salmon from the Conne River, Newfoundland as determined from microsatellite DNA. Journal of Fish Biology 52:665-676.
4. Beacham, T.D., L. Margolis, and R.J. Nelson. 1998. A comparison of methods of stock identification for sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Barkley Sound, British Columbia. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commsission Bulletin 1:227-239.
5. Beamish, R.J., and M. Folkes. 1998. Recent changes in the marine distribution of juvenile chum salmon off Canada. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commsission Bulletin 1:443-453.
6. Bennett, S.N., M.L. Adamson, and L. Margolis. 1998. Long-term changes in parasites of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) smolts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:977-986.
7. Blackbourn, J., S.M. Bower, and G.R. Meyer. 1998. Perkinsus qugwadi sp.nov. (incertae sedis), a pathogenic protozoan parasite of Japanese scallops, Patinopecten yessoensis, cultured in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:942-953.
8. Blaylock, R.B., J.C. Holmes, and L. Margolis. 1998. The parasites of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the eastern North Pacific: host-level influences. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:536-547.
9. Blaylock, R.B., L. Margolis, and J.C. Holmes. 1998. Zoogeography of the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the northeast Pacific. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:2262-2273.
10. Bourne, N., D.J. Noakes, and G.D. Heritage. 1998. Effects of repeated digging on sublegalsized manila clams, Tapes philippinarum. Journal of Shellfish Research 17:215-221.
11. Bower, S.M., J. Blackbourn, and G.R. Meyer. 1998. Distribution, prevalence, and pathogenicity of the protozoan Perkinsus qugwadi in Japanese scallops, Patinopecten yessoensis, cultured in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:954-959.
12. Cho, J.Y., H.J. Jin, H.J. Lim, J.N.C. Whyte, and Y.K. Hong. 1998. Growth activation of the microalga Isochrysis galbana by the aqueous extract of the seaweed Monostroma nitidum. Journal of Applied Phycology 10:561-567.
13. Coyle, C., M. Kent, H.B. Tanowitz, M. Wittner, and L.M. Weiss. 1998. TNP-470 is an effective antimicrosporidial agent. Journal of Infectious Diseases 177:515-518.
14. Desser, S.S., S.M. Bower, and H. Hong. 1998. Pseudoklossia semiluna n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Aggregatidae): A coccidian parasite of the kidney of blue mussels, species of Mytilus, from British Columbia, Canada. Parasite 5:17-22.
15. Devlin, R.H. 1998. Production and evaluation of transgenic fish for aquaculture. Australian Journal of Biotechnology 8:222-227.
16. Devlin, R.H., G.W. Stone, and D.E. Smailus. 1998. Extensive direct-tandem organization of a long repeat DNA sequence on the Y chromosome of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Molecular Evolution 46:277-287.
17. Dosanjh, B.S., D.A. Higgs, D.J. McKenzie, D.J. Randall, J.G. Eales, N. Rowshandeli, M. Rowshandeli, and G. Deacon. 1998. Influence of dietary blends of menhaden oil and canola oil on growth, muscle lipid composition, and thyroidal status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in sea water. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 19:123-134.
18. Enzenhofer, H.J., N. Olsen, and T.J. Mulligan. 1998. Fixed-location riverine hydroacoustics as a method of enumerating migrating adult Pacific salmon: comparison of split-beam acoustics vs. visual counting. Aquatic Living Resources 11(2):61-74.
19. Fargo, J., and L.J. Richards. 1998. A modern approach to catch-age analysis for Hecate Strait rock sole (Pleuronectes bilineatus) Journal of Sea Research 39:57-67.
20. Ford, J.K.B., G.M. Ellis, L.G. Barrett-Lennard, A.B., Morton, R.S. Palm, and K.G. Balcomb III. 1998. Dietary specialization in two sympatric populations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in coastal British Columbia and adjacent waters. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:1456-1471.
21. Freeland, H., and D. Beamish. 1998. The changing Pacific. CMOS Bulletin 26 (6):155-160.
22. Ghan, D., K.D. Hyatt, and J.D. McPhail. 1998. Benefits and costs of vertical migration by the freshwater copepod Skistodiaptomus oregonensis: testing hypotheses through population comparison. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1338-1349.
23. Ghan, D., J.D. McPhail, and K.D. Hyatt. 1998. The temporal-spatial pattern of vertical migration by the freshwater copepod Skistodiaptomus oregonensis relative to predation risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1350-1363.
24. Gislason, H., and J. Rice. 1998. Modelling the response of size and diversity spectra of fish assemblages to changes in exploitation. ICES Journal of Marine Science 55:362-370.
25. Gregory, R.S., and C.D. Levings. 1998. Turbidity reduces predation on migrating juvenile Pacific salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:275-285.
26. Higgins, M.J., and M.L. Kent. 1998. TNP-470, the analogue of fumagillin-DCH, controls PKX in naturally infected sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), underyearlings. Journal of Fish Diseases 21:455-457.
27. Higgins, M.J., M.L. Kent, J.D.W. Moran, L.M. Weiss, and S.C Dawe. 1998. Efficacy of the fumagillin analog TNP-470 for Nucleospora salmonis and Loma salmonae infections in chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 34:45-49.
28. Hong, W., and E.M. Donaldson. 1998. Effects of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole on gonadal development in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Asian Fisheries Science 10:339-345.
29. Jain, K.E., I.K. Birtwell, and A.P. Farrell. 1998. Repeat swimming performance of mature sockeye salmon following a brief recovery period:a proposed measure of fish health and water quality. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:1488-1496.
30. Jamieson, G.S., E.D. Grosholz, D.A. Armstrong, and R.W. Elner. 1998. Potential ecological implications from the introduction of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas (Linneaus), to British Columbia, Canada, and Washington, USA. Journal of Natural History 32:1587-1598.
31. Kent, M.L., J. Khattra, D.M.L. Hervio, and R.H. Devlin. 1998. Ribosomal DNA sequence analysis of isolates of the PKX myxosporean and their relationship to members of the Genus Sphaerospora. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 10:12-21.
32. Kent, M.L., G.S. Traxler, D. Kieser, J. Richard, S.C. Dawe, R.W. Shaw, G. Prosperi-Porta, J. Ketcheson, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1998. Survey of salmonid pathogens in ocean-caught fishes in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 10:211-219.
33. Levings, C. 1998. The Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, Canada: An introduction to its ecology, habitat management systems, and possible comparative work at the Han River estuary, Korea. Ocean Res. 20(2):199-207.
34. Lim, C, P.H. Klesius, and D.A. Higgs. 1998. Substitution of canola meal for soybean meal in diets for channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 29(2):161-168.
35. Margolis, L. 1998. Are naturally-occurring parasite "tags" stable? An appraisal from four case histories involving Pacific salmonids. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commsission Bulletin 1:205-212.
36. McKay, S.J., I. Nakayama, M.J. Smith, and R.H. Devlin. 1998. Genetic relationship between masu and amago salmon examined through sequence analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Zoological Science 15:971-979.
37. McKenzie, D.J., D.A. Higgs, B.S. Dosanjh, G. Deacon, and D.J. Randall. 1998. Dietary fatty acid composition influences swimming performance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in seawater. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 19:111-122.
38. McKinnell, S., and H. Lundqvist. 1998. The effect of sexual maturation on the spatial distribution of Baltic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 52:1175-1185.
39. McKinnell, S., and M.P. Seki. 1998. Shark bycatch in the Japanese high seas squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 39:127-138.
40. Miller, K.M., and R.E. Withler. 1998. The salmonid class I MHC:limited diversity in a primitive teleost. Immunological Reviews 166:279-293.
41. Mjaavatten, O., C.D. Levings, and P. Poon. 1998. Variation in the fatty acid composition of juvenile Chinook and coho salmon from Fraser River estuary determined by multivariate analysis; role of environment and genetic origin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 120:291-309.
42. Mulligan, T.J., and D.G. Chen. 1998. A split-beam echo counting model: development of statistical procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science 55:905-917.
43. Nelson, R.J., T.D. Beacham, M.P. Small. 1998. Microsatellite analysis of the population structure of a Vancouver Island sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) stock complex using nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 7 (4):312-319.
44. Noakes, D.J., R.J. Beamish, L. Klyashtorin, and G.A. McFarlane. 1998. On the coherence of salmon abundance trends and environmental factors. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commsission Bulletin 1:454-463.
45. Ostenfeld, T.H., E. McLean, and R.H. Devlin. 1998. Transgenesis changes body and head shape in Pacific salmon. Journal of Fish Biology52:850-854.
46. Quinn, T.P., E. Graynoth, C.C Wood, and C.J. Foote. 1998. Genotypic and phenotypic divergence of sockeye salmon in New Zealand from their ancestral British Columbia populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:517-534.
47. Richards, L.J., and J.J. Maguire. 1998. Recent international agreements and the precautionary approach: new directions for fisheries management science. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1545-1552.
48. Richards, L.J., and J.T. Schnute. 1998. Model complexity and catch-age analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:949-957.
49. Satoh, S., D.A. Higgs, B.S. Dosanjh, R.W. Hardy, J.G. Eales, and G. Deacon. 1998. Effect of extrusion processing on the nutritive value of canola meal for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in seawater. Aquaculture Nutrition 4:115-122.
50. Schnute, J.T., and L.J. Richards. 1998. Analytical models for fishery reference points. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:515-528.
51. Shaw, R.W., M.L. Kent, and M.L. Adamson. 1998. Modes of transmission of Loma salmonae (Microsporidia). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 33:151-156.
52. Small, M.P., T.D. Beacham, R.E. Withler, and R.J. Nelson. 1998. Discriminating coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations within the Fraser River, British Columbia, using microsatellite DNA markers. Molecular Ecology 7:141-155.
53. Small, M.P., R.E. Withler, and T.D. Beacham. 1998. Population structure and stock identification of British Columbia coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, based on microsatellite DNA variation. Fishery Bulletin 96:843-858.
54. St-Hilaire, S., C. Ribble, D.J. Whitaker, and M. Kent. 1998. Prevalence of Kudoa thyrsites in sexually mature and immature pen-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in British Columbia, Canada. Aquaculture 162:69-77.
55. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1998. Interannual variations in the population biology and productivity of Euphausia pacifica in Barkley Sound, Canada, with special reference to the 1992 and 1993 warm ocean years. Marine Ecology Progress Series 173:163-180.
56. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1998. Interannual variations in the population biology and productivity of Thysanoessa spinifera in Barkley Sound, Canada, with special reference to the 1992 and 1993 warm ocean years. Marine Ecology Progress Series 173:181-195.
57. Traxler, G.S., J. Richard, and T.E. McDonald. 1998. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) epizootics in spawning sockeye salmon in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 10:143-151.
58. Warner, T.S., D.A.R. Sinclair, K.A. Fitzpatrick, M. Singh, R.H. Devlin, and B.M. Honda. 1998. The light gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a homologue of VPS41, a yeast gene involved in cellular-protein trafficking. Genome 41:236-243.
59. Welch, D.W., Y. Ishida, and K. Nagasawa. 1998. Thermal limits and ocean migrations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): long-term consequences of global warming. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:937-948.
60. Welch, D.W., Y. Ishida, K. Nagasawa, and J.P. Eveson. 1998. Thermal limits on the ocean distribution of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commsission Bulletin 1:396-404.
61. Withler, R.E., W.C. Clarke, J. Blackburn, and I. Baker. 1998. Effect of triploidy on growth and survival of pre-smolt and post-smolt coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 168:413-422.
1999 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Afonso, L.O.B., G.K. Iwama, J. Smith, and E.M. Donaldson. 1999. Effects of the aromatase inhibitor Fadrozole on plasma sex steroid secretion and ovulation rate in female coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, close to final maturation. General and Comparative Endocrinology 113:221-229.
2. Afonso, L.O.B., G.K. Iwama, J. Smith, and E.M. Donaldson. 1999. Effects of the aromatase inhibitor Fadrozole on plasma sex steriod secretion and oocyte maturation in female coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during vitellogenesis. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 20:231-241.
3. Beacham, T.D., S. Pollard, and K.D. Le. 1999. Population structure and stock identification of steelhead in southern British Columbia, Washington, and the Columbia River based on microsatellite DNA variation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:1068-1084.
4. Beacham, T.D., and C.C. Wood. 1999. Application of microsatellite DNA variation to estimation of stock composition and escapement of Nass River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:297-310.
5. Beamish, R.J. 1999. Editorial: An introduction to the PICES symposium on the ecosystem dynamics in the Eastern and Western Gyres of the subarctic Pacific. Progress in Oceanography 43:157-161.
6. Beamish, R.J., K.D. Leask, O.A. Ivanov, A.A. Balanov, A.M. Orlov, and B. Sinclair. 1999. The ecology, distribution, and abundance of midwater fishes of the Subarctic Pacific gyres. Progress in Oceanography 43:399-442.
7. Beamish, R.J., G.A. McFarlane, and R.E. Thomson. 1999. Recent declines in the recreational catch of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Strait of Georgia are related to climate. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:506-515.
8. Beamish, R.J., D.J. Noakes, G.A. McFarlane, L. Klyashtorin, V.V. Ivanov, and V. Kurashov. 1999. The regime concept and natural trends in the production of Pacific salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:516-526.
9. Bower, S.M., J. Blackbourn, G.R. Meyer, and D.W. Welch. 1999. Effect of Perkinsus qugwadi on various species and strains of scallops. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 36:143-151.
10. Bradford, M.J. 1999. Temporal and spatial trends in the abundance of coho salmon smolts from Western North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:840-846.
11. Brodeur, R., S. McKinnell, K. Nagasawa. W. Pearcy, V. Radchenko, and S. Takagi. 1999. Epipelagic nekton of the North Pacific Subarctic and Transition Zones. Progress in Oceanography 43:365-397.
12. Candy, J.R., and T.P. Quinn. 1999. Behavior of adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in British Columbia coastal waters determined from ultrasonic telemetry. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:1161-1169.
13. Cass, A., and B. Riddell. 1999. A life history model for assessing alternative management policies for depressed chinook salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:414-421.
14. Chen, D.G., E.M. Carter, J.J. Hubert, and P.T. Kim. 1999. Empirical Bayes estimation for combinations of multivariate bioassays. Biometrics 55:1038-1043.
15. Chen, D.G., and D.M. Ware. 1999. A neural network model for forecasting fish stock recruitment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:2385-2396.
16. Cho, J.Y., H. Jin. H.J. Urn, J.N.C .Whyte. and Y. Hong. 1999. Growth activation of the microalga Isochrysis galbana by the aqueous extract of the seaweed Monostroma nitidum. Journal of Applied Phycology 10:561-567.
17. Devlin, R.H., J.I. Johnsson, D.E. Smailus, C.A. Biagi, E. Jonsson, and B. Th. Björnsson. 1999. Increased ability to compete for food by growth hormone-transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum). Aquaculture Research 30:1-4.
18. Docker. M.F., J.H. Youson, R.J. Beamish, and R.H. Devlin. 1999. Phytogeny of the lamprey genus Lampetra inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND3 gene sequences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:2340-2349.
19. Ferreira, L.C.G., R.J. Beamish, and J.H. Youson. 1999. Macroscopic structure of the fin-rays and their annuli in pectoral and pelvic fins of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Journal of Morphology 239:297-320.
20. Foote, C.J., K. Moore, K. Stenberg, K.J. Craig, J.K. Wenburg, and C.C. Wood. 1999. Genetic differentiation in gill raker number and length in sympatric anadromous and non-anadromous morphs of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. Environmental Biology of Fishes 54:263-274.
21. Forster, I., D.A. Higgs, B.S. Dosanjh, M. Rowshandeli, and J. Parr. 1999. Potential for dietary phytase to improve the nutritive value of canola protein concentrate and decrease phosphorus output in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) held in 11°C fresh water. Aquaculture 179:109-125.
22. Gao, Y. 1999. Microsampling of fish otoliths: a comparison between DM 2800 and Dremel in stable isotope analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 55:443-448.
23. Gao, Y.W., and R.J. Beamish. 1999. Isotopic composition of otoliths as a chemical tracer in population identification of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:2062-2068.
24. Jensen, J.O.T., and M.E. Jensen. 1999. IncubWin: A new Windows™ 95/98/NT computer program for predicting embryonic stages in Pacific salmon and Steelhead trout. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 99-4:28-30.
25. Kent. M.L. 1999. A myxozoan resembling Myxidium leei in the anemone fish Amphiprion frenatus from the Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 19(1):42-43.
26. Kent, M.L., M. Docker, J. Khattra, C.R. Vossbrinck, D.J. Speare, and R.H. Devlin. 1999. A new microsporidium sp. (Microsporidia) from the musculature of the Mountain whitefish Prosopium williamsoni from British Columbia: morphology and phytogeny. Journal of Parasitology 85:1114-1119.
27. Kreiberg, H., V. Brenton-Davie, and K. Grott. 1999. Harvest quality of coho salmon raised in a SEA System™ floating bag. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 99-4:1-3.
28. McKinnell, S., H.J. Freeland, and S.D. Groulx. 1999. Assessing the northern diversion of sockeye salmon returning to the Fraser River, BC. Fisheries Oceanography 8:104-114.
29. McKinnell, S.M., and Ö. Karlström. 1999. Spatial and temporal co-variation in the recruitment and abundance of Atlantic salmon populations in the Baltic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:433-443.
30. McLean, J.E., D.E. Hay, and E.B. Taylor. 1999. Marine population structure in an anadromous fish: life-history influences patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in the eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus. Molecular Ecology 8:S143-S158
31. Miller, K.M., T.J. Ming, A.D. Schulze, and R.E. Withler. 1999. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE): A rapid and sensitive technique to screen nucleotide sequence variation in populations. BioTechniques 27:1016-1030.
32. Moran, J.D.W., and M.L. Kent. 1999. Kudoa thyrsites (Myxozoa:Myxosporea) infections in pen-reared Atlantic salmon in the northeast Pacific Ocean with a survey of potential non-salmonid reservoir hosts. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 11:101-109.
33. Moran, J.D.W., L. Margolis, J.M. Webster, and M.L. Kent. 1999. Development of Kudoa thyrsites (Myxozoa: Myzosporea) in net pen-reared Atlantic salmon determined by light microscopy and a polymerase chain reaction test. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 37:185-193.
34. Moran, J.D.W., D.J. Whitaker, and M.L. Kent. 1999. A review of the myxosporean genus Kudoa Meglitsch, 1947, and its impact on the international aquaculture industry and commercial fisheries. Aquaculture 172:163-196.
35. Mori, T., and R.H. Devlin. 1999. Transgene and host growth hormone gene expression in pituitary and non-pituitary tissues of normal and growth hormone transgenic salmon. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 149:129-139.
36. Mwachireya, S.A., R.M. Beames, D.A. Higgs, and B.S. Dosanjh. 1999. Digestibility of canola protein products derived from the physical, enzymatic and chemical processing of commercial canola meal in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) held in fresh water. Aquaculture Nutrition 5:73-82.
37. Nakayama, I., C.A. Biagi, N. Koide, and R.H. Devlin. 1999. Identification of a sex-linked GH pseudogene in one of two species of Japanese salmon (Oncorhynchus masou and O. rhodurus). Aquaculture 173:65-72.
38. Nelson, R.J., and T.D. Beacham. 1999. Isolation and cross species amplification of microsatellite loci useful for study of Pacific salmon. Animal Genetics 30:228-229.
39. Perry, R.I., P.A. Thompson, D.L. Mackas, P.J. Harrison, and D.R. Yelland. 1999. Stable carbon isotopes as pelagic food web tracers in adjacent shelf and slope regions off British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:2477-2486.
40. Perry, R.I., C.J. Walters, and J.A. Boutillier. 1999. A framework for providing scientific advice for the management of new and developing invertebrate fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 9:125-150.
41. Routledge, R.D., and J.R. Irvine. 1999. Chance fluctuations and the survival of small salmon stocks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:1512-1519.
42. Sawada, K., Z. Ye, R. Kieser, G.A. McFarlane, Y. Miyanohana, and M. Furusawa. 1999. Target strength measurements and modeling of walleye pollock and Pacific hake. Fisheries Science 65:193-205.
43. Shaklee, J.B., T.D. Beacham, L. Seeb, and B.A. White. 1999. Managing fisheries using genetic data: case studies from four species of Pacific salmon. Fisheries Research 43:45-78.
44. Stanley, R.D., R. Kieser, B.M. Leaman, and K.D. Cooke. 1999. Diet vertical migration by yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, and its impact on acoustic biomass estimation. Fishery Bulletin 97:320-331.
45. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1999. Interannual variation in the availability and utilization of euphausiids as prey for Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) along the south-west coast of Vancouver Island. Fisheries Oceanography 8:(2)150-156.
46. Traxler, G.S., E. Anderson, S.E. LaPatra, J. Richard, B. Shewmaker, and G. Kurath. 1999. Naked DNA vaccination of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar against IHNV. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 38:183-190.
47. Welch, D.W., and J.P. Eveson. 1999. An assessment of light-based geoposition estimates from archival tags. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:1317-1327.
48. Wood, C.C., C.J. Foote, and D.T. Rutherford. 1999. Ecological interactions between juveniles of reproductively isolated anadromous and non-anadromous morphs of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, sharing the same nursery lake. Environmental Biology of Fishes 54:161-173.
2000 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Barry, K.L., J.A. Grout, C.D. Levings, B.H. Nidle, and G.E. Piercey. 2000. Impacts of acid mine drainage on juvenile salmonids in an estuary near Britannia Beach in Howe Sound, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:2032-2043.
2. Beacham, T.D., K.D. Le, M.R. Raap, K. Hyatt, W. Luedke, and R.E. Withler. 2000. Microsatellite DNA variation and estimation of stock composition of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in Barkley Sound, British Columbia. Fishery Bulletin 98:14-24.
3. Beacham, T.D., S. Pollard, and K.D. Le. 2000. Microsatellite DNA population structure and stock identification of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Nass and Skeena Rivers in northern British Columbia. Marine Biotechnology 2:587-600.
4. Beacham, T.D., C.C. Wood, R.E. Withler, K.D. Le, and K.M. Miller. 2000. Application of microsatellite DNA variation to estimation of stock composition and escapement of Skeena River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin 2:263-276.
5. Beamish, R.J., D. McCaughran, J.R. King, R.M. Sweeting, and G.A. McFarlane. 2000. Estimating the abundance of juvenile coho salmon in the Strait of Georgia by means of surface trawls. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:369-375.
6. Beamish, R.J. and G.A. McFarlane. 2000. Re-evaluation of the interpretation of annuli from otoliths of a long-lived fish, Anoplopoma fimbria. Fisheries Research 46:105-111.
7. Beamish, R.J., D.J. Noakes, G.A. McFarlane, W. Pinnix, R. Sweeting, and J. King. 2000. Trends in coho marine survival in relation to the regime concept. Fisheries Oceanography 9:114-119.
8. Bradford, M.J., and J.R. Irvine. 2000. Land use, fishing, climate change, and the decline of Thompson River, British Columbia, coho salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:13-16.
9. Bradford, M.J., R.A. Myers, and J.R. Irvine. 2000. Reference points for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) harvest rates and escapement goals based on freshwater production. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:677-686.
10. Bradford, M.J., B.J. Pyper, and K.S. Shortreed. 2000. Biological responses of sockeye salmon to the fertilization of Chilko Lake, a large lake in the interior of British Columbia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:661-671.
11. Candy, J.R. and T.D. Beacham. 2000. Patterns of homing and straying in southern British Columbia coded-wire tagged chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations. Fisheries Research 47:41-56.
12. Chen, D.G., N.B. Hargreaves, D.M. Ware, and Y. Liu. 2000. A fuzzy logic model with genetic algorithm for analyzing fish stock-recruitment relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1878-1887.
13. Devlin, R.H., P. Swanson, W.C. Clarke, E. Plisetskaya, W. Dickhoff, S. Moriyama, T.Y. Yesaki, and C.-L. Hew. 2000. Seawater adaptability and hormone levels in growth-enhanced transgenic coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Aquaculture 191:367-385.
14. Emmett, R., R. Llansó, J. Newton, R. Thorn, M. Hornberger, C. Morgan, C. Levings, A. Copping, and P. Fishman. 2000. Geographic signatures of North American west coast estuaries. Estuaries 23(6):765-792.
15. Farrell, A.P., P. Gallaugher, C. Clarke, N. DeLury, H. Kreiberg, W. Parkhouse, and R. Routledge. 2000. Physiological status of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) captured in commercial non-retention fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1668-1678.
16. Gresoviac, S.J., J.S. Khattra, S.A. Nadler, M.L. Kent, R.H. Devlin, C.P. Vivares, E. de la Fuente, and R.P. Hedrick. 2000. Comparison of small subunit ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer sequences among isolates of the intranuclear microsporidian Nucleospora salmonis. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 47:379-387.
17. Hill, J.A., A. Kiessling, and R.H. Devlin. 2000. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) transgenic for a growth hormone gene construct exhibit increased rates of muscle hyperplasia and detectable levels of differential gene expression. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:939-950.
18. Jia, X., A. Patrzykat, R.H. Devlin, P.A. Ackerman, G.K. Iwama, and R.E.W. Hancock. 2000. Antimicrobial peptides protect coho salmon from Vibrio anguillarum infections. Applied Environmental Microbiology 66:1928-1932.
19. Kent, M.L., J. Khattra, R.P. Hedrick, and R.H. Devlin. 2000. Tetracapsula renicola n. sp. (Myxozoa: Saccosporidae); The PKX myxozoan - the cause of proliferative kidney disease of salmonid fishes. Journal of Parasitology 86:103-111.
20. Khattra, J.S., S.J. Gresoviac, M.L. Kent, M.S. Myers, R.P. Hedrick, and R.H. Devlin. 2000. Molecular detection and phylogenetic placement of a microsporidian from English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) affected by X-cell pseudotumors. Journal of Parasitology 86:867-871.
21. King, J.R., and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Diet comparisons indicate a competitive interaction between ocean age-0 chum and coho salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin 2:65-74.
22. King, J.R., G.A. McFarlane and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Decadal-scale patterns in the relative year class success of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Fisheries Oceanography 9:62-70.
23. Kissil, G.W., I. Lupatsch, D.A. Higgs, and R.W. Hardy. 2000. Dietary substitution of soy and rapeseed protein concentrates for fish meal, and their effects on growth and nutrient utilization in gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. Aquaculture Research 31:595-601.
24. Lio-Po, G.D., G.S. Traxler, L.J. Albright, and E.M. Leaño. 2000. Characterization of a virus obtained from snakeheads Ophicephalus striatus with epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) in the Philippines. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 43:191-198.
25. McFarlane, G.A., J.R. King, and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Have there been recent changes in climate: Ask the fish. Progress in Oceanography 47:147-169.
26. Nelson, R.J., M.P. Small, T.D. Beacham, and K.J. Supernault. 2000. Population structure of Fraser River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): an analysis using microsatellite DNA markers. Fishery Bulletin 99:94-107.
27. Noakes, D.J., R.J. Beamish, and M.L. Kent. 2000. On the decline of Pacific salmon and speculative links to salmon farming in British Columbia. Aquaculture 183:363-386.
28. Noakes, D.J., R.J. Beamish, R. Sweeting, and J. King. 2000. Changing the balance: interactions between hatchery and wild Pacific coho salmon in the presence of regime shifts. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin 2:155-163.
29. Perry, R.I., J.A. Boutillier, and M.G.G. Foreman. 2000. Environmental influences on the availability of smooth pink shrimp, Pandalus jordani, to commercial fishing gear off Vancouver Island, Canada. Fisheries Oceanography 9:50-61.
30. Peterman, R.M., B.J. Pyper, and J.A. Grout. 2000. Comparison of parameter estimation methods for detecting climate-induced changes in productivity of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:181-191.
31. Powles, H., M.J. Bradford, R.G. Bradford, W.G. Doubleday, S. Innes, and C.D. Levings. 2000. Assessing and protecting endangered marine species. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57:669-676.
32. Raverty, S., D. Kieser, J. Bagshaw, and S. St-Hilaire. 2000. Renal infestation with Parvicapsula minibicornis in wild sockeye salmon from the Harrison and Adams rivers in British Columbia. Canadian Veterinary Journal 41:317-318.
33. Roff, D.A., and M.J. Bradford. 2000. A quantitative genetic analysis of phenotypic plasticity of diapause induction in the cricket Allonemobius socius. Heredity 84:193-200.
34. Ross, P.S., G.M. Ellis, M.G. Ikonomou, L.G. Barrett-Lennard, and R.F., Addison. 2000. High PCB concentrations in free-ranging Pacific killer whales, Orcinus orca: effects of age, sex and dietary preference. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:504-515.
35. Schnute, J.T., A. Cass, and L.J. Richards. 2000. A Bayesian decision analysis to set escapement goals for Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:962-979.
36. Scott, D. and J.R. Irvine. 2000. Competitive exclusion of Brown trout Salmo trutta L., by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, in lake tributaries, NewZealand. Fisheries Management and Ecology 7:225-237.
37. Smith, B.D., B.R. Ward, and D.W. Welch. 2000. Trends in wild adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) abundance in British Columbia as indexed by angler success. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:255-270.
38. Stanley, R.D., R. Kieser, K. Cooke, A.M. Surry, and B. Mose. 2000. Estimation of a widow rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) shoal off British Columbia, Canada as a joint exercise between stock assessment staff and the fishing industry. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57:1035-1049.
39. Stevens, E.D. and R.H. Devlin. 2000. Intestinal morphology in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 56:191-195.
40. Stevens, E.D. and R.H. Devlin. 2000. Gill morphometry in growth hormone transgenic Pacific coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, differs markedly from that in GH transgenic Atlantic salmon. Environmental Biology of Fishes 58:113-117.
41. Tanasichuk, R.W. 2000. Age-specific natural mortality rates of adult Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) from southern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:2258-2266.
42. Weisse, T. and E. Maclsaac. 2000. Significance and fate of bacterial production in oligotrophic lakes in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:96-105.
43. Welch, D.W., B.R. Ward, B.D. Smith, and J.P. Eveson. 2000. Temporal and spatial responses of British Columbia steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations to ocean climate shifts. Fisheries Oceanography 9:17-32.
44. Wilson, J.Y., R.F. Addison, D. Martens, R. Gordon, and B. Glickman. 2000. Cytochrome P450 1A and related measurements in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the FraserRiver1. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:405-413.
45. Withler, R.E., K.D. Le, R.J. Nelson, K.M. Miller, and T.D. Beacham. 2000. Intact genetic structure and high levels of genetic diversity in bottlenecked sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations of the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1985-1998.
46. Zhang, Z., and R.J. Beamish. 2000. Use of otolith microstructure to study life history of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Strait of Georgia in 1995 and 1996. Fisheries Research 46:239-250.
Partie 1B : Publications dans les livres, les chapitres de livres et les comptes rendus (ne comprennent pas les publications de l'ISM) - Cliquez pour plus de détails
Cette liste des publications a d'abord été dressée au moyen de diverses techniques. La liste a ensuite été distribuée au personnel actuel aux fins d'examen. La liste n'est pas forcément complète.
1990 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beamish, R.J., G.A. McFarlane, and A.V. Tyler. 1990. A comparison of the length frequency and fin-ray methods of estimating the age of Pacific cod. Pages 25-35 in L.L. Low (Editor), Proceedings of the Symposium on Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 50.
2. Bigg, M.A., P.F. Olesiuk, G.M. Ellis, J.K.B. Ford, and K.C. Balcomb III. 1990. Social organization and geneology of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State. Pages 383-405 in P.S. Hammond, S.A. Mizrochand and G.P. Donovan (Editors), Individual recognition of cetaceans: use of photo-identification and other techniques to estimate population parameters. Report of the International Whaling Commission Special Issue 12.
3. Blackbourn, D.J. 1990. Comparison of release size and environmental data with marine survival rates of some wild and enhanced stocks of pink and chum salmon in British Columbia and Washington state. Pages 82-87 in P.A. Knudsen (Editor), 14th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, February 22-24, 1989, Port Ludlow, Washington. Washington Department of Fisheries, Olympia.
4. Blackbourn, D.J., and M.B. Tasaka. 1990. Marine scale growth in Fraser River pink salmon: a comparison with sockeye salmon marine growth and other biological parameters, Pages 58-63 in P.A. Knudsen (Editor), Proceedings, 14th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, February 22-24, 1989, Port Ludlow, Washington. Washington Department of Fisheries, Olympia.
5. Bourne, N. 1990. Scallop culture in British Columbia, Pages 337-342 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
6. Bower, S.M., and J.A. Boutillier. 1990. Sylon (Crustacea: Rhizocephala) infections on the shrimp in British Columbia, Pages 267-275 in F.0. Perkins and T.C. Cheng (Editors), Pathology in marine science. Academic Press, Toronto.
7. Brown, T.G. 1990. Carnation Creek Watershed Project. Pages 14-17 in R. J. Callaham (Editor), Case studies and catalog of watershed projects in western provinces and states. University of California Wildland Resoures Center Report 22.
8. Burczynski, J., R.L. Johnson, H. Kreiberg, and W. Kirchner. 1990. Acoustic estimation of dense aggregations of fish in sea pens. Pages 54-64 in W. A. Karp (Editor), Developments in fisheries acoustics: a symposium held in Seattle, 22-26 June, 1987. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Réunions Conseil International pour l’Éxploration de la Mer 189.
9. Chang, G.G., E. McLean, E.M. Donaldson, and M.D. Sadar. 1990. The effects of injected recombinant bovine somatotropin and 17-or methyltestosterone on growth in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Pages 437 in Congress proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
10. Clancy, G.S., R.M. Beames, D.A. Higgs, and B.S. Dosanjh. 1990. Quality criteria for fish meal. Pages 430 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
11. Clarke, W.C, W. Damon, H.M. Dye, and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. Artificial light delays sexual maturation in pen reared coho and chinook salmon. Pages 440 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
12. Corley-Smith, G.E. 1990. Delayed photoperiod induces increased seapen survival, increased growth rate and increased uniformity of size of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Pages 432 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
13. Crampton, V., H. Kreiberg, and J. Powell. 1990. Feed cost control in salmonids. Pages 99-108 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia. September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
14. Devlin, R.H., and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. Possibilities for biotechnological improvement in salmonids. Pages 113-120 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
15. Donaldson, E.M. 1990. The application of biotechnology in aquaculture. = A aplicacSo da biotechnologia en aquicultura. Pages 182-194 in B. Harvey, and J. Carolsfeld (Editors), Workshop on Larval Rearing of Finfish, Pirassununga, Brazil 1989. Synopsis, abstracts and papers = Encontro de Larvicultura, Pirassununga, Brasil, 1989:sumario, resumos, e presentacoes. CIDA and Interunion Commission on the Application of Science to Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture.
16. Donaldson, E.M. 1990. Reproductive indices as measures of the effects of environmental stressors in fish. Pages 109-122 in S. M. Adams (Editor), Biological indicators of stress in fish. American Fisheries Society Symposium 8.
