Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)
Record of discussion
September 18, 2019
PRHAAC Members | Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC Members | Canadian Coast Guard | Transport Canada |
1. Welcome and review of agenda
Agenda was reviewed and approved by PRHAAC.
2. Review of RoD and action items from June 26, 2019 meeting
The RoD was reviewed and approved by PRHAAC. All action items have been completed.
3.SCH Update (K. Calla)
- FY 2019/2020 projects and funding
- Abase: $8.5M-60 projects
- Bbase: $11.9M-26 projects
- Total: $20.4M – 86 Projects
- SCH Staffing Update
- New staff who joined the SCH team since the last PRHAAC meeting are Mina Jung and Andrée-Anne Morency (Andy).
- Big Bar Landslide
- In late June, a landslide in a remote, rugged canyon along the Fraser River north of Lillooet was reported to authorities. Huge pieces of rock from a 125-metre cliff had sheared off and crashed into the river, creating a five-metre waterfall preventing salmon migration to their spawning grounds.
- A Unified Command team that includes all levels of government (First Nations, provincial and federal) has come together to lead the response operations, resulting in approximately 239K fish swimming past the landslide to date.
4. Bill C-64 Update (S. Pickrell, E. Harries)
- Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) gave an overview of their roles and authorities under Bill C-64.
- Under the new legislation, CCG Vessels of Concern (VoCs) Officers have been given enforcement authorities pertaining to VoCs. The pollution hotline (1-800-889-8852) will be the contact number to report VoCs. Once reported, Environmental Response (ER) will assess vessels through risk assessment methodology to determine if the file belongs to ER, VoC or Transport Canada (TC).
- CCG is developing a VoC inventory and will share once completed.
- Frank expressed concerns over authority and communications based on an incident that occurred at one of his HA’s harbours. The situation placed the HA in a tough situation and it resulted in a vessel oil spill. The spill was cleaned but he felt that the risk assessments wasn’t done correctly. Since there will be more VoC removals in the future, there should be a discussion between CCG and SCH to ensure that policies are in place to clarify authorities.
- Susan clarified that under the Canada Transportation Act, ER has full authority to minimize pollution and no port can refuse an order from an ER Officer. She also confirmed that CCG would be responsible for complications that arise from CCG VoC projects.
Action: Susan to share ER contact with Lam and set up meeting.
Action: SCH to share ER meeting results to PRHAAC.
- PHRAAC discussed the idea of forming “hubs” along the coast to stockpile vessels for removal. Steveston would be a prime location as their repair area is available in the off season and they have efficient contractors that can do the work. It was noted that not a lot of SCH facilities have upland property to facilitate this option. Also, one of the main challenges with vessel disposal is finding contractors to do work in remote locations.
- Elizabeth gave an overview of WHAVA presentation.
- Ben noted TC’s vessel registration challenges, making it hard to track ownership.
Action: Lam to share TC deck with PRHAAC.
5. Abandoned and Wrecked Vessels Removal Program (AWVRP) (L. Hughson)
- HAs are encouraged to start preparing and submitting their applications for year 4 to ensure that that they don’t miss out on the program since there are only two years left in the program.
Action: Lam to forward the AWVRP poster to Lutz for HAABC to distribute to their members.
6. Liveaboard at SCH managed by HAs (L. Budde)
- SCH has no policy regarding liveaboards at SCH facilities but strongly recommends that HAs have a policy in place if they decide to accommodate liveaboards.
- HAABC is working with Darren Williams to develop this policy.
7. National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) Update (K. Calla)
- 5 minute Video
- Steveston will create a video to showcase their net recycling program.
Action: Jaime to provide the 5 minute video on net recycling for NHAAC.
- 10 minute Presentation for NHAAC
- Haisla and HAABC to create a presentation for NHAAC.
Action: Mike J. to provide a presentation regarding Haisla Harbour for NHAAC.
Action: Lutz and Karen to provide HAABC slides for the NHAAC presentation.
- NHAAC Tour:
- The region recommended the lower mainland option for the NHAAC tour. The tour will be visiting McMillan Island, Ladner, Steveston and False Creek.
- Ben, Mike G. and Mike J. confirmed their attendance for NHAAC.
- Ben confirmed that Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (HAAC) cannot take over 3rd party liability but they will be supporting coordinated communications. He on 3rd party liabilities for HA owned assets.
8. Crane Review Update
- PRHAAC agreed that a crane needs assessment is needed before determining options.
- It was noted that the options provided will not absolve anyone from liabilities and that proper training and policies can lower liabilities.
- Ben noted that the majority of the cranes at SCH facilities are 3 legged derricks. Training sessions on derrick usage and a conversation on risks and liabilities will help reduce liabilities for both HAs and SCH.
- SCH will work with the HAABC to survey HAs for a needs assessment and gathering of information.
Action: Lam and Lutz to work on needs assessment survey and send out to HAs.
9. SCH Divestiture Process (C. Wong)
- Frank expressed concerns that the process is missing the socioeconomic/business case and long term viability analysis because divesting harbours will financially impact HAs.
- Ben shared his positive experience of divesting 3 of his harbours. He gave an overview of the process, rationale and challenges that they encountered. His HA wanted the harbours to remain community harbours and was fully engaged in this process to ensure that this was the outcome.
10. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting
Action items
- Susan to share ER contact with Lam and set up meeting.
- SCH to share ER meeting results to PRHAAC.
- Lam to share TC deck with PRHAAC.
- Lam to forward the AWVRP poster to Lutz for HAABC to distribute to their members.
- Jaime to provide the 5 minute video on net recycling for NHAAC.
- Mike J. to provide a presentation regarding Haisla Harbour for NHAAC.
- Lutz and Karen to provide HAABC slides for the NHAAC presentation.
- Lam and Lutz to work on a cranes needs assessment survey and send out to HAs.
Bring forward
- The Dredging topic will be deferred to the next face to face meeting as further discussions need to occur within SCH.
Next meeting and location?
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