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Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)

Record of discussion

September 18, 2019

PRHAAC Members Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC Members Canadian Coast Guard Transport Canada
  • Ben Mabberley, Whaler Bay Harbour Authority
  • Bruce Evans, Fanny Bay Harbour Authority
  • Frank Mauro, Harbour Authority of Pender Harbour
  • Mike Jacobs, Haisla Harbour Authority
  • Michael Griswold, Quadra Island Harbour Authority
  • Lutz Budde, Oona River Community Association
  • Jaime Gusto, Steveston Harbour Authority
  • Karen Calla, Regional Director
  • Cindy Wong, A/Regional Manager, Harbour Development
  • Lam Hughson, A/Harbour Development Officer
  • Susan Pickrell, Superintendent, Vessel of Concerns
  • Linda Simpson, Senior VoC Officer
  • Christina Shaun, VoC Officer
  • Jason van der Valk, VoC Officer
  • Elizabeth Harries, Navigable Waters Protection Officer

1. Welcome and review of agenda

Agenda was reviewed and approved by PRHAAC.

2. Review of RoD and action items from June 26, 2019 meeting

The RoD was reviewed and approved by PRHAAC. All action items have been completed.

3.SCH Update (K. Calla)

4. Bill C-64 Update (S. Pickrell, E. Harries)

Action: Susan to share ER contact with Lam and set up meeting.

Action: SCH to share ER meeting results to PRHAAC.

Action: Lam to share TC deck with PRHAAC.

5. Abandoned and Wrecked Vessels Removal Program (AWVRP) (L. Hughson)

Action: Lam to forward the AWVRP poster to Lutz for HAABC to distribute to their members.

6. Liveaboard at SCH managed by HAs (L. Budde)

7. National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) Update (K. Calla)

Action: Jaime to provide the 5 minute video on net recycling for NHAAC.

Action: Mike J. to provide a presentation regarding Haisla Harbour for NHAAC.

Action: Lutz and Karen to provide HAABC slides for the NHAAC presentation.

8. Crane Review Update

Action: Lam and Lutz to work on needs assessment survey and send out to HAs.

9. SCH Divestiture Process (C. Wong)

10. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting

Action items

  1. Susan to share ER contact with Lam and set up meeting.
  2. SCH to share ER meeting results to PRHAAC.
  3. Lam to share TC deck with PRHAAC.
  4. Lam to forward the AWVRP poster to Lutz for HAABC to distribute to their members.
  5. Jaime to provide the 5 minute video on net recycling for NHAAC.
  6. Mike J. to provide a presentation regarding Haisla Harbour for NHAAC.
  7. Lutz and Karen to provide HAABC slides for the NHAAC presentation.
  8. Lam and Lutz to work on a cranes needs assessment survey and send out to HAs.

Bring forward

  1. The Dredging topic will be deferred to the next face to face meeting as further discussions need to occur within SCH.

Next meeting and location?

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