17. Donaldson, E.M., T.J. Benfey, and F. Piferrer. 1990. Manipulation of sex in aquaculture. Pages 13-23 in R.C. Ryans (Editor), Fish physiology, fish toxicology and fisheries management: proceedings of an international symposium, Guangzhou, PRC, Sept. 14-16, 1988. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA/600/9-90/011.
18. Donaldson, E.M., I.I. Solar, and R.H. Devlin. 1990. Development and implementation of methodologies forthe production of monosex salmonids. Pages 436 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
19. Groot, E.P., and J.O.T. Jensen. 1990. Vertical distribution of pelagic marine fish eggs predicted as a function of development rate, temperature, and salinity. Pages 443 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7,1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
20. Haegele, C.W. 1990. Anchortag return rates for Pacific herring in British Columbia, Pages 127-133 in N. C. Parker, A. E. Giorgi, R. C. Heidinger, D. B. Jester, E. D. Prince, and G. A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques:proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1, 1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
21. Hay, D.E. 1990. Herring enhancement review. Pages 20-21 in M.F. O'Toole (Editor), Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Coast Herring Workshop, February 2-3, 1989. Washington Department of Fisheries Progress Report 279.
22. Hay, D.E. 1990. Impact studies of net pens on wild salmon and herring. Pages 423 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7,1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
23. Hay, D.E. 1990. Non-genetic basis for herring stocks. Pages 42 in M.F. O'Toole (Editor), Proceedings of the sixth Pacific Coast Herring Workshop, February 2-3, 1989. Washington Department of Fisheries Progress Report 279.
24. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, M. Little, R.J.J. Roy, and J.R. McBride. 1990. Potential for including canola products (meal and oil) in diets for Oreochromis mossambicus x O. aureus hybrids. Pages 301-304 in M. Takeda, and T. Watanabe (Editors), Current status of fish nutrition in aquaculture: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Feeding and Nutrition in Fish, Aug. 28-Sept. 1. 1989, Toba, Japan. Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan.
25. Higgs, D.A., J.R. McBride, B.S. Dosanjh, and U.H.M. Fagerlund. 1990. Potential for using canola meal and oil in fish diets. Pages 88-107 in R. C. Ryans (Editor), Fish physiology, fish toxicology, and fisheries management: Proceedings of an international symposium, Guangzhou, PRC, September 14-16, 1988. U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency EPA/600/9-90/011.
26. Hyatt, K.D., J. Candy, M. Wright, and D.P. Rankin. 1991. An appraisal of the potential utility of hydroacoustics techniques for British Columbia lakes. Pages 425 in W.A. Karp (Editor), Developments in fisheries acoustics: a symposium held in Seattle, 22-26 June 1987. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Réunions Conseil International pour l’Éxploration de la Mer 189.
27. Jamieson, G.S. 1990. Development of a fishery for Chionoecetes tanneri on the continental slope off British Columbia: management considerations. Pages 587-592 in Proceedings of the International Symposium on King and Tanner Crabs, November 28-30, 1989, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Report 90-04.
28. Jamieson, G.S., G.D. Heritage, and D. Noakes. 1990. Preliminary life history characteristics of Chionoecetes tanneri off British Columbia. Pages 153-162 in Proceedings of the International Symposium on King and Tanner Crabs, November 28-30, 1989. Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Report 90-04.
29. Jensen, J.O.T., and E.P. Groot. 1990. A computerized incubation system for marine fish eggs and larvae. Pages 446 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
30. Kieser, R. and J.E. Ehrenberg. 1990. An unbiased, stochastic echo-counting model. Pages 65-72 in W. A. Karp (Editor), Developments in fisheries acoustics: a symposium held in Seattle, 22-26 June, 1987. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Réunions Conseil International pour l’Éxploration de la Mer 189.
31. Kreiberg, H. 1990. Effect of ration level and water temperature on growth and conversion efficiency in chinook salmon in seawater. Pages 448 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
32. Levings, C.D. 1990. Strategies for fish habitat management in estuaries: comparison of estuarine function and fish survival. Pages 582-593 in W. L. T. Van Deusen, B. Steinmetz, and R. H. Hughes (Editors), Management of freshwater fisheries: Proceedings of a symposium organized by the European Inland Fisheries Commission, Gfiteberg, Sweden, 31 May-3 June, 1988. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands.
33. Levings, C.D. 1990. Ecological information needed to locate fish farms in fjords. Pages 449 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
34. Levings, C.D. 1990. Problems in assessing the functions of specific intertidal habitat for fish rearing. Pages 22-25 in R. Kistritz (Editor), Proceedings of the FREMP Habitat Workshop, Richmond, British Columbia, June 27-28, 1990. Fraser River Estuary Management Program, New Westminster, B.C.
35. Levy, D.A. 1990. Acoustic methods for tracking the diel vertical migrations of pelagic fishes, Pages 426 in W.A. Karp (Editor), Developments in fisheries acoustics: a symposium held in Seattle, 22-26 June, 1987. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Réunions Conseil International pour l’Éxploration de la Mer 189.
36. McFarlane, G.A., and R.J. Beamish. 1990. An examination of age determination structures of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma from five stocks in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Pages 37-56 in L.L. Low (Editor), Proceedings of the Symposium on Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 50.
37. McFarlane, G.A., R.S. Wydoski, and E.D. Prince. 1990. Historical review of the development of external tags and marks. Pages 9-29 in N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R.C. Heidinger, D.B. Jester, E.D. Prince, and G.A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1, 1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
38. McLean, E., H.M. Dye, and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. Controlled reproduction, accelerated growth, and vaccination of aquacultured and ornamental teleosts using oral drug delivery. IAAAM (International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine) Proceedings 21(1990):97-104.
39. Olesiuk, P.F., M.A. Bigg, and G.M. Ellis. 1990. Life history and population dynamics of resident killer whales Orcinus orca in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State. Pages 209-243 in P.S. Hammond, S.A. Mizrochand and G.P Donovan (Editors), Individual recognition of cetaceans: use of photo-identification and other techniques to estimate population parameters. Report of the International Whaling Commission Special Issue 12.
40. Richards, L.J., and M.W. Saunders. 1990. Problems in yield allocation of Pacific hake Merluccius productus. Pages 135-144 in L.L. Low (Editor), Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 50.
41. Riddell, B., C.C. Wood, R. Withler, and D. Rutherford. 1990. Spatial and temporal variation in allozyme frequency of sockeye salmon in the Skeena River, British Columbia, Canada. (In Russian). Pages 36-37 in V.G. Markovtsev (Editor), International Symposium on Pacific Salmon abstracts, September 9-17, 1989, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. TINRO, Vladivostok.
42. Riddell, B.E. 1990. Genetic concerns about farm escapees: Norwegian studies and implications for B.C. Pages 462 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
43. Sadar, M.D., E. McLean, E.M. Donaldson, and R. Ash. 1990. Absorption, accumulation and clearance of rectaily delivered antigen in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Pages 434 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
44. Sadar, M.D., E. McLean, E.M. Donaldson, and R. Ash. 1990. Net uptake of intact protein by the gastrointestinal tract of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Pages 438 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
45. Saunders, M.W., G.A. McFarlane, and R.J. Beamish. 1990. Factors that affect the recapture of tagged sablefish off the west coast of Canada. Pages 708-713 in N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R.C. Heidinger, D.B. Jester, E.D. Prince, and G.A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1,1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
46. Schweigert, J.F. 1990. Comparison of morphometric and meristic data relative to truss networks for describing Pacific herring stocks. Pages 47-62 in N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R.C. Heidinger, D.B. Jester, E.D. Prince, and G.A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1, 1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
47. Schweigert, J.F., and C.W. Haegele. 1990. Current application of spawn survey techniques for assessing Pacific herring egg deposition. Pages 40-41 in M.F. O'Toole (Editor), Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Coast Herring Workshop, February 2-3, 1989. Washington Dept. of Fisheries Progress Report 279.
48. Schweigert, J.F., and R.E. Withler. 1990. Stock identification of Pacific herring based on enzyme electrophoresis and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Pages 459-469 in N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R.C. Heidinger, D.B. Jester, E.D. Prince, and G.A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1,1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
49. Scrivener, J.C. 1990. Complexity of ecosystem processes and the need for long-term studies: the Carnation Creek experience. Pages 18-37in G.M.P. Chadwick (Editor), Proceedings of the Gulf Habitat Science Workshop, Moncton, New Brunswick, November 1-2,1989. Canadian Industry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 206.
50. Servizi, J.A. 1990. Sublethal effects of dredged sediments on juvenile salmon, Pages 57-63 in C.A. Simenstad (Editor), Effects of dredging of anadromous Pacific Coast fishes: Workshop Proceedings, Seattle, Washington, September 8-9, 1988. Washington Sea Grant Program, Seattle, Washington.
51. Shaw, W., G.A. McFarlane, and R. Kieser. 1990. Distribution and abundance of Pacific hake Merluccius productus in the Strait of Georgia, B.C. based on trawl and acoustic surveys in 1981 and 1988. Pages 121-134 in L.L. Low (Editor), Proceedings of the Symposium on Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 50.
52. Solar, I.I., I.J. Baker, E.M. Donaldson, and E. McLean. 1990. A method of inducing ovulation in teleosts using oral drug delivery of a protected, superactive LHRH analogue. IAAAM (International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine) Proceedings 21(1990):157-160.
53. Thorarensen, H., A.P. Farrell, E. McLean, and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. The anatomy of the salmonid gastointestinal blood vasculature allows measurement of net nutrient absorption. Pages 435 in Congress Proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990.
54. Tyler, A.V. 1990. Estimation of yield in a high turnover stock of groundfish: an application to Pacific cod on the west coast of Canada. Pages 237-241 in L.L. Low (Editor), Proceedings of the Symposium on Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 50.
55. Waldichuk, M. 1990. The contamination of seas. Pages 1-33 in Proceedings, 4th Conference on Toxic Substances, Montreal, Que., April 4-5, 1990. Environment Canada, Ottawa.
56. Westrheim, S.J., J. Fargo, and R.P. Foucher. 1990. Stock assessments of individual species in a mixed species trawl fishery: some hazards. Pages 145-149 in L.L. Low (Editor), Proceedings of the Symposium on Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 50.
57. Wood, C.C, D. Rutherford, and S. McKinnell. 1990. Identification of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka stocks using biological markers: a review of methods tested in British Columbia. (In Russian). Pages 17-18 in V.G. Markovtsev (Editor), International Symposium on Pacific Salmon abstracts, September 9-17, 1989, Yuzhno Sakhalinsk. TINRO, Vladivostok.
1991 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Batts, W.N., G.S. Traxler, and J.R. Winton. 1991. Factors affecting the efficiency of plating for selected fish rhabdoviruses. Pages 1-8 in Proceedings, Second International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates, July 29-31, 1991. Oregon State University Printing Dept., Corvallis, Oregon.
2. Behrens Yamada, S., and T.J. Mulligan. 1991. Screening of elements for the chemical marking of hatchery salmon. Pages 550-561 in N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R.C. Heidinger, D.B. Jester, E.D. Prince, and G.A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1, 1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
3. Blackbourn, D.J. 1991. Brood-year sea surface temperature and the subsequent freshwater survival rate of wild and enhanced stocks of North American pink, chum and sockeye salmon. Pages 122-138 in B. White, and I. Guthrie (Editors), Proceedings of the 15th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, Parksville, British Columbia, February 27-March 1, 1991. Pacific Salmon Commission, Vancouver, B.C.
4. Bourne, N. 1991. Scallop resources and fisheries of the west coast of North America. Pages 925-942 in S. E. Shumway (Editor), Scallops: biology, ecology and aquaculture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 21.
5. Bourne, N., and C.A. Hodgson. 1991. Development of aviable nursery system for scallop culture. Pages 273-280 in S. E. Shumway, and P. A. Sandifer (Editors), An international compendium of scallop biology and culture. World Aquaculture Society World Aquaculture Workshop 1.
6. Burd, B.J., and G.S. Jamieson. 1991. Survey of larval stages of commercial species in the area and time of the 1988 seismic survey in Queen Charlotte Sound and Hecate Strait. Pages 513-544 in G.J. Woodsworth (Editor), Evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Queen Charlotte Basin, British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-10.
7. Burns, C.W., and J.G. Stockner. 1991. Picoplankton in 6 New Zealand lakes:abundance in relation to season and to season and trophic state. Pages 523-536 in J.G. Stockner (Editor), Autotrophic picoplankton in freshwater ecosystems. Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. 76.
8. Campbell, A., and R.M. Harbo. 1991. The sea urchin fisheries in British Columbia, Canada. Pages 191-199 in T. Yanagisawa, I. Yasumasu, C. Ogoro, N. Suzuki and T. Motokawa (Editors), Biology of echinodermata:proceedings of the Seventh International Echinoderm Conference, Atani, September 9-14, 1990. Balkema, Rotterdam.
9. Devlin, R.H., B.K. McNeil, T.D.D. Groves, and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Isolation of salmonid Y-chromosomal DNA probes and their application to monosex culture. Pages 273 in A. P. Scott, J. P. Sumpter, D.E. Kime and M. S. Rolfe (Editors), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Physiology of Fish, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K., July 7-12, 1971. Fish Symposium 91, Sheffield, England.
10. Donaldson, E.M. 1991. Application of biotechnology to biological problems associated with off shore mariculture. Pages 87-99 in G.N. Hirata, K.R. McKinley and A.W. Fast (Editors), National Science Foundation Workshop on Engineering Research Needs for Offshore Mariculture Systems. University of Hawaii, East-West Center, Honolulu.
11. Donaldson, E.M. 1991. End of Conference summary. Pages 330-333 in A.P. Scott, J.P. Sumpter, D.E. Kime and M.S. Rolfe (Editors), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Physiology of Fish, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K., July 7-12, 1971. Fish Symposium 91, Sheffield, England.
12. Donaldson, E.M., and F. Piferrer. 1991. Direct feminization of chinook salmon utilizing 17a-ethynylestradiol. Pages 274 in A. P. Scott, J. P. Sumpter, D.E. Kime, and M. S. Rolfe (Editors), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Physiology of Fish, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K., July7-12,1971. Fish Symposium 91, Sheffield, England.
13. EIner, R.W., and A. Campbell. 1991. Spatial and temporal patterns in recruitment for American lobster, (Homarus americanus) in the northeastern Atlantic. Pages 349-363 in P.J.F. Davie, and R.H. Quinn. (Editors), Proceedings of the 1990 International Crustacean Conference. Memoranda of the Queensland Museum 31.
14. Groot, C, and L. Margolis. (Editors), 1991. Pacific salmon life histories. UBC Press. Vancouver, B.C. 564p.
15. Haegele, C.W., and J F. Schweigert. 1991. Egg loss in herring spawns in Georgia Strait, British Columbia. Pages 309-322 in Proceedings of the International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., October 23-25, 1990. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Report 91-01.
16. Haist, V. 1991. An evaluation of the precision and accuracy of B. C. herring stock forecasts using an age-structured model. Pages 389-401 in Proceedings of the International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., October 23-25, 1990. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Report 91-01.
17. Hay, D.E. 1991. How much is herring worth? Potential economic and ecological consequences of impacts on herring spawning areas. Pages 583-591 in Proceedings of the International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, October 23-25, 1990. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Report 91-01.
18. Hay, D.E., and P.B. McCarter. 1991. Retention and dispersion of larval herring in British Columbia and implications for stock structure. Pages 107-114 in Proceedings of the International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, October 23-25, 1990. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Report 91-01.
19. Henderson, M.A. 1991. Sustainable development of the Pacific salmon resources of the Fraser River basin, Pages 133-154 in A.H.J. Dorcey (Editor), Perspectives on sustainable development in water management:towards agreement in the Fraser River basin. University of British Columbia Westwater Research Centre Resource Program Water Sustainability Development 1.
20. Higgs, D., R. Hardy, Z. Teskeredzic, B. Dosanjh, I. Forster, J. McBride, J. Jones, and R. Beames. 1991. Nutritive value of rapeseed protein concentrate for rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Pages 1612-1617 in D.I. McGregor (Editor), Rapeseed in a changing world: Proceedings, GCIRC Eighth International Rapeseed Congress, Saskatoon, Sask., July 9-11, 1991. GCIRC, Canola Council of Canada, Saskatoon, Sask.
21. Jamieson, G.S. 1991. Blue mussel Mytilus edulis mortality in British Columbia. Pages 139-150 in Atelier de travail sur la Mortalite estivale des Moules aux lles-de-la-Madeline, Avril 23-25, 1991, Quebec. Conseil de I'Aquiculture et des Peches du Quebec, Quebec.
22. Jamieson, G.S., and D.A. Armstrong. 1991. Spatial and temporal recruitment patterns of Dungeness crab in the northeast Pacific. Pages 365-381 in P.J.F. Davie, and R.H. Quinn (Editors), Proceedings of the 1990 International Crustacean Conference. Memoranda of the Queensland Museum 31.
23. Jensen, J.O.T., and E.P. Groot. 1991. The effect of moist air incubation conditions and temperature on chinook salmon egg survival. Pages 529-538 in J. Colt and R.J. White (Editors), Fisheries bioengineering symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium 10.
24. Lapi, L., M. Hamer, and B. Johnson. 1991. Data organization and coding for a coastwide mark recovery data system. Pages 720-724 in N. C. Parker, A. E. Giorgi, R. C. Heidinger, D. B. Jester, E. D. Prince, and G. A. Winans (Editors), Fish marking techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish Marking Techniques, Seattle, Washington, June 27-July 1, 1988. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7.
25. Levings, C.D. 1991. Restoration of the coast:a proposal for positive technology training. Pages 232-235 in A. Vlavianos-Arvanitis (Editor), Biopolitics Vol. Ill: the International University for the Bioenvironment. Biopolitics International Organization, Athens, Greece.
26. Levings, C.D. 1991. Strategies for restoring and developing fish habitats in the Strait of Georgia-Puget Sound inland sea, northeast Pacific Ocean. Pages 417-422 in T. Goda, A. Prandle, T. Okaichi, W. Masatake, T. Healey, H. A. Shapiro, W. H. Belland and N. Wakeman (Editors), Environmental management and appropriate use of enclosed coastal seas -EMECS '90: Proceedings of International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas '90, 3-6 August, 1990. Marine Pollution Bulletin 23.
27. Levings, C.D. 1991. Restoration of fish habitat in British Columbia estuaries:theory and current practice, Pages 3-37 in J. Waldvogel (Editor), Proceedings of the Ninth Annual California Salmon, Steelhead and Trout Restoration Conference, February 22-24,1991, Santa Cruz, California. University of California Cooperative Extension/Sea Grant, Eureka, California.
28. Levings, C.D., and J.S. MacDonald. 1991. Rehabilitation of estuarine fish habitat at Campbell River, British Columbia. Pages 176-190 in J. Colt and R.J. White (Editors), Fisheries bioengineering symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium 10.
29. McLean, W.E., J.O.T. Jensen, and P.J. Rombough. 1991. Microcomputer models for salmonid hatcheries. Pages 516-528 in J. Colt and R.J. White (Editors), Fisheries bioengineering symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium 10.
30. Mundie, J.H. 1991. An overview of the effects of river regulation on fish populations, and the opportunities for mitigation. Pages 1-11 in J. Colt and R.J. White (Editors), Fisheries bioengineering symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium 10.
31. Rice, J.C, N. Daan, J.G. Pope, and H. Gislason. 1991. The stability of estimates of suitabilities in MSVPA over four years of data from predator stomachs. Pages 35-45 in N. Daan and M.P. Sissenwine (Editors), Multispecies models relevant to management of living resources: based on a symposium of living held in Hague in 1989. ICES Marine Science Symposium193.
32. Schweigert, J.F., and D.J. Noakes. 1991. Forecasting Pacific herring Clupea harengus pallasi recruitment from spawner abundance and environmental information, Pages 374-387 in Proceedings of the International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, October 23-25, 1990. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Rep. 91-01.
33. Stockner, J.G., and K.S. Shortreed. 1991. Phototrophic picoplankton: community composition, abundance and distribution across a gradient of oligotrophic British Columbia and Yukon Territory lakes, Pages 523-536 in J.G. Stockner (Editor), Autotrophic picoplankton in freshwater ecosystems. Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. 76(4).
34. Stockner, J.G. (Editor), 1991. Autotrophic picoplankton in freshwater ecosystems. Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. 76(4).
35. Stockner, J.G. 1991. Autotrophic picoplankton in freshwater ecosystems: the view from the summit, Pages 483-492 in J.G. Stockner (Editor), Autotrophic picoplankton in freshwater ecosystems. Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. 76(4).
36. Ware, D.M. 1991. Climate forcing of Pacific herring recruitment and growth in southern British Columbia, Pages 127-130 in J.L. Betancourt and V.L. Thorp (Editors), Proceedings of the 7th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop. California Department of Water Resources Interagency Ecological Studies Program Technical Report 26.
37. Ware, D.M. 1991. Climate, predators and prey: behaviour of a linked oscillating system. Pages 279-291 in T. Kawasaki, S. Tanaka, Y. Toba and A. Tanicuchi (Editors), Long-term variability of pelagic fish populations and their environment. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
1992 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beamish, R.J. 1992. Keynote address: The importance of accurate ages in fisheries science. Pages 8-15 in D.A. Hancock (Editor), The measurement of age and growth in fish and shellfish: Australian Society for Fish Biology Workshop, Lome, Victoria, 22-23 August 1990. Proceedings of the Bur. Rural Resources (Australia) 12.
2. Bourne, N. 1992. Invertebrate fisheries and their possible conflicts with marine birds. Pages 30-36 in K. Vermeer, R.W. Butler and K.H. Morgan (Editors), The ecology, status, and conservation of marine and shoreline birds on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper 75.
3. Bower, S.M. 1992. Diseases and parasites of mussels. Pages 543-563 in E. Gosling (Editor), The mussel Mytilus: ecology, physiology, genetics and culture. Developments in aquaculture and fisheries science 25. Elsevier, New York.
4. Brackett, J. and M.L. Kent. 1992. Disease treatment in net pen aquaculture. Pages3-6 in Diseases of seawater netpen-reared salmonid fishes in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences116.
5. Carolsfeld, J., N.M. Sherwood, A. Kyle, T. Magnus, S. Pleasance and H. Kreiberg. 1992. Characterization of a spawning pheromone from Pacific herring. Pages 343-348 in R.L. Doty and D. Muller-Schwarz (Editors), Chemical signals in vertebrates VI. Plenum Press, New York.
6. Devlin, R.H. and E.M. Donaldson. 1992. Containment of genetically altered fish with emphasis on salmonids. Pages229-265 in CL. Hew and G.L. Fletcher (Editors), Transgenic fish. World Scientific, Singapore.
7. Evelyn, T.P.T. and M.L. Kent. 1992. Bacterial diseases. Pages 10-19 in Diseases of seawater net pen reared salmonid fishes in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences116.
8. Evelyn, T.P.T., and L. Prosperi-Porta. 1992. Anew medium for growing the kidney disease bacterium:its performance relative to that of other currently used media. Pages 143-150 in T. Kimura (Editor), Salmonid diseases: Proceedings of the OJI International Symposium on Salmonid Diseases, Sapporo, Japan, October 22-24, 1991. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo. Japan.
9. Farlinger, S. and A. Campbell. 1992. Fisheries management and biology of northern abalone, (Haliotis kamtschatkana), in the northeast Pacific. Pages 395-406 in S.A. Shepherd, M.J. Tegner and S.A. Guszman del Proo (Editors), Abalone of the world: biology, fisheries and culture. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Abalone. Fishing News Book, Osney Mead, England.
10. Hay, D.E. 1992. Spawning habitat, continental shelf area and herring production in the North Pacific Ocean. Pages183-191 in V.I. Ilyichev and V.V. Anikiev (Editors), Oceanic and anthropogenic controls of life in the Pacific Ocean. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
11. Hay, D.E., M.C. Healey, D.M. Ware and N.J. Wilimovsky. 1992. Distribution, abundance, and habitat of prey fishes on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Pages22-29 in R.W. Butler and K.H. Morgan (Editors), The ecology, status, and conservation of marine and shoreline birds on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper 75.
12. Henderson, M.A. 1992. The future of Canadian research activities on the coastal biology of juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Pages 31-35 in Y. Ishida, K. Nagasawa, D.W. Welch, K.W. Myers and A.P. Shershnev (Editors), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Salmon Research in the North Pacific Ocean. Special Publication of the National Fisheries Research Institute (Japan) 20.
13. Johnson, S.C. and M. Kent. 1992. Sea lice (Caligid copepod parasites). Pages 5-55 in Diseases of seawater net pen-reared salmonid fishes in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 116.
14. Kent, M.L. 1992. Diseases of seawater net pen-reared salmonid fishes in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 116:83p.
15. Kent, M.L. and L. Margolis. 1992. Helminth parasites. Pages 43-49 in Diseases of seawater net pen-reared salmonid fishes in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 116.
16. McKinnell, S.M. 1992. Future ecosystem research by the Pacific Biological Station. Pages 43-45 in Y. Ishida, K. Nagasawa, D.W. Welch, K.W. Myers and A.P. Shershnev (Editors), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Salmon Research in the North Pacific Ocean. Special Publication of the National Fisheries Research Institute (Japan) 20.
17. Obee, B. and G. Ellis (Editors), 1992. Guardians of the whales: the quest to study whales in the wild. Whitecap Books, Vancouver, B.C. 169p.
18. Olson, P.L. 1992. The trilingual species list for the WAVES/VAGUES database. Pages119-134 in E. Fuseler and S. Wiist (Editors), The aquatic environment - description, management, conservation: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference, International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers. Colorado State University Libraries, Fort Collins, Colorado.
19. Quayle, D.B. 1992. Marine Woodborers in British Columbia. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences115:55p.
20. Solar, I.I., E.M. Donaldson, I.J. Baker, H.M. Dye, A. Von der Meden and J. Smith. 1992. Reproductive physiology of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) with particular reference to induced spawning. Pages 49-53 in R.S. Svrjecek (Editor), Marine ranching: Proceedings of the eighteenth U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, Port Ludlow, Washington, 18-19 September 1989. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 106.
21. Waldichuk, M. 1992. Fish habitat and the effect of human activity with particular reference to Pacific salmon. Pages XX in L.S. Parsons and W.H. Lear (Editors), Perspectives on the Canadian Marine Fisheries Management Experience. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences226.
22. Ware, D.M. 1992. Production characteristics of upwelling systems and the trophodynamic role of hake. Pages 501-513 in A.I.L. Payne, K.H. Brink, K.H. Mann and R. Hilborn (Editors), Benguela trophic functioning. South African Journal of Marine Science 12.
23. Welch, D.W. 1992. Possible future high seas salmon research by the Pacific Biological Station. Pages37-42 in Y. Ishida, K. Nagasawa, D.W. Welch, K.W. Myers and A.P. Shershnev (Editors), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Salmon Research in the North Pacific Ocean. Special Publication of the National Fisheries Research Institute (Japan) 20.
1993 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bernard, F.R., Y.Y. Cai and B. Morton. 1993. Catalogue of the living marine bivalve molluscs of China. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. 146p.
2. Breen, P.A. and M. Stocker. 1993. Evaluating the consequences of constant catch levels on the red rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, population of New Zealand. Pages 39-59 in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management Strategies for Exploited Fish Populations, October 21-24, 1992, Anchorage, Alaska. Lowell Wakefield fisheries symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Rep. AK-SG-93-02.
3. Devlin, R. 1993. Applications of monosex culture. Pages 9-14 in A. Castledine, S. Marsh and E. Britton (Editors), The Chinook Salmon Workshop, February 27 to March 1, 1991, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 93-03.
4. Donaldson, E.M. and N.E. Down. 1993. Applications of comparative endocrinology to fish culture. Section 1.3 Growth and metabolism. A. Hormonal enhancement of growth. Pages 109-120 in J.F. Muir and R.S. Roberts (Editors), Recent advances in aquaculture IV. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.
5. Donaldson, E.M., R.H. Devlin, F. Piferrer and I.I. Solar. 1993. The development of technologies for the control and determination of sex in aquacultured salmonids. Pages 81-86 in T. Okada and Y. Nagahama (Editors), Biotechnology of aquatic animals:proceedings of the IUBS symposium, 25-27 November 1991, Toba City, Japanese Biological Institute Special Issue 28.
6. Donaldson, E.M., R.H. Devlin, I.I. Solar and F. Piferrer. 1993. The reproductive containment of genetically altered salmonids. Pages113-129 in J.G. Cloud and G.H. Thorgaard (Editors), Genetic conservation of salmonid fishes. NATO ASI (Advisory Science Institute) Service Series A Life Science 248.
7. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1993. Bacterial kidney disease -BKD. Pages 177-195 in R.J. Roberts, V. Inglis and N. Bromage (Editors), Bacterial fish diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
8. Haist, V., D.A. Fournier and J.F. Schweigert. 1993. Estimation of density-dependent natural mortality in British Columbia herring stocks through SSPA and its impact on sustainable harvesting strategies. Pages 269-282 in S.J. Smith, J.J. Hunt and D. Rivard (Editors), Risk evaluation and biological reference points for fisheries management. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences120.
9. Healey, M.C. 1993. The management of Pacific salmon fisheries in British Columbia. Pages 243-266 in L.S. Parsons and W.H. Lear (Editors), Perspectives on the Canadian Marine Fisheries Management Experience. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 226.
10. Ito, J., W. Shaw and R.L. Burgner (Editors), 1993. Symposium on Biology, Distribution and Stock Assessment of Species Caught in the High Seas Driftnet Fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean: held by the Standing Committee on Biology and Research at Tokyo, Japan, November 4 to 6, 1991. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 53:576p. (3v.).
11. Johnson, S.C. 1993. A comparison of development and growth rates of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae) on naive Atlantic (Salmo salar) and chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon, Pages68-80 in G.A. Boxshall and D. Defaye (Editors), Pathogens of wild and farmed fish: sea lice. Ellis Horwood Publishers, Toronto.
12. Kabata, Z. 1993. Copepods parasitic on fishes. Synopsis of the British Fauna. Universal Book Services (Dr. W. Backhuys), Oegstgeest, The Netherlands. 264p.
13. Kent, M.L. and J.W. Fournie. 1993. Importance of marine fish diseases -an overview. Pages1-24 in J.A. Couch and J.W. Fournie (Editors), The pathobiology of marine and estuarine organisms. Advances in fisheries science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
14. Kieser, D. 1993. Parasites in lake pens. Pages 86-91 in A. Castledine, S. Marsh and E. Britton (Editors), The Chinook Salmon Workshop, February 27 to March 1, 1991, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 93-03.
15. Leaman, B.M. 1993. Reference points for fisheries management:the Western Canadian experience. Pages 15-30 in S.J. Smith, J.J. Hunt and D. Rivard (Editors), Risk evaluation and biological reference points for fisheries management. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences120.
16. Leaman, B.M. and R.D. Stanley. 1993. Experimental management programs for two rockfish stocks off British Columbia, Canada. Pages 402-418 in S.J. Smith, J.J. Hunt and D. Rivard (Editors), Risk evaluation and biological reference points for fisheries management. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences120.
17. Levings, CD. 1993. Requirements for genetic data on adaptations to environment and habitats of salmonids. Pages 50-67 in J.G. Cloud and G.H. Thorgaard (Editors), Genetic conservation of salmonid fishes. NATO ASI (Advisory Science Institute) Service Series A Life Science 248.
18. Maclsaac, E.A. and J.G. Stockner. 1993. Enumeration of phototropic picoplankton by autoflourescence microscopy, Pages 187-197 in P. Kemp, J. Cole, B. Sherr and E. Sherr (Editors), Current methods in aquatic microbial ecology. Lewis Publishing, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
19. McKinnell, S. and B. Waddell. 1993. Associations of species caught in the Japanese large scale pelagic squid driftnet fishery in the central North Pacific Ocean: 1988-1990. Pages 91-109 in J. Ito, W. Shaw and R.L. Burgner (Editors), Symposium on Biology, Distribution and Stock Assessment of Species Caught in the High Seas Driftnet Fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean. II. Oceanography-biology -ecology (all species). International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 53(2).
20. McLean, E. and E.M. Donaldson. 1993. The role of growth hormone in the growth of poikilotherms. Pages 43-71 in M.P. Schreibman, C.G. Scanes and P.K.T. Pang (Editors), The endocrinology of growth, development and metabolism in vertebrates. Academic Press Inc., Toronto.
21. Piferrer, F. and E.M. Donaldson. 1993. Applications of comparative endocrinology to fish culture. Section 1.2 Sex control. A. Sex control in Pacific salmon. Pages 69-77 in J.F. Muir and R.S. Roberts (Editors), Recent advances in aquaculture IV. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.
22. Riddell. B.E. 1993. Salmonid enhancement: lessons from the past and a role for the future. Pages 338-355 in D. Mills (Editor), Salmon in the sea and new enhancement strategies. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
23. Riddell, B.E. 1993. Spatial organization of Pacific salmon: what to conserve? Pages 23-41 in J.G. Cloud and G.H. Thorgaard (Editors), Genetic conservation of salmonid fishes. NATO ASI (Advisory Science Institute) Service Series A Life Science 248.
24. Schnute, J.T. 1993. Ambiguous inferences from fisheries data. Pages 293-309 in V. Barnett and K.F. Turkman (Editors), Statistics for the environment. John Wiley &Sons, New York.
25. Schweigert, J. 1993.Evaluation of harvesting policies for the management of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) stocks in British Columbia. Pages 167-190 in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management Strategies for Exploited Fish Populations, October 21-24, 1992, Anchorage, Alaska. Lowell Wakefield fisheries symposium. Alaska Sea Grant Rep. AK-SG-93-02.
26. Scrivener, J.C. and T.G. Brown. 1993. Impact and complexity from forest practices on streams and their salmonid fishes in British Columbia. Pages 41-49 in G. Schooner and S. Asselin (Editors), Le développement du Saumon Atlantique au Quebec: connaître les régules du jeu pour réussir. Colloque international de la Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique, Québec, décembre, 1992. Collection Salmo salar 1. Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique, Sainte-Foy, Québec.
27. Stocker, M. 1993. Recent management of the British Columbia herring fishery. Pages 267-293 in L.S. Parsons and W.H. Lear (Editors), Perspectives on the Canadian marine fisheries management experience. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences226.
28. Teskeredzic, E., Z. Teskeredzic, E. McLean, M. Tomec and R. Coz-Rakovac. 1993. Occurrence, distribution and potential future of Yugoslavian salmonids. Pages 243-251 in J.G. Cloud and G.H. Thorgaard (Editors), Genetic conservation of salmonid fishes. NATOASI (Advisory Science Institute) Service Series A Life Science 248.
29. Waldichuk, M. 1993. Fish habitat and the impact of human activity with particular reference to Pacific salmon. Pages 295-337 in L.S. Parsons and W.H. Lear (Editors), Perspectives on the Canadian Marine Fisheries Management Experience. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences226.
