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Consultations and engagement

We consult and engage with First Nations, stakeholders, industry, academics, all levels of governments and the general public to improve decision-making processes, promote understanding of fisheries, oceans and marine transport issues, and to strengthen relationships.

To help ensure that the our policies and programs are aligned with its vision and effectively address the interests and preferences of Canadians, we support consultations that are transparent, accessible and accountable.

Public engagement and consultations

Focus of engagement Engagement name Type of engagement Date Status
Pacific salmon Pacific Salmon Data Portal engagement Public engagement 20240215February 15 to April 30, 2024 Closed
BC fisheries Input on recovery of Southern Resident killer whale potential management measures for 2024-25 Public engagement 20240112January 12 to February 12, 2024 Closed
Habitat restoration Habitat restoration priorities for British Columbia and the Yukon: Phase 2 Public engagement 20240409April 9 to July 31, 2024 Open
Pacific salmon Communicating progress on DFO's Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative (PSSI) activities Public engagement 20230327March 27 to April 21, 2023 Closed
Aquaculture Discussion framework for a BC aquaculture open-net pen transition plan Public engagement 20220811Aug 11 to Oct 27, 2022 Closed
Pacific salmon Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative strategic framework Public engagement 20220715July 15 to Oct 31, 2022 Closed
BC fisheries Summary of input provided on management measures to address key threats to Southern Resident Killer Whales Public reporting program 202307252019 to 2023 Closed
Aquaculture Public engagement on the transition of open-net pen aquaculture in British Columbia Public engagement 20210326March 26, 2021 Closed
BC fisheries Comment on how to improve Rockfish Conservation Areas in the Northern Shelf Bioregion Public engagement 20170731July 31, 2019 Closed
Species at Risk External review of the critical habitat section of the draft Amended Recovery Strategy for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales in Canada Public engagement 20180711July 11, 2018 Closed
Policy Consultation on the Pacific Salmon Treaty Southern Coho reference points and exploitation rate caps First Nations and stakeholders engagement 20180531May 31, 2018 Closed
Policy Wild Salmon Policy Implementation Plan Public engagement 2017 Closed

Advisory committees and boards

Independent bodies that provide advice and recommendations to the minister on a variety of topics.

Focus of engagement Engagement name Status
Aquaculture Aquaculture Coordinating Committee (ACC) of the First Nations Fisheries Council (FNFC) Ongoing
Aquaculture Freshwater/Land-based Aquaculture Industry Advisory Panel (FLAIAP) Ongoing
Aquaculture Shellfish Aquaculture Management Advisory Committee (SF AMAC) