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Area-Based Aquaculture Management in British Columbia

Area-Based Aquaculture Management (ABAM) is an initiative in British Columbia where Federal, Provincial and Indigenous governments, stakeholders, and industry work together to plan, manage, monitor, and continue to improve aquaculture activities.

ABAM occurs within distinct geographic areas so the existing unique jurisdictional, ecological, social, cultural and economic values are considered. The goal is to support the long term sustainability of aquatic ecosystems and address local social concerns, while supporting the long term viability of aquaculture activities.

ABAM aligns with the Principles Respecting the Government of Canada’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples, which is rooted in section 35, guided by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)’s Calls to Action.

Area-Based Aquaculture Management Pilot Areas

Pilot areas allow for an initial trial and assessment of the ABAM approach. Local Pilot Area Committees collaboratively develop a plan with area management objectives and generate consensus-based recommendations. Tools and concepts trialed during this pilot phase could be used in future ABAM development, should the program be expanded and extended in the future. A Pilot Area Expression of Interest application was shared in 2021 with First Nations, governments, industry, and other stakeholders.

Current Pilot Areas

In October 2022, we announced a 2 year ABAM partnership with K’omoks First Nation in Baynes Sound and Lambert Channel. This ABAM pilot project will focus on shellfish production.

Contact us

For questions regarding Area-Based Aquaculture Management, to request a Pilot Area Expression of Interest application, or if you have questions about available funding, please email:

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