Fish health events graph
A fish health event occurs when a suspected or active disease within an aquaculture facility requires the involvement of a veterinarian and warrants mitigation measures, such as treatment, quarantine or a reduction in density. Since 2016, companies have been required to report all fish health events occurring at marine finfish facilities in British Columbia to DFO. When an event is reported, DFO biologists and veterinarians work with industry staff and veterinarians to ensure that appropriate management strategies are implemented. This includes reviewing treatment plans and monitoring effectiveness. In some cases, DFO staff may visit the facility to ensure the event is managed appropriately to limit the effects on wild fish. During routine audits, DFO staff review facility records to confirm reported events and ensure reporting compliance.
These figures provide an annual break-down of reported fish health events. In some cases, more than one event may occur at a single facility in a calendar year. The events are categorized according to the overarching cause of mitigation:
- Non-infectious environmental disease
- These are low-impact diseases that farmed fish can contract from their environment including, but not limited to, environmental toxins, fungal infections and poor gill health associated with these and other environmental stressors. These conditions often resolve on their own and veterinary intervention is uncommon.
- Bacterial disease
- A large majority of fish health events are the result of easily treatable diseases caused by naturally occurring bacteria. Approximately two thirds of these events are due to mouth rot, a disease commonly found in cultured Atlantic salmon, usually soon after they enter seawater. Research on the cause of mouth rot is ongoing, as is development of a vaccine. Mouth rot rarely occurs in Pacific salmon. Other diseases caused by naturally occurring bacteria that affect Atlantic salmon farms are Renibacterium salmoninarum causing Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD), and Piscirickettsia salmonis causing Salmonid Rickettsial Septicemia (SRS).
- Parasitic infection
- Farmed fish are sometimes infected with parasites that are common in the ocean environment, including Caligus cleminsi (herring louse). If the parasitic infection requires veterinary intervention, then the treatment is documented as a fish health event. The routine management of the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) is not considered to be a fish health event as the treatment is required to meet aquaculture licence conditions, and not a fish health concern.
- Reportable disease
- Certain diseases that are of significant importance to aquatic animal health or to the Canadian economy are closely monitored and managed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). If it is suspected that a Reportable Disease is present in Canada, aquaculture companies are required by law to report to the CFIA, who will then initiate an investigation and will dictate how to manage the disease (e.g. testing, quarantine, eradication or containment). A list of these diseases can be found on the CFIA website.
Detailed information on specific fish health events and descriptions of the diseases can be found in DFO’s Fish health events at British Columbia marine finfish aquaculture sites report.
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2023
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2022
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 23
Number of facilities with no events: 25
Number of fish health events: 31
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 3% |
Bacterial disease | 77% |
Parasitic infection | 10% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 10% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2022
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2022
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 25
Number of facilities with no events: 36
Number of fish health events: 42
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 5% |
Bacterial disease | 90% |
Parasitic infection | 0% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 5% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2021
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2021
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 34
Number of Facilities with no events: 40
Number of fish health events: 45
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 4% |
Bacterial disease | 82% |
Parasitic infection | 11% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 2% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2020
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2020
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 34
Number of Facilities with no events: 43
Number of fish health events: 46
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 15% |
Bacterial disease | 76% |
Parasitic infection | 4% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 4% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2019
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2019
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 37
Number of Facilities with no events: 46
Number of fish health events: 49
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 0% |
Bacterial disease | 92% |
Parasitic infection | 0% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 8% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2018
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2018
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 36
Number of Facilities with no events: 44
Number of fish health events: 46
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 2% |
Bacterial disease | 87% |
Parasitic infection | 9% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 2% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2017
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2017
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 33
Number of Facilities with no events: 48
Number of fish health events: 37
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 3% |
Bacterial disease | 97% |
Parasitic infection | 0% |
Reportable disease | 0% |
Other | 0% |
Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2016
Graph: Fish health events at marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia, 2016
Long text version
Number of facilities with events: 39
Number of Facilities with no events: 42
Number of fish health events: 46
Event category | Proportion of events |
Non-infectious environmental disease | 0% |
Bacterial disease | 96% |
Parasitic infection | 0% |
Reportable disease | 4% |
Other | 0% |
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