1994 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Birtwell, I.K., K. Hyatt, J. Korstrom, G.M. Kruzynski, C.M. Langton, G.E. Piercey, and S. Spohn. 1994. Behaviour and physiological responses of adult sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) salmon to simulated estuarine conditions and salt water hypoxia. Pages 243-245 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada, July 16-21, 1994. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
2. Campbell, P.M., and R.H. Devlin. 1994. Induction of P450IA1 in the livers and gonads of juvenile chinook. Pages 366-368 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada, July 16-21, 1994. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
3. Chan, W.K., and R.H. Devlin. 1994. Functional analysis of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) histone H3, metallothionein B and protamine promoters. Pages 626-629 in L.M. Chou, A.D. Munro, T.J. Lam, T.W. Chen, L.K.K. Cheong, J.K. Ding, K.K. Hooi, H.W. Khoo, V.P.E. Phang, K.F. Shim, and C.H. Tan (Editors), The Third Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.
4. Chan, W.K., J.H. Tan, L.S. Lim, and R.H. Devlin. 1994. Stable expression of supercoiled plasmids injected into the muscles of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio). Pages 622-625 in L.M. Chou, A.D. Munro, T.J. Lam, T.W. Chen, L.K.K. Cheong, J.K. Ding, K.K. Hooi, H.W. Khoo, V.P.E. Phang, K.F. Shim, and C.H. Tan (Editors), The Third Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.
5. Clarke, W.C 1994. Effect of early long-and short-day exposure on growth and development of Atlantic salmon. Pages 93-95 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada, July 16-21, 1994. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
6. Clarke, W.C. 1994. Marine fish cultivation research at the Pacific Biological Station. Pages 33-34 in T. Nosho and K. Freeman (Editors), Marine Fish Culture & Enhancement Conference Proceedings. Washington Sea Grant Program.
7. Devlin, R.H., E.M. Donaldson, and G.W. Stone. 1994. Development of sex specific DNA probes for management of chinook salmon monosex cultures. Pages 101-106 in L.K. Park, P. Moran, and R.S. Waples (Editors), Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon: Proceedings of the workshop, March 22-23, 1993, Seattle, Washington. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC 17.
8. Devlin, R.H., T.Y. Yesaki, C. Biagi, E.M. Donaldson, and W.K. Chan. 1994. Production and breeding of transgenic salmon. Pages 372-378 in C. Smith, J. S. Gavora, B. Benkel, J. Chesnais, W. Fairfull, J.P. Gibson, B.W. Kennedy, and E.B. Burnside (Editors), Volume 19. Selection and quantitative genetics; growth; reproduction; lactation; fish; fiber; meat: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, August 7-12, 1994, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.
9. Devlin, R.H., T.Y. Yesaki, C Biagi, E.M. Donaldson, P. Swanson, and W.-K. Chan. 1994. Growth enhancement of salmonids through transgenesis using an "all-salmon" gene construct. Pages 343-345 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, July 16-21, 1994, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
10. Donaldson, E.M. 1994. The application of biotechnology to aquaculture. Pages 22-25 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, July 16-21, 1994, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
11. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, A.F. Prendergast, R.M. Beames, R.W. Hardy, W. Riley, and G. Deacon. 1994. Use of Rapeseed/Canola protein products in finfish diets. Pages 130-156 in C. Lim and D.J. Sessa (Editors), Nutrition and Utilization Technology in Aquaculture, AOCS Press.
12. Higgs, D.A., A.F. Prendergast, B.S. Dosanjh, D.M. Beames, G. Deacon, and R. W. Hardy. 1994. Canola protein offers hope for efficient salmon production. Pages 377-382 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, July 16-21, 1994, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
13. Jensen, J.O.T., W.E. McLean, M. Kent, M. Higgins, T. Sweeten, J. Bennett, and B. Yee. 1994. Determination of ozone efficacy against proliferative kidney disease (PKD). Pages 485-488 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, July16-21, 1994, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
14. Johnson, S., and L. Margolis. 1994. Sea Lice. Pages XV (1-10) in J.C. Thoesen (Editor), Suggested procedures for the detection and identification of certain finfish and shellfish pathogens. 4th editon, Version 1. Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
15. Kent. M. 1994. Proliferative Kidney Disease. p. VIII (1-5) in J.C Thoesen (Editor), Suggested procedures for the detection and identification of certain finfish and shellfish pathogens. 4th edition, Version 1, Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
16. Kent, M.L. 1994. The impact of diseases of pen-reared salmonids on coastal marine environments. Pages 85-95 in A. Ervik, P. Kupka Hansen, and V. Wennevik (Editors), Proceedings of the Canada-Norway Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture, February 8-10, 1993, Bergen, Norway. Fisken Og Havet 13.
17. Kiessling, A., P. Gallaugher, H. Thorarensen, A. Kolok, J.G. Eales, R. Sweeting, B. Gong, B.A. McKeown, B. Dosanjh, A. Farrell, and D. Higgs. 1994. Influence of sustained exercise and endurance training on growth, muscle physiology, cardiovascular parameters, and plasma levels of metabolic hormones of seawater adapted all-female chinook salmon. Pages 300-305 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, July 16-21, 1994, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
18. Kreiberg, H., and J. Blackburn. 1994. Physiological consequences to migrating adult sockeye salmon of short-term gillnet entanglements. Pages 416-420 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), High Performance Fish: Proceedings of an International Fish Physiology Symposium, July 16-21, 1994, held at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada. Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society and Fish Physiology Association.
19. Levings, C.D. 1994. Ecological aspects of siting fish farms in coastal habitats. Pages 39-49 in A. Ervik, P. Kupka Hansen, and V. Wennevik (Editors), Proceedings of the Canada-Norway Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture, February 8-10, 1993, Bergen, Norway. Fisken og Havet 13.
20. Levings, C.D. 1994. Estuarine science and management needed to maintain Pacific salmon production. Pages 417-421 in K.R. Dyer and R.J. Orth (Editors), Changes in fluxes in estuaries. ECSA22/ERF Symposium, International Symposium Series.
21. Matkin, CO., G.M. Ellis, M.E. Dahlheim, and J. Zeh. 1994. Status of killer whales in Prince William Sound, 1985-1992. Pages 141-16 in T.R. Loughlin (Editor), Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press.
22. Nener, J., D. Kieser, J.A.J. Thompson, W.L. Lockhart, D.A. Metner, and R. Roome. 1994. Columbia River mountain whitefish health: Initial findings of the July 1992 study. Pages 163-167 in Canada/United States technical workshop on the Upper Columbia River Basin: An international dialogue. Proceedings from the Technical Session, November 15-16, 1994, Spokane, Washington. Washington Water Resources Center Report 89.
1995 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beamish, R.J. (Editor). 1995. Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121:739 p.
2. Beamish, R.J. 1995. Introduction: The need to understand the relationship between climate and the dynamics of fish populations. Pages 1-2 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
3. Beamish, R.J. 1995. Response of anadromous fish to climate change in the North Pacific. Pages 123-136 in D.L. Peterson, and D.R. Johnson (Editors), Human ecology and climate change: People and resources in the Far North. Taylor & Francis, Washington, D.C.
4. Beamish, R.J., and D.R. Bouillon. 1995. Marine fish production trends off the Pacific coast of Canada and the United States. Pages 585-591, in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
5. Beamish, R.J., and G.A. McFarlane. 1995. A discussion of the importance of aging errors, and an application to walleye pollock: the world's largest fishery. Pages 545-565 in D.H. Secor, S.E. Campana, and J.M. Dean (Editors), Recent developments in fish otolith research. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina.
6. Bower, S.M. 1995. Parasitic diseases of shellfish. Pages 673-728 in P.T.K. Woo (Editor), Fish diseases and disorders, volume1. Protozoan and metazoan infections. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
7. Brett, J.R. 1995. Energetics. Pages 3-68 in C. Groot, L. Margolis, and W.C. Clarke (Editors), Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
8. Brodeur, R.D., and D.M. Ware. 1995. Interdecadal variability in distribution and catch rates of epipelagic nekton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Pages 329-356 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
9. Clarke, W.C. 1995. Preface. Pages ix-x in C Groot, L. Margolis, and W.C. Clarke (Editors), Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
10. Clarke, W.C., and T. Hirano. 1995. Osmoregulation. Pages 319-377 In C. Groot, L. Margolis, and W.C. Clarke (Editors), Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
11. Fagerlund, U.H.M., J.R. McBride, and I.V. Williams. 1995. Stress and tolerance. Pages 461-503 in C. Groot, L. Margolis, and W.C. Clarke (Editors), Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
12. Groot, C., L. Margolis, and W.C. Clarke (Editors), 1995. Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada. 510 p.
13. Henderson, M.A., R.E. Diewert, J.G. Stockner, and D.A. Levy. 1995. Effect of water temperature on emigration timing and size of Fraser River pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) fry:implications for marine survival. Pages 655-664 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
14. Higgs, D.A., J.S. Macdonald, C.D. Levings, and B.S. Dosanjh. 1995. Nutrition and feeding habits in relation to life history stage. Pages 161-315 in C. Groot, L. Margolis, and W.C. Clarke (Editors), Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
15. Higgs, D.A., A.F. Prendergast, R.M. Beames, B.S. Dosanjh, S. Satoh, S.A. Mwachireya, and G. Deacon. 1995. Potential for reducing costs of salmon production by dietary inclusion of novel rapeseed/canola protein products. Pages 133-138 in Rapeseed today and tomorrow, Volume 1. Proceedings of the 9th International Rapeseed Congress, 4-7 July 1995, Cambridge, UK.
16. Hinch, S.G., M.C. Healey, R.E. Diewert, and M.A. Henderson. 1995. Climate change and ocean energetics of Fraser River sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka). Pages 439-445 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
17. Ishida, Y., D.W. Welch, and M. Ogura. 1995. Potential influence of North Pacific sea-surface temperatures on increased production of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) from Japan. Pages 271-275 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
18. Jamieson, G.S., and A. Campbell. 1995. Red sea urchins and kelp in northern British Columbia. Pages 537-547 in H.R. Skjoldal, C. Hopkins, K.E. Erikstad, and H.P. Leinaas (Editors), Ecology of fjords and coastal waters. Elsevier Science B.V.
19. Levings, C.D. 1995. Natural factors to be considered in restoration of marine and estuarine ecosystems supporting fisheries. Pages 47-50 in Disaster prevention and sustainable development of Osaka Bay -What will be progress of Osaka Bay Area in the 21st century? Proceedings of the Osaka-Wan symposium, June 5-7, 1995, Kobe International Conference Center, Port Island, Kobe.
20. MacLellan, S.E., and J. Fargo. 1995. Validation of age and growth for English sole (Parophrys vetulus) in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Pages 341-355 + Appendix in D.H. Secor, J.M. Dean, and S.E. Campana (Editors), Recent developments in fish otolith research. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina.
21. MacLellan, S.E., and M.W. Saunders. 1995. A natural tag on the otoliths of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) with implications for age validation and migration. Pages 567-580 in D.H. Secor, J.M. Dean, and S.E. Campana (Editors), Recent developments in fish otolith research. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina.
22. McDonald, T.E., and L. Margolis. 1995. Synopsis of the parasites of fishes of Canada: Supplement (1978-1993). Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences122:265p.
23. McFarlane, G.A., and R.J. Beamish. 1995. Validation of the otolith cross-section method of age determination for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) using oxytetracycline. Pages 319-329 in D.H. Secor, J.M. Dean, and S.E. Campana (Editors), Recent developments in fish otolith research. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina.
24. Poutiers, J.-M., and F.R. Bernard. 1995. Carnivorous bivalve molluscs (Anomalodesmata) from the tropical western Pacific Ocean, with a proposed classification and a catalogue of recent species. Pages 107-187 in P. Bouchet (Editor), Resultats des Campagnes. MUSORSTOM Volume 14. Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. 167, Paris.
25. Rice, J. 1995. Food web theory, marine food webs, and what climate change may do to northern marine fish populations. Pages 561-568 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
26. Ricker, W.E. 1995. Trends in the average size of Pacific salmon in Canadian catches. Pages 593-602 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
27. Schweigert, J.F. 1995. Environmental effects on long-term population dynamics and recruitment to Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) populations in southern British Columbia. Pages 569-583 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
28. Ware, D.M., and G.A. McFarlane. 1995. Climate-induced changes in Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) abundance and pelagic community interactions in the Vancouver Island Upwelling System. Pages 509-521 in R.J. Beamish (Editor), Climate change and northern fish populations. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences121.
29. Whyte, J.N.C, N.G. Ginther, and L.D. Townsend. 1995. Accumulation and depuration of domoic acid by the mussel, Mytilus californianus. Pages 531-537 in P. Lassus, G. Arzul, E. Erard, P. Gentien, and C Marcaillou (Editors), Harmful marine algal blooms. Lavoisier, New York.
1996 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Billard, R., and J.O.T. Jensen. 1996. Chapter 5: Gamete removal, fertilization and incubation. Pages 291-364 In W. Pennell and B.A. Barton (Editors), Principles of salmonid culture, Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Volume 29. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
2. Clarke, W.C., R.L. Saunders, and S.D. McCormick. 1996. Chapter 8:Smolt production. Pages 517-567 In W. Pennell and B.A. Barton (Editors), Principles of salmonid culture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Volume 29. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
3. Crawford, W.R., and G.S. Jamieson. 1996. Modeling advection of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in Dixon Entrance and northern Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Pages 489-506 in High Latitude Crabs: Biology, Management, and Economics. University of Alaska Sea Grant Report 96-02. Fairbanks.
4. Devlin, R.H. 1996. 19. Transgenic Salmonids (Part II, Section D). Pages 105-117. In L.M. Houdebine (ed.). Transgenic Animals, Generation and Use. Harwood Academic Publishers, Canada.
5. Donaldson, E.M. 1996. Manipulation of reproduction in farmed fish. Pages 381-392 in G. Stone and G. Evans (Editors), Animal reproduction: Research and practice. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Sydney, Australia, 30 June-4 July, 1996. Animal Reproduction Science 42.
6. Donaldson, E.M., and R.H. Devlin. 1996. Chapter 17: Uses of biotechnology to enhance production. Pages 969-1020 in W. Pennell and B.A. Barton (Editors), Principles of salmonid culture, Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Volume 29. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
7. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1996. Infection and disease. Pages 339-366 in G. Iwama and T. Nakanishi (Editors), The Fish Immune System: Organism, Pathogen, and Environment. Academic Press, Toronto.
8. Gill, I., P.K. Schoonmaker, and K. Hyatt. 1997. The Kennedy Lake Technical Working Group. Pages 189-192 in P.K. Schoonmaker, B. von Hagen, and E.C Wolf (Editors), The Rain Forests of Home: Profile of a North American Bioregion. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
9. Higgs, D.A., B.S. Dosanjh, R.M. Beames, A.F. Prendergast, S.A. Mwachireya, and G. Deacon. 1996. Nutritive value of rapeseed/canola protein products for salmonids. Pages 187-196 in Proceedings of 1996 Canadian Feed Industry Association (CFIA) Eastern Nutrition Conference, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, May 15-17, 1996.
10. Jamieson, G.S. 1996. Moulting patterns in southern British Columbia Dungeness crab and implications for fisheries. Pages 397-410 in High Latitude Crabs: Biology, Management, and Economics, University of Alaska Sea Grant Report 96-02, Fairbanks.
11. Jensen. J.O.T., W.E. McLean, W. Damon, and T. Sweeten. 1996. Elemental iodine as a fungicide for chinook and coho salmon eggs. Pages 220-228 in D.D. MacKinlay (Editor), Proceedings of the 47' Annual Northwest Fish Culture Conference, December 3-5, 1996, Victoria, BC.
12. Levings. C.D. 1996. Compensation and mitigation techniques used to assist fish habitat management in British Columbia estuaries. Pages 81-85 in Proceedings of the Sumoto City International Symposium on Osaka-wan and Yura-Oishi Research Village: A Model for Sustainable Development. Sumoto City, Japan, July 18-20. 1996.
13. McFarlane, G.A., R.J. Beamish, and L.M. Zverkova. 1996. An examination of age estimates of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the Sea of Okhotsk using the burnt otolith method and implications for stock assessment and management. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas, PICES Scientific Report No. 6.
14. Olson, P.L. 1996. Plus ça change, plus ça reste le meme: what is in the future for special libraries? Pages 249-263 in J.W. Markham, and A.L. Duda (Editors), Information across the waves: The world as a multimedia experience. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers, Fort Pierce, Florida.
15. Simenstad, C.A., M. Dethier, C Levings, and D. Hay. 1996. The terrestrial/marine ecotone. Pages 149-187 in P.K. Schoonmaker, B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (Editors), The Rain Forests of Home: Profile of a North American Bioregion. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
16. Whyte, J.N.C., L.D. Townsend, and N.G. Ginther. 1996. Fecundity, toxin and trophic levels of the rotifer Brachionus piicatilis fed Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multiseries. Pages 401-404 in T. Yasumoto, Y. Oshima, and Y. Fukuyo (Editors), Harmful and toxic algal blooms. Intergovernmental Oceanographie Commission of UNESCO 1996.
1997 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Arai, M.N. 1997. A Functional Biology of Scyphozoa. Chapman & Hall, London, UK. 316 p.
2. Beamish, R.J., M. Henderson, and H.A. Regier. 1997. Chapter 12-Impacts of climate change on the fishes of British Columbia. Pages. 1-16 in E. Taylor, and B. Taylor (Editors), Responding to global climate change in British Columbia and Yukon, Volume 1 of the Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation. Workshop held on February 27-28, 1997 at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia.
3. Bourne, N.F. 1997. Molluscan fisheries of British Columbia. Pages115-130 in C.L. Mackenzie, Jr., V.G. Burred, Jr., A. Rosenfield, and W.L. Hobart (Editors), The History, Present Condition, and Future of the Molluscan Fisheries of North and Central America and Europe, Volume 2, Pacific Coast and Supplemental Topics. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 128.
4. Clarke, W.C 1997. III. Physiological ecology of Pacific salmon migration. Pages 10-14 in H. Ueda and H.A. Bern (Editors), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fish Migration, Lake Toya, Hokkaido, Japan, May 31-June 2, 1996. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University 44(1).
5. Donaldson, E.M. 1997. The role of biotechnology in sustainable aquaculture. Pages 101-126 in J.E. Bardach (Editor), Sustainable Aquaculture. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
6. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1997. A historical review of fish vaccinology. Pages 3-12 in R. Gudding, A. Lillehaug, P.J. Midtlyng, and F. Brown (Editors), Fish Vaccinology. Developmental Biology Standards 90.
7. Gill, I., P.K. Schoonmaker, and K. Hyatt. 1997. The Kennedy Lake Technical Working Group. Pages 189-192 in P.K. Schoonmaker, B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (Editors) The Rain Forests of Home: Profile of a North American Bioregion. Ecotrust/lnterrain Pacific, Island Press.
8. Hargreaves, N.B. 1997. Early ocean survival of salmon off British Columbia and impacts of the 1983 and 1991-95 El Nino events. Pages 221 in R.L Emmett, and M.H. Schiewe (Editors), Estuarine and Ocean Survival of Northeastern Pacific Salmon: Proceedings of the workshop, March 20-22, 1996 Newport, Oregon. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFSNWFSC 29.
9. Hay, D.E., J. Boutillier, M. Joyce, and G. Langford. 1997. The eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) as an indicator species in the North Pacific. Pages 509-530 in Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report 97-01.
10. Hay, D.E., and P.B. McCarter. 1997. Continental shelf area and distribution, abundance, and habitat of herring in the North Pacific. Pages 559-572 in Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant College Program 97-01.
11. McFarlane, G.A., and M.W. Saunders. 1997. Dispersion of juvenile sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, as indicated by tagging in Canadian waters. Pages 137-150 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors), Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish. Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
12. McFarlane, G.A., M.W. Saunders. R.E. Thomson, and R.I. Perry. 1997. Distribution and abundance of larval sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, off the west coast of Vancouver Island, and linkages to physical oceanography. Pages 27-38 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors) Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
13. McFarlane, G.A., D.M. Ware, R.E. Thomson, D.L. Mackas, and CL.K. Robinson. 1997. Physical, biological and fisheries oceanography of a large ecosystem (west coast of Vancouver Island) and implications for management. Pages 191-200 in G. Bachelet and J. Castel (Editors), Long-Term Changes in Marine Ecosystems. Oceanologica ACTA 20.
14. Perry, R.I., and B.J. Waddell. 1997. Zooplankton in Queen Charlotte Islands waters: distribution and availability to marine birds. Pages 18-28 in K. Vermeer and K.H. Morgan (Editors), The ecology, status, and conservation of marine and shoreline birds of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper 93.
15. Saunders, M.W., B.M. Leaman, and G.A. McFarlane. 1997. Influence of ontogeny and fishing mortality on the interpretation of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: life history. Pages 81-92 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors), Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
16. Saunders, M.W., and G.A. McFarlane. 1997. Observations on the spawning distribution and biology of offshore Pacific hake (Merluccius productus). Pages 147-157 in J. Olfe (Editor), Pacific hake spawning distribution and biology. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report 38.
17. Schweigert, J.F. 1997. Role of Pacific herring in the British Columbia marine ecosystem. Pages 655-681 in Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium. Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report 97-01.
18. Shaw, W., and G.A. McFarlane. 1997. Development of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, larvae off the west coast of British Columbia, and transformation to the juvenile stage. Pages 3-12 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors), Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
19. Slaney, T.L., K.D. Hyatt, T.G. Northcote, and R.J. Fielden. 1997. Status of anadromous cutthroat trout in British Columbia. Pages 77-79 in J.D. Hall, P.A. Bisson and R.E. Gresswell (Editors), Sea-run Cutthroat Trout: Biology, Management and Future Conservation: Proceedings of a symposium at Reedsport, Oregon, Oct. 12-14, 1995. American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter.
20. Stocker, M., and M.W. Saunders. 1997. Utility of an age-and sex-structured model for sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, stock assessment off the west coast of Canada. Pages 207-213 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors), Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
21. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1997. Diet of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, from the southwest coast of Vancouver Island. Pages 93-97 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors), Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
22. Whitaker, D.J., and G.A. McFarlane. 1997. Identification of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas, 1811), stocks from seamounts off the Canadian Pacific Coast using parasites as biological tags. Pages 131-136 in M.E. Wilkins and M.W. Saunders (Editors), Biology and Management of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 130.
1998 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Campbell, A., R.M. Harbo, and C.M. Hand. 1998. Harvesting and distribution of Pacific geoduck clams, Panopea abrupta, in British Columbia. Pages 349-358 in G.S. Jamieson and A. Campbell (Editors), Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences125.
2. Donaldson, E.M. 1998. Biotechnological applications in fish reproduction. Pages 196-204 in R. Blair, R. Rajamahendran, M. Mohan, L.S. Stephens, and M.Y. Yang (Editors), New Directions in Animal Production Systems, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting Canadian Society of Animal Science July 5-8, 1998 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6T 1Z4. Canadian Society of Animal Science.
3. Evelyn, T.P.T., M.L. Kent, T.T. Poppe, and P. Bustos. 1998. Chapter 5:Bacterial diseases. Pages 17-35 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
4. Jamieson, G.S., and CD. Levings. 1998. Marine protected areas:connectivity considerations. Pages 151-160 in N.W.P. Munro and J.H.M. Willison (Editors), Linking protected areas with working landscapes conserving biodiversity. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science and Management of Protected Areas, 12-16 May 1997. Science & Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
5. Jamieson, G.S., A. Phillips, and B.D. Smith. 1998. Implications of selective harvests in Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fisheries. Pages 309-321 in G.S. Jamieson and A. Campbell (Editors), Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences125.
6. Johannes, M.R.S., and K.D. Hyatt. 1998. The Kennedy watershed restoration project:Identification of forest harvest impacts and opportunities for salmon stock and habitat rehabilitation in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia. Pages 389-401 in M.K. Brewin and D.M.A. Monita (Editors), Forest-fish conference: land management practices affecting aquatic ecosystems, Proceedings of the Forest-Fish Conference, May 1-4, 1996, Calgary, Alberta.
7. Kent, M.L. 1998. Chapter 1: Introduction. Pages 1-2 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
8. Kent, M.L. 1998. Chapter 3: Necropsy protocols. Pages 6-8 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
9. Kent, M.L. 1998. Chapter 8: Protozoa and Myxozoa. Pages 49-67 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
10. Kent, M.L. 1998. Chapter 13: Neoplastic diseases and related disorders. Pages 106-113 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
11. Kent, M.L., and L. Margolis. 1998. Chapter 9: Helminth and molluscan parasites. Pages 68-79 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
12. Kent, M.L., and T.T. Poppe (Editors), 1998. Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes 138p.
13. Kent, M.L., and T.T. Poppe. 1998. Chapter 7: Fungi and related organisms. Pages 46-48 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
14. Kent, M.L., and T.T. Poppe. 1998. Chapter 12: Idiopathic and non-infectious diseases. Pages 98-105 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
15. Kent, M.L, and J.N.C Whyte. 1998. Chapter 11: Harmful algal blooms. Pages 91-97 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
16. Orensanz, J.M., and G.S. Jamieson. 1998. The assessment and management of spatially structured stocks: an overview of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management. Pages 441-459 in G.S. Jamieson and A. Campbell (Editors), Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences125.
17. Richards, L.J., and J.T. Schnute. 1998. Chapter 30: A strategy for advancing stock assessment. Pages 399-406 in T.J. Pitcher, P.J.B. Hart and D. Pauly (Editors), Reinventing Fisheries Management. Fish and Fisheries Series 23, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
18. Richards, L.J., J.T. Schnute, and N. Olsen. 1998. A statistical framework for analysis of limit reference points. Pages 185-198 in F. Funk, T.J. Quinn II, J. Heifetz J.N. lanelli, J.E. Powers, J.F. Schweigert, P.J. Sullivan, and CI. Zhang (Editors), Fishery Stock Assessment Models. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-98-01, Fairbanks.
19. Schnute, J. 1998. Conference report. Pages 113-115 in 15th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, Fishery Stock Assessment Models for the 21st Century: Combining Information from Multiple Sources. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 8.
20. Schnute, J.T., L.J. Richards, and N. Olsen. 1998. Statistics, software, and fish stock assessment. Pages 171-184 in F. Funk, T.J. Quinn II, J. Heifetz, J.N. lanelli, J.E. Powers, J.F. Schweigert, P.J. Sullivan, and CI. Zhang (Editors), Fishery Stock Assessment Models. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-98-01, Fairbanks.
21. Traxler, G.S., M.L. Kent, and T.T. Poppe. 1998. Chapter 6: Viral diseases. Pages 36-45 in M.L. Kent and T.T. Poppe (Editors), Diseases of Seawater Netpen-Reared Salmonid Fishes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
1999 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beamish, R.J., and C. Mahnken. 1999. Taking the next step in fisheries management. Pages 1-21 in Ecosystem Approaches for Fisheries Management. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-99-01, Fairbanks.
2. Beamish, R.J., and G.A. McFarlane. 1999. Applying ecosystem management to fisheries in the Strait of Georgia. Pages 637-664 in Ecosystem Approaches for Fisheries Management. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-99-01, Fairbanks.
3. Beamish, R.J., and C.M. Neville. 1999. Large-scale climate-related changes in the carrying capacity of salmon in the Strait of Georgia and northern North Pacific ecosystems. Pages 27-41 in K. Sherman and Q. Tang (Editors), Large Marine Ecosystems of the Pacific Rim: Assessment, Sustainability, and Management. Blackwell Science.
4. Dunham, R.A., and R.H. Devlin. 1999. Comparison of traditional breeding and transgenesis in farmed fish with implications for growth enhancement and fitness. Pages 209-229 in J.D. Murray, G.B. Anderson, A.M. Oberbauer and M.M. McGloughlin (Editors), Transgenic Animals in Agriculture, CABI Publishing.
5. Levings, C.D. 1999. An overview assessment of compensation and mitigation techniques used to assist fish habitat management in British Columbia estuaries. Pages 341-347 in E.E. Knudsen, C.R. Steward, D.D. MacDonald, J.E. Williams, and D.W. Reiser (Editors), Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, New York.
6. Levings, C.D., M.S. North, G.E. Piercey, G. Jamieson, and B. Smiley. 1999. Mapping nearshore and intertidal marine habitats with remote sensing and GPS: the importance of spatial and temporal scales. Pages 1249-1255 in Oceans '99 MTS/IEEE: Riding the Crest into the 21st Century. Conference & Exhibition 13-16 September 1999, Seattle, Washington.
7. Milligan, K.L.D., C.D. Levings, and R.E. DeWreede. 1999. Data compilation and preliminary time series analysis of abundance of a dominant intertidal kelp species in relation to the 1997/98 El Nino event. Pages 69-72 in PICES Scientific Report No. 10, Proceedings of the 1998 Science Board Symposium on the Impacts of the 1997/98 El Nino Event on the North Pacific Ocean and its Marginal Seas. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), Sidney, B.C. Canada.
8. Shortreed, K.S., J.M.B. Hume, and J.G. Stockner. 1999. Using photosynthetic rates to estimate the juvenile sockeye salmon rearing capacity of British Columbia lakes. Pages 505-521 in E.E. Knudsen, CR. Steward, D.D. MacDonald, J.E. Williams, and D.W. Reiser (Editors), Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, New York.
9. Stockner, J.G., and E.A. Maclsaac. 1999. Lake fertilization for sockeye salmon enhancement in British Columbia, Canada. Pages 15-33 in J.G. Stockner and G. Milbrink (Editors), Restoration of Fisheries by Enrichment of Aquatic Ecosystems: International workshop at Uppsala University, March 30-April 1, 1998. Sweden.
2000 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Arai, H.P. 2000. A Guide to the Animal Parasites of Albertan Fishes. Pages XX-XX in M.J. Kennedy (Editor), Synopsis of the Parasites of Vertebrates of Canada. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta.
2. Beamish, R.J., G.A. McFarlane, and J.R. King. 2000. Chapter 5: Fisheries climatology: understanding decadal scale processes that naturally regulate British Columbia fish populations. Pages 94-145 in P.J. Harrison and T.R. Parsons (Editors), Fisheries Oceanography: An Integrative Approach to Fisheries Ecology and Management, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada, Blackwell Science.
3. Bower, S.M. 2000. Infectious diseases of abalone (Haliotis spp.) and risks associated with transplantation. Pages 111-122 in A. Campbell (Editor), Workshop on Rebuilding Abalone Stocks in British Columbia. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 130.
4. Brand, D., S. Balfry, C. Eickhoff, W. Cretney, F. Law, G. Iwama, and R. Reid. 2000. Comparison of short-term changes in condition of hatchery-raised Chinook salmon between polluted and reference estuaries. Pages 35-54 in B. Barton, T. Pottinger, G. Iwama, and D.M. MacKinlay (Editors), Stress in Fish: New Directions. Symposium Proceedings, International Congress on the Biology of Fish, University of Aberdeen, Scotland July 23-27, 2000.
5. Brand, D., C. Eickhoff, W. Cretney, F. Law, and R. Reid. 2000. Liver histopathology and PAH bile metabolites found in English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) collected from an area associated with aluminum smelting. Pages 43-54 in C. Kennedy and D.M. MacKinlay (Editors), Fish Toxicology. Symposium Proceedings, International Congress on the Biology of Fish, University of Aberdeen, Scotland July 23-27, 2000.
6. Clarke, W.C. 2000. Smolting. Pages 879-884 in R.R. Stickney (Editor), Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, Texas Sea Grant College Program, Bryan, Texas, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
7. Coan, E.V., P.V. Scott, and F.R. Bernard. 2000. Bivalve Seashells of Western North America, Marine bivalve mollusks from Arctic Alaska to Baja California. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Allen Press, Kansas, 764p.
8. Donaldson, E.M., I.I. Solar, and B. Harvey. 2000. Induced ovulation and spermiation, and factors influencing gamete quality of fishes. Pages 13-19 in T.R. Tiersch and P.M. Mazik (Editors), Cryopreservation in Aquatic Species. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
9. Dong, F.M., R.W. Hardy, and D.A. Higgs. 2000. Anti-nutritional factors. Pages 45-51 in R.R. Stickney (Editor), Encyclopedia of Aquaculture. Texas Sea Grant College Program, Bryan, Texas, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
10. Eveson, J.P. and D.W. Welch. 2000. Evaluation of techniques for attaching archival tags to salmon: Influence on growth and survival. Pages 29-35 in A. Moore and I. Russell (Editors), Methodology and New Technology: Proceedings of the3rd Conference on Fish Telemetry in Europe, June 2000.
11. Higgs, D.A. and F.M. Dong. 2000. Lipids and fatty acids. Pages 476-496 in R.R. Stickney (Editor), Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, Texas Sea Grant College Program, Bryan, Texas, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
12. Hyatt, K.D., and B.E. Riddell. 2000. The importance of "stock" conservation definitions to the concept of sustainable fisheries. Pages 51-62 in E.E. Knudsen, C.R. Steward, D.D. MacDonald, J.E. Williams and D.W. Reiser (Editors), Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida.
13. Irvine, J.R., and M. Bradford. 2000. Declines in the abundance of Thompson River coho salmon in the interior of southern British Columbia, and Canada's coho recovery plan. Pages 595-598 in L.M. Darling (Editor), Proceedings of a Conference on the Biology and Management of Species and Habitats at Risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15-19 Feb., 1999. Volume Two. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, B.C. and University College of the Caribou, Kamloops, BC.
14. Jamieson, G.S. 2000. Marine protected areas and their relevance to abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) conservation in British Columbia. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences130:139-147.
15. Kreiberg, H. 2000. Chapter 29: Stress and anesthesia. Pages 503-511 in G.K. Ostrander (Editor), Handbook of Experimental Animals: The Laboratory Fish. Academic Press, London.
16. Levings, C.D. 2000. Critical environmental information for management plans in Pacific estuaries. Pages 337-343 in PACON 99 Proceedings: Symposium on Humanity and the World Ocean: Interdependence at the Dawn of the New Millennium, June 23-25, 1999. The Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia & PACON International, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
17. McLean, E. and R.H. Devlin. 2000. Application of biotechnology to enhance growth of salmonids and other fish. Pages 17-55 in M. Fingerman and R. Nagabhushanam (Editors), Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology, Volume 4:Aquaculture, Part B, Fishes. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire, USA.
18. Pringle, J.D., C.A. Wright, and M.W. Dunn (Editors), 2000. Coastal Zone Canada '98, Coastal Challenges: Sharing Our Experiences -Building Our Knowledge. Coastal Zone Canada British Columbia Association, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 212p.
19. Tanasichuk, R. 2000. 7.2 Canadian waters. Pages 190-193 in I. Everson (Editor), Krill Biology, Ecology and Fisheries, Chapter 7: Role of Krill in Marine Food Webs. Blackwell Science.
20. Withler, R.E. 2000. Genetic tools for identification and conservation of exploited abalone (Haliotis spp.) species. Pages 101-110 in A. Campbell (Editor), Workshop on Rebuilding Abalone Stocks in British Columbia. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences130.
