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Observe, Record, Report

If you see illegal fisheries activity; a dead, injured or entangled marine mammal or sea turtle; or salmon in distress due to an extreme environmental event, contact our 24/7 Observe, Record and Report (ORR) hotline at 1-800-465-4336 or via email at as soon as possible.

Additional contact information

We do our best to monitor and respond to a range of incidents, but we also rely on information provided by the public. Your input is essential to ensuring that our fish, fish habitat and aquatic ecosystems are conserved and protected for generations. While not every incident requires a field response or further investigation, all reports are recorded and contribute to a better understanding of where resources need to be deployed.

Your timely reports and detailed observations support rapid and effective rescue actions, when appropriate, that give animals in distress a greater chance for survival and may allow us to determine the cause, if animals have died.

Fisheries violations

Observe, record and report a fisheries violation

If you suspect that a fishery violation is taking place, do not approach the individuals involved. For everyone’s safety, please contact us to report a violation.


Some common violations are:

  • retaining catch over the daily limit
  • fishing in a closed area
  • using illegal gear
  • pollution or damage to fish habitat


Record these details to be included in your report:

  • the date, time and location (e.g., nearest town, fishing location, stream, address)
  • the offender’s identity or description (e.g., height, weight, hair colour, age, clothing, number of people)
  • the boat or vehicle description (e.g., vehicle licence, boat registration number, vessel length, colour, make, type, distinguishing features)
  • evidence that might still be at the scene (e.g., catch, fish offal, gear used)


Contact us as soon as possible.

Related links

Learn more about laws and regulations for viewing marine mammals in Canada

Marine mammal or sea turtle interactions

Observe, record and report a distressed, injured, entangled or dead marine mammal or sea turtle

Do not touch or move the animal yourself. Marine mammals can carry diseases transmissible to humans, or you may inadvertently do more harm to the animal. For everyone’s safety, please contact us to report an incident involving a marine mammal or sea turtle.


Some common examples of incidents that should be reported include:

  • A marine mammal or sea turtle being harassed or injured
  • An injured or sick marine mammal or sea turtle exhibiting highly unusual behaviour
  • A live whale, dolphin or porpoise stranded on land
  • A collision between a marine mammal or sea turtle and a vessel, or an animal that appears to have been struck by a vessel
  • A marine mammal or sea turtle that has become entangled in a net or other debris
  • A dead marine mammal or sea turtle


Record as many of the following details as you can and include them in your report:

  • Date and time you found the animal or witnessed the incident
  • Specific location, including latitude and longitude (if available) or driving directions (if accessible by land)
  • Species or type of animal, including a description of the size, colour, features. Take photos and video if possible.
  • Condition of the animal – alive, sick or injured, freshly dead, badly rotting away
  • If entangled, description of entangling gear
  • Number of animals involved
  • Your contact information, including name and phone number


Contact us as soon as possible.

Related links

Salmon in distress

Observe, record and report salmon impacted by extreme climate events

It is illegal to move salmon or fry to a new system, above a barrier, or to a hatchery without a permit. If you find stranded salmon, several dead fish, or witness the harmful alteration, disruption and destruction of fish habitat, please report it as soon as possible.


Salmon may be stranded during a drought or after a period of flooding, when the flood water recedes. Contact us if you see salmon:

  • unable to migrate upstream due to shallow or dry stream beds
  • trapped in pools disconnected from their stream or river systems
  • showing signs of stress like acting sluggish or gasping


Record as many of the following details as you can and include them in your report:

  • Date and time you found the salmon
  • Specific location by name, including latitude and longitude (if available) or driving directions (if accessible by land)
  • Species or type of salmon including a description of the size, life stage, features.
    • Take photos and videos not only of the fish but of the surrounding area, upstream downstream and the site. Use something for size reference in the photo if possible
  • Condition of the salmon (e.g. alive or freshly dead, if alive are they stressed, grasping for air, exhibiting sluggish movement or do they show signs of disease such as wounds, fungus, etc.)
  • Number of fish involved
  • Environmental conditions (if known). (For example: air and water temperature, pool depth, stream width, water movement (if any), cover availability (large woody debris, trees, etc.)
  • Past history of the stream (if known). For example, “the stream goes dry every August and it is only July” or “The creek usually goes subsurface for 2 kilometres from the Big Road bridge, but now there is no flow anywhere”
  • Your contact information, including name and phone number


Contact us as soon as possible.

Related links

Learn more about extreme environmental impacts on Pacific salmon

Illegal seafood sales

Illegal seafood sales

If you buy seafood from an unlawful source, not only do you run the risk of illness, fines and jail time – you harm the management of fisheries resources for the future.

It is illegal to purchase seafood that was not harvested in a lawful fishery. If you wish to purchase seafood from anyone, it is your responsibility to ensure that it was lawfully caught under a licence authorizing sale.

Buy seafood safely

  • Buy seafood from licensed reputable sources.
  • If in doubt, ask what fishery the seafood has come from and request to see the commercial licence or Aboriginal Fishery Landing Slip.
  • Protect your health - only fish and shellfish caught and sold legally have had health and safety inspections.

Don’t risk it

  • Buying fish over the Internet may be unlawful and a threat to your health.
  • Selling or buying seafood illegally may result in significant fines under the Fisheries Act, and/or fines under Provincial legislation. If you are caught purchasing, selling, trading or bartering seafood caught in a fishery where sales are not authorized, you could face fines as high as $100,000, and/or up to 2 years in jail.
  • Depending on handling, processing, transport and storage - buyers of illegal seafood run the risk of ingesting fish that is contaminated or causes food poisoning.
  • Illegal fish sales undermine the ability to manage fishery resources in a fair and equitable manner, now and into the future.


Contact us if you see illegal seafood sales online.

Privacy notice statement

Please be advised that calls to the Observe, Record and Report line may be monitored or recorded in order to facilitate accurate information management and quality assurance. Choosing to call the Observe, Record and Report lines, knowing that the calls may be monitored or recorded, serves as your express consent to be monitored or recorded. The information you provide during this call is collected under the authority of section 2 of the Criminal Code, sections 5 and 49–56 of the Fisheries Act, sections 85 and 115–118 of the Species At Risk Act, section 3 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, subsection 33(1)(c) and sections 35 and 39 of the Oceans Act and sections 174–184 of the Canada Shipping Act for the purpose of administering the monitoring, control and surveillance program, aimed at detecting and deterring illegal activities under DFO’s mandate. The information may be used for, but not limited to, enforcement and investigations, program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical analysis, research and policy development, and may be shared with third party service providers under contract with DFO. You have the right to the correction of, access to, and protection of, your personal information under the Privacy Act and to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada over DFO’s handling of your information. Personal information collected through the processing of your call is described in the DFO Personal Information Bank DFO PPU 075 and can be accessed and assessed for accuracy.


Contact our 24/7 Observe, Record and Report hotline

If you see illegal fisheries activity, a dead or entangled marine mammal, or salmon in distress due to an extreme environmental event:

Report All Poachers and Polluters

If you see any wildlife or environmental offences in non-marine areas, call the Province of British Columbia’s "Report All Poachers and Polluters" (RAPP) line.

Report a healthy marine mammal sighting

Learn more about reporting a marine mammal or sea turtle incident or sighting.

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