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Pacific Region Integrated fisheries management plan summary: Intertidal clams – March 1, 2023 to February 28, 2026

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Full text of Pacific Region Integrated fisheries management plan: Intertidal clams – March 1, 2023 to February 28, 2026 (PDF, 9.15 MB)

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The purpose of this Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) summary is to provide a brief overview of the information found in the full IFMP. This document also serves to communicate the basic information on the fishery and its management to DFO staff, legislated co-management boards and other stakeholders. This IFMP provides a common understanding of the basic “rules” for the sustainable management of the fisheries resource. The full IFMP is available on request.

This IFMP summary is not a legally binding instrument which can form the basis of a legal challenge. The IFMP can be modified at any time and does not fetter the Minister's discretionary powers set out in the Fisheries Act. The Minister can, for reasons of conservation or for any other valid reasons, modify any provision of the IFMP in accordance with the powers granted pursuant to the Fisheries Act.

Where DFO is responsible for implementing obligations under land claims agreements, the IFMP will be implemented in a manner consistent with these obligations. In the event that an IFMP is inconsistent with obligations under land claims agreements, the provisions of the land claims agreements will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Signed: R. Reid, Regional Director General

General overview/introduction - IFMP section 1

The Intertidal Clam Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) is a three year plan covering the period March 1, 2023 to February 28, 2026. The IFMP start date has been changed to March 1 to give harvesters more time to get their licences prior to the start of the fishery.

This plan pertains to four species of intertidal clam: Manila clam (Venerupis philippinarum), native littleneck clam (Protothaca staminea), butter clam (Saxidomus gigantea), and varnish (savoury) clam (Nutallia obscurata), with Manila clam as the current most important target species. This IFMP does not include the Joint Management Plans with the Council of the Haida Nation for the commercial harvest of razor clams (Siliqua patula) or the Heiltsuk Tribal Council for the commercial harvest of Manila, littleneck and butter clam fisheries in specific areas of the North and Central Coasts. The management of geoduck (Panopea generosa), horse clams (Tresus spp.), and wild Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) are covered in separate plans. Integrated Management of Aquaculture Plans (IMAP) provide an overview of management approaches for shellfish aquaculture activities within the Pacific Region.

Three main species of intertidal clams (Manila, littleneck, butter) comprise the major portion of landings in commercial, recreational and First Nations’ food, social, and ceremonial (FSC) fisheries. Intertidal clams are harvested by hand digging only during low tide cycles. Although the commercial clam fishery began before the turn of the century, landings were not reliably recorded until 1951. Manila clams were introduced inadvertently in the early 1900’s along with the introduction of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). The target species in the fishery was historically butter clams, however since 1971, strong markets and initially higher prices for littleneck and Manila clams have focused the intertidal fishery on these two species, and more recently, almost exclusively on Manila clams. Landings of butter clams have been low in recent years because of the high cost of processing and a shift in demand toward fresh steamer clams.

Type of Fishery and Participants

Although the intertidal clam fishery is small in relation to many other British Columbia fisheries, it is important to coastal communities and provides needed employment to many people as well as an important traditional food source for First Nations and recreational access.


The commercial clam fishery is composed of 150 category Z2 and 568 category Z2ACL (Aboriginal Commercial Licence) licence eligibilities. Category Z2ACL licence eligibilities are held by First Nations who subsequently designate individual members to harvest them. Category Z2 licence eligibility holders are required to renew the commercial clam licences annually. Each category Z2 licence eligibility holder is required to be registered as a commercial fish harvester and have been issued a Fish Harvester’s Registration Card (FRC), to harvest the licence.

As of January 1, 2022, the authority under which a category Z2ACL is issued, was transferred from the Pacific Fishery Regulations to the Aboriginal Communal Fishery Regulations. This change removes the requirement for category Z2ACL licence eligibility holders to pay the licence renewal fee and to obtain a Fish Harvester’s Registration Card. As the First Nation is required to designate the category Z2ACL licence to an individual member, identify designated member on a designation list and that designated member must then carry identification when fishing that licence. See Commercial Harvest Plan (Appendix 1) for further detail.


A recreational fishery occurs coast-wide where areas are open for harvest. A British Columbia Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence is required for the recreational harvest of all species of fish including shellfish. Tidal Waters Fishing Licences can be purchased at many tackle stores or online by using the Fisheries & Oceans Canada website. The number of recreational clam harvesters is unknown. See Appendix 3 Recreational Harvest Plan for further detail.

First Nations

Indigenous harvest for Food, Social, and Ceremonial (FSC) purposes may occur year round in the waters of British Columbia that are open for fishing under the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP). This harvest must be authorized by a communal licence. The number of First Nation harvesters is unknown. See Appendix 2 First Nations Harvest Plan for further detail.


The decontamination (formerly depuration) fishery is part of the commercial intertidal clam fishery, conducted under specific licences at registered Depuration Plants and tenure holders. Access to beaches requires stock assessment, notification and reporting requirements that are different than the commercial competitive fishery and often occur during times when there are no clam harvest openings. See Appendix 4 Decontamination Harvest Plan for further detail.