Partie 2A : Rapports scientifiques publiés par Pêches et Océans Canada (ne comprennent pas les publications de l'ISM) - Cliquez pour plus de détails
Les publications secondaires sont les rapports non examinés par des pairs et les autres publications.
Cette liste des publications secondaires comprend les rapports publiés par Pêches et Océans Canada, dont le Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques, le Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques et le Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques.
1990 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Ages, A.B., F.A. Dobbs, and C.D. McAllister. 1990. The salinity intrusion in the Campbell River estuary, Vancouver, British Columbia: salinity, temperature and current observations, 1984-1986. Canadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences 83(2):191p.
2. Antonsen, B.L., R.P. Foucher, J. Fargo, G.E. Gillespie, T. Johansson, A.V. Tyler, and H.L. Waye. 1990. F/V EASTWARD HO assemblage survey of Hecate Strait, May 24-June 13, 1989. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 783:142p.
3. Bams, R.A. 1990. Outplanting normal and sterilized hatchery coho fall fingerlings into two small British Columbia lakes: an evaluation. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1765:28p.
4. Beamish, R J., and L. Margolis. 1990. Obituary:W. E. (Wally) Johnson, 1923-1989. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1478-1479.
5. Bigg, M.A. 1990. Migration of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) off western North America. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1764:64p.
6. Bigg, M.A., G.M. Ellis, P. Cottrell, and L. Milette. 1990. Predation by harbour seals and sea lions on adult salmon in Comox Harbour and Cowichan Bay, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1769:31p.
7. Boutillier, J.A., W.R. Harling, and D.E. Young. 1990. F. V. SHARLENE K shrimp survey 89-S-1, west coast of Vancouver Island, May 10-16, 1989. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 807:38p.
8. Boutillier, J.A., W.R. Harling, and D.E. Young. 1990. W. E. RICKER shrimp survey 88-S-1, west coast of Vancouver Island, April 28-May 8, 1988. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 808:40p.
9. Bowden, D.G., R.P. Foucher, and A.V. Tyler. 1990. A guide to the ovarian histology of Pacific cod. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1723:44p.
10. Bowden, D.G., E.P. Groot, and J.O.T. Jensen. 1990. Tests on short-term storage of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) sperm and salinity tolerance of Pacific halibut and sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) sperm. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1725:14p.
11. Bower, S.M., L. Margolis, and D.T.C. Yang. 1990. A preliminary investigation of the helminth parasites of flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, in northeastern Pacific waters and comparison with other parasite surveys of Ommastrephidae. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1750:19p.
12. Bravender, B.A., and C.S. Shirvell. 1990. Microhabitat requirements and movements of juvenile coho and chinook salmon at three stream flows in Kloiya Creek, B.C. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 802:159p.
13. Cooke, K., and C. Groot. 1990. Data record of juvenile sockeye salmon and other fish species captured by purse seine in Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound in April, May, and June 1987 and 1988. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 813:179p.
14. Fargo, J., A.V. Tyler, and R.P. Foucher. 1990. Distribution of demersal fishes in Hecate Strait, British Columbia, based on systematic trawl surveys conducted from 1984-1987. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1745:115p.
15. Finnegan, B.O., R.L. Dunbrack, and K. Simpson. 1990. Summary of 1987 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 812:27p.
16. Foucher, R.P., and A.V. Tyler. 1990. Estimation of the fecundity of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2088:49p.
17. Foucher, R.P., and A.V. Tyler. 1990. Length-at-age by sex for Pacific cod in British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2086:39p.
18. Foucher, R.P., and S.J. Westrheim. 1990. The spawning season of Pacific cod on the west coast of Canada. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2072:25p.
19. Gillespie, G.E., and B.M. Leaman. 1990. Rockfish sampling cruise: F/V OCEAN SELECTOR, July 12 to 30, 1989. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2061:89p.
20. Haegele, C.W., and J.F. Schweigert. 1990. A model which predicts Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) egg deposition on giant kelp (Macrocystis spp.) plants from underwater observations. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences2056:17p.
21. Hamer, L., and J. Schweigert. 1990. Summary of British Columbia herring sampling data for the 1989-90 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 819:111 p.
22. Hand, C.M., J.R. Candy, and L.J. Richards. 1990. Results of the 1986-1988 inshore rockfish harvest log program. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2069:41 p.
23. Kistritz, R.U., and J.S. Macdonald. 1990. Environmental research on fish habitat at Tilbury Slough, Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 781:65p.
24. Kreiberg, H. 1990. Salmonid growth under different environmental conditions: toward a growth model for chinook salmon, Pages 133-136 in R. L. Saunders (Editor). Proceedings of Canada-Norway finfish aquaculture workshop, September 11-14, 1989. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1761.
25. Labelle, M. 1990. A comparative study of coho salmon populations of S. E. Vancouver Island, British Columbia: juvenile outmigration, coded-wire tagging and recovery, escapement enumeration and stock composition at Black Creek, Trent River and French Creek, 1984-1988. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1722:148p.
26. Leaman, B.M., R. Kieser, P. Withler, and R.D. Stanley. 1990. W. E. RICKER hydroacoustic cruise to study rockfish behaviour off northern Vancouver Island, March 14-23, 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2091:63p.
27. Lee, D.L., D.J. Whitaker, and R.D. Stanley. 1990. A preliminary examination of the parasite fauna of yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1777:21 p.
28. Macdonald, J.S., R.U. Kistritz, and M. Farrell. 1990. An examination of the effects of slough habitat reclamation in the lower Fraser River, British Columbia: detrital and invertebrate flux, rearing and diets of juvenile salmon. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1731:59p.
29. Morris, J.F.T., and M.C. Healey. 1990. The distribution, abundance and feeding habits of chinook and coho salmon on the fishing banks off southwest Vancouver Island, May 23-June 5, September 26-30, and October 23-30,1988. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1759:75p.
30. Morton, K.F., and I.V. Williams. 1990. Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) utilization of Quesnel Lake, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1756:29p.
31. Murray, C.B., M.A. Henderson, and T.D. Beacham. 1990. Size and scale characteristics of upper Yukon River juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1767:19p.
32. Nagtegaal, D.A., P.J. Starr, and B. Riddell. 1990. Estimation of total chinook mortality associated with seine fishing in Johnstone Strait, Sabine Channel, and Juan de Fuca Strait during 1987. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2062:91 p.
33. Nidle, B.H., K.S. Shortreed, K.V. Masuda, T.R. Whitehouse, and R. C. Carrier. 1990. Results of limnological investigations carried out in 1986 on 5 coastal and interior lakes in British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 806:213p.
34. Olesiuk, P.F., M.A. Bigg, G.M. Ellis, S.J. Crockford, and R.J. Wigen. 1990. An assessment of the feeding habits of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, based on scat analysis. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1730:135p.
35. Perrin, C.J., and J.R. Irvine. 1990. A review of survey life estimates as they apply to the area-under-the-curve method for estimating the spawning escapement of Pacific salmon. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1733:49p.
36. Rutherford, K.L. 1990. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1988. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1728:92p.
37. Schweigert, J.F., and M. Linekin. 1990. The Georgia and Johnstone straits herring bait fishery: results of a questionnaire survey. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1721:44p.
38. Simpson, K.S., and R.K. Kadowaki. 1990. Coincident seine and sport catches of coho and chinook salmonin Saanich Inlet, B.C., with sampling data and sport fishing methods. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 786:168p.
39. Stanley, R.D. 1990. Sample size versus sample number: sampling optimization for trawl caught rockfish. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2080:19p.
40. Starr, P.J., and N.D. Schubert. 1990. Assessment of Harrison River chinook salmon. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2085:47p.
41. Tschaplinski, P.J., and K.D.Hyatt. 1990. Abundance, migration timing, and biological characteristics of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) returning to Henderson Lake, Vancouver Island during 1988. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1758:82p.
42. Whitehouse, T.R., and C.D. Levings. 1990. Beach seine data from the Fraser River downstream from Port Mann during 1988. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 780:63p.
1991 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bailey, R. ., and J.R. Irvine. 1991. Morphological differences among juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch living in nearby tributaries of a small coastal watershed. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1780:15p.
2. Bams, R.A., and D.G. Crabtree. 1991. Coho salmon smolt and adult production from Grant Lake (Cowichan River, Vancouver Island, B.C.) following two years of colonization with hatchery reared and salvaged fry. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1842:28p.
3. Booking, R.C., J.R. Irvine, and R.E. Bailey. 1991. Enumeration and coded-wire tagging of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts leaving Black Creek, French Creek, and the Trent River on Vancouver Island during 1989. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2115:103p.
4. Chew, G.L., G.M. Kruzynski, and I.K. Birtwell. 1991. Behavioural assessment of exposure of juvenile chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha to sublethal doses of a toxicant. Pages 1159-1163 in P. Chapman, F. Bishay, E. Power, K. Hall, L. Harding, D. McLeay, M. Nassichuk and W. Knapp (Editors), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop:November 5-7, 1990. Vancouver, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1774(2).
5. Clarke, W.C. 1991. Recent developments in smolt research. Pages 133-139 in R.H. Cook and W. Pennell (Editors), Proceedings of the special session on salmonid aquaculture, World. Aquaculture Society, February 16, 1989, Los Angeles, USA. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1831.
6. Cooke, K.D., B.J. Waddell, and C. Groot. 1991. Data record of juvenile salmonids and other fish species captured by surface trawl off coastal British Columbia in August, 1988 and September 1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 837:79p.
7. Cross, C.L., L. Lapi, and E.A. Perry. 1991. Production of chinook and coho salmon from British Columbia hatcheries, 1971 through 1989. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1816:55p.
8. Davies, D.L.W. 1991. Summary of 1989 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 831:37p.
9. Davies, D.L.W. 1991. Summary of the 1990 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 832:53p.
10. Donaldson, E.M., F. Piferrer, I.I. Solar, and R.H. Devlin. 1991. Studies on hormonal sterilization and monosex female technologies for salmonids at the West Vancouver Laboratory. Pages 37-45 in V.A. Pepper (Editor), Proceedings of the AtlanticCanada Workshop on Methods for the Production of Non-maturing Salmonids, February 19-21, 1991, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1789.
11. Down, N.E., and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Prospects for growth acceleration in salmonids utilizing biologically active proteins and peptides. Pages 141-152 in R.J. Cook and W. Pennell (Editors), Proceedings of the special session on salmonid aquaculture, World Aquaculture Society, February 16, 1989, Los Angeles, USA. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1831.
12. Enzenhofer, H.J., C.W. Mueller, and J.M.B. Hume. 1991. Trawl catch statistics from Quesnel Lake:1986-1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 863:27p.
13. Fargo, J., and T. Sexton. 1991. The ovarian histology of English sole, Parophrys vetulus. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2133:19p.
14. Fargo, J., R.D. Stanley, and C.M. Hand. 1991. Sampling requirements for estimating the bycatch of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the on-bottom trawl fishery In Hecate Strait. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2135:13p.
15. Finnegan, B. 1991. Summary of 1988 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River and Antigonish Creek, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 844:29p.
16. Finnegan, B., and D. Davies. 1991. Summary of fall 1989 adult and juvenile coho salmon sampling operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 830:55p.
17. Haegele, C.W. 1991. Spawn estimates and associated predator data for herring egg loss in Lambert Channel, Georgia Strait, 1989 and 1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 821:103p.
18. Haegele, C.W., D.C. Miller, T.J. Brown, P.B. McCarter, and D.E. Hay. 1991. Availability of wild feed to salmon in aquaculture cages. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2117:35p.
19. Hamer, L., and J. Schweigert. 1991. Summary of British Columbia herring sampling data for the 1990-91 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 865:107p.
20. Hand, C.M., and L.J. Richards. 1991. Purse-seine surveys of post-larval lingcod Ophiodon elongatus in the Strait of Georgia, 1989-90. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2106:23p.
21. Harling, W.R., and J.A. Boutillier. 1991. W.E. RICKER shrimp biomass survey 90-S-1, west coast of Vancouver Island, April 24 -May 2, 1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 820:43p.
22. Henderson, M.A., R.E. Diewert, J. Hume, K. Shortreed, D. Levy, and K. Morton. 1991. The carrying capacity of Pitt Lake for juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1797:161 p.
23. Holmes, M. A., and D.W.A. Whitfield. 1991. User's manual for the commercial salmon catch spreadsheet program. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1807:44p.
24. Kruzynski, G.M., and I. K. Birtwell. 1991. Some respiratory responses of juvenile Pacific salmon to the antisapstain chemical TCMTB. Pages 298-300 in P. Chapman, F. Bishay, E. Power, K. Hall, L. Harding, D. McLeay, M. Nassichuk, and W. Knapp (Editors), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop: November 5-7, 1990, Vancouver, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1774(1).
25. Kruzynski, G.M., I.K. Birtwell, G.L. Chew, G.E. Piercey, and S. Spohn. 1991. An approach to testing for ecological relevance using behaviour toxicology, Pages 1154-1158 in P. Chapman, F. Bihay, E. Power, K. Hall, L. Harding, D. McLeay, M. Nassichuk, and W. Knapp (Editors), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop: November 5-7, 1990, Vancouver, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1774(2).
26. Lane, J., and B. Finnegan. 1991. Summary of fall 1988 adult and juvenile coho salmon sampling operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 824:61 p.
27. Maclssac, E.A., M.C. Gollner, and J.R. Forbes. 1991. Phytoplankton distribution and productivity in Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet: April 1987 survey for the Marine Survival of Salmon Program. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1802:61 p.
28. McCarter, P.B., P. Withler, D.E. Hay, and R. Kieser. 1991. Hydroacoustic herring survey results from Hecate Strait, December 3-15, 1990:W.E. RICKER cruise 90HER2. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2108:69p.
29. Mueller, C.W., and H.J. Enzenhofer. 1991. Trawl catch statistics in sockeye rearing lakes of the Fraser River drainage basin, 1975 -1985. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 825:204p.
30. Mueller, C.W., H.J. Enzenhofer, and J. M. B. Hume. 1991. Trawl catch statistics from seven sockeye rearing lakes of the Fraser River drainage basin, 1986 -1991. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 864:87p.
31. Rutherford, K.L. 1991. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1779:88p.
32. Serbic, G. 1991. The salmon escapement database and reporting system. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1791:104p.
33. Simpson, K. S. 1991. Preparatory stream reconnaissance, smolt trapping and habitat utilization surveys for a coho salmon research program in northern British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2116:28p.
34. Solar, I.I., E.M. Donaldson, and D. Douville. 1991. A bibliography of gynogenesis and androgenesis in fish (1913-1989). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1788:41 p.
35. Teskeredzic, E., E.M. Donaldson, Z. Teskeredzic, E. McLean, and I.I. Solar. 1991. Comparison of heat and heat-electro shocks to induce triploidy in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1785:7p.
36. Tschaplinski, P.J., and K.D.Hyatt. 1991. A comparison of population assessment methods employed to estimate the abundance of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) returning to Henderson Lake, Vancouver Island during 1989. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1798:105p.
37. Whitehouse, T.R. 1991. Data on insects emerging from natural and developed fish habitats at the Campbell and Fraser River estuaries, 1989. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 827:85p.
38. Wilson, S.J., J. Fargo, C.M. Hand, T. Johansson, and A.V. Tyler. 1991. R/V W.E. RICKER assemblage survey of Hecate Strait, June 3-22, 1991. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 866:179 p.
39. Whyte, J.N.C. 1991. The effects of Heterosigma akashiwo on juvenile chinook salmon. Pages 3-8 in J.R. Forbes (Editor), Pacific coast research on toxic algae: Proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C., 30 April 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Hydrographic and Ocean Sciences 135.
1992 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Andersen, B.C. and J.C. Scrivener. 1992. Fish populations of Carnation Creek 1987-1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 890:88p.
2. Booking, R.C, R.E. Bailey and J.R. Irvine. 1992. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) escapement studies in Black Creek, French Creek, and Trent River, Vancouver Island, 1989. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2160:77p.
3. Bourne, N. and G. Cawdell. 1992. Intertidal clam survey of the north coast area of British Columbia -1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1864:151 p.
4. Boyle, D.E., B.A. Bravender, T.J. Brown, D. Kieser, CD. Levings, W.L. Lockhart. J.A. Servizi and T.R. Whitehouse. 1992. Baseline monitoring on mountain whitefish, (Prosopium williamsoni), from the Columbia River system near Castlegar, British Columbia: health, contaminants and biology. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1883:67p.
5. Brown, T.G., B. Bravender, P. Dubeau and R. Lauzier. 1992. Initial survey: stomach contents of potential fish predators of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Nechako River. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2141:33p.
6. Cooke, K., R. Kieser, M.W. Saunders, W.T. Andrews and M.S. Smith. 1992. A hydroacoustic survey of Pacific hake on the continental shelf off British Columbia from the Canada/U.S. boundary to Queen Charlotte Sound: August 13 to 28, 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2174:40p.
7. Davies, D.L.W., B.O. Finnegan and L.B. Holtby. 1992. Summary of the 1991 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 871:61 p.
8. Diewert, R.E. and M.A. Henderson. 1992. The effect of competition and predation on production of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Pitt Lake. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1853:51p.
9. Duff, D.J.A., C.D. Levings and T. Prince. 1992. Results of rotary auger trap sampling, lower Stuart River, British Columbia, in September and October 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2158:47.
10. Emmett, B., C.D. Levings, P. Kerfoot and R.B. Lauzier. 1992. A prototype submersible electrofisher: design and user manual. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2143:47p.
11. Enzenhofer, H.J. and J.M.B. Hume. 1992. A deep water towed body for up-facing echo sounding from a small boat. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1880:14p.
12. Gillespie, G.E., R.D. Stanley and B.M. Leaman. 1992. Cruise details and biological information from the Pacific ocean perch larval survey aboard the R/V W. E. RICKER, March 11-29, 1991. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 873:53p.
13. Hamer, L. and J. Schweigert. 1992. Summary of British Columbia herring sampling data for the 1991-92 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 896:107p.
14. Hargreaves, N.B. 1992. Determining predation mortality rates of juvenile salmon in Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound. Pages3-5 in C.D. Levings and G.A. Hunter (Editors), An account of the workshop on research approaches to predation/competition questions in river fish communities. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2150.
15. Holmes, M.A. and J.M. Hamer. 1992. System documentation for the mark recovery program database second edition. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1858:94p.
16. Hyatt, K. 1992. Habitat heterogeneity, prey exploitation and competitive interactions in pelagic, littoral and benthic fish populations, Pages 9 in CD. Levings and G.A. Hunter (Editors), An account of the workshop on research approaches to predation/competition questions in river fish communities. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2150.
17. Jensen, J.O.T., W.E. McLean, P.J. Rombough and T. Septav. 1992. Salmonid incubation and rearing programs for IBM-compatible computers. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1878:46p.
18. Johannes, M.R.S. 1992. Behavioural mechanisms that mediate the effects of predation in fish communities. Pages 10-11 in C.D. Levings and G.A. Hunter (Editors), An account of the workshop on research approaches to predation/competition questions in river fish communities. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2150.
19. Kieser, R., B.M. Leaman, P.K. Withler and R.D. Stanley. 1992. W. E. Ricker and Eastward Ho cruise to study the effect of trawling on rockfish behaviour, October 15-27, 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2161:84p.
20. Leaman, B. 1992. Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 and recommended yield options for 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1866:304p.
21. Levings, C.D. and G.A. Hunter. 1992. An account of the workshop on research approaches to predation/competition questions in river fish communities. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2150:66p.
22. Levings, C.D., R.B. Turner and B. Ricketts (Editors), 1992. Proceedings of the Howe Sound Environmental Science Workshop. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1879:262p.
23. Macdonald, J.S. (rapporteur). 1992. Modelling, statistical methods and monitoring: discussion leader. Pages 28-29 in C.D. Levings and G.A. Hunter (Editors), An account of the workshop on research approaches to predation/competition questions in river fish communities. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2150.
24. McCarter, P.B., D.E. Hay, P. Withler and R. Kieser. 1992. Hydroacoustic herring survey results from Hecate Strait, December 2-14, 1991. W.E. RICKER cruise 91 HER. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2157:84p.
25. Morris, J.F.T. and D.W. Welch. 1992. Data report from the Canadian high seas salmon cruise to the eastern north Pacific, February 27-March 25, 1992. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 884:11p.
26. Morris, J.F.T., D.W. Welch and O.A. Rassadnikov. 1992. Data report from the 1990 and 1991 joint USSR-Canada salmon research cruises to the North Pacific Ocean. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 891:175p.
27. Mueller, C.W., H.J. Enzenhofer and J.M.B. Hume. 1992. Trawl catch statistics from seven sockeye rearing lakes of the Fraser River drainage basin:1991. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 881:40p.
28. Piercey, G.E., I.K. Birtwell, J.S. Korstrom, G.M. Kruzynski and S. Spohn. 1992. Swimming speeds and distribution of underyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in response to hypoxia and simulated riverine and estuarine conditions. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 889:56p.
29. Quayle, D.B. (Editor), 1992. Tidelines: An abridged edition authorized by the British Columbia Research Corporation. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1902:136p.
30. Rutherford. D.T., C.C. Wood, K.D. Hyatt, L. Margolis, T.E. McDonald, B.E. Riddell and R.E. Withler. 1992. Biological characteristics of coastal populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1849:47p.
31. Rutherford, K.L. 1992. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1868:94p.
32. Saunders, M.W., R. Kieser, P. Withler and W.T. Andrews. 1992. A hydroacoustic survey of Pacific hake on the continental shelf off British Columbia from the Canada/U.S. boundary to Queen Charlotte Sound: August 13 to 31, 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2177:43p.
33. Serbic, G. 1992. The finclip recovery database and reporting system. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1850:32p.
34. Shelbourn, J.E., W.C. Clarke, J.R. McBride, D.A. Higgs and E.M. Donaldson. 1992. The effect of hormone dose, water temperature and salinity on growth, smolting and histology of underyearling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) sterilized by treatment with 17a-Methyltestosterone. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1869:15p.
35. Simpson, K.S. and R.K. Kadowaki. 1992. Coincident seine and sport catches of coho and chinook salmon in Saanich Inlet, B.C. with sampling data sport fishing methods. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 786:168p.
36. Smith, M.S., W.T. Andrews, M.W. Saunders, G.A. McFarlane and W. Kennedy. 1992. Results of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) tagging in B.C. waters 1986 to 1989. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 885:130p.
37. Solar, I.I., W.E. Hajen and E.M. Donaldson. 1992. A bibliography of tetraploidy in fish (1964-1991). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1901:22p.
38. Waddell, B.J., J.F.T. Morris and M.C. Healey. 1992. The abundance, distribution, and biological characteristics of chinook and coho salmon on the fishing banks off southwest Vancouver Island, May 18-30, 1989 and April 23 -May 5, 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1891:113p.
39. Wood, C.C. 1992. Problems with modelling numerical responses of predators of juvenile salmonids. Pages 24-25 in CD. Levings and G.A. Hunter (Editors), An account of the workshop on research approaches to predation/competition questions in river fish communities. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2150.
40. Workman, G.D., K.L. Yamanaka and L.J. Richards. 1992. Bottom trawl survey of young-of-the-year lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) in the Strait of Georgia by the R.V. CALIGUS, June 15 -August 3, 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2167:35p.
1993 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Arai, M.N., G.A. McFarlane, M.W. Saunders and G.M. Mapstone. 1993. Spring abundance of medusae, ctenophores, and siphonophores off Southwest Vancouver Island: possible competition or predation on sablefish larvae. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1939:37p.
2. Bams, R.A. 1993. Coho salmon smolt production from Kelvin Creek (Cowichan River Watershed) B.C., during four years of colonization with hatchery and salvaged wild fry. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1933:53p.
3. Birtwell, I.K., M.D. Nassichuk, M.A. Gang and H. Beune. 1993. Starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) in Deas Slough, Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2231:43p.
4. Bravender, B.A., C.D. Levings and T.J. Brown. 1993. A comparison of meiofauna available as fish food on Sturgeon and Roberts Banks, Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1904:40p.
5. Choromanski, E.M., J.S. Macdonald, J.C. Scrivener, B.C. Andersen and T.G. Brown. 1993. Description of water temperatures, water quality and stream discharge in the Slim Creek watershed, British Columbia, two decades after logging. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2190:51p.
6. Gillespie, G.E. 1993. An updated list of the fishes of British Columbia, and those of interest in adjacent waters, with numeric code adjustments. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1918:116p.
7. Gillespie, G.E., R.D. Stanley and B.M. Leaman. 1993. Cruise details and biological information from the juvenile rockfish surveys aboard the R. V. RICKER, May 13-25, 1991, and the F. V. ISLAND SUN, June 3-11. 1991. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 920:113p.
8. Gregory, R.S., T.R. Whitehouse and CD. Levings. 1993. Beach seine catches, lengths, weights, and stomach content data of salmonid and other fishes from the Harrison and Fraser Rivers, April and May 1991. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 902:85p.
9. Hamer, L. and J. Schweigert. 1993. Summary of British Columbia herring sampling data for the 1992-93 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 927:113p.
10. Hand, C.M., B.J. Waddell, D.J. Murie and G.E. Gillespie. 1993. R/V W.E. RICKER juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) survey off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, Sept. 21 -Oct. 2, 1992. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 899:77p.
11. Irvine, J.R., J.F.T. Morris and L.M. Cobb. 1993. Area-under-the-curve salmon escapement estimation manual. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1932:84p.
12. Kieser, R., K. Cooke, R. Stanley and G.E. Gillespie. 1993. Experimental hydroacoustic estimation of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) biomass off Vancouver Island, November 13-25, 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2185:40p.
13. McCarter, P.B., D.E. Hay, P. Withler and R. Kieser. 1993. Hydroacoustic herring survey results from Hecate Strait November 30 - December 10, 1992. W.E. RICKER cruise 92HER. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2202:29p.
14. McCreight, D.K., M.R.S. Johannes, S.P. Murdoch and K.D. Hyatt. 1993. Fish catch statistics in salmonid nursery lakes of the Nass River system under study by the Interim Measures Fisheries Program. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 904:55p.
15. Morris, J.F.T., D.W. Welch, W. Shaw and D. Wellingham. 1993. Canadian high seas research cruise to the eastern North Pacific Ocean, July 5-23, 1992. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 903:55p.
16. Murdoch, S.P., M.R.S. Johannes, D.K. McCreight, K.D. Hyatt and D.P. Rankin. 1993. Physical parameters of Nass River salmonid nursery lakes under study by the interim measures fisheries program. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2192:113p.
17. Nagtegaal, D.A., P.J. Starr and B. Riddell. 1993. Estimation of total chinook mortality associated with seine fishing in Johnstone Strait and Juan de Fuca Strait during 1988. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2203:109p.
18. Nagtegaal, D.A., P.J. Starr and B. Riddell. 1993. Estimation of total chinook mortality associated with seine fishing in Johnstone Strait and Juan de Fuca Strait during 1989. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2214:79p.
19. Nass, B.L., R.C. Booking, R.E. Bailey and J.R. Irvine. 1993. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) escapement studies in Black Creek, French Creek, and the Trent River, Vancouver Island, 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2205:69p.
20. Nass, B.L., J. Carolsfeld, J.R. Irvine and R.E. Bailey. 1993. Enumeration and coded-wire tagging of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts leaving Black Creek, French Creek, and the Trent River on Vancouver Island during 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2206:82p.
21. Olesiuk, P.F., D. Buries, G. Horonowitsch and T.G. Smith. 1993. Aerial census of pinnipeds in the Queen Charlotte Islands 1 July -1 August, 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2217:27p.
22. Piercey, G.E., I.K. Birtwell, J.S. Korstrom, G.M. Kruzynski, CM. Langton and S. Spohn. 1993. Behaviourial responses of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) under simulated estuarine conditions and salt water hypoxia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 906:276p.
23. Rankin, D.P., F. Winters. J. Candy and K.D. Hyatt. 1993. Physical parameters of British Columbia coastal lakes under study by the recruitment assessment section. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2197:107p.
24. Rutherford, K.L. 1993. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1925:94p.
25. Stanley, R.D. 1993. Sample size versus sample number: sampling optimization for trawl caught rockfish. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2080:19p.
26. Stockner, J.G., K.S. Shortreed, E.A. Maclsaac and B. Nidle. 1993. The limnology of Kitlope Lake: a cold, glacially-turbid, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) nursery lake. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1909:35p.
27. Taylor, G.C and M.J. Bradford. 1993. Results of rotary auger trap sampling, lower Stuart River, British Columbia, in April and May 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2211:18p.
28. Thomson, A.J. and S. McKinnell. 1993. Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia in 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2215:15p.
29. Whitehouse, T.R., D.E. Boyle, CD. Levings, J. Newman, and J. Black. 1993. Fish distribution within a tidal freshwater marsh in the lower Fraser River. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 917:49p.
30. Yamanaka, K.L. and L.J. Richards. 1993. 1992 research catch and effort data on nearshore reef fishes in British Columbia statistical area 12. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2184:77p.
1994 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Andrews, W.T., K. Cooke, R. Kieser, M.W. Saunders, and M.S. Smith. 1994. A hydroacoustic survey of Pacific hake on the continental shelf off British Columbia from the Canada/U.S. boundary to Queen Charlotte Sound: August 8 to September 2, 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2263:51p.
2. Baillie, S.J. 1994. Summary of the 1993 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 936:43p.
3. Bourne, N.F., B.L. Bunting, and L.D. Townsend (Editors), 1994. Proceedings of the 9th International Pectinid Workshop, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, April-22-27, 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1994:2 vol. (222, 217p).
4. Bourne, N.F., G.D. Heritage, and G. Cawdell. 1994. Intertidal clam surveys of British Columbia -1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1972:155p.
5. Bower, S.M., and G.R. Meyer. 1994. Causes of mortalities among cultured Japanese scallops, Patinopecten yessoensis, in British Columbia, Canada. Pages 85-94 in N.F. Bourne, B.L. Bunting, and L.D. Townsend (Editors), Proceedings of the 9th International Pectinid Workshop, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, April 22-27, 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1994(vol.1).
6. Brown, T.G., L. White, D. Kelly, L. Rzen, and J. Rutten. 1994. Availability of juvenile chinook salmon to predators along the margins of the Nechako and Stuart River, B.C. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2245:34p.
7. Choromanski, E.M., J.S. Macdonald, and J.C Scrivener. 1994. Invertebrate production in the Takla tributaries. Pages 15-19 in J.S. Macdonald (Editor), Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007.
8. Hand, C.M., B.D. Robison, J. Fargo, G.D. Workman, and M. Stocker. 1994. R/V W.E. RICKER assemblage survey of Hecate Strait, May 17 -June 3, 1993. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 925:197p.
9. Harrison, P., D. Mackas, B. Frost, R. Macdonald, and E. Crecelius. 1994. An assessment of nutrients, plankton and some pollutants in the water column and their transboundary transport. Pages 138-172 in R.C.H. Wilson, R.J. Beamish, F. Eatkins, and J. Bell (Editors), Review of marine environment and biota of Strait of Georgia, Puget Sound, and Juan de Fuca Strait. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1948.
10. Hume, J.M.B., I.V. Williams, and K.F. Morton. 1994. Factors affecting the production of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Shuswap and Quesnel Lakes, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1990:23p.
11. Irvine, J.R., R.E. Bailey, D. Imhof, F.C. Dalziel, W.Pennell, and C Chestnut. 1994. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) spawning enumeration and related studies at Chase River and Beck Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2264:31p.
12. Lane, J., J.A. Taylor, and B.O. Finnegan. 1994. Summary of adult coho escapement to the Lachmach River, B.C., 1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 932:69p.
13. Lane, J., J.W.A. Taylor, and B.O. Finnegan. 1994. 1991 adult coho escapement and summary of the 1988-1990 escapement years to the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 938:53p.
14. Lane, J., and S.J. Baillie. 1994. Summary of the 1992 coho salmon smolt trapping operations on the Lachmach River, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 926:35p.
15. Levings, C.D., and R. Thom. 1994. Habitat changes in Georgia Basin: implications for resource management and restoration. Pages 330-351 in R.C.H. Wilson, R.J. Beamish, F. Aitkens, and J. Bell (Editors), Review of the Marine Environment and biota of the Strait of Georgia, Puget Sound, and Juan de Fuca Strait. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1948.
16. Macdonald, J.S. 1994. Intergravel environments. Pages 33-40 in J.S. Macdonald (Editor), Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007.
17. Macdonald, J.S. (editor). 1994. Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. April 1, 1993, Prince George, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007:104p.
18. Macdonald, J.S. 1994. Study area and project design. Pages 2-5 in J.S. Macdonald (editor). Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007.
19. McCarter, P.B., D.E. Hay, P. Withler, and R. Kieser. 1994. Hydroacoustic herring survey results from Hecate Strait November 22-December 2, 1993. W.E. RICKER cruise 93her. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2248:40p.
20. McCreight. D.K., M.R.S. Johannes, S.P. Murdoch, and K.D. Hyatt. 1994. Fish catch statistics in salmonid nursery lakes of the Nass River system under study by the Interim Measures Fisheries Program. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 904:55p.
21. Nagtegaal, D.A., and B. Riddell. 1994. Estimation of total chinook mortality associated with seine fishing in Johnstone Strait, Sabine Channel, and Juan de Fuca Strait during 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2229:81p.
22. Nagtegaal, D.A., J. Candy, and B. Riddell. 1994. A preliminary report on the chinook productivity study conducted on the Cowichan River during 1990 and 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2265:71p.
23. Nagtegaal, D.A., J. Candy, and B. Riddell. 1994. A preliminary report on the chinook productivity study conducted on the Cowichan River during 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2268:73p.
24. Nagtegaal, D.A., P.J. Starr, and B. Riddell. 1994. A preliminary report on the chinook productivity study conducted on the Cowichan River, 1988 and 1989. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2233:53p.
25. Nelson, T.C, B.L. Nass, R.E. Bailey, and J.R. Irvine. 1994. 1991 juvenile and adult coho salmon enumeration studies at Black Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2239:71p.
26. Nidle, B.H., K.S. Shortreed, and K.V. Masuda. 1994. Limnological data from the 1985-1990 study of Quesnel Lake. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 940:82p.
27. Rankin, D.P., K.D. Hyatt, M.R.S. Johannes, and I.D. Cuthbert. 1994. Smolt catch statistics (1977) in salmonid nursery lakes under study by the Salmon Recruitment Assessment Program (S-RAP). Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 935:33p.
28. Rutherford, D.T., C.C Wood, A.L. Jantz, and D.R. Southgate. 1994. Biological characteristics of Nass River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and their utility for stock composition analysis of test fishery samples. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1988:65p.
29. Rutherford, K. 1994. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2010:95p.
30. Scrivener, J.C. 1994. Characteristics of streambed gravels and transported bedload in Takla Lake and Middle River tributaries and relationships with spawning sockeye salmon. Pages 25-32 in J.S. Macdonald (Editor), Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007.
31. Scrivener, J.C, and B.C. Andersen. 1994. Stream temperature regimes, possible logging effects, and the implications for salmonids of the Takla Lake/Middle River tributaries. Pages 41-47 in J.S. Macdonald (Editor), Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007.
32. Scrivener, J.C, and B.C. Andersen. 1994. Studies of suspended sediment transported in the Takla Lake and Middle Lake tributaries. Pages 53-57 in J.S. Macdonald (Editor), Proceedings of the Takla Fishery/Forestry Workshop: a two year review. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007.
33. Serbic, G. 1994. IBM-PC Salmon escapement data-entry system. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2240:21 p.
34. Shaw, W. 1994. Oceanographic sampling manual for the long-term cooperative plankton research monitoring program (COPRA). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1976:45p.
35. Shaw, W. 1994. Review of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans salmonid biological databases in the Pacific Region. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2009:254p.
36. Solar, I.I., E.M. Donaldson, and J. Charles. 1994. The effect of three estrogens on the direct feminization of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1955:8p.
37. Taylor, G.C., J.A. Allan, and M.J. Bradford. 1994. Juvenile chinook sampling data, Slim Creek, British Columbia, 1993. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 942:29p.
38. Thomson, A.J., and S. McKinnell. 1994. Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia and adjacent waters in 1993. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2246:35p.
39. Waddell, B.J., and S. McKinnell. 1994. Japanese squid driftnet fishery 1988 to 1990: a comparison of flying squid, albacore tuna and Pacific pomfret catch rates. What the observers saw and what the fleet reported! Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1968:63p.
40. Whyte, J.N.C., N.F. Bourne, N.G. Ginther, and C.A. Hodgson. 1994. Pre-and postmetamorphic changes in energy of the Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) (Jay) Pages 210-227 in N.F. Bourne, B.L. Bunting, and L.D. Townsend (Editors), Proceedings of the 9th International Pectinid Workshop, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, April 22-27, 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1994(vol. 2).
41. Williams, I.V., T.J. Brown, and G. Langford. 1994. Geographic distribution of salmon spawning streams of British Columbia with an index of spawner abundance. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1967:197p.
1995 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Allan, J.A., G.C. Taylor, and M.J. Bradford. 1995. Juvenile chinook sampling data, Slim Creek and the upper Fraser River mainstem, British Columbia, 1994. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 964:47p.
2. Bradford, M.J., and G.C. Taylor. 1995. An update on methods for measuring the intra-gravel environment of incubating salmon eggs and larvae. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2025:12p.
3. Brown, T.G. 1995. Stomach contents, distribution, and potential of fish predators to consume juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Nechako and Stuart rivers, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2077:39p.
4. Brown, T.G., L. Rzen, and E. White. 1995. Survey of piscivorous birds of the Nechako and Stuart rivers, B.C. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2285:26p.
5. Candy, J.R., E.W. Carter, and B. Riddell. 1995. Summary of catch data, depth plots, track maps and tag recoveries from adult chinook salmon ultrasonic telemetry 1990-1992, Johnstone Strait, British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2052:66p.
6. Candy, J.R., D.A. Nagtegaal, and B. Riddell. 1995. A preliminary report on juvenile chinook production in the Cowichan River during 1991 and 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2329:64p.
7. Cheong, A.L., J.C Scrivener, J.S. Macdonald, B.C. Andersen, and E.M. Choromanski. 1995. A discussion of suspended sediment in the Takla Lake region: the influence of water discharge and spawning salmon. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2074:25p.
8. Clancy, G.S., R.M. Beames, D.A. Higgs, and B.S. Dosanjh. 1995. Effect of methodology on the determination of total volatile nitrogen and trimethylamine levels in previously frozen Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) stored at 2-5oC for up to 15 days. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2047:10p.
9. Cronkite, G. 1995. Skeena River Hydroacoustic feasibility study, 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2311:53p.
10. Fargo, J. 1995. Results of the Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) bycatch study conducted during the British Columbia trawl fishery, September 1991-December 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2320:33p.
11. Fargo, J., and G.D. Workman. 1995. Results of the Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) biomass survey conducted off the west coast of Vancouver Island February 13-27, 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2340:75p.
12. Fink, R., R. Alexander, W. Bengeyfield, l.K. Birtwell, and CD. McAllister. 1995. The influence of sublethal crude oil exposure on long term survival, escapement and harvest of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 949:78p.
13. Hamer, L., and J. Schweigert. 1995. Summary of British Columbia herring sampling data for the 1993-94 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 951:99p.
14. Hand, C.M., G.D. Workman, L.J. Richards, R. Kieser, and R.I. Perry. 1995. Bottom trawl and exploratory hydroacoustic survey for rockfish in Queen Charlotte Sound, June 20 to July 7, 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2300:87p.
15. Hay, D. and P.B. McCarter. 1995. Proceedings of the seventh Pacific coast herring workshop, January 27-28, 1994, Vancouver, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2060:243p.
16. Irvine, J.R., and T.C. Nelson (Editors), 1995. Proceedings of the 1994 salmon escapement workshop plus an annotated bibliography on escapement estimation. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2305:97p.
17. Kieser, D., G.S. Traxler, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1995. Isolation of viral haemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) virus from herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) in British Columbia. Pages 59-60 in D.E. Hay, and P.B. McCarter (Editors), Proceedings of the seventh Pacific coast herring workshop, January 27-28, 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2060.
18. Lauzier, R., T.J. Brown, I.V. Williams, and L.C. Walthers. 1995. Water temperature at selected sites in the Fraser River basin during the summers of 1993 and 1994. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 956:86p.
19. MacLellan, S.G., C.W. Mueller, H.J. Enzenhofer, and J.M.B. Hume. 1995. Trawl catch statistics in Shuswap Lake from 1987-1993. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 950:46p.
20. Murie, D.J., W. Mitton, M.W. Saunders, and G.A. McFarlane. 1995. A summary of sablefish tagging and biological studies conducted during 1982-87 by the Pacific Biological Station. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 959:84p.
21. Nagtegaal, D.A., J.R. Candy, and B. Riddell. 1995. A preliminary report on the chinook productivity study conducted on the Cowichan River during 1993. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2315:84p.
22. Nagtegaal, D.A., E.W. Carter, and B. Riddell. 1995. A preliminary report on the adult chinook productivity study conducted on the Cowichan River during 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2331:62p.
23. Nelson, T.C, R.E. Bailey, and J.R. Irvine. 1995. 1993 juvenile and adult coho salmon enumeration studies at Black Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2291:74p.
24. Nener, J., D. Kieser, J.A.J. Thompson, W.L. Lockhart, D.A. Metner, and R. Roome. 1995. Monitoring mountain whitefish Prosopium williamsoni, from the Columbia River system near Castlegar, British Columbia: health parameters & contaminants in 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2036:89p.
25. Nishimura, D.J.H., C.D. Levings, and T.R. Whitehouse. 1995. Stomach content data from juvenile chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, captured in surface trawl at Queens Reach, Lower Fraser River, March to August 1988. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 961:71p.
26. Olsen, N. 1995. Software to complement HTI's model 240 split-beam echo-sounder: A user's guide to HAFU (hydro-acoustic file utilities) and QTS (Qualark tools for S-Plus). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2037:45p.
27. Piercey, G.E., I.K. Birtwell, S. Spohn, J.S. Korstrom, CM. Langton, and G.M. Kruzynski. 1995. Behavioural responses of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) under simulated estuarine conditions and prolonged saltwater hypoxia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 963:256p.
28. Robinson, C.L.K., and C.D. Levings. 1995. An overview of habitat classification systems, ecological models, and geographic information systems applied to shallow foreshore marine habitats. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2322:65p.
29. Schubert, N.D. 1995. Angler effort and catch in four Fraser River chinook salmon sport fisheries, 1993. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2274:43p.
30. Schubert, N.D. 1995. Angler effort and catch in four Fraser River chinook salmon sport fisheries, 1994, and a retrospective on nine years of upper Fraser River sport fishery management and assessment. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2275:93p.
31. Schubert, N.D. 1995. Angler effort and catch in four Fraser River system sport fisheries, 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2267:40p.
32. Shaw, W., and B.D. Smith. 1995. 1990 and 1991 experimental commercial fishery for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) off the west coast of British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2045:68p.
33. Shelbourn, J.E., W.C. Clarke, and C.D. Levings. 1995. Effect of lowered temperature on growth of juvenile Nechako River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at three ration levels. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 958:21p.
34. Spilsted, B.P., and G. Hudson. 1995. A summary of coded wire tag recovery information from British Columbia and Alaska commercial fisheries for the years 1987 to 1992 for coho tagged within the Central Coast. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 970:180p.
35. Taylor, G.C, J.A. Allan, M.J. Bradford. 1995. Juvenile chinook sampling data, Chilcotin River system, British Columbia, 1994. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 952:34p.
36. Thomson, A.J., and S. McKinnell. 1995. Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia and adjacent waters in 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2304:33p.
37. Waddell, B.J., and S. McKinnell. 1995. Ocean Station "Papa" detailed zooplankton data: 1956-1980. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2056:21p.
38. Waddell, B.J., and D.M. Ware. 1995. Historic domestic and foreign fish catch statistics for British Columbia: 1920-1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2030:37p.
1996 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Anderson, J.S., D.A. Higgs, R.M. Beames, and M. Rowshandeli. 1996. The effect of varying the dietary digestible protein to digestible lipid ratio on the growth and whole body composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (0.5-1.2 kg) reared in sea water. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2104:20p.
2. Arnason, A.N., C.W. Kirby, C.J. Schwarz, and J.R. Irvine. 1996. Computer analysis of data from stratified mark-recovery experiments for estimation of salmon escapements and other populations. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2106:37p.
3. Birtwell, I.K., R. Fink, R. Alexander, W. Bengeyfield, and C.D. McAllister. 1996. Survival of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) to adult following 10-d exposure of fry to the water soluble fraction of North Slope crude oil. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2095:49p.
4. Booth, J., D.E. Hay, and J. Truscott. 1996. Standard methods for sampling resources and habitats in coastal subtidal regions of British Columbia: Part 1-Review of mapping with preliminary recommendations. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2118:53p.
5. Bravender, B.A., C Annand, A. Hillaby, and J. Naylor. 1996. Results of a survey of fish, juvenile salmon diets and epibenthic invertebrates in the Englishman River estuary. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2387:62p.
6. Brown, T.G., L. Barton, and G. Langford. 1996. The use of a geographic information system to evaluate terrain resource information management (TRIM) maps and to measure land use patterns for Black Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2395:34p.
7. Candy, J.R., D.A. Nagtegaal, and B. Riddell. 1996. A preliminary report on juvenile chinook production in the Cowichan River during 1993 and 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2354:80p.
8. Choromanski, E.M., J.S. Macdonald, B.C. Andersen, and J.C. Scrivener. 1996. Pre-logging data on macroinvertebrate drift from the Takla Lake tributaries, in the central interior of British Columbia from 1991-1994. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 998:119p.
9. Cooke, K., M.W. Saunders, W.T. Andrews, and R. Kieser. 1996. A hydroacoustic survey of Pacific hake on the continental shelf off British Columbia from the Canada/U.S. boundary to Queen Charlotte Sound: August 15-31, 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2363:51p.
10. Cornthwaite. A.M., W. Carolsfeld, G.E. Gillespie, B.M. Leaman, and R.D. Stanley. 1996. Cruise details and biological information from the Pacific ocean perch larval surveys aboard the R/V W.E. Ricker, April 16-30, 1992, and June 9-18, 1993. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 984:97p.
11. Emmett, B. G.M. Kruzynski, and I.K. Birtwell. 1996. The use of a pulp mill effluent mixing zone during winter by juvenile chinook salmon in the Fraser River at Prince George, British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2341:38p.
12. Enzenhofer, H., and N. Olsen. 1996. A reference target frame and fish deflection weir for fixed location riverine hydroacoustic systems. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2347:19p.
13. Farwell, M.K., L.W. Kalnin, and A.G. Lotto. 1996. Enumeration of the 1994 Harrison River chinook salmon escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2379:29p.
14. Hay, D.E., R.D. Waters, and T.A. Boxwell (Editors), 1996. Proceedings, Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Network Workshop, Nanaimo, B.C., March 28-30, 1995. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2108:160p.
15. Hvidsten, N.A., C.D. Levings, and J. Grout. 1996. A preliminary study of hatchery chinook salmon smolts migrating in the lower Fraser River, determined by radio tagging. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2085:30p.
16. Korstrom, J.S., I.K. Birtwell, G.E. Piercey, S. Spohn, CM. Langton, and G.M. Kruzynski. 1996. Effect of hypoxia, fresh water, anaesthesia, and sampling technique on the hematocrit values of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2101:29p.
17. Korstrom, J.S., R. Fink, S. Spohn, and I.K. Birtwell. 1996. Sublethal toxicological stress in adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) exposed to a combination of resin acid and salt water hypoxia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 985:83p.
18. Leaman, B.M., A.M. Cornthwaite, and R.D. Stanley. 1996. Cruise details and biological information from the Pacific ocean perch monitoring survey, R/V W.E. RICKER, June 19-30. 1993. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2388:71p.
19. Lessard, J., C.D. Levings, M.S. North, and D.J.H. Nishimura. 1996. Annotated bibliography of nearshore fish habitat maps for the Strait of Georgia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2350:31p.
20. Lessard, J., M.S. North, C.D. Levings, and D.J.H. Nishimura. 1996. Field survey report for Saanich Inlet eelgrass, July 1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 975:29p.
21. Murie, D.J., M.W. Saunders, and G.A. McFarlane. 1996. Canadian trap-fishery for sablefish on seamounts in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1983-1993. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2348:107p.
22. Nagtegaal. D.A., E.W. Carter, and B. Riddell. 1996. A preliminary report on the adult chinook productivity study conducted on the Cowichan River during 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2366:63p.
23. Nagtegaal, D.A., E.W. Carter, and B. Riddell. 1996. A preliminary report on juvenile chinook production in the Cowichan River 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2360:43p.
24. Nelson, T.C., J.R. Irvine, and R.E. Bailey. 1996. 1994 juvenile and adult coho salmon enumeration studies at Black Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2356:67p.
25. Nelson, T.C., and K. Simpson. 1996. 1995 juvenile coho salmon enumeration studies at Black Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2361:40p.
26. Nishimura, D.J.H., G.E. Piercey, C.D. Levings, K. Yin, and E.R. McGreer. 1996. Changes in fish communities and water chemistry after cessation of municipal sewage discharge near the Iona Island foreshore, Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2096:17p.
27. Robinson, C.L.K., D.E. Hay, J. Booth, and J. Truscott. 1996. Standard methods for sampling resources and habitats in coastal subtidal regions of British Columbia: Part 2 -Review of sampling with preliminary recommendations. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2119:119p.
28. Rutherford, K.L. 1996. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2097:97p.
29. Schnute, J.T., C.G. Wallace, and T.A. Boxwell. 1996. A relational database shell for marked Pacific salmonid data. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2090:25p.
30. Schubert, N.D., and G.C Scarborough. 1996. Radio telemetry observations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) spawners in Chilko River and Chilko Lake: Investigation of the role of stress in a mark-recapture study. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2131:66p.
31. Smith, M.S., M.W. Saunders, and W.T. Andrews. 1996. Cruise details of sablefish (Anoplomona fimbria) surveys conducted in B.C. waters 1988-1993. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 976:129p.
32. Spilsted, B.P., and G. Hudson. 1996. A summary of coded wire tag recovery information from British Columbia and Alaska commercial fisheries for the years 1986 to 1993 for tagged coho originating from the Queen Charlotte Islands (Statistical Areas 1 and 2 East). Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 994:106p.
33. Spohn, S., I.K. Birtwell, H. Hohndorf, J.S. Korstrom, C.M. Langton, and G.E. Piercey. 1996. Preliminary studies on the movement of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Alberni Inlet, British Columbia, using ultrasonic telemetry. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2355:54p.
34. Taylor, G.C, and M.J. Bradford. 1996. Juvenile chinook sampling data, Slim Creek and Bowron River, British Columbia, 1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 979:33p.
35. Westrheim, S.J. 1996. On the Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in British Columbia waters and a comparison with Pacific cod elsewhere, and Atlantic cod (G. morhua). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2092:390p.
36. Whyte, J.N.C., and A.G. Bauder. 1996. Report of Working Group #4:Uptake and depuration of algal toxins. Pages 182-189 in R.W. Penney (Editor), Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Workshop on Harmful Marine Algae. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2138.
37. Workman, G.D., J. Fargo, B. Bead, K.L. Yamanaka, and V. Haist. 1996. R/V W.E. RICKER assemblage survey of Hecate Strait, May 23-June 9, 1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 974:94p.
1997 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Addison, R.F. 1997. Organochlorine residue concentrations in blubber of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) from Holman, NWT, 1972 -1991: Compilation of data and analysis of trends. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1008:118p.
2. Andersen, B.C., and J.S. Macdonald. 1997. Temperatures in five tributary streams and data from one meteorological station in the Stuart-Takla watershed, 1990-1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1022:81p.
3. Andersen, B.C., J.S. Macdonald, and L.B. MacDonald. 1997. Temperatures in the Nadina River and Slim Creek watersheds, 1993-1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1017:102p.
4. Anderson, J.S., N.L. Richardson, D.A. Higgs, and B.S. Dosanjh. 1997. The evaluation of air-dried whole krill meal as a dietary protein supplement for juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2148:12p.
5. Antcliffe, B.L., D. Kieser, J.A.J. Thompson, W.L. Lockhart, D.A. Metner, and J.R. Roome. 1997. Monitoring of mountain whitefish, Prosopium wi/liamsoni, from the Columbia River system near Castlegar, British Columbia: Fish health assessment and contaminants in 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2142:100p.
6. Bachen, S.K., D.T. Rutherford, and R.D. Goruk. 1997. Data record of adult sockeye salmon counts and biological data collected at the Docee River fence and from the Area 10 commercial fishery, 1993-1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1025:47p.
7. Barnes, D.P., and L.C .Walthers. 1997. Water temperature at selected sites in the Fraser River basin during the summer and fall of 1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1013:65p.
8. Bourne, N.F., and G.D. Heritage. 1997. Intertidal clam surveys in British Columbia -1992 and 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2168:95p.
9. Bravender, B.A., S.S. Anderson, and J. Van Tine. 1997. Juvenile salmon survey, 1996, Discovery Harbour Marina and surrounding nearshore area, Campbell River, B.C. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1023:45p.
10. Bravender, B.A., C Annand, A. Hillaby, and J. Naylor. 1997. Fish species, juvenile chinook diets and epibenthos in the Englishman River estuary, 1993. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1021:41p.
11. Carter, E.W., and D.A. Nagtegaal. 1997. A preliminary report on the adult chinook productivity study conducted on the Nanaimo River during 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2414:31p.
12. Cox-Rogers, S. 1997. In-season forecasting of Skeena River sockeye run-size using Bayesian probability theory. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2412:43p.
13. Di Novo, S.C, D.A. Nagtegaal and P.J. Ryall. 1997. Estimation of total incidental mortality (chinook, coho, and steelhead) associated with seine fishing in Johnstone Strait, Sabine Channel and Juan de Fuca Strait from 1987 to 1990. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1014:53p.
14. Downes, A.J., W.A. Andrews, M.S. Smith, M.W. Saunders, and G.D. Jewsbury. 1997. Cruise details of Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) surveys conducted in B.C. waters, 1994-1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1007:106p.
15. Duke, L.A., T.G. Brown, J.C. Scrivener, J.S. Macdonald, and B.C. Andersen. 1997. Database design and methods for the Klanawa River fisheries research project. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2437:48p.
16. Fargo, J., and G.D. Workman. 1997. A comparison of catch between research and commercial vessels during a trawl survey of Hecate Strait, May 30 -June 13, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2425:41p.
17. Gillespie, G.E., and W. Shaw. 1997. Review of the 1996 pilot commercial fishery for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) off the west coast of Canada. Canadian Industry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 241:18p.
18. Haegele, C.W. 1997. The occurrence, abundance and food of juvenile herring and salmon in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia in 1990 to 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2390:124p.
19. Haigh, R., and L.J. Richards. 1997. A relational database for hook and line rockfish logbook data. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2408:46p.
20. Hamer, L., and P. Midgley. 1997. Summary of British Columbia herring biological sampling data for the 1996-97 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1030:97p.
21. Harbo, R.M., and K. Hobbs. 1997. Pacific fishery updates for invertebrate resources (1994). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2369:181p.
22. Harbo, R., K. Marcus, and T. Boxwell (Editors), 1997. Intertidal clam resources (manila, littleneck and butter clam) Volume II: The southern inside waters of Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2417:245p.
23. Korman, J., B. Bravender, and C.D. Levings. 1997. Utilization of the Campbell River estuary by juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169:45p.
24. Korstrom, J.S., R. Fink, S. Spohn, and I.K. Birtwell. 1997. Sublethal toxicological stress in adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) exposed to a combination of sodium pentachlorophenate and fresh water hypoxia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1006:77p.
25. Leaman, B.M., A.M. Cornthwaite, and R.D. Stanley. 1997. Cruise details and biological information from the Pacific Ocean Perch monitoring survey, R/V W.E. RICKER, July 2-13, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2436:91p.
26. Levings, CD., CK. Minns, and F. Aitkens (Editors), 1997. Proceedings of the DFO workshop on research priorities to improve methods for assessing productive capacity for fish habitat management and impact assessment, Sidney, B.C. May 13-15, 1996. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2147:109p.
27. Macdonald, J.S., C.J. Williamson, D.A. Patterson, and H.E. Herunter. 1997. The shrinkage of sockeye salmon fry fixed in 10% formalin and preserved in 37.5% isopropanol. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2198:11p.
28. MacLellan, S.E. 1997. How to age rockfish (Sebastes) using S. alutus as an example-The otolith burnt section technique. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2146:39p.
29. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 1997. Results of rotary auger trap sampling in the Nanaimo River, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2391:30p.
30. Nagtegaal, D.A., G.W.F. Graf, and E.W. Carter. 1997. A preliminary report on juvenile chinook production in the Cowichan River, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2415:58p.
31. Olsen, N., G.D. Workman, and L.J. Richards. 1997. Bottom trawl survey for rockfish off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, September 9 to 27, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2409:83p.
32. Schubert, N.D. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 Mitchell River system sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2429:33p.
33. Schubert, N.D. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 Seymour River system sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2430:37p.
34. Schubert, N.D. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 Weaver Creek system sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2432:34p.
35. Schubert, N.D., and B.P. Fanos. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 Chilko River and Chilko Lake sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2428:54p.
36. Schubert, N.D., and B.P. Fanos. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 late run sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement to the Adams River system. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2433:64p.
37. Schubert, N.D., and B.P. Fanos. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 late run sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement to the Stuart River system. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2431:66p.
38. Schubert, N.D., and J.A. Tadey. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 Birkenhead River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2399:35p.
39. Schubert, N.D., and N.J. Vivian. 1997. Estimation of the 1994 Shuswap River system sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2427:48p.
40. Schubert, N.D., T.R. Whitehouse, and A.J. Cass. 1997. Design and evaluation of the 1995 Fraser River pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) escapement estimation study. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2178:75p.
41. Southey, K., CH.P. McConnell, and P.J. Ryall. 1997. Johnstone Strait and Strait of Georgia chum test fishing data for 1992 -1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1016:164p.
42. Thomson, A.J., and S. McKinnell. 1997. Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Sa/mo salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia and adjacent waters in 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2407:37p.
43. Waddell, B.J., R.I. Perry, G. Scharf, and G. Ross. 1997. Surveys on green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) populations in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, October 1995 and March 1996. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2143:36p.
44. Williamson, C.J., and J.S. Macdonald. 1997. The use of three ageing techniques to estimate the growth rates for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) from selected locations near Takla Lake, B.C. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2191:20p.
45. Wood, C.C., D.T. Rutherford, D. Peacock, S. Cox-Rogers, and L. Jantz. 1997. Assessment of recruitment forecasting methods for major sockeye and pink salmon stocks in northern British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2187:85p.
46. Workman, G.D., J. Fargo, B. Beall, and E. Hildebrandt. 1997. R/V W.E. RICKER and F/V STEADFAST travel survey of Hecate Strait, May 30 -June 13, 1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1010:155p.
1998 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Anderson, S.S., and B.A. Bravender. 1998. Catch, length, and weight data for juvenile salmonids sampled from the Campbell River estuary and Discovery Passage, B.C., during 1994 and 1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1037:181p.
2. Birtwell, I.K., R.P. Fink, J.S. Korstrom, B.J. Fink, J.A. Tanaka, and D.I. Tiessen. 1998. Vertical distribution of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in relation to a thermal discharge into Port Moody Arm, Burrard Inlet, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2235:99p.
3. Boutillier, J.A., J.A. Bond, and R.M. Harbo. 1998. 1997 Industry sponsored shrimp surveys and resulting management actions Area 12, April and November 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2458:94p.
4. Boutillier, J.A., J.A. Bond, H. Nguyen, and R.M. Harbo. 1998. Shrimp survey off the west coast of Vancouver Island and resulting management actions -May 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2461:110p.
5. Boutillier, J.A., J.A. Bond, H. Nguyen, and R.M. Harbo. 1998. Queen Charlotte Sound shrimp survey and resulting management actions, July 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2462:47p.
6. Boutillier, J.A., J.A. Bond, H. Nguyen, and R.M. Harbo. 1998. Shrimp survey and resulting management actions Area 12, June 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2463:40p.
7. Bratty, J.M., R.E. Diewert, J. Irvine, V. Palermo, and A.S. Thompson. 1998. Angler effort and catch in the 1995 lower Fraser River sport fishery. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2469:39p.
8. Brown, T.J., D.P. Barnes, and L.C. Walthers. 1998. Water temperature at selected sites in the Fraser basin during the summer of 1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1039:49p.
9. Campbell, A., and K. Cripps. 1998. Survey of abalone populations at Stryker Island, Tribal Group and Simonds Group, central coast of British Columbia, May, 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2451:21p.
10. Carter, E.W., and D.A. Nagtegaal. 1998. A preliminary report on the adult Chinook salmon escapement study conducted on the Nanaimo River during 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2450:29p.
11. Cripps, K., and A. Campbell. 1998. Survey of abalone populations at Dallain Point and Higgins Pass, central coast of British Columbia, 1995-96. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2445:31p.
12. Dempson, J.B., J.R. Irvine, and R.E. Bailey. 1998. Relative abundance and migration timing of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, from the Fraser River, British Columbia, Albion test fishery, 1981 -1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2459:25p.
13. Enzenhofer, H., and G. Cronkite. 1998. In-river accessory equipment for fixed-location hydroacoustic systems. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2250:24p.
14. Farwell, M.K., R. Diewert, L.W. Kalnin, and R.E. Bailey. 1998. Enumeration of the 1995 Harrison River chinook salmon escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2453:32p.
15. Gillespie, G.E., and N.F. Bourne. 1998. Exploratory intertidal clam surveys in British Columbia -1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2465:43p.
16. Grout, J.A., C.D. Levings, B. Nidle, B. Piercey, and D. Marsden. 1998. Beach seine data from near Britannia Mines and in Howe Sound, British Columbia, during 1997. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1044:83p.
17. Heritage, G.D., G.E. Gillespie, and N.F. Bourne. 1998. Exploratory intertidal clam surveys in British Columbia -1994 and 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2464:114p.
18. Kelly, J.G., and L. Hop Wo. 1998. Incidental salmon catch monitoring in Juan de Fuca Strait and Johnstone Strait net fisheries, 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2460:28p.
19. Kieser, R., K. Cooke, W.T. Andrews, G.A. McFarlane, and M.S. Smith. 1998. A hydroacoustic survey of Pacific hake in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, February 20-March 5, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2456:57p.
20. Korstrom, J.S., R.P. Fink, J.A. Tanaka, D.I. Tiessen, B.J. Fink and I.K. Birtwell. 1998. The influence of potentially lethal temperature and food on the behavior of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) under simulated marine conditions. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1040:70p.
21. Levings, C.D., J.D. Pringle, and F. Aitkens (eds). 1998. Approaches to marine ecosystem delineation in the Strait of Georgia:Proceedings of a D.F.O. workshop, Sidney, B.C., 4-5 November 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2247:65p.
22. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 1998. Adult chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Cowichan River during 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2449:65p.
23. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 1998. Adult chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Cowichan River during 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2466:53p.
24. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 1998. Results of rotary auger trap sampling in the Nanaimo River, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2468:24p.
25. Nagtegaal, D.A., E.W. Carter, and D.C. Key. 1998. Results of the chinook assessment study conducted on the Klinaklini River during 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2452:59p.
26. Nagtegaal, D.A., and G.W.F. Graf. 1998. Abundance, age, size, sex and coded-wire tag recoveries for chinook salmon escapements of Campbell and Quinsam Rivers, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2448:55p.
27. Schubert, N.D. 1998. The 1994 Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2201:62p.
28. Shaw, W., S. Bates, and G. Langford. 1998. Spatial catalogue of salmon biological data for the west coast of British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2228:55p.
29. Shortreed, K.S., J.M.B. Hume, K.F. Morton, and S.G. MacLellan. 1998. Trophic status and rearing capacity of smaller sockeye nursery lakes in the Skeena river system. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2240:78p.
30. Thomson, A.J., and J.R. Candy. 1998. Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia and adjacentwaters in 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2467:39p.
31. Walter, A.R., V. Palermo, K.J. Scott, and A.S. Thompson. 1998. Angler effort and catch in the 1996 lower Fraser River sport fishery. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2470:26p.
32. Westrheim, S.J. 1998. Age composition of chinook salmon in the commercial gillnet, and test fisheries of the lower Fraser River, 1958-88. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2435:95p.
33. Whyte, J.N.C, D. Travers, and K.L. Sherry. 1998. Deposition of astaxanthin isomers in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) fed different sources of pigment. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2206:27p.
34. Wood, C.C., D.T. Rutherford, D. Bailey, and M. Jakubowski. 1998. Assessment of sockeye salmon production in Babine Lake, British Columbia with forecast for 1998. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2241:50p.
35. Workman, G.D., N. Olsen, and A.R. Kronlund. 1998. Results from a bottom trawl survey of rockfish stocks off the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands, September 5 to 23, 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2457:86p.
1999 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Atagi. D.Y., R.E. Diewert, J.M. Bratty, L.C. Walthers, and J.R. Irvine. 1999. 1993 and 1994 coho spawning escapement and juvenile studies in Louis and Lemieux creeks (North Thompson River). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2474:80p.
2. Boutillier, J.A., J.A. Bond, H. Nguyen, and D. Gueret. 1999. Chatham Sound shrimp survey and resulting management actions, August to September, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2474 2496:38 p.
3. Boutillier, J.A., J.A. Bond, H. Nguyen, and K. West. 1999. Shrimp survey and resulting management actions, Fraser River Shrimp Management Area, August 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2474 2494:33 p.
4. Bravender, B.A., S.S. Anderson, and J. Van Tine. 1999. Distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon in Discovery Harbour Marina and surrounding area, Campbell River, B.C., during 1996. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2292:45p.
5. Brown, T.G., L. Barton, and G. Langford. 1999. Coho salmon habitat within Black Creek, Vancouver Island. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2294:75 p.
6. Campagna, S., and C.M. Hand. 1999. Density estimates of giant red sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) populations, by dive survey, in the Gulf Islands and Jervis Inlet areas, British Columbia, Canada, in November 1997 and January 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2474 2495:53 p.
7. Carter, E.W., and D.A. Nagtegaal. 1999. A preliminary report on the adult chinook productivity study conducted on the Nanaimo River during 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2482:27 p.
8. Cone, T.E. 1999. Estimation of the 1994 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement to the Horsefly River system. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2492:53 p.
9. Cornthwaite, A.M., B.M. Leaman, and R.D. Stanley. 1999. Cruise details and biological information from the Pacific ocean perch larval survey, R/V W.E RICKER, July 14-18, 1996. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1048:22p.
10. Daniel, K., B. McCarter, and D. Hay. 1999. The construction of a database for Pacific herring tagged and recovered in British Columbia from 1936 to 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2280:241p.
11. Decker, A.S., J.M. Bratty, S.C. Riley, and J. Korman. 1999. Estimating standing stock of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and cutthroat trout (0. clarki) in a small stream: a comparison of sampling designs. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2282:34p.
12. Farwell, M.K., R.E. Bailey, and B. Rosenberger. 1999. Enumeration of the 1995 Nicola River chinook salmon escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2491:44p.
13. Farwell, M.K., R.E. Bailey, and J.A. Tadey. 1999. Enumeration of the 1996 Harrison River chinook salmon escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2478:30p.
14. Gillespie, G.E., and A.R. Kronlund. 1999. A manual for intertidal clam surveys. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2270:144p.
15. Grout, J.A., C.D. Levings, G.E. Piercey, and B. Mossop. 1999. Biological data from near Britannia Mine and in Howe Sound, British Columbia, during 1997-1998. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1055:95p.
16. Haigh, R., and J. Schnute. 1999. A relational database for climatological data. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2472:26p.
17. Hajirakar, M., R. Kieser, R.D. Stanley, A.M. Cornthwaite, and P.Y. Huang. 1999. Three dimensional visualization of fishery acoustic data and bathymetry using IBM Visualization Data Explorer. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2486:54p.
18. Hamer, L., and P. Midgley. 1999. Summary of British Columbia herring biological sampling data for the 1997-98 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1047:109 p.
19. Hand, C.M., and G. Dovey. 1999. A survey of geoduck populations in the Elbow Bank and Yellow Bank area of Clayoquot Sound, West Vancouver Island, in 1994 and 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2479:33p.
20. Hardie, D.C., D.A. Nagtegaal, and L. Nagy. 1999. Strait of Georgia sport fishery and Northern Vancouver Island creel survey statistics for salmon and groundfish, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2500:92p.
21. Kristmanson, J.D. 1999. Angler effort and catch in the Shuswap River chinook salmon sport fisheries, 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2489:25 p.
22. Lucas, B.G., A. Campbell, and K. Cripps. 1999. Resurvey of abalone populations at Tribal Group, Simonds Group and Stryker Island, central coast of British Columbia, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2487:18 p.
23. MacDougall, L.A. 1999. South Winchelsea Island and West Ballenas Island habitat survey. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2480:27p.
24. MacDougall, L.A., B.A. Bravender, and L.R. Russell. 1999. Results of a beach seine survey at the Courtenay River estuary, Courtenay, B.C, 1998. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1054:23p.
25. Midgley, P., and L. Hamer. 1999. Summary of British Columbia herring biological sampling data for the 1998-99 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1056:101p.
26. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 1999. Adult chinook escapement assessment conducted on theCowichan River during 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2501:51p.
27. Nagtegaal, D.A., C.J. Hillier, and E.W. Carter. 1999. Juvenile chinook production in the Cowichan River, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2471:32p.
28. Palermo, V., and A.S. Thompson. 1999. Angler effort and catch in the 1998 lower Fraser River sport fishery. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2484:31p.