Intertidal clams are also accessed commercially through aquaculture operations. These are managed independent of the wild commercial fishery.

Stock assessment and science - IFMP section 2

Clams have separate sexes and are broadcast spawners, synchronously releasing gametes into the water column, where fertilization occurs. For Manila clams, maturation occurs between 20-25 mm in length, or approximately 1-3 years of age and spawning occurs from June to September in the Strait of Georgia (Gillespie et al. 2012). Temperatures of 12-13°C are required for gonadal development, and temperatures of 15°C are required for spawning.

Harvestable wild clam stocks are dependent on recruitment that can vary widely from year to year. There is currently no assessment program that measures stock strength on all the beaches that are harvested in the fishery. The stock assessment program identifies biomass on specific beaches in the decontamination fishery and the First Nations Communal Commercial fisheries with a goal of determining maximum sustainable harvest rates. Few commercial beaches have been assessed on a regular basis with a goal of determining stock dynamics and population characteristics. An intertidal clam monitoring program (ICMP) for the south coast of British Columbia is being developed with the first steps of engagement having been initiated in September 2019 for the determination of 2-3 suitable indicator beaches per Clam Management Area. The main conservation tool in this fishery is the minimum size limit. In addition, for commercial fisheries the openings are managed based on comparison of annual catches in each area and the reported catch per unit effort compared to the total catch of the commercial fishery openings.

Economic profile of the fishery - IFMP section 5

British Columbia’s wild clam fishery makes up approximately 6% of all wild shellfish harvest in the Pacific Region, with an average annual landed value (2021$) of $1.4M between 2016 and 2021. Manila clams have averaged about 84% of wild clam landings by weight and 92% by landed value (2016-2021).

Recreational fishing may occur to provide food for personal use, as a leisure activity, or as a combination of the two. The recreational community includes local residents, multi-species charter operators and lodges, and visiting anglers and boaters. In the 2021/2022 recreational fishing season, 314,871 individuals were licensed to fish in BC’s tidal water recreational fishery. Most (84%) were BC residents, with the remainder being Canadians from outside BC or international residents. Due to COVID-19, no licences were sold to visitors outside of Canada in 2020 (Figure 7). These activities provide a range of social, cultural, and health benefits to the participants as well as contribute directly and indirectly to economic activity.

The tidal water recreational fishery in BC makes a relatively large economic contribution. Typically, BC’s tidal water recreational fishery has been the third largest recreational fishery in Canada in terms of direct expenditures and major purchases. Between 2000 and 2021, annual expenditures in BC tidal water recreational fishing averaged $712 million (2021$) . An average of $361 million of this translates into value added to provincial GDP, annually.

First Nations who have beaches adjacent to reserves with clam resources and are interested in commercial opportunities may also apply to enter into an agreement with DFO for the purpose of a Communal Commercial Harvest Strategy. These communal commercial harvests may occur where there is a viable clam beach adjacent to the reserve that meets requirements for safe harvest under the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program. Stock assessment must be carried out prior to a commercial harvest. The guidelines for stock assessment are the same as those established for the decontamination fishery without the need for a decontamination plan. If the beach is contaminated, the plan must follow the decontamination guidelines. There are 568 Z2ACLs that are issued to various First Nations in British Columbia. The Z2ACLs can be issued to interested First Nation members on an annual basis.

Access and allocation - IFMP section 8

The Minister can, for reasons of conservation or for any other valid reasons, modify access, allocations, and sharing arrangements outlined in this IFMP in accordance with the powers granted pursuant to the Fisheries Act.

The commercial fishery is limited entry, with seasonal and area closures, and minimum size limits. In addition, a survey-based total allowable catch for butter clams has been instituted on Seal Island in Area 14.

There are several non-commercial access areas throughout the coast. These areas are open for First Nations and recreational harvesting only. Descriptions of these areas are provided in the Commercial Harvest Plan, Appendix 1.

The recreational daily limit for all clam species combined is 60 per day. Species-specific daily limits are included within the 60 clam aggregate limit; daily limits by species are: 3 geoducks, 6 horse clams, 12 razor clams (except in PFMA 1-5 where the daily limit is 50 razor clams), 20 butter clams, 25 softshell clams, 25 cockles, 60 varnish clams, 60 Manila clams, and/or 60 littleneck clams. Possession limits are two-times the daily limit.

In addition to current North Coast opportunities, DFO, the SFAB, and First Nations are discussing options for an expanded North Coast sampling program that will facilitate, where practical, additional harvest opportunities.

To date, subject to biotoxin or sanitary closures, few limits have been placed on First Nations’ harvest of any intertidal bivalve species for food, social and ceremonial purposes. Some communal licences are issued which provide for a maximum daily quota of 50-100 lb. per day per person. The Chief and Council may authorize additional catch where required.

Shared stewardship arrangements - IFMP section 10

The Department continues to support the development of licence area committees and provide opportunity for increased shared decision-making.