29. Palermo, V., and A.S. Thompson. 1999. Angler effort and catch in the 1997 lower Fraser River sport fishery. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2488:24p.
30. Rutherford, D.T., C.C. Wood, M. Cranny, and B. Spilsted. 1999. Biological characteristics of Skeena River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and their utility for stock composition analysis of test fishery samples. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2295:48p.
31. Rutherford. K.L. 1999. A brief history of GFCATCH (1954-1995), the groundfish catch and effort database at the Pacific Biological Station. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2299:66p.
32. Stanley, R.D., A.M. Cornthwaite, R. Kieser, K. Cooke, G.D. Workman, and B. Mose. 1999. An acoustic biomass survey of the Triangle Island widow rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) aggregation by Fisheries and Oceans, Canada and the Canadian Groundfish Research and Conservation Society, January 16 -February 7, 1998. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2262:51p.
33. Sturhahn, J.C., D.A. Nagtegaal, and M. Trenholme. 1999. Abundance, age, sex and coded-wire tag recoveries for chinook salmon escapements of Campbell and Quinsam rivers, 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2477:49p.
34. Williams, I.V., T.J. Brown, M. McAllister, and D. Hawkins. 1999. A spatially explicit stream and ocean network used to model habitat-salmon interactions. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2298:28 p.
2000 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Andersen, B.C. 2000. Temperatures in five tributary streams and the Middle River, and data from one meteorological station; in the Stuart-Takla watershed, 1996-1999. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1061:79p.
2. Anderson, S.S. and B.A. Bravender. 2000. Diet analysis data for juvenile Chinook salmon from the Campbell River estuary, Campbell River, B.C., during 1994 and 1995. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1058:169p.
3. Barnes, D.P. and V.E. Magnusson. 2000. Water temperatures at selected sites in the Fraser River basin from 1997 to 1999. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1071:226p.
4. Bravender, B.A. and S.S. Anderson. 2000. Epibenthic sled samples from the Campbell River estuary, 1997. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1064:69p.
5. Bureau, D., A. Campbell, and W.C. Hajas. 2000. Survey of red sea urchin populations in the Kelsey Bay, area, Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2542:19p.
6. Bureau, D., A. Campbell, and W.C. Hajas. 2000. Survey of red sea urchin populations near Comox, Denman Island and Hornby Island, British Columbia, 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2546:17p.
7. Bureau, D., A. Campbell, and W.C. Hajas. 2000. Survey of red sea urchin populations near in the Larsen Harbour and Kingkown Inlet areas, Banks Island, British Columbia, 1997. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2551:19p.
8. Bureau, D., A. Campbell, W.C. Hajas, and C.A. Ayers. 2000. Survey of red sea urchin populations in the Gulf Islands, Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, 1998 and 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2552:29p.
9. Campagna, S., G.E. Gillespie, and W. Shaw. 2000. Review of the 1997 and 1998 pilot commercial fisheries for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) off the west coast of Canada. Canadian Industry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 256:74p.
10. Campbell, A., D. Brouwer, J. Rogers, and D.C. Miller. 2000. Abalone resurvey in south east Queen Charlotte Islands, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2528:30p.
11. Campbell, A., D. Bureau, and D. Brouwer. 2000. Quota estimates for the 1998 red sea urchin fishery in British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2516:31p.
12. Carter, E.W. and D.A. Nagtegaal. 2000. Adult Chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Nanaimo River during 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2527:29p.
13. Cripps, K.E. and A. Campbell. 2000. Distribution and biomass of the red sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus (Stimpson), found in inlets of north British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2300:14p.
14. Cronkite, G.M.W., Y. Xie, and A.P. Gray. 2000. Active tracking study of salmon migration at Mission, British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2506:47p.
15. Enzenhofer, J.H. and G. Cronkite. 2000. Fixed location hydroacoustic estimation of fish migration in the riverine environment: An operational manual. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2312:46p.
16. Farwell, M.K., R.E. Bailey, and J.S. Baxter. 2000. Enumeration of the 1996 Nicola River chinook salmon escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2525:44p.
17. Farwell, M.K., R.E. Bailey, and B.P. Whitehead. 2000. Enumeration of the 1997 Harrison River chinook salmon escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2505:38p.
18. Farwell, M.K., R.E. Diewert, L.W. Kalnin, J.R. Irvine, R. Semple, and L.C. Walthers. 2000. A coded wire tag assessment of Salmon River (Langley) coho salmon: 1994 tag application and 1995-1996 spawner enumeration. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2524:38p.
19. Farwell, M.K., R.E. Diewert, L.W. Kalnin, R. Semple, L.C. Walthers, and J.R. Irvine. 2000. A coded wire tag assessment of Salmon River (Langley) coho salmon: 1993 tag application and 1994-1995 spawner enumeration. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2523:38p.
20. Gillespie, G.E., and N.F. Bourne. 2000. Exploratory intertidal clam surveys in British Columbia - 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2508:98p.
21. Hamer, L., and J. Hepples. 2000. A review of 1999/2000 British Columbia herring fisheries. Canadian Industry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 254:51p.
22. Hand, C.M., and G. Dovey. 2000. A survey of geoduck populations in the Griffith Harbour area, North Banks Island, in August 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2541:20p.
23. Higgs, D.A., M. Rowshandeli, M. Greig, D.P. Barnes, and J.S. Macdonald. 2000. Changes in the levels of proximate constituents and gross energy in the muscle (fillet) of 4-year-old Stuart sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during the 1997 upstream Fraser River spawning migration. Pages 91-103 in J.S. Macdonald (Editor). Mortality during the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon: A study of the effect of ocean and river environmental conditions in 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2315.
24. Hop Wo, L., C.H.P. McConnell, and A. Ryan. 2000. Johnstone Strait, Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait sockeye and pink test fishing data for 1986-2000. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1066:209p.
25. Houtman, R., and T.E. Cone. 2000. Estimation of the 1995 Horsefly River system sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2535:45p.
26. Houtman, R., and B.P. Fanos. 2000. Estimation of the 1995 late run sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement to the Adams River study area. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2533:73p.
27. Houtman, R., and N.D. Schubert. 2000. Estimation of the 1995 Seymour River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2536:41p.
28. Houtman, R., J.A. Tadey, and N.D. Schubert. 2000. Estimation of the 1995 Birkenhead River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2534:39p.
29. Hume, J.M.B., and S.G. MacLellan. 2000. An assessment of the juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations of Babine Lake. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2327:37p.
30. Irvine, J.R., M.K. Farwell, A.E. Tisdale, and L.C. Walthers. 2000. Coho spawning escapements to Louis and Lemieux creeks (North Thompson River), 1995 to 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2521:76p.
31. Lucas, B.G., D. Brouwer, and A. Campbell. 2000. Survey of northern abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations at Malcolm Island and Cormorant Island, British Columbia, October 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2520:10p.
32. Lucas, B.G., A. Campbell, and D. Brouwer. 2000. Survey of northern abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations in Lotbiniere Bay, British Columbia, March 2000. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2545:10p.
33. Macdonald, J.S. 2000. Mortality during the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): a study of the effect of ocean and river environmental conditions in 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2315:120p.
34. Macdonald, J.S., M.G.G. Foreman, T. Farrell, I.V. Williams, J. Grout, A. Cass, J.C. Woodey, H. Enzenhofer, W.C. Clarke, R. Houtman, E.M. Donaldson, and D. Barnes. 2000. The influence of extreme water temperatures on migrating Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during the 1998 spawning season. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2326:117p.
35. Midgley, P., and J. Schweigert. 2000. Summary of British Columbia herring biological sampling data for the 1999-2000 season. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1068:99p.
36. Moodie, S., J.A. Grout, and A. von Finster. 2000. Juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) utilization of Croucher Creek, a small non-natal tributary of the upper Yukon Riverduring1993. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2531:66p.
37. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 2000. Results of rotary auger trap sampling in the Nanaimo River, 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2502:24p.
38. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 2000. A preliminary report on juvenile chinook production in the Cowichan River, 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2504:38p.
39. Nagtegaal, D.A., and E.W. Carter. 2000. Adult chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Cowichan River during 1999. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2544:59p.
40. Palermo, V., and A.S. Thompson. 2000. Angler effort and catch in the 1998 sport fisheries of the Capilano and Squamish rivers. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2529:29p.
41. Palermo, V., and A.S. Thompson. 2000. Angler effort and catch in the 1998sport fisheries of five lower Fraser River tributaries. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2530:55p.
42. Piercey, G.E., C.D. Levings, M. Elfert, M. Galbraith, and R. Waters. 2000. Invertebrate fauna in ballast water collected in vessels arriving in British Columbia ports, especially those from the western North Pacific. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1060:50p.
43. Schubert, N.D. 2000. The 1994 Stellako River sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement: evaluation of pooled Petersen and stratified mark-recapture estimates of a known population. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2303:56p.
44. Schweigert, J., and L. Flostrand. 2000. Pacific herring coded wire tagging study: 1999 releases recovered in 2000. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2335:33p.
45. Shortreed, K.S., and K.F. Morton. 2000. An assessment of the limnological status and productive capacity of Babine Lake, 25 years after the inception of the Babine Lake development project. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2316:52p.
46. Sturhahn, J.C., D.A. Nagtegaal, and M. Trenholme. 2000. Abundance, age, sex and coded-wire tag recoveries for chinook salmon escapements of Campbell and Quinsam rivers, 1998. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2519:49p.
47. Varela, D.E., K.L. Barry, MGuo, G.E. Piercey, N.M. Mehlenbacher, P.J. Harrison, and C.D. Levings. 2000. Water quality and oceanographic data near a deep water outfall discharging acid mine drainage from Britannia Mine into Howe Sound, British Columbia. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1063:43p.
48. Williamson, C.J., C.D. Levings, J.S. Macdonald, E. White, K. Kopeck, and T. Pendray. 2000. A preliminary assessment of wood debris at four log dumps on Douglas Channel, British Columbia: Comparison of techniques. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2539:75p.
49. Wyeth, M.R., R.D. Stanley, R. Kieser, and K. Cooke. 2000. Use and calibration of a quantitative acoustic system on a commercial fishing vessel. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2324:46p.
Partie 2B : Autres publications secondaires et autres documents de recherche (ne comprennent pas les publications de l'ISM) - Cliquez pour plus de détails
Les publications secondaires sont les rapports non examinés par des pairs et les autres publications.
Cette liste des publications secondaires et des rapports comprend les documents autres que les rapports de Pêches et Océans Canada. Cette liste a d'abord été dressée au moyen de diverses techniques. La liste a ensuite été distribuée au personnel actuel aux fins d'examen. La liste n'est pas forcément complète.
1990 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Armstrong, R., and M. Kent. 1990. Clinical and pathological features of invasion of the eye of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, by metacestodes of the dogfish tapeworm Gilguinia squali. IAAAM (International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine) Proceedings 21(1990):93.
2. Benfey, T J., H M. Dye, and E M. Donaldson. 1990. Induced vitellogenesis in triploid coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Page 318 in T. Gjedrem (Editor), Genetics in aquaculture III. Aquaculture 85.
3. Bilton, H.T., and S.M. McKinnell. 1990. Classification of U.S.S.R. chum salmon to their continent of origin on the basis for their scale characters. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, B. C, Canada, November 1990. 15p.
4. Bilton, H.T., and S.M. McKinnell. 1990. Origin of chum salmon in a sample from confiscated Taiwanese catches as determined from scale pattern analysis. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, November 1990. 19p.
5. Bower, S.M. 1990. Enigma of Denman Island disease in oysters. Aquaculture Association of B.C. Quarterly Newsletter 7(1):10.
6. Bower, S.M., and L. Margolis. 1990. Potential use of helminth parasites in stock identification of flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, in North Pacific waters. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 7p.
7. Clarke, C. 1990. Artificial light extends growout period for chinook and coho salmon. Aquaculture Update 47:3p.
8. Clarke, C. 1990. Don't discount coho: choice for the 1990s? Fish Farm News 3(9):5.
9. Clarke, C. 1990. Light control lengthens grow out season. Fish Farm News 3(6):26.
10. Clarke, W.C. 1990. Feeding trials using hake silage. Fish Farm News 3(5):25-26.
11. Donaldson, E.M. 1990. The application of genetic and endocrine biotechnologies to finfish aquaculture. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology 1990:15-18.
12. Evelyn, T.P.T., and J.E. Ketcheson. 1990. An unusual isolate of Vibrio anguillarum from British Columbia. Fish Health Section/American Fisheries Society Newsletter 18(2):4.
13. Fulton, J.D. 1990. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 4p.
14. Fulton, J.D. 1990. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 4p.
15. Gjernes, T. 1990. Canadian aerial observations of the North Pacific driftnet fleet 1990. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 5p.
16. Henderson, M.A., S. McKinnell, and L. Margolis. 1990. Preliminary estimates of the incidence of slash marks on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) caught in commercial fisheries in British Columbia in 1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 1990. 8p.
17. Kabata, Z. 1990. Book review: A. N. Alekseev, and Z. N. Kondrashova. 1985. Organism of arthropods as environment for pathogens. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 55:295.
18. Kaiser, G.W., S.M. McKinnell, G.E.J. Smith, and M. Force. 1990. Assemblages of seabirds in the eastern region of the squid driftnet area. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, B. C, Canada, October 1990. 20p.
19. Kent, M.L. 1990. Marine anemia, a new disease of pen-reared chinook. Fish Farm News 3(5):18-19.
20. Kent, M.L., and G.C. Newbound. 1990. Transmission of marine anemia, a plasmacytoid leukemia, of pen-reared salmon. Pages 447 in Congress proceedings, Aquaculture International, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 4-7, 1990. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
21. Kent, M.L., D.J. Whitaker, and L. Margolis. 1990. Experimental transmission of the myxosporean Myxoboluis arcticus to sockeye salmon using an aquatic oligochaete, Eclipidrilus spp. (Lumbriculidae). Fish Health Sect./American Fisheries Society Newsletter 18(4):4-5.
22. Leaman, B.M., R. Kieser, R.D. Stanley, and P. Withler. 1990. W. E. RICKER hydroacoustic cruise to study rockfish behaviour off northern Vancouver Island, March 14-23, 1990. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 46p.
23. Leaman, B.M., and R.D. Stanley. 1990. Preliminary report on experimental harvest programs for two stocks of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) off British Columbia. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November, 1990. 43p.
24. Lee, D.L., D.J. Whitaker, and R.D. Stanley. 1990. A preliminary examination of the parasite fauna of yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 20p.
25. Margolis, L. 1990. Trematodes as population markers for North Pacific steelhead trout. Bull. Soc. Fr. Parasitol. 8(Suppl. 2):735.
26. McKinnell, S.M. 1990. Historical commercial salmon fishing operations within or adjacent the Japanese neon flying squid fishery. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1990. 10p.
27. McKinnell, S.M. 1990. Yet another study on the utility of chum scale patterns for identifying continent/region of origin. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1990. 13p.
28. McKinnell, S.M., W. Shaw, and J. Ladell. 1990. The 1990 pelagic research cruise of the W. E. RICKER. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1990. 23p.
29. Rutherford, K.L. 1990. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 93p.
30. Rutherford, K.L. 1990. Summary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970-1989. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 6p.
31. Saunders, M.W. 1990. Canadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries 1977-1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 5p.
32. Schnute, J.T. 1990. Book review: W.M. Getz and R.G. Haight. Population harvesting: demographic models of fish, forest, and animal resources. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:391-392.
33. Servizi, J.A. 1990. Chemical contaminant impacts on juvenile salmon. Pages 28-30 in R. Kistritz (Editor), Proceedings of the FREMP Habitat Workshop, Richmond, B.C., June 27-28, 1990. Fraser River Estuary Management Program, New Westminster, B.C.
34. Servizi, J.A. 1990. Effects of bio-treated bleached kraft mill effluent on juvenile chinook salmon. Pages 79-80 in Status report on water quality in the Fraser River estuary, 1990. Fraser River Estuary Management Program, New Westminster, B.C.
35. Shaw, W. 1990. Summary of marine debris sightings during Canadian high seas research surveys, 1989-1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 10p.
36. Shaw, W., and G.S. Jamieson. 1990. Preliminary results of the 1990 Canadian experimental jig fishery for neon flying squid (Omastrephes bartrami). Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 15p.
37. Solar, I.I., E. McLean, and E.M. Donaldson. 1990. Successful induced ovulation of the sablefish (Anoploma fimbria) following oral priming with Des-Gly10-(D-Ala6)LHRH ethylamide. Pages 439 in Congress proceedings, Aquaculture International. Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Cambridge, Ontario.
38. Tyler, A.V. (Editor). 1990. Biological advice on management of British Columbia groundfish for 1991. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 22p.
39. Tyler, A.V., and W.R. Crawford. 1990. Recruitment patterns in Pacific cod in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Document submitted to Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 27p.
40. Waldichuk, M. 1990. Book review: C.C. Park. 1987. Acid rain: rhetoric and reality. American Scientist 78:569.
41. Waldichuk, M. 1990. Book review: L.W. Milbrath (Editor). 1989. Envisioning a sustainable society:learning our way out. Marine Pollution Bulletin 21:407-408.
42. Ware, D.M. 1990. Catch statistics for the Canadian albacore fishery, 1945-1989. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 3p.
43. Welch, D.W., T.W. Gjernes, 0.A. Rassadnikov, and A. Korolov. 1990. Upper thermal limits on the late spring distribution of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus sPages) in the Northeast Pacific. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1990. 17p.
44. Whitaker, D.J., and M.L. Kent. 1990. "Jellied" flesh in farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Update 51:2p.
45. Withler,R. E. 1990. Genetic consequences of salmonid egg fertilization techniques, Pages 326 in T. Gjedrem (Editor), Genetics in aquaculture III. Aquaculture 85.
1991 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bower, S.M. 1991. Book review: J. S. Stolen, T. C. Fletcher, D. P. Anderson, B. S. Roberson, and W. B. van Muiswinkel (Editors), Techniques in fish immunology. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 28:333.
2. Bower, S.M. 1991. Microcells, Protista incertae sedis, lethal pathogens of oysters. Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoology 22(2):27-28.
3. Bower, S.M., and G. Meyer. 1991. Disease of Japanese scallops Patinopecten yessoensis caused by intercellular bacterium. Pages 513 in Abstracts of technical papers presented at the 1991 Annual Meeting Pacific Coast Oyster Growers Association National Shellfisheries Association -Pacific Coast Section, British Columbia Shellfish Growers Association, Richmond, B.C., September 12-14, 1991. Journal of Shellfish Research 10.
4. Budworth, P.R., P.L. Senger, and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. Induction of spermatogenesis in prepubertal rainbow trout with salmon gonadotropin (sG. G100). Biology of Reproduction 44(suppl1):521.
5. Devlin, R.H., and E.M. Donaldson. 1991. DNA testing for determination of genetic sex. Fish Farm News 4(10/11):24-25.
6. Devlin, R. H., A. E. Wallis, B. K. McNeil, M. Engelsjord, and T. Yesaki. 1991. Molecular genetic approaches to controlled growth and reproduction at DFO's West Vancouver Laboratory. Pages 12 in E.M. Donaldson and Y. Inui (Editors), Final report, Canada/Japan Aquaculture Biotechnology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., March 18-20, 1991. Pegasus Consulting Group, Vancouver, B.C.
7. Donaldson, E.M. 1991. Department of Fisheries and Oceans CODE for biotechnology and genetics in aquaculture. Pages 15 in E.M. Donaldson and Y. Inui (Editors), Final report, Canada/Japan Aquaculture, Biotechnology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., March 18-20, 1991. Vancouver Pegasus Consulting Group, Vancouver, B.C.
8. Donaldson, E.M., and Y. Inui. (Editors), 1991. Final report, Canada/Japan Aquaculture Biotechnology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., March 18-20, 1991. Pegasus Consulting Group, Vancouver, B.C.
9. Ellis, G. M., and J. K. B. Ford. 1991. Obituary: Michael Andrew Bigg, 1939-1990. Marine Mammal Science 7:326-328.
10. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1991. Department of Fisheries and Oceans fish health research in the Pacific region of Canada. Pages 15 in E.M. Donaldson, and Y. Inui (Editors), Final report, Canada/Japan Aquaculture, Biotechnology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., March 18-20, 1991. Pegasus Consulting Group, Vancouver, B.C.
11. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1991. Notice to fish culturists and fish farmers: fish health course. Aquaculture Update 52.
12. Evelyn, T.P.T., and E. Lee. 1991. Prevention of vertical transmission of the bacterial kidney disease agent by broodstock injection with erythromycin. Aquaculture Update 58.
13. Haist, V., and J.F. Schweigert. 1991. Summary of 1991 herring stock assessments. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 9p.
14. Heise, K., G. Ellis, and C. Matkin. 1991. A catalogue of Prince William Sound Killer Whales. North Gulf Oceanic Society for the National Marine Mammal Laboratory. 51p.
15. Higgs, D.A., and B.S. Dosanjh. 1991. Importance of fish nutrition biotechnology research for cost effective salmonid production. Pages XX in E.M. Donaldson and Y. Inue (Editors), Final report, Canada/Japan Aquaculture Biotechnology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., March 18-20, 1991. Pegasus Consulting Group, Vancouver, B.C.
16. Jensen, J., and E. Groot. 1991. Status of sablefish and halibut research at the Pacific Biological Station. Fish Farm News 3(9):4.
17. Kent, M.L., J.W. Bagshaw, G.C. Newbound, G.S. Traxler, S.C. Dawe, J.R. Roome, W.E. Eaton, J.M. Groff, and D. Speare. 1991. Plasmacytoid leukemia (marine anemia):viral or microsporidian etiology? Fish Health Section / American Fisheries Society Newsletter 19(2):1-2.
18. Kent, M.L., and J. Ellis. 1991. Systemic diplomonad flagellate infection in chinook salmon from British Columbia seawater netpens. Fish Health Section / American Fisheries Society Newsletter 19(4):2.
19. Kieser, R., and G. Langford. 1991. An application of spatial analysis to fisheries acoustics. Pages 335-339 in H. Schreier, S. Brown, P. O'Reilly, and P.J. Meehan (Editors), Application in a changing world:GIS91 symposium proceedings. For. Can. FRDA Report153.
20. Leaman, B.M. (Editor), 1991. Biological advice on management of British Columbia groundfish for 1992. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 22p.
21. Lee, E. G.H., and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1991. Broodstock erythromycin injection prevents Renibacterium vertical transmission. Fish Health Section / American Fisheries Society Newsletter 19(4):1.
22. McElderry, H., S.M. McKinnell, and A. Laing. 1991. A comparison of catch rates and net handling efficiency from surface and subsurface driftnet deployments on the Japanese squid driftnet fishing vessel EIHO MARU No. 61. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991. 23p.
23. McFarlane, G.A., J.O.T. Jensen, W.T. Andrews, and E.P. Groot. 1991. Egg and yolk sac larval development of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). International Pacific Halibut Commission Technical Report 24:22p.
24. McKinnell, S.M. 1991. Origins of chum salmon taken in the Japanese large scale squid driftnet fishery during 1990. Document submitted totheAnnual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991. 11p.
25. McKinnell, S.M., M.L Dahlberg, and Y. Ishida. 1991. Incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in the 1991 Japanese squid driftnet fishery. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991. 2p.
26. McKinnell, S.M., and W. Shaw. 1991. Recoveries of salmon tagged and released in the central North Pacific Ocean during a Canadian research vessel cruise, May 22-July 1, 1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 4p.
27. McLean, E. 1991. Alternative technologies for the delivery of bioactive materials to aquacultured teleosts. Pages 25 in E.M. Donaldson and Y. Inui (Editors), Final Report, Canada/Japan Aquaculture Biotechnology Workshop, Vancouver, B. C, March 18-20, 1991. Pegasus Consulting Group, Vancouver, B.C.
28. Morris, J.F.T., D.W. Welch, and 0.A. Rassadnikov. 1991. Preliminary results from the 1991 joint USSR/Canadian research cruise to the North-west Pacific Ocean. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991. 14p.
29. Newbound, G.C, and M.L. Kent. 1991. Prevalence of plasmacytoid leukemia in British Columbia chinook salmon. Fish Health Section /American Fisheries Society Newsletter 19(1 ):1 -2.
30. Richards, L.J. 1991. Canadian field research studies for 1991 in the Northeast Pacific. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 4p.
31. Rutherford, K.L. 1991. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 97p.
32. Rutherford, K. 1991. Summary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970-90. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 6p.
33. Saunders, M.W. 1991. Canadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 5p.
34. Scrivener, J.C. 1991. An update and application of the production model for Carnation Creek salmon, Pages 210-219 in B. White and I. Guthrie (Editors), Proceedings of the 15th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, Parksville, B.C., February 27-March 1, 1991. Pacific Salmon Commission, Vancouver, B.C.
35. Shaw, W. 1991. Results of the 1991 Canada-Japan experimental squid jig fishery off British Columbia. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991. 18p.
36. Solar, I., and T. Evelyn. 1991. Una pathologia insidiosia, la enfermedad del riñon:medidas para evitar propagacion en Chile. Aquanoticias Int. 1991(June):53-57.
37. Stockner, J.G., and E.M. Klut. 1991. Femto-and picoplankton associations in freshwater pelagic ecosystems:possible ecological implications. Int. Ver. Theor. Angew. Limnol. Verh. 24:319.
38. Tompkins, A., and C.D. Levings. 1991. Interspecific interactions affecting the survival of chum salmon fry. Pages 232-234 in B. White and I. Guthrie (Editors), Proceedings of the 15th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, Parksville, B.C., February 27-Mar 1, 1991. Pacific Salmon Commission, Vancouver, B.C.
39. Traxler, G.S., and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1991. Lack of pathogenicity of a birnavirus isolated from Atlantic salmon in British Columbia. Aquaculture Update 54.
40. Traxler, G.S., and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1991. Susceptibility of Atlantic and sockeye salmon to IHN virus in sea water. Aquaculture Update 55.
41. Traxler, G.S., J.R. Roome, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1991. Susceptibility of Atlantic salmon to erythrocytic necrosis virus (ENV). Fish Health Section / American Fisheries Society Newsletter 19(1):2
42. Traxler, G.S., J.R. Roome, and M.L. Kent. 1991. Susceptibility of Atlantic (Salmo salar), sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in sea water. Pages 15 in Proceedings, Second International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates, July 29-31, 1991. Oregon State University Printing Department, Corvallis, Oregon.
43. Traxler, G.S., J.R. Roome, and M.L. Kent. 1991. Transmission of IHN virus to sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in sea water. Fish Health Section / American Fisheries Society Newsletter 19(2):6-7.
44. Wallace, C.G. 1991. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991.
45. Wallace, C.G. 1991. Catch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1991.
46. Ware, D.M., and L. Yamanaka. 1991. Catch statistics for the Canadian albacore tuna fishery, 1945-1990. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, October 1991.
47. Welch, D.W., and Y. Ishida. 1991. On some sampling characteristics of high seas gillnet surveys for salmon. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, October 1991. 29p.
48. Welch, D.W., L. Margolis, M.A. Henderson, and S. McKinnell. 1991. Evidence for attacks by the bathypelagic fish, Anotopterus pharao. (Myctophiformes) on Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp. Document submitted to the Annual Meeting, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991. 8p.
1992 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Blaylock. R., L. Margolis and J.C. Holmes. 1992. Parasites and Pacific halibut: preliminary report, Pages 243-245 in Report of assessment and research activities 1991. International Pacific Halibut Commission, Seattle, Washington.
2. Bower, S.M. 1992. Two mysterious diseases of cultured Japanese scallops (Patinopecten yessoensis) in British Columbia. Canadian Society of Zoologists Bulletin 23(2):31.
3. Bower, S.M. 1992. Warning -associated disease risks with uncontrolled movements of shellfish. Fish Farm News 5(7):13.
4. Brocklebank, J.R., D.J. Speare, R.D. Armstrong and T. Evelyn. 1992. Septicemia in farmed Atlantic and chinook salmon due to a rickettsia-like agent. FHS/AFS Newsletter 20(1 ):1.
5. Clarke, W.C. 1992. Environmental factors in the production of Pacific salmon smolts. World Aquaculture Magazine 23(4):39-42.
6. Clarke, W.C. 1992. Marine fish culture at PBS. Fish Farm News 5(12):14, 23.
7. Clarke, W.C. 1992. Performance of coho salmon fed a moist diet prepared from hake silage. Fish Farm News 3(5):25-26.
8. Devlin, R.H. and E.M. Donaldson. 1992. Escapism of modified organisms. Implementation of modified organisms. New Biotech 4(8):20.
9. Hargreaves, B., B. Hungar and B. Patten. 1992. MASS investigation summaries:predation mortality of juvenile salmon in Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound, B.C. in 1991. Pages81-96 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse project seventh annual progress report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
10. Hoskins, G., D. Kieser, L. Kahl, D. Blackburn and R. Stitt. 1992. Water temperature vs. proliferative kidney disease. Info Memo (SEP) 153:2p.
11. Hvidsten, N.A., B.O. Johnsen and CD. Levings. 1992. Behaviour and feeding of emigrating salmon smolts in the Trondheimsfjord (In Norwegian). Research Report Norwegian Institute for Nature Research 164:14p.
12. Johnson, S. and L. Margolis. 1992. The biology of sea lice and a key for species identification. Aquaculture Update 59:7p.
13. Johnsson, J.I. and W.C. Clarke. 1992. A genetic study of seasonal growth patterns in fresh and sea water of juvenile steelhead trout and domesticated rainbow trout crosses. Pages 100 in G.A.E. Gall (Editor), The rainbow trout: the proceedings of the first Aquaculture-sponsored symposium held at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland, 4-7 September 1990. Aquaculture 100(1-3).
14. Kent, M.L., S. Dawe and J. Ellis. 1992. Transmission of a systematic diploid flagellate of chinook salmon reared in sea water. FHS/AFS Newsletter 20(1 ):5.
15. Kieser, D., G. Hoskins, R. Stitt. D. Blackburn and L. Kahl. 1992. Control of proliferative kidney disease. Info Memo (SEP) 154:2p.
16. Kieser, D., G. Traxler, T. Evelyn and R. Armstrong. 1992. IHN and its occurrence in sea-farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Update 61:3p.
17. Kieser. R., K. Cooke and G. Langford. 1992. Recent developments of spatial analysis of fisheries acoustic data. Pages 1-5 in Proceedings, GIS '92 Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia, February 9-13, 1992.
18. Kreiberg, H. 1992. Metomidate sedation minimizes handling stress in chinook salmon. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 92-3:52-54.
19. Kreiberg, H. 1992. New anaesthetic procedure to reduce stress in handling cultured salmonids. Aquaculture Update 57:2p.
20. Lundqvist, H., S. McKinnell. H. Fangstam and I. Berglund. 1992. Return rates and biomass production of river released early mature Baltic salmon males; where do we stand today? ICES CM 1992/M8:15p.
21. Macdonald, J.S., J.C. Scrivener and G. Smith. 1992. The Stuart-Takla fisheries/forestry interaction project study description and design. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1899:39p.
22. Margolis, L. 1992. Previous titles -Aquaculture Updates. Aquaculture Update 60:4p.
23. Nikl, L., L.J. Albright and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1992. Immunostimulants hold promise in furunculosis prevention. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 92(1):49-52.
24. Perry, R.I. (chair.). 1992. Georges Bank ecosystem (working group report), Pages 178-193 in J. Wiggin and C.N.K. Mooers (Editors), Proceedings of the Gulf of Maine Scientific Workshop, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, January 8-10. 1991. Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts.
25. Perry, R.I., G.A. McFarlane and R.E. Thomson. 1992. Spring larval fish assemblages -west coast of Vancouver Island, Pages61-62 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse project seventh annual progress report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
26. Roberts, A., J.P. MacDonald and I.V. Williams. 1992. Digital classification of salmon spawning habitat:an evaluation of airborne multispectral imagery. Pages 54-58 in A world of applications: Proceedings of the 16th (1992) Canadian Remote Sensing Seminar. Canadian Remote Sensing Society, Ottawa.
27. Saunders, M.W. and G.A. McFarlane. 1992. Pacific hake distribution and recruitment, Pages63-68 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse project seventh annual progress report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
28. Scrivener, J.C. 1992. The importance of long-term studies for interpreting the complexity of ecosystem process: Carnation Creek, a case study. Pages 15-27 in J.W. Hayes and S.F. Davis (Editors), Proceedings of the Fisheries and Forestry Conference, February 28-29, 1990. New Zealand Freshwater Fisheries Report 136.
29. Scrivener, J.C. and J.S. Macdonald. 1992. Spray drift and vegetation buffers for aquatic environments. S. Thorpe (Editor), Proceedings of the Spray Application Technology Seminar, March 30 -April 1 1992. Northern Interior Vegetation Management Association, Prince George, B.C.
30. Shirvell, CS. 1992. Abundance of juvenile chinook salmon and steelhead in winter. Info Memo(SEP) 152:1p.
31. Tanasichuk, R. 1992. Euphausiid population biology studies, Pages 69-74 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse project seventh annual progress report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney. B.C.
32. Ware, D.M. and R.W. Tanasichuk. 1992. Herring distribution, mortality and recruitment. Pages 75-80 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse project seventh annual progress report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
33. Ware, D.M. and R.E. Thomson (Editors), 1992. La Perouse project seventh annual progress report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C. 105p.
34. Welch. D.W. and L. Margolis. 1992. Slash marks on salmon: new evidence points to a deep-sea predator. Westcoast Fishermen 6(11):25-29.
35. Whitaker, D.J. and M.L. Kent. 1992. Kudoa thyrsites (Myxosporea) and soft flesh in pen-reared coho salmon. FHS/AFS Newsletter 20(1):4-5.
1993 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Blaylock, R. 1993. Pacific halibut parasite study. Pages 233-234 in Report of assessment and research activities 1992. International Pacific Halibut Commission, Seattle, Washington.
2. Booking, R.C, K.K. English, J.R. Irvine and M. Labelle. 1993. Statistical design and execution of an escapement estimation procedure for coho salmon in the Trent River, Vancouver Island. Pages 84-94 in L. Berg and P.W. Delaney (Editors), Proceedings of the Coho Salmon Workshop, May 26-28 1992, Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Sector, Vancouver, B.C.
3. Bower, S. 1993. Flatworm suspected in destruction of Japanese scallop seed. Pacific Coast Section / National Shellfish Association Newsletter 2(1):2.
4. Bower, S. 1993. A new protozoan parasite of spot prawns. Pacific Coast Section / National Shellfisheries Association Newsletter 2(1):2.
5. Clarke. C. 1993. Lingcod research at the Pacific Biological Station. Fish Farm News 6(10):12.
6. Clarke, C. 1993. Marine fish cultivation research at the Pacific Biological Station. Page s33-34 in T. Nosho and K. Freeman (Editors), Proceedings of the Marine Fish Culture and Enhancement Conference, October 4-6, 1993, Seattle, Washington.
7. Donaldson, E.M., T.Y. Yesaki, E. McLean and R.H. Devlin. 1993. Growth acceleration in salmonids by transgenesis or placental lactogen administration. Pages 125-126 in M.R.P. Varavudhi and S. Lorlowhakarn (Editors), Progress in comparative endocrinology: the second intercongress symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for comparative Endocrinology, October 26-29, Chiangmai, Thailand.
8. Dong, F.M., F.T. Barrows, D.J. Erickson, W.T. Fairgrieve, I. Forster, N.F. Haard, R.W. Hardy, D.A. Higgs, B.A. Rasco, J.S. Rohovec and C.E. Smith. 1993. The nutritive value of alternative protein sources in the diets of cultured salmonids. Pages29-33 in Proceedings, 20th UINR Symposium on Aquaculture Nutrition. October 28-30, 1991, Newport, Oregon.
9. Haist, V. and J.M. Porter. 1993. Evaluation of alternative methods to estimate age compositions from length frequency data with specific reference to Atlantic swordfish, Xiphias gladius. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, Collections Volume Science Papers 33:331-343.
10. Hervio, D., S. Bower and G. Meyer. 1993. Update on Denman Island disease in Pacific oysters. Pacific Coast Section /National Shellfisheries Association Newsletter 2(1):2-3.
11. Holtby, B., K. Simpson and S. Baillie. 1993. How important are lakes to coho production? Pages 289 in L. Berg and P.W. Delaney (Editors), Proceedings of the Coho Salmon Workshop, May 26-28 1992, Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Sector, Vancouver, B.C.
12. Holtby, B., T. Hammond, R. Kadowaki, K. Simpson and B. Finnegan. 1993. Using distributional properties of juvenile fork length to assess stock status of Georgia Strait coho and the productive potential of streams. Pages 261 in L. Berg and P.W. Delaney (Editors), Proceedings of the Coho Salmon Workshop. May 26-28 1992, Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Sector, Vancouver, B.C.
13. Irvine, J.R. and R.E. Bailey. 1993. The influence of stream location and smolt timing on the subsequent marine catch distribution of certain stocks of coho salmon. Pages 57-64 in L. Berg and P.W. Delaney (Editors), Proceedings of the Coho Salmon Workshop, May 26-28 1992, Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Sector, Vancouver, B.C.
14. Ishida, Y., D.W. Welch and K. Shimazaki. 1993. How to estimate carrying capacity for nektonic species? Pages 59-66 in J.R. Hunter, T. Wada, B. Hargreaves and T. Sugimota (Editors), Part 1. Coastal pelagic fishes (Report of Working Group 3). Part 2. Subarctic gyre (Report of Working Group 6). PICES Science Report 1. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) c/o Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C.
15. Johnson, S.C. 1993. A report on the sea lice symposium of the first European conference on Crustacea, Paris, France, August 31 to September 5 1992. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 93-04:62,12p.
16. Johnson, S.C. and M.L. Kent. 1993. Sea lice (Caligid copepod parasites). Pages 57-60 in S.C. Johnson (Editor), A Report on Sea Lice Symposium of the 1st European Conference on Crustacea, Paris, France. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 93-04.
17. Johnson, S. and L. Margolis. 1993. The biology of sea lice and a key for species identification. Aquaculture Update 59:7p.
18. Kadowaki, R. 1993. Coho management in British Columbia. Pages 9-12 in L. Berg and P. Delaney (Editors), Proceedings of the Coho Salmon Workshop, May 26-28 1992, Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Sector, Vancouver, B.C.
19. Kennedy, R., H. Kreiberg and A. Solmie. 1993. A multi-species plankton bloom in Departure Bay. Aquaculture Update 62:3p.
20. Kent, M.L. 1993. Book Review: Lorn, J. and Dykova, I. 1992. Protozoan parasites of fishes. Elsevier. Journal of Parasitology 79(5):673.
21. Kent, M.L. 1993. Marine anemia update. Pages 79-86 in A. Castledine, S. Marsh and E. Britton (Editors), The Chinook Salmon Workshop, February 27 to March 1, 1991, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 93-03.
22. Kent, M.L. and S.C Dawe. 1993. Seawater transmission of Loma salmonae (Microsporea). FHS/AFS Newsletter 21 (4):10.
23. Kent, M.L., R.J. Andersen, S.C. Dawe, D.E. Williams, M. Le Blanc and F.J.R. Taylor. 1993. Microcystin LR: possibly the cause of netpen liver disease of seawater pen-reared salmon. FHS/AFS Newsletter 20(2):9-12.
24. Kent, M.L., CO. Kumi, D.J. Whitaker and L. Margolis. 1993. Sphaerospora spp. in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka and its association with the PKX myxosporean. FHS/AFS Newsletter 21(2):12.
25. Kent, M.L., G.C. Newbound, S.C. Dawe, C Stephen, W.D. Eaton, G.S. Traxler, D. Kieser and R.F. Markham. 1993. Observations on the transmission and range of plasmacytoid leukemia of chinook salmon. FHS/AFS Newsletter 21(2):1-3.
26. Levings, C.D. 1993. Comparison of fish habitat and wetland classification systems used in the lower Fraser River. Pages 33-35 in Proceedings of the conference "Wetlands -A Transboundary Agenda", Whiterock, British Columbia, September 24-25, 1993.
27. Levings, C.D. 1993. Results of fish habitat restoration at the Campbell River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada. Pages 70-75 in Proceedings of the Wildlife Habitat Canada Workshop. "Gaining Fish Habitat -A New Approach to Partnership." Ottawa, Ontario, October 4-5, 1993.
28. Myers, K.W., CK. Harris, Y. Ishida, L. Margolis and M. Ogura. 1993. Review of the Japanese land based driftnet salmon fishery in the western north Pacific ocean and the continent of origin of salmonids in this area. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 52:86p.
29. Perry, R.I. and G.A. McFarlane. 1993. Cross-shelf exchange of neustonic ichthyoplankton during the spring transition off Vancouver Island. Pages 56 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
30. Perry, R.I., P.A. Thompson and P.J. Harrison. 1993. Stable isotopes as tracers of larval fish foodwebs during spring of SW Vancouver Island. Pages 54-56 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
31. Perry, R.I., N.B. Hargreaves, B. Waddell and D.L. Mackas. 1993. Juvenile salmon and plankton trophic interactions during early summer migrations on the B.C. continental shelf. Pages 57-58 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
32. Saunders, M.W. and G.A. McFarlane. 1993. Pacific hake distribution and recruitment. Pages 49-53 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
33. Schwarz. C.J., R.E. Bailey, J.R. Irvine and F.C Dalziel. 1993. Estimating salmon escapement using capture-recapture methods. Pages 70-83 in L. Berg and P.W. Delaney (Editors), Proceedings of the Coho Salmon Workshop, May 26-28 1992, Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Sector, Vancouver, B.C.
34. Servizi, J.A. 1993. Trends in contaminant bioaccumulation in salmonid fishes. Proceedings of the 1993 workshop on Environmental quality and research, and inventory of monitoring and research for 1992/93. Fraser River Estuary Management Program, New Westminster, B.C.
35. Sukumasavin, N., E.M. Donaldson, W. Leelapatra and N.R. Liley. 1993. Endocrine changes during final maturation in the female Thai carp (Puntius gonionotus) bleeker and the response to natural and synthetic gonadotropin releasing hormones and the dopamine antagonist domperidone. Pages 58-60 in M.R.P. Varavudhi and S. Lorlowhakarn (Editors), Progress in Comparative Endocrinology, Proceedings of the Second Intercongress Symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology, October 26-29, 1993.
36. Tanasichuk, R. 1993. Euphausiid population biology studies. Pages 31-38 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
37. Traxler, G.S. and J.R. Roome. 1993. Isolation of IHNV from adult sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) in sea water. FHS/AFS Newsletter 21(2):3p.
38. Ware, D.M. and R.W. Tanasichuk. 1993. Summer pelagic fish distributions and trophic interactions. Pages 42-48 in D.M. Ware and R.E. Thomson (Editors), La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney, B.C.
39. Ware, D.M. and R.E. Thomson (Editors), 1993. La Perouse/MASS project eighth annual progress report 1992 (and) supplement. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, B.C.; Sidney. B.C. 74,11p.
40. Whitehouse, T.R., C.D. Levings and J.S. Macdonald. 1993. Chironomid (Diptera) insects from natural and transplanted estuaries and marshes in British Columbia. Pages 500-524 in Proceedings, Canadian Coastal Conference, May 4-7, Vancouver, B.C. Coastal Zone Engineering Program, National Research Council, Ottawa.
41. Whyte, J.N.C. 1993. The effects of rotifer and brine shrimp compositions on the development of larval sablefish. Pages 56-61 in F. Ming (Editor), Nutritional interrelationships in aquaculture. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 93-01.
1994 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Anderson, S., D. Higgs, and B. Dosanjh. 1994. Handling and storage of fish feed. Aquaculture Update 69:2p.
2. Bernard, D.P., C.L. Murray, J.D. Lousier, J.S. McDonald, NT. Johnston, and D.L. Hogan. 1994. Stuart-Takla fisheries/forestry interaction project: research design workshop. Fisheries Technical Circular (BC) 92:58p.
3. Blaylock, R., L. Margolis, and J. Holmes. 1994. Parasites and Pacific halibut. Pages 303-304 in Report of assessment and research activities, 1993. International Pacific Halibut Commission, Seattle, Washington.
4. Campbell, P. 1994. Stressed fish produce gametes of poorer quality. Aquaculture Update 68:2p.
5. Clarke, C., J. Blackburn, E. Virtanen, and D. Higgs. 1994. The effect of FinnStim on growth and seawater adaptation in yearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) smolts. Aquaculture Update 65:4p.
6. Donaldson, E.M., R.H. Devlin, D.A. Higgs, and I.M. Price. 1994. Aquaculture biotechnology in Canada including the development of transgenic salmon. Pages 47-57 in Aquatic biotechnology and food safety. OECD documents. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris.
7. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1994. Book Review: Bacterial fish pathogens: disease in farmed and wild fish. 2nd edition by Brian Austin and Dawn A. Austin. Journal of Fish Diseases 17:555-556.
8. Kabata, Z. 1994. Book review: Pathogens of wild and farmed fish: sea lice. G.A. Boxshall, and D. Defaye (Editors), Ellis Horwood, Series in Aquaculture and Fisheries Support, New York. Journal of Crustacean Biology 14 (3):614-615.
9. Kent, M.L. 1994. Fumagillin DCH: a potential drug treating myxosporidiosis in pen-reared salmonid fishes. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 94-01:12-13.
10. Kent, M.L. 1994. Seawater transmission and treatment of Loma salmonae (Microspora) of chinook salmon. Aquaculture Update 67:2p.
11. Kieser, D. 1994. The treatment of fish ecoparasites and egg fungus: An approved formalin product for salmonids. Info Memo (SEP) 157:1p.
12. Margolis, L. 1994. Preface. Pages 1-2 in Recent advances in research on parasites and diseases of freshwater fishes in Hokkaido: Special issue. Scientific Report of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery 48.
13. McDonald, T.E., and L. Margolis. 1994. Preventing the occurrence of body cavity nematodes (Philonema) in salmonids in lake, cage-culture operations. Aquaculture Update 66:2p.
14. Nelson, T.C, R. Alexander, and C.D. Levings. 1994. Ultrasonic and radio biotelemetry assessment of the distribution and movement of starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) in the Fraser River estuary during late January to early April 1993. Fraser River Estuary Management Program Technical Report WQWM 93-07:41 p.
15. Perry, R.I. 1994. Book review: Webs and Scales: Physical and Ecological Processes in Marine Fish Recruitment. Fisheries Oceanography 3:218-220.
16. Perry, I., and J. Huyer (Rapporteurs). 1994. Appendix 5: Frontal processes. Pages 78-86 in Coastal ocean processes: wind-driven transport processes on the U.S. West Coast. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Technical Report WHOI-94-20.
17. Prendergast, A.F., D.A. Higgs, D.M. Beames, B.S. Dosanjh, and G. Deacon. 1994. Searching for substitutes -Canola. Northern Aquaculture(May/June):15-20.
18. Rice, J., and L. Richards. 1994. Partnerships and roles -the Pacific Canadian rockfish fishery. ICES CM 1994/T42:10p.
19. Richards, L.J., and J. Fargo. 1994. Comparing data collected by observers and skippers in the British Columbia trawl fishery. ICES CM 1994/T8:7p.
20. Traxler, G.S., and D. Kieser. 1994. Isolation of the North American strain of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) from herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) in British Columbia. FHS/AFS Newsletter 22(1):8.
21. Ware, D.M., and N.B. Hargreaves. 1994. Occurrence of Pacific (Chub) mackerel off the British Columbia coast: 1993. PICES Press 2(1):12-13.
22. Werner. F.E., R.I. Perry, R.G. Lough, and D.R. Lynch. 1994. A coupled individual-based trophodynamics and circulation model for studies of larval cod and haddock on Georges Bank. U.S. GLOBEC News No. 7:1-3, 14-16.
23. Whitaker, D.J., M.L. Kent, and L. Margolis. 1994. Myxosporean parasites and their potential impact on the aquaculture industry, with emphasis on Kudoa species. Pages 2-7 in D.C Conley (Editor), Kudoa Workshop Proceedings. Aquaculture Industry Development Report 94-01.
1995 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beacham, T.D., and R. Withler. 1995. Identifying salmon stocks. The Westcoast Fisherman, July 1995:53-54.
2. Carrillo, M., S. Zanuy, M. Blázquez, J. Ramos, F. Piferrer, and E.M. Donaldson. 1995. Sex control and ploidy manipulation in sea bass. Pages 125-143 in OECD documents on environmental impacts of aquatic biotechnology. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
3. Clarke, C., and J. Shelbourn. 1995. Rearing of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) from egg to juvenile. Aquaculture Update 73:2 p.
4. Donaldson, E.M. 1995. Book review: Environmental biology of fishes by Malcolm Jobling. Aquaculture 134:375-376.
5. Hand, C 1995. The declining abundance of Pacific cod. The Westcoast Fisherman 9(11):36-39.
6. Hay, D. 1995. The mysterious eulachon. The Westcoast Fisherman 9(9):47-48.
7. Hervio, D.M.L., R.H. Devlin, M.P. Docker, T.A. Mo, L. Margolis, and M.L. Kent. 1995. Ribosomal DNA comparisons of Henneguya salmonicola and H. zschokkei from salmon and whitefish. FHS/AFS Newsletter 23(3):4-5.
8. Higgs, D., E. Donaldson, B. Dosanjh, E-A. Chambers, M. Shamaila, B. Skura, and T. Furukawa. 1995. The case for Phaffia. Northern Aquaculture (March/April):20-24.
9. Hvidsten, N.A., B.O. Johnsen, and C.D. Levings. 1995. Movement and feeding of salmon smolts in Trondheimsfjorden and the North Sea. (Vandring og ernaering hos laksesmolt i Trondheimsfjorden og pa Frohavet). NINA Oppdragsmelding 332:1-17 (In Norwegian).
10. Johnson, S., and L. Margolis. 1995. The efficacy of a pyrethrin compound against the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis and its toxicity to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture Update 70:5p.
11. Kent, M., and R. Devlin. 1995. Loma salmonae: ribosomal DNA sequence, a PCR test, and implications for source of the infection. Aquaculture Update 74:2p.
12. Kent, M.L., and L. Margolis. 1995. Parasitic protozoa of seawater-reared salmonids. Aquaculture Magazine 21(3):64-74.
13. Margolis, L. 1995. Book review: Parasitic worms of fish by Harford Williams and Arlene Jones. Taylor & Francis, London. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 5(2):387-389.
14. Olesiuk, P.F. 1995. Harbour seals: research toward management. The Westcoast Fisherman 9(10):26-28.
15. Schweigert, J. 1995. The art and science of managing B.C. herring stocks. The Westcoast Fisherman 9(8):17, 19.
16. Solar, I.I., and E.M. Donaldson. 1995. Diploid gynogenesis as a means of generating all-female populations of salmon for aquaculture. Aquaculture Update 71:2 p.
17. Traxler, G., D. Kieser, and T.P.T. Evelyn. 1995. Isolation of North American strain of VHS virus from farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Update 72:2 p.
1996 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bower, S. 1996. Disease risks associated with the transplantation of abalone, geoducks, sea urchins, and spot prawns in British Columbia. Aquaculture Update 76:4p.
2. Donaldson, E.M. 1996. Book review of The Physiology of Fishes by David H. Evans. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Aquaculture 146:292-293.
3. Dosanjh, B., D. Higgs, G. Deacon, and A. Farrell. 1996. New research may increase Omega-3 in farm salmon. Northern Aquaculture (Feb.):6-8, 30.
4. Hervio. D., M.L. Kent, J. Sakanari, H. Yokoyama, J. Khatra, and R.H. Devlin. 1996. Taxonomy of Kudoa species (Myxosporea: Multivalvulida) using 18S ribosomal DNA sequence. FHS/American Fisheries Society Newsletter 24(3):8-9.
5. Irvine, J.R., Y. Miyakoshi, H. Hayano, M. Fujiwara, K. Suglwaka, M. Miyamoto, and M. Nagata. 1996. Assessment of hatchery origin and wild masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) smolts in the Masuhoro River, 1995. Science Report of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery 50:1-16
6. Kent, M., L. Margolis, and R. Devlin. 1996. Kudoa and salmon soft flesh research in the Pacific Region by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). Aquaculture Update 75:2p.
7. Perry, R.I. 1996. Ecology and growth of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma: Summary and recommendations for future research. Pages 111-114 in U.S. Department of Commerce NOAA Technical Report NMFS 126.
8. Perry, R.I. 1996. Introduction. Pages 1-3 in A.W. Kendall and S. Kim (Editors), Fisheries oceanography of walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography 5 (Supplement 1).
9. Traxler, G.S., and J. Richard. 1996. First detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in marine fishes. FHS/American Fisheries Society Newsletter 24(3):7.
10. Welch, D.W., and H.R. Carlson. 1996. Salmon on the high seas -new DFO-NMFS research on juvenile salmon. The Westcoast Fisherman (10):33-36.
1997 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bower, S.M. 1997. Fish and shellfish health concerns and research on the Pacific coast of Canada. Pages 29-41 in Proceedings of the first Korea-Canada Joint Symposium in Aquatic Biosciences, October 16, 1997. Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University.
2. Bower, S.M. 1997. Shellfish aquaculture in British Columbia. Pages 199-211 in Proceedings of the First Korea-Canada Joint Symposium in Aquatic Biosciences, October 16, 1997. Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University.
3. Candy, J., and A. Thomson. 1997. Atlantic salmon watch program 1996 review. Aquaculture Update 77:2p.
4. Davis, J.C. 1997. Opportunities for Korea-Canada cooperation in aquaculture and marine science. Pages 1-5 in Proceedings of the First Korea-Canada Joint Symposium in Aquatic Biosciences, October 16, 1997. Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University.
5. Devlin, R.H. 1997. Applications of molecular genetics in salmon aquaculture and fisheries biology. Pages 113-127 in Proceedings of the first Korea-Canada Joint Symposium in Aquatic Biosciences, October 16, 1997. Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University.
6. Higgs, D.A. 1997. Nutritional strategies for cost effective salmon production. Pages 67-91 in Proceedings of the First Korea-Canada Joint Symposium in Aquatic Biosciences, October 16, 1997. Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University.
7. Jensen, J. 1997. Mechanical shock sensitivity in salmonid eggs. Aquaculture Update 78:3p.
8. Jensen, J. 1997. Predictions for salmonid egg development. Aquaculture Update 80:2p.
9. Johnson, S.C, M.L. Kent, and L. Margolis. 1997. Crustacean and helminth parasites of seawater-reared salmonids. Aquaculture Magazine March/April 1997:40-64.
10. Kreiberg, H., and V. Brenton. 1997. Coho growth test in SEA System™ bag in Departure Bay. Aquaculture Update 79:2p.
11. North, M.S., and C.D. Levings. 1997. GIS applied to foreshore fish habitat research in British Columbia. Pages 131-134 in Integrating Spatial Information Technologies for Tomorrow. Proceedings of GIS '97 Eleventh Annual Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Vancouver, B.C., February 17-20, 1997.
12. North, M.S., and C.D. Levings. 1997. Methods for environmental evaluation in the coastal zone: some principles and recent experience with fish habitat mapping in coastal British Columba, Canada. Pages 121-126 in Proceedings I: Techno-Ocean '96 International Symposium, Sustainable Development of Coastal Zone and Sea, Oct. 23-25, 1996, Kobe, Japan.
13. Perry, I. 1997. Comparing oceanic ecosystems within GLOBEC-the PICES approach. GLOBEC International Newsletter 3(2):4-5p.
14. Richards, L.J., J.T. Schnute, and N. Olsen. 1997. Quantifying risk in precautionary stock assessments. ICES CM 01:1-12.
15. Schwarz, C.J., R.E. Bailey, J.R. Irvine, and F.C Dalziel. 1997. Erratum -Estimating salmon spawning escapement using capture-recapture methods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2214.
16. Whyte, J.N.C 1997. Harmful marine algae and research directed at mitigating their effects. Pages 159-177 in Proceedings of the First Korea-Canada Joint Symposium in Aquatic Biosciences, October 16, 1997. Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University.
1998 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Devlin, R.H. 1998. Molecular approaches for the genetic improvement of cultured salmon. Pages 60-73 in Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Animal Science Symposium, July 5, 1998, Vancouver. B.C., Canada.
2. Kieser, D. 1998. Fish health and transplant regulations in British Columbia. Pages 37-42 in Proceeding of the Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus Workshop Campbell River, B.C., March 4, 1996. Seafood Industry Development Report 98-01.
3. Kreiberg, H., and V. Brenton-Davie. 1998. Seawater growth of Atlantic salmon in SEA System1" floating bag. Aquaculture Update 81:2p.
4. Kreiberg, H., and V. Brenton-Davie. 1998. Harvest quality of coho salmon raised in SEA System1" floating bag. Aquaculture Update 84:3p.
5. Levings, C.D., G.E. Piercey, M. Galbraith, and G.S. Jamieson. 1998. Invertebrate organisms transported around the North Pacific Ocean by ships' ballast water: results from British Columbia ports. Pages 337-340 in Proceedings of Techno-Ocean ‘98 International Symposium, TECHNO OCEAN '98, Symbiosis and Sustainability of Coastal Zone and Sea, Nov. 25 (Wed.)-27 (Fri.), 1998. Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Japan.
6. Levings, C.D., G.E. Piercey, M. Galbraith, and G.S. Jamieson. 1998. Analyses of invertebrate fauna in ballast water collected in ships arriving at British Columbia ports, especially those from the Western North Pacific. Pages 111-124 in Proceedings Eighth International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference, March 16 to 19, 1998.
7. Thomson, A., and J. Candy. 1998. Atlantic salmon watch program 1997 review. Aquaculture Update 8:2p.
8. Traxler, G.S. 1998. Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus:life history and occurrences in British Columbia. Pages 1-9 in Proceeding of the Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Workshop, Campbell River, B.C., March 4, 1996. Seafood Industry Development Report 98-01.
9. Welch, D.W., Y. Ishida, and K. Nagasawa. 1998. Erratum: Thermal limits and ocean migrations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): long-term consequences of global warming. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1996.
1999 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Boutillier, J., and N. Bourne. 1999. In memoriam Terrance Henry Butler 1923-1998. Journal of Shellfish Research 18:5-7.
2. Bower, S.M., and J. Blackbourn. 1999. Geoduck clam disease risks associated with transplantation. Westcoast Aquaculture Magazine June 1999:p6-7.
3. Evelyn, T.P.T. 1999. Book Review: "Diagnostic manual for aquatic animal diseases, second edition. Office International des Epizooties, Paris, 1997, 251p. Aquaculture 170:175-177.
4. Jamieson, G.S., C.D. Levings, B.C. Mason, and B.D. Smiley. 1999. The shore keepers' guide for monitoring intertidal habitats of Canada's Pacific waters. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Region. Modules 1, 2, and 3. 1 Vol. (Looseleaf).
5. Kennedy, R., and H. Kreiberg. 1999. Analysis of harmful blooms of the dinoflagellate Heterosigma at the Pacific Biological Station Mariculture Facility in 1993 and 1997. Aquaculture Update 85:12 p.
6. Mackas, D.L., and R.I. Perry. 1999. GLOBEC Canada: who we are, what we've been doing, and where we're headed. PICES Press 7:27-29.
7. Perry, R.I. 1999. Ecosystem processes, fish catches, and fisheries management -a Canadian perspective. Bulletin of the Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute No. 62:181-193.
8. Traxler, G.S., D. Kieser, and J. Richard. 1999. Mass mortality of pilchard and herring associated with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in British Columbia, Canada. Fish Health Newsletter, Fish Health Section/AFS 27:3-4.
9. Welch, D.W. 1999. New developments in ocean salmon research. EEZ Tech. 4:203-210.
10. Welch, D.W. 1999. Ocean monitoring for the Pacific. GLOBEC International Newsletter 5:5-6.
11. Whyte, J. 1999. Heterosigma carterae, a major killer of pen-reared salmon in British Columbia. Westcoast Aquaculture Magazine May 1999:12-13.
12. Whyte, J.N.C. 1999. Marine algae causing toxicity in shellfish and research directed at mitigating their effects. Westcoast Aquaculture Magazine June 1999:12-13.
13. Whyte, J.N.C. 1999. Bivalves: nutrition and survival. Pages 88-91 in Maricon '99 June 24-25. 1999 Ganges, British Columbia Conference Summary.
2000 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Clarke, W.C. 2000. In Memoriam - William Alexander (Bill) Kennedy 1915-1998. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:873-874.
2. Devlin, R.H. 2000. Difficulties in ecological risk assessment of transgenic and domesticated fish. Workshop on Aquaculture and the Protection of Wild Salmon, Simon Fraser University, March 2-3, 2000.12p.
3. Donaldson, E.M. 2000. Book reviews: Cloning in fish -nucleocytoplasmic hybrids. Aquaculture 183:190-191.
4. Jensen, J. 2000. IncubWin: A new Windows™ 95/98/NT computer program for predicting embryonic stages in Pacific salmon and Steelhead trout. Aquaculture Update 87:3 p.
5. Noakes, D.J., and T.D. Beacham. 2000. A summary of genetic stock identification research conducted at the Pacific Biological Station, Canada. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Document 494:18 p.
6. Welch, D.W. and S.D. Batten. 2000. Climate change, global warming and the PICES mandate - The need for improved monitoring. PICES Press 8:24-27.
Partie 3 : Publications du Secrétariat canadien des avis scientifiques (ne comprennent pas les publications de l'ISM) - Cliquez pour plus de détails
Les publications du Secrétariat canadien des avis scientifiques (SCAS) découlent des réunions régionales d'examen par les pairs, mais leur examen diffère de celui des revues internationales.
Cette liste des publications du SCAS comprend les avis scientifiques, les documents de recherche, les comptes rendus des réunions régionales d'examen par les pairs et les rapports spéciaux.
1990 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Adkins, B., and J. Fulton. 1990. Prawn trap fishery. Pages 213-219 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
2. Bourne, N. 1990. Oyster fishery, Pages 298-300 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
3. Bourne, N., and G. Cawdell. 1990. A preliminary report of an intertidal clam survey in the north coast district -1990. Pages 120-161 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
4. Bourne, N., and F. Dickson. 1990. Development of a clam farming policy for the Pacific Region of DFO. Pages 162-181 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
5. Boutillier, J. 1990. Results of the 1990 shrimp survey. Pages 5-17 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
6. Campbell, A. 1990. Size structure of purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). In southern British Columbia. Pages 105-119 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
7. Campbell, A., N. Bourne, and W. Carolsfeld. 1990. Growth and size at maturity of the Horseciam (Tresus nutallii) (Conrad) in southern British Columbia. Pages 85-104 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
8. Fargo, J. 1990. Flatfish. Pages 95-125 in A.V. Tyler and J Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
9. Fulton, J. 1990. Plankton fishery. Pages 208-209 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
10. Haist, V., and J.F. Schweigert. 1990. Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1989 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1990. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2049:62p.
11. Jamieson, G. 1990. Crab trap escape ports. Page 40 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
12. Jamieson, G. 1990. Dungeness crab (and tanner crab) fishery. Pages 220-222 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
13. Jamieson, G. 1990. Euphausiid fishery review regarding potential expansion concerns. Pages 18-39 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
14. Leaman, B.M. 1990. Slope rockfishes. Pages 195-258 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
15. Noakes, D., and G. Jamieson. 1990. Climatic change and the intertidal: physical and biological influence on species composition, abundance and recruitment patterns. Pages 182-197 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
16. Richards, L.J., and C.M. Hand. 1990. Inshore rockfish. Pages 305-329 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
17. Richards, L.J., and C.M. Hand. 1990. Lingcod. Pages 25-58 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
18. Saunders, M.W. 1990. Dogfish, Pages 173-183 in A.V. Tyler, and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
19. Saunders, M.W., and G.A. McFarlane. 1990. Sablefish. Pages 127-149 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
20. Saunders, M.W., L.J. Richards, and A.V. Tyler. 1990. Pacific hake. Pages 121-172 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
21. Stanley, R.D. 1990. Shelf rockfish. Pages 259-304 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
22. Tyler, A.V., and J. Fargo, (Editors). 1990. Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732:343p.
23. Tyler, A.V., and R.P. Foucher. 1990. Pacific cod. Pages 59-93 in A.V. Tyler and J. Fargo (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1732.
24. Yamanaka, L. 1990. Shrimp by trawl fishery. Pages 199-207 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2099.
1991 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Fargo, J. 1991. Flatfish. Pages 70-115 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
2. Fargo, J., and B.M. Leaman. (Editors), 1991. Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778:320p.
3. Foucher, R.F., and A.V. Tyler. 1991. Pacific cod. Pages 43-69 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for thewest coast of Canada in 1990and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
4. Haist, V., and J.F. Schweigert. 1991. Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1990 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2119:60p.
5. Hand, C.M., and L.J. Richards. 1991. Inshore rockfish. Pages 277-302 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
6. Neville, C.M., and R.J. Beamish. 1991. Hagfish. Pages 303-308 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
7. Richards, L.J. 1991. Slope rockfishes. Pages 201-224 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
8. Richards, L.J., and C.M. Hand. 1991. Lingcod. Pages 19-42 in J. Fargo, and B. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
9. Saunders, M.W. 1991. Pacific hake. Pages 137-164 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
10. Saunders, M.W., and G.A. McFarlane. 1991. Sablefish. Pages 117-136 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada In 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
11. Stanley, R.D. 1991. Shelf rockfish. Pages 225-275 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
12. Thomson, B.L, M.W. Saunders, and M.S. Smith. 1991. Spiny dogfish. Pages 165-177 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
13. Workman, G., and M. Saunders. 1991. Walleye pollock. Pages 179-200 in J. Fargo, and B.M. Leaman (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1990 and recommended yield options for 1991. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1778.
1992 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bourne, N. 1992. Oysters. Pages 225 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
2. Bourne, N. 1992. Scallops. Pages 226 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
3. Boutillier, J.A. 1992. Assessment of the area 124 shrimp, (P.fordani) trawl fishery, Pages 92-109 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
4. Boutillier, J.A. and C Wallace. 1992. Prawn assessment using the shrimp by trap logbook. Pages 147-186 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
5. Campbell, A., I. Manley and W. Carolsfeld. 1992. Size at maturity and fecundity of the abalone, (Haliotus kamtschatkana) (Jonas), in northern British Columbia. Pages47-65 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
6. EIner, R.W. 1992. Leslie analysis of logbooks from the dive fishery for abalone, (Haliotus kamtschatkana), in British Columbia, 1977-1990. Pages 66-91 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
7. Fargo, J. 1992. Flatfish. Pages 83-108 in B.M. Leaman (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1991 and recommended yield options for 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1866.
8. Haist, V. and J.F. Schweigert. 1992. Stock assessment for British Columbia herring in 1991 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2146:82p.
9. Irvine, J.R., A.D. Anderson, V. Haist, B.M. Leaman, S.M. McKinnell, R.D. Stanley, G. Thomas and (Editors), 1992. Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) annual report for 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2159:201p.
10. Irvine, J.R., R.D. Stanley, D. McKone, S.M. McKinnell, B.M. Leaman and V. Haist (Editors), 1993. Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) annual report for 1992. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2196:199p.
11. Irvine, J.R., A.D. Anderson, V. Haist, B.M. Leaman, S.M. McKinnell, R.D. Stanley, G. Thomas and (Editors), 1992. Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) annual report for 1991. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2159:201p.
12. Jamieson, G.S. 1992. Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) mortality in British Columbia. Pages 5-21 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
13. Jamieson, G.S. 1992. Crab morphometry by geographical location and the appropriateness of a 110 mm escape ring regulation in British Columbia, Pages 139-146 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
14. Jamieson, G.S. and A. Phillips. 1992. Megalopal spatial distribution and stock separation in Dungeness crab, Pages110-138 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
15. Leaman, B.M. 1992. Pacific halibut. Pages 281-290 in B.M. Leaman (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1991 and recommended yield options for 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1866.
16. Noakes, D.J. 1992. On growth and mortality of geoduck clams (Panope abrupta). Pages22-34 in G. Thomas (Editor), Shellfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1991 as reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2169.
17. Tyler, A.V. and C.M. Hand. 1992. Pacific cod. Pages 57-82 in B.M. Leaman (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1991 and recommended yield options for 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1866.
18. Yamanaka, K.L. and L.J. Richards. 1992. Inshore rockfish. Pages 221-266 in B.M. Leaman (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1991 and recommended yield options for 1992. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1866.
1993 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Fargo, J. 1993. Flatfish. Pages 95-131 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919.
2. Leaman, B.M. 1993. Pacific halibut. Pages 379-392 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919.
3. Leaman, B.M. and M. Stocker. 1993. Groundfish stock assessment for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919:407p.
4. McFarlane, G.A. and B.M. Leaman. 1993. Offshore lingcod. Pages 33-48 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919.
5. Murie, D.J., L.J. Richards and K.L. Yamanaka. 1993. Inshore lingcod. Pages 24-32 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919.Richards, L.J. 1993. Slope rockfishes. Pages 225-244 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919.
6. Schweigert, J.F., V. Haist and C Fort. 1993. Stock assessment for British Columbia herring in 1992 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1913:111 p.
7. Stanley, R.D. 1993. Shelf rockfish. Pages 245-251 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
8. Stocker, M. and CM. Hand. 1993. Pacific cod. Pages 49-94 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919:49-94.
9. Yamanaka, K.L. and L.J. Richards. 1993. Inshore rockfish. Pages 336-359 in B.M. Leaman and M. Stocker (Editors), Groundfish stock assessments for the West coast of Canada in 1992 and recommended yield options for 1993. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1919.