Governance process - IFMP section 1

The intertidal clam fishery is governed by the Fisheries Act (R.S., 1985, c. F-14) and regulations made thereunder, including the Fishery (General) Regulations (e.g., conditions of licence), the Pacific Fishery Regulations (e.g., open times), the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations, the Management of Contaminated Fishery Regulations and the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations. Areas and Subareas are described in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations.

Management issues, objectives and measures - IFMP sections 6, 7 and 9

# Management issue Objectives Management measure
1 Stock status: Abundance estimates are not available for individual beaches or clam management areas. Future efforts may be required to explore options for improved assessment frameworks for the fishery. The delivery of the commercial fishery will be assessed by performance measures including the number of days fished, landings compared to previous years, input from representatives at Clam Sectoral Committee meetings, and other DFO program measures and assessments.
2 Economic viability of the commercial clam fishery: These issues include the loss of beach access as a result of the expansion of intertidal aquaculture tenures, treaty settlements, water quality concerns, and increasing recreational use. Work with licence eligibility holders to develop solutions to these issues and adapt the fishery accordingly. The Department will continue to open commercial fisheries in each area as long as the relative stock strength warrants continued harvests and the fishery is manageable.
3 Clam Licence Modernization (CLM): DFO implemented CLM on January 1, 2022 which involved changing the authority of the Aboriginal Commercial Licence (category Z2ACL) from the Pacific Fishery Regulations to the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations and introducing a licence nomination process for commercial clam (category Z2) licence eligibilities. To address requests and inquiries related to the implementation of Clam Licence Modernization for the Clam Management Areas covered by this IFMP. The Department is currently undertaking a licensing review to adequately address the request made by First Nations to allow the Z2 licences to be nominated to a Nation to become a Z2ACL. Commercial harvesters have also expressed interest in holding a licence in more than one Clam Management Area. The Department will undertake an additional review to address this interest.
4 Traceability: DFO ensures traceability of bivalve product through conditions of licence, from harvest to the point of landing at federally registered plants. Ensuring the safety of consumers is a top priority and by enhancing traceability, DFO remains committed to protecting public health, meeting conservation objectives for bivalves, and maintaining international markets. Ensure the safety of all consumers by enhancing traceability. Work on stricter controls on reporting and handling of wild bivalves from harvest to landings. Work with industry for the purpose of standardizing catch information. Review all wild bivalve conditions of licence, and increase/clarify management controls around product movement, i.e., selling of products to buyers/receivers, and implement changes to notification, tagging, and reporting requirements. Continue to use fish slip information for year-end reporting and develop a standardized approach for in-season reporting in the future.
5 Limited information on recreational shellfish harvest, including clams, harvest information Meet conservation objectives and ensure healthy and productive fisheries and ecosystems. Catch monitoring programs for all recreationally-caught fish are being developed in collaboration with recreational fishery organizations.
6 First Nations’ concerns over the impact of commercial harvest on their ability to harvest for food, social and ceremonial (FSC) purposes. To work with First Nations to ensure their needs for FSC access to clams. The Department is consulting with First Nations throughout coastal BC on a more comprehensive approach to gathering catch data by negotiating agreed-upon protocols outlined in the Fisheries Agreement and/or communal licences.
7 Fishery Monitoring: Monitoring the fishery is difficult due to the vast number of beaches and remote areas that are involved. The goal for Conservation & Protection is to prevent the harvest of contaminated clams except under very strict harvest plans as set out under the authority of the Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations and the Food Inspection Act. Patrols of contaminated beaches prior to and during the open fishery are done to prevent contaminated product from entering the market. This is undertaken by C&P Officers by vehicle, foot, vessels, and/or aircraft.
8 The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is an introduced species that has been found throughout the West Coast of Vancouver Island and at some locations in the Strait of Georgia. There are concerns for potential impact on clam resources. Meet conservation objectives and ensure healthy and productive fisheries and ecosystems. Management measures have been placed on the intertidal clam fishery to mitigate the spread of green crab and research is ongoing to assess this potential pathway for green crab to enter the Strait of Georgia.

Compliance plan - IFMP section 11

Conservation and Protection (C&P) staff will pursue opportunities to monitor and enforce this fishery, in conjunction with the monitoring and enforcement priorities directed by senior management in the Pacific Region.

Performance review - IFMP section 12

An evaluation of improvements to the fishery monitoring and catch reporting mechanisms for all sectors will be conducted.

Catch and effort data from the fishery will be consolidated and reviewed within the context of examining potential effects on stock structure and status.

The delivery of the commercial fishery will be assessed by performance measures including the number of days fished, landed value compared to previous years, input from representatives at Clam Sectoral Committee meetings and other DFO program measures and assessments.

First Nations presently holding communal commercial licence eligibilities will be invited to comment on their experience and satisfaction within the commercial clam fishery.

Interactions with the recreational fishing representatives of the SFAB, their recommendations and action taken in response by DFO will be described.

For additional information on this IFMP Summary or to request an electronic version of the full IFMP, please contact Brittany Myhal at 250-739-9217 or

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