1994 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Fargo, J. 1994. Flatfish. Pages 93-120 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
2. McFarlane, G.A., and B.M. Leaman. 1994. Lingcod. Pages 33-49 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
3. Murie, D.J., L.J. Richards, and K.L. Yamanaka. 1994. Inshore lingcod. Pages 22-32 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
4. Saunders, M.W., and G.A. McFarlane. 1994. Pacific hake. Pages 154-202 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
5. Saunders, M.W., G.A. McFarlane, M. Stocker, and B.M. Leaman. 1994. Sablefish. Pages 121-153 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
6. Schweigert, J.F., and C Fort. 1994. Stock assessment for British Columbia herring in 1993 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1971:67p.
7. Stanley, R.D. 1994. Shelf rockfish. Pages 288-316 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options in 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
8. Stocker, M. (Editor), 1994. Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options in 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975:352p.
9. Stocker, M., C.M. Hand, and M.K. McAllister. 1994. Pacific cod. Pages 50-92 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options in 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
10. Yamanaka, K.L., and L.J. Richards. 1994. Inshore rockfish. Pages 317-338 in M. Stocker (Editor), Groundfish stock assessments for the West Coast of Canada in 1993 and recommended yield options for 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1975.
1995 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Schweigert, J.R., C. Fort, and L. Hamer. 1995. Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1994 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1995. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2040:70p.
2. Stocker, M., and J. Fargo (Editors), 1995. Groundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1994 and recommended yield options for 1995. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2069:440p.
1996 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Hand, C.M., and B.J. Waddell (Editors), 1996. Invertebrate working papers reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1993 and 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2089:303p.
2. Kieser, R., K. Cooke, and W.T. Andrews. 1996. A hydroacoustic survey on the continental shelf off British Columbia to evaluate new fisheries acoustic instrumentation and to obtain Pacific hake stock assessment information, May 28-June 4, 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2378:35p.
3. Rice, J., R.D. Humphreys, L. Richards, R. Kadowaki, D. Welch, M. Stocker, B. Turris, F. Dickson, G.A. McFarlane, and D. Ware (Editors), 1995. Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) Annual Report for 1994. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2318:404p.
4. Rice, J., B. Leaman, L. Richards, R.J. Beamish, G.A. McFarlane, and G. Thomas (Editors), 1996. Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) Annual Report for 1995. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2383:242p.
5. Richards, L.J., and N. Olsen. 1996. Slope rockfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1996 and recommended yields for 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2134:91p.
6. Schweigert, J.F., C. Fort, and L. Hamer. 1996. Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1995 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1996. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2098:66p.
1997 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Campbell, A. 1997. Possible criteria for re-opening the northern abalone fishery in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/064.
2. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. Central Coast Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/B6-02.
3. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. Queen Charlotte Islands Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/B6-03.
4. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. West Coast Vancouver Island Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/B6-04.
5. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. Strait of Georgia Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/B6-05.
6. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. Central Coast Pink Salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/D6-03.
7. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. Rivers and Smith Inlet Sockeye. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/D6-04.
8. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1997. Prince Rupert District Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1997/B6-01.
9. Fargo, J. 1997. Flatfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada for 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/036.
10. Fargo, J.J., and A.R. Kronlund. 1997. Flatfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada for 1996 and recommended yield options for 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2149:124p.
11. Gillespie, G.E. 1997. Review of biology, fisheries and assessment of oceanic squids, particularly Ommastrephes bartrami, Onychoteuthis borealijaponica, Gonatopsis borealis and Berryteuthis magister. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/143.
12. Gillespie, G.E., and Bond, J.A. 1997. Evaluation of harvest models for manila clam fisheries in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/144.
13. Haist, V., and Fournier, D. 1997. Hecate Strait Pacific cod stock assessments for 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/145.
14. Haist, V., Saunders, M.W., Hilborn, R., and Mauder, M. 1997. Sablefish stock assessments for 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/146.
15. Holtby, B., and Finnegan, B. 1997. A biological assessment of the coho salmon of the Skeena River, British Columbia, and recommendations for fisheries in 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/138.
16. Kronlund, A.R., and Yamanaka, K.L. 1997. Analysis of Zn hook and line logbook data: Strait of Georgia management region. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/135.
17. Kronlund, A.R. 1997. A discussion paper on reconciling assessment and management of inshore rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/137.
18. Lauzier, R.B. 1997. A review of the biology of the Pacific milky Venus clam (Compsomyax subdiaphana) and the fisheries of related subtidal species. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/136.
19. Leaman, B.M., and McFarlane, G.A. 1997. Offshore lingcod stock assessment and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/131.
20. Phillips, A.C., and Lauzier, R.B. 1997. Biological background for the development of a new fishery for the grooved Tanner crab (Chionoecetes tanneri) off British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/148.
21. Rice, J.C. 1997. Report of the PSARC Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting on Marine Environmental and Habitat Issues. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/020.
22. Rice, J.C. 1997. Report of the PSARC Salmon Committee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/021.
23. Rice, J., B. Leaman, S. Farlinger, L. Richards, R.J. Beamish, B. Holtby, and G. Thomas (Editors), 1997. Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) Annual Report for 1996. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2447:289p.
24. Richards, L.R., Olsen, N., Schnute, J.T., and Haigh, R. 1997. Slope rockfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/147.
25. Schweigert, J.F., C. Fort, and L Hamer. 1997. Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1996 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2173:73p.
26. Stanley, R.D., and Haist, V. 1997. Shelf rockfish stock assessment for 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/132.
27. Stocker, M. 1997. Report of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/022.
28. Stocker, M.1997. Report of the PSARC Groundfish Subcommittee Meeting on Pacific Hake and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/023.
29. Stocker, M. 1997. Report of the PSARC Herring Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/024.
30. Stocker, M. 1997. Report of the PSARC Groundifsh Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/025.
31. Stocker, M. 1997. Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1997/026.
32. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1997. The effects of sampling time on the age-composition of herring test fishing samples. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/140.
33. Tanasichuk, R.W., and Schweigert, J. 1997. A retrospective analysis of escapement model performance using different adult survival rate estimate. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/141.
34. Ware, D.M. 1997. Queen Charlotte Islands herring carrying capacity and sustainable harvest rates in different climate regimes. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/139.
35. Ware, D.M., and Tanasichuk, R.W. 1997. Offshore herring distribution and 1998 recruitment forecast for the West Coast of Vancouver Island stock assessment region. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/142.
36. Wood, C.C. Rutherford, D.T., Bailey, D., and Jakubowski, M. 1997. Babine Lake sockeye salmon: stock status and forecasts for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/045.
37. Yamanaka, K.L., and A.R. Kronlund. 1997. Inshore rockfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1996 and recommended yields for 1997. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2175:80p.
38. Yamanaka, K.L., and Kronlund, A.R. 1997. Inshore rockfish stock assessment for the West coast of Canada in 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/133.
39. Yamanaka, K.L., and Kronlund, A.R. 1997. Analysis of long-line logbook data for the West coast Vancouver Island yelloweye rockfish fishery. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1997/134.
1998 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Beamish, R.J., Sweeting, R., and Zhang, Z. 1998. Estimating the percentage of hatchery-reared juvenile coho salmon in the Strait of Georgia in 1997. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/093.
2. Beamish, R.J., Noakes, D., McFarlane, G.A., Pinnix, W., Sweeting, R., King, J., and Folkes, M. 1998. Trends in coho marine survival in relation to the regime concept. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/171.
3. Boutillier, J.A., Butler, T.H., Bond, J.A., Winther, I., and Phillips, A.C. 1998. Assessment of the Area A crab (Cancer magister) fishery in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/086.
4. Boutillier, J.A., Lauzier, R.B., Phillips, A.C., and Barton, L.L. 1998. Framework for a Tanner Crab (Chionoecetes tanneri and C. angulatus) fishery in waters off the West Coast of Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/125.
5. Bradford, M.J. 1998. A risk assessment for Thompson River coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/092.
6. Campbell, A., Winther, I., Adkins, B., Brouwer, D., and Miller, D.1998. Survey of the Northern abalone, (Haliotis kamschatkana), in the central coast of British Columbia, May 1997. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/089.
7. Cass, A. 1998. Run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye salmon in 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/044.
8. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Report of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/012.
9. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Central Coast Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/B6-02.
10. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Petrale Sole-British Columbia (Areas 3C-5D). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/A6-06.
11. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Rock Sole Queen Charlotte Sound (Areas 5A/B) and Hecate Strait (Areas 5 C/D). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/A6-03.
12. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. English Sole Hecate Strait (Areas 5C/D). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/A6-05.
13. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Dover Sole West Coast Vancouver Island (Areas 3C, D) to Queen Charlotte Islands (Areas 5A-E). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/A6-04.
14. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Yellowtail Rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/A6-07.
15. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Geoduck Clam. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/C6-05.
16. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Strait of Georgia Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/B6-05.
17. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. The 1997 Fraser Sockeye Cycle. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/D6-01.
18. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. West Coast Vancouver Island Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/B6-04.
19. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Queen Charlotte Island Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/B6-03.
20. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Prince Rupert District Herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/B6-01.
21. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1998. Goose Barnacle. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1998/C6-06.
22. Gillespie, G.E., and L.C. Walthers (Editors), 1998. Invertebrate working papers reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1996. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2221:340p.
23. Gillespie, G.E., Parker, G., and Morrison, J. 1998. Fisheries biology of the giant Pacific octopus, (Octopus dofleini) (Wulker, 1910), with a discussion of octopus fisheries in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/087.
24. Hand, C.M., Vaughn, B.G., and Heizer, S. 1998. Quota options and recommendations for the 1999 and 2000 geoduck clam fisheries. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/146.
25. Lauzier, R.B., Hand, C.M., Campbell, A., and Heizer, S. 1998. A review of the biology and fisheries of horse clams (Tresus capax and Tresus nuttallii). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/088.
26. Rice, J., and Schnute, J.T. 1998. Proceedings of a Workshop on Implementing the Precautionary Approach in Canada; 5-9 October 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/018.
27. Rutherford, D.T., Wood, C.C., and McKinnell, S. 1998. Rivers Inlet Sockeye Salmon: Stock Status Update. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/091.
28. Schweigert, J.F., C. Fort, and R. Tanasichuk. 1998. Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1997 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1998. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2217:64p.
29. St. Hilaire, S., Kent, M., Iwama, G. 1998. Factors Affecting the Health of Farmed and Wild Fish Populations: A Perspective from British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/168.
30. Stocker, M. 1998. Report of the Salmon Subcommittee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/005.
31. Stocker, M. 1998. Report of the Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/004.
32. Stocker, M., and Dronlund, R. 1998. Report of the PSARC Herring Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/014.
33. Stocker, M., and Peacock, D. 1998. PSARC Advisory Document 98-3. Report of the Salmon Subcommittee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/008.
34. Stocker, M., and Welch, D. 1998. Report of the PSARC Groundfish Subcommittee Meeting and the Steering Committee Meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1998/019.
35. Waddell, B.J., G.E. Gillespie, and L.C. Walthers (Editors), 1998. Invertebrate working papers reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1995. Part 1. Bivalves. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2214:434p.
36. Waddell, B.J., G.E. Gillespie, and L.C. Walthers (Editors), 1998. Invertebrate working papers reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1995. Part 2. Echinoderms. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2215:169p.
37. Zhang, Z., Beamish, R.J., and Riddell, B.E. 1998. Decrease in percentage of wild chinook salmon entering the Strait of Georgia in 1996. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1998/090.
1999 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Baillie, S., Patten, B., Till, J., Simpson, K.M., Luedke, W., and Tschaplinski, P. 1999. Assessment of coho stocks on the west coast of Vancouver Island, 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/166.
2. Bernard, D.R., McPherson, S.A., Pahlke, K.A., and Etherton, P. 1999. Optimal production of Chinook salmon from the Stikine River. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/208.
3. Birtwell, I.K. 1999. Effects of sediments on fish and their habitat. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/139.
4. Boutillier, J.A., and Bond, J.A. 1999. Implications on assessment of the British Columbia prawn populations with the adoption of a quota management system. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/130.
5. Boutillier, J.A., and Nguyen, H. 1999. Pandalus hypsinotus, humpback shrimp: A review of the biology and a recommended assessment framework for a directed fishery. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/067.
6. Boutillier, J.A., Bond, J.A., and Nguyen, H. 1999. Halibut by-catch in the British Columbia shrimp trawl fishery. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/122.
7. Boutillier, J.A., Bond, J.A., and Nguyen, H. 1999. Evaluation of a new assessment and management framework for west coast shrimp stocks. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/124.
8. Boutillier, J.A., and Bond, J.A. 1999. A progress report on the control of growth and recruitment overfishing in the shrimp trap fishery in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/202.
9. Campbell, A., Boutillier, J.A., and Rogers, J. 1999. Discussion on a precautionary approach for management of the red sea urchin fishery in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/094
10. Campbell, A., Hajas, W.C., and Bureau, D. 1999. Quota options for the Red Sea urchin fishery in British Columbia for fishing season 2001. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/201.
11. Cass, A. 1999. Run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon in 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/129.
12. Conway, K.W. 1999. Hexactinellid sponge reefs on the British Columbia continental shelf: Geological and biological structure with a perspective on their role in the shelf ecosystem. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/192.
13. Cox-Rogers, S., Gjernes, T.W., and Fast, E. 1999. A review of hooking mortality rates for marine recreational coho and chinook salmon fisheries in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/127.
14. Dorn, M.W., Saunders, M.W., Wilson, C.D., Guttormsen, M.A., Cooke, K., Kieser, R., and Wilkins, M.E. 1999. Status of the coastal Pacific hake/whiting stock in U.S. and Canada in 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/090.
15. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Pacific cod in Hecate Strait. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-01.
16. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Dover sole west coast Vancouver Island (Areas 3C,D) to Queen Charlotte Islands (Areas 5A-E). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-04.
17. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Eulachon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/B6-06.
18. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Shrimp trawl fishery off the west coast of Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-08.
19. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Prawn, Pandalus platyceros, off the west coast of Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-07.
20. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Goose barnacle. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-06.
21. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Opal squid. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-04.
22. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Native littleneck clam. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-02.
23. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Dungeness crab north coast license area A. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-01.
24. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Rougheye rockfish British Columbia coast. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-15.
25. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Widow rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-10.
26. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Neon flying squid. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-12.
27. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Canary rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-08.
28. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Rock sole Queen Charlotte Sound (Areas 5A/B) and Hecate Strait (Areas 5C/D). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-03.
29. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Yellowtail rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-07.
30. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Silvergray rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-09.
31. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Petrale sole British Columbia (Areas 3C-5D). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-06.
32. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. English sole Hecate Strait (Areas 5C/D). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-05.
33. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Skeena River sockeye salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-10.
34. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Pacific ocean perch - British Columbia coast. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-11.
35. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Red sea urchin. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-09.
36. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Fraser River Chinook salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-11.
37. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Green sea urchin. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-11.
38. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Inner south coast chum salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-09
39. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Upper Fraser/Thompson River coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-08
40. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Coho salmon in the coastal waters of the Georgian basin. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-07.
41. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. West coast Vancouver Island coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-06.
42. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. West coast Vancouver Island sockeye. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-05.
43. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Central coast pink salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-03.
44. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Stock status of Skeena River coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-02.
45. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. The 1998 Fraser sockeye cycle. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-01.
46. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Varnish clam. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-13.
47. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Lower Strait of Georgia Chinook salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/D6-12.
48. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Yellowmouth rockfish British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-17.
49. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Shortraker rockfish British Columbia coast. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-14.
50. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Thornyheads (shortspine and longspine) British Columbia coast. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-12.
51. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Redstripe rockfish - British Columbia coast. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-13.
52. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Sablefish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/A6-02.
53. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 1999. Giant red sea cucumber. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 1999/C6-10.
54. Fargo, J. 1999. Flatfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada for 1998 and recommended yield options for 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/017.
55. Fargo, J. 1999. Flatfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada for 1999 and recommended yield options for 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/199.
56. Gillespie, G.E. 1999. Stock assessment and management frameworks for the proposed fishery for sea mussels (Mytilus californianus) in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/116.
57. Gillespie, G.E. 1999. Status of the Olympia oyster, Ostrea conchaphila, in Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/150.
58. Gillespie, G.E., Parker, M., and Merilees, W. 1999. Distribution, abundance, biology and fisheries potential of the exotic varnish clam (Nuttallia obscurata) in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/193.
59. Gillespie, G.E., Norgard, T., and Scurrah, F.E. 1999. Review of the Area 7 manila clam fishery. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/197.
60. Haist, V., D. Fournier, and M.W. Saunders. 1999. Reconstruction of B.C. sablefish stocks, 1996-1998 and catch projections for 1999, using an integrated catch-age recapture model with area and depth movement. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/079.
61. Haist, V., Hilborn, R., and Saunders, M.W. 1999. Sablefish stock assessment for 1999 and recommended yield options for 2000 and 2001. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/195.
62. Hand, C.M., and Rogers, J. 1999. Sea cucumber phase 1 fishery progress report. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/141.
63. Hay, D.E., and McCarter, P.B. 1999. Distribution and timing of herring spawning in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/014.
64. Hay, D.E., and McCarter, P.B. 1999. Age of sexual maturation and recruitment in Pacific herring. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/175.
65. Hay, D.E., Harbo, R., Southy, K., Clarke, J.R., Parker, G., and McCarter, P.B. 1999. Catch composition of British Columbia shrimp trawls and preliminary estimates of bycatch - with emphasis on eulachons. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/026.
66. Hay, D.E., McCarter, P.B., and Daniel, K.S. 1999. Pacific herring tagging from 1936-1992: a re-evaluation of homing based on additional data. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/176.
67. Hay, D.E., Harbo, R., Boutillier, J.A., Wylie, E., Convey, L., and McCarter, P.B.1999. Assessment of by-catch in the 1997 and 1998 shrimp trawl fisheries in British Columbia, with emphasis on eulachons. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/179.
68. Holtby, B., Irvine, J.R., Tanasichuk, R.W., and Simpson, K.M. 1999. Forecast for southern British Columbia coho salmon in 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/125.
69. Holtby, B., Finnegan, B., Chen, D.G., and Peacock, D. 1999. Biological assessment of Skeena River coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/140.
70. Holtby, B., Finnegan, B., and Spilsted, B.P. 1999. Forecast for northern British Columbia coho salmon in 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/186.
71. Hyatt, K.D., and Rankin, D.P. 1999. A habitat based evaluation of Okanagan sockeye salmon escapement objectives. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/191
72. Irvine, J.R., K.H. Wilson, B. Rosenberger, and R. Cook. 1999. Stock assessment of Thompson River/Upper Fraser River coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/028.
73. Irvine, J.R., Bailey, R.E., Bradford, M.J., Kadowaki, R.K., and Shaw, W.S. 1999. 1999 assessment of Thompson River/ Upper Fraser River coho salmon. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/128.
74. Jamieson, G. 1999. Review of status of northern, or pinto, abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, in Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/190.
75. Jamieson, G., Lauzier, R.B., and Gillespie, G.E. 1999. Phase 1 framework for undertaking an ecological assessment of the outer rocky intertidal zone. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/209.
76. Kieser, R., M.W. Saunders, and K. Cooke. 1999. Review of hydroacoustic methodology and Pacific hake biomass estimates for the Strait of Georgia, 1981 to 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/015.
77. King, J.R., and Gjernes, T.W. 1999. Estimate of 1998 recreational halibut catch in British Columbia waters. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/121.
78. Kronlund, A.R., K.L. Yamanaka, and G.D. Workman. 1999. Inshore rockfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1998 and recommendations for 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/058.
79. Lauzier, R.B. 1999. A review of the biology and fisheries of the goose barnacle (Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, 1833). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/111.
80. Lauzier, R.B., and Parker, G. 1999. A Review of the biology and fisheries of the pink scallop and spiny scallop. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/153.
81. Lauzier, R.B. 1999. Framework for goose barnacle (Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, 1833) fishery in waters off the west coast of Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/198.
82. Leask, K.D., and Beamish, R.J. 1999. Review of the fisheries and biology of the Pacific Hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii) in British Columbia, with recommendations for biological sampling in a developmental fishery. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/205.
83. Levings, C.D. 1999. Review of current practices to reduce the risk of introducing non-indigenous species into Pacific region via ballast water. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/211.
84. Levings, C.D., and Jamieson, G. 1999. An evaluation on criteria for creating MPAs in the Pacific Region: A proposed semi-quantitative scheme. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/210.
85. McCarter, P.B., and Hay, D.E. 1999. Distribution of spawning eulachon stocks in the central coast of British Columbia as indicated by larval surveys. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/177.
86. McNicol, R.E. 1999. An assessment of Kitsumkalum River summer chinook, a north coast indicator stock. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/164.
87. Olesiuk, P.F. 1999. An assessment of the status of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/033.
88. Perry, R.I. 1999. Scientific concepts for ecosystem-based management of marine invertebrates on Canada's Pacific Coast. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/123.
89. Perry, R.I., and Waddell, B.J. 1999. Review of the fishery and assessment of the green sea urchin stocks in British Columbia, with quota recommendations for 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/113.
90. Richards, L.J., and Schnute, J.T. 1999. Science strategic project on the precautionary approach in Canada: Proceedings of the second workshop; 1-5 November 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/041.
91. Riddell, B.E., W. Luedke, and J. Till.1999. Review of 1997 terminal run of Somass River Chinook salmon, and terminal run forecast for 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/068.
92. Riddell, B.E., Luedke, W., Till, J., and Patten, B. 1999. Review of 1998 terminal run of Somass River Chinook salmon, 1998, WCVI extensive escapement indicators, and Somass terminal run forecast for 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/165.
93. Ryall, P., Murray, C., Palermo, R.V., Bailey, R., and Chen, D.G. 1999. Status of clockwork chum salmon stock and review of the clockwork management strategy. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/169.
94. Saunders, M.W., and McFarlane, G.A. 1999. Pacific hake - Strait of Georgia stock assessment for 1999 and recommended yield options for 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/200.
95. Schnute, J.T., N. Olsen, and R. Haigh. 1999. Slope rockfish assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1998. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/016.
96. Schweigert, J., and Fort, C. 1999. Stock assessment for British Columbia herring in 1999 and forecasts of the potential catch in 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/178.
97. Schweigert, J.F., C. Fort, and R.W. Tanasichuk. 1999. Stock assessment for the British Columbia herring in 1998 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/021.
98. Schweigert, J.F., R.W. Tanasichuk and C. Fort .1999. An evaluation of the natural mortality rate used in the assessment of British Columbia herring stocks. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/022.
99. Schmidt, D. 1999. A review of California mussel (Mytilus californianus) fisheries biology and fisheries programs. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/187.
100. Schnute, J.T., Olsen, N., and Haigh, R. 1999. Slope rockfish assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/184.
101. Simpson, K.M., Semple, R.E., Baillie, S., Adkins, B., and Lehmann, S. 1999. Status of coho salmon stocks adjacent to the Strait of Georgia, including the lower Fraser River. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/133.
102. Sinclair, A.F. 1999. Survey design considerations for Pacific cod in Hecate Strait. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/196.
103. Stanley, R.D. 1999. Shelf rockfish assessment for 1998 and Recommended yield options for 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/053.
104. Stanley, R.D. 1999. Canary rockfish assessment for 1999 and recommended yield options for 2001. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/203.
105. Stocker, M., and Perry, R.I. 1999. Report of the PSARC invertebrate subcommittee meeting; November 30 - December 2, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/034.
106. Stocker, M., and Pringle, J.D. 1999. Report of the PSARC habitat subcommittee meeting; December 7-8, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/035.
107. Stocker, M., and Pringle, J.D. 1999. Report of the habitat subcommittee meeting; June 15-16, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/017.
108. Stocker, M., and Peacock, D. 1999. Report of the PSARC salmon subcommittee meeting; March 9-11, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/004.
109. Stocker, M., and Peacock, D. 1999. Report of the PSARC salmon subcommittee meeting. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/012.
110. Stocker, M., and Radfort, D. 1999. Report of the PSARC pelagic subcommittee meeting; August 31-September 2, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/028.
111. Stocker, M., and Radfort, D. 1999. Report of the PSARC pelagic subcommittee meeting; November 16, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/031.
112. Stocker, M., and Sinclair, A. 1999. Report of the PSARC groundfish subcommittee meeting; November 22-25, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/032.
113. Stocker, M., and Winther, I. 1999. Report of the invertebrate subcommittee meeting; June 7-10, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/016.
114. Stocker, M., Welch, D., and Conser, R. 1999. Report of the joint Canada-USA review group on the stock assessment of coastal Pacific hake/whiting stock off the west coast of North America. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/003.
115. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1999. An evaluation of in-season echo-sounding estimates of British Columbian herring biomass. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/167.
116. Tanasichuk, R.W. 1999. Natural mortality rates of adult Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) from southern British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/168.
117. Ware, D.M. 1999. Life history of Pacific sardine and a suggested framework for determining a B.C. catch quota. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/204.
118. Winther, I., and Stocker, M. 1999. Report of the PSARC invertebrate subcommittee meeting; January, 1999. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 1999/001.
119. Wood, C.C., Rutherford, D.T., and Jantz, L. 1999. Trends in abundance and pre-season 1999 stock size forecasts for major sockeye, pink and chum salmon stocks in northern British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/126.
120. Workman, G.D. 1999. A review of the biology and fisheries for purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Stimpson, 1857) and discussion of the assessment needs for a proposed fishery. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/163.
121. Zhang, Z.Y. 1999. A review of assessment tools for data-limited fisheries. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/194.
122. Zhang, Z.Y., Workman, G.D., and Phillips, A.C. 1999. Review of the biology and fisheries of the box crab (Lopholithodes foraminatus Stimpson) in British Columbia. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 1999/131.
2000 - Cliquez pour plus de détails
1. Bailey, R.E., C.K. Parken, J.R. Irvine, B. Rosenberger, and M.K. Farwell. 2000. Evaluation of utility of aerial overflight based estimates versus mark-recapture estimates of chinook salmon escapement to the Nicola River, B.C. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/152:35p.
2. Beacham, T.D., J. Brattey, K.M. Miller, K.D. Le, A.D. Schulze, and R.E. Withler. 2000. Population structure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Newfoundland and Labrador area determined from genetic variation. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/099:27p.
3. Beacham, T.D., R.S. Gregory, and J. Brattey. 2000. Origins of two recruitment pulses of 0-group Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland during 1999, determined from genetic variation. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/93:10p.
4. Campbell, A., B. Lucas, and G. Parker. 2000. Discussion on an experimental approach for Northern abalone stock rebuilding in British Columbia. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/047:24p.
5. Cass, A. 2000. Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye in 2000. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/107:17p.
6. Cass, A., J.T. Schnute, L.J. Richards and A. Macdonald. 2000. Stock status of Fraser River sockeye. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/068:52p.
7. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 2000Inshore Rockfish. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 2000/A6-16.
8. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 2000Geoduck Clam. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 2000/C6-05.
9. DFO (Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada). 2000Dungeness Crab Coastal Fisheries - License Areas B, E, G, H, I & J. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Stock Status Report 2000/C6-14.
10. Dobson, D., K. Simpson, J. Till, S. Lehman, R. Ferguson, P. Tschaplinski, and S. Baillie. 2000. Status in 1999 of coho stocks on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/160:59p.
11. Fargo, J., A.R. Kronlund, J.T. Schnute and R. Haigh. 2000. Stock assessment of Rock sole and English sole in Hecate Strait for 2000/2001. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/166:83p.
12. Gazey, W.J., and R.V. Palermo. 2000. A preliminary review of a new model based on test fishing data analysis to measure abundance of returning chum stocks to the Fraser River. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/159:30p.
13. Gillespie, G.E. 2000. Preliminary review of experimental harvest rates in the depuration fishery for intertidal clams. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/122:57p.
14. Haist, V., and R. Hilborn. 2000. Sablefish stock assessment for 2000 and recommended yield options for 2001. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/157:74p.
15. Hand, C.M., and D. Bureau. 2000. Quota options for the geoduck clam (Panopea abrupta) fishery in British Columbia for 2001 and 2002. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/163:53p.
16. Hay, D., and P.B. McCarter. 2000. Status of the eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus in Canada. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/145:92p.
17. Holtby, B. 2000. In-season indicators of run-strength and survival for northern British Columbia coho. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/153:46p.
18. Holtby, B., B. Finnegan, and B. Spilsted. 2000. Forecast for northern British Columbia coho salmon in2000. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/128:74p.
19. Holtby, L.B., K. Simpson, R.W. Tanasichuk, and J.R. Irvine. 2000. Forecast for southern British Columbia coho salmon in 2000. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/127:43p.
20. Hyatt, K., W. Luedke, J. Till, P. Rankin, and D. Lewis. 2000. Review of the 1999 return of Barkley Sound sockeye salmon and forecasts for 2000. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/174:28p.
21. Irvine, J.R., R.E. Withler, M.J. Bradford, R.E. Bailey, S. Lehmann, K. Wilson, J. Candy, and W.S. Shaw. 2000. Stock status and genetics of coho salmon from the interior Fraser River. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/125:49p.
22. Jamieson, G.S., and L. Chew. 2000. Cumulative effects assessments: an evaluation of DFO science research options. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/105:37p.
23. Johnston, N.T., E.A. Parkinson, A.F. Tautz, and B.R. Ward. 2000. Biological reference points for the conservation and management of steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/126:96p.
24. King, J.R., and A.M. Surry. 2000 Lingcod stock assessment and recommended yield options for 2001. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/164:50p.
25. Kruzynski, G.M. 2000. Cadmium in BC farmed oysters: A review of available data, potential sources, research needs and possible mitigation strategies. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/104:37p.
26. Lauzier, R.B., S. Campagna, and R. Hinder. 2000. Framework for pink (Chlamys rubida) and spiny (C. hastata) scallop fisheries in waters off the West Coast of Canada. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/123:37p.
27. Martell, S., J. Boutillier, H. Nguyen, and C Walters. 2000. Reconstructing the offshore Pandalus jordani trawl fishery off the West Coast of Vancouver Island and simulating alternative management policies. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/149:38p.
28. Nagtegaal, D.A., B. Riddell, S. Lehmann, D. Ewart, and B. Adkins. 2000. Assessment of Campbell/Quinsam chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/151:64p.
29. Olsen, N., J.A. Boutillier, and L. Convey. 2000. Estimated bycatch in the British Columbia shrimp trawl fishery Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/168:54p.
30. Riddell, B., W. Luedke, J. Till, and R. Ferguson. 2000. Review of 1999 terminal run of Somass (Stamp) River chinook salmon and 1999 escapement to WCVI extensively surveyed indicators, and forecast for 2000 Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/113:37p.
31. Rutherford, D., and C. Wood. 2000. Trends in abundance and pre-season 2000 stock size forecasts for major sockeye, pink and chum salmon stocks in the central coast and selected salmon stocks in Northern British Columbia. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/114:57p.
32. Rutherford, D., and C. Wood. 2000. Assessment of Rivers and Smith Inlet sockeye salmon with commentary on small sockeye salmon stocks in Statistical Area 8. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/162:57p.
33. Schnute, J.T., and R. Haigh. 2000. Estimating stock biomass from tow-by-tow data for Pacific groundfish. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/155:32p.
34. Schweigert, J. 2000. Stock assessment for British Columbia herring in 2000 and forecasts of the potential catch in2001. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/165:74p.
35. Simpson, K., R. Semple, D. Dobson, J. Irvine, S. Lehmann, and S. Baillie. 2000. Status in 1999 of coho stocks adjacent to the Strait of Georgia. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/158:87p.
36. Sinclair, A.F. 2000. Assessment of Pacific cod in Hecate Strait, Nov. 2000. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/170:53p.
37. Stanley, R.D., and A.R. Kronlund. 2000. Silvergray rockfish (Sebastes brevispinis) assessment for 2000 and recommended yield options for 2001/2002. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/173:116p.
38. Starr, P.J., and R. Haigh. 2000. Assessment of the Canadian longspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus altivelis) for 2000. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/154:66p.
39. Starr, P.J., and C Schwarz. 2000. Feasibility of a bottom trawl survey for three slope groundfish species in Canadian waters Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/156:42p.
40. Stocker, M., and A. MacDonald. 2000. Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; March 7-9, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/003.
41. Stocker, M., and A. MacDonald. 2000. Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; May 1-5, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/007.
42. Stocker, M., and R.I. Perry. 2000. Report of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting; June 19-22, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/011.
43. Stocker, M., and J.D. Pringle. 2000. Report of the PSARC Habitat Subcommittee Meeting; August 22, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/015.
44. Stocker, M., and D. Radfort. 2000. Report of the PSARC Pelagic Subcommittee Meeting; August 28-31, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/016.
45. Stocker, M., and A. MacDonald. 2000. Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; November 14-16, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/024.
46. Stocker, M., and A. Sinclair. 2000. Report of the PSARC Groundfish Subcommittee Meeting; November 21-24, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/025.
47. Stocker, M., and R.I. Perry. 2000. Report of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting; November 28-29, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/026.
48. Stocker, M., and J.D. Pringle. 2000. Report of the PSARC Habitat Subcommittee Meeting; December 12-13, 2000. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Proceedings 2000/029.
49. Tanasichuk, R.W. 2000. Offshore herring biology and 2001 recruitment forecast for the West Coast Vancouver Island stock assessment region. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/146:29p.
50. Ware, D.M., C. Tovey, D. Hay, and B. McCarter. 2000. Straying rates and stock structure of British Columbia herring. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/006:29p.
51. Workman, G.D., A.C. Phillips, F.E. Scurrah, and J.A. Boutillier. 2000. Development of a fishery for Tanner crab(Chionoecetes tanneri) off the Coast of British Columbia. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/169:71 p.
52. Yamanaka, K.L., R.E. Withler, and K.M. Miller. 2000. Structure of Yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) populations in British Columbia. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/172:32p.
53. Zhang, Z., and A. Campbell. 2000. Evaluation of Horse Clam stock dynamics for a directed subtidal horse clam (Tresus capax and Tresus nuttallii) fishery in British Columbia. Canadian Stock Assessment Research Document 2000/167:54p.
Addresses des installations
Pêches et Océans Canada
Station biologique du Pacifique
3190, chemin Hammond Bay
Nanaimo C.-B. V9T 6N7
Pêches et Océans Canada
Laboratoire de West Vancouver
4160 Marine Drive
West Vancouver C.-B. V7V 1N6
Pêches et Océans Canada
Laboratoire de Cultus Lake
4222 Columbia Valley Highway
Cultus Lake C.-B. V2R 5B6
Pêches et Océans Canada
Université Simon Fraser
Burnaby C.-B. V5A 1S6
Pêches et Océans Canada
3225, chemin Stephenson Point
Nanaimo C.-B. V9T 1K3
Pêches et Océans Canada
100, promenade Annacis
Delta C.-B. V3M 6A2
Pêches et Océans Canada
200 – 401, rue Burrard
Vancouver C.-B. V6C 3S4
Pêches et Océans Canada
985 McGill Place
Kamloops C.-B. V2C 6X6
Pêches et Océans Canada
417 - 2e Avenue Ouest
Prince Rupert C.-B. V8J 1G8
Pêches et Océans Canada
419, chemin Range
Whitehorse T.-Y. Y1A 3V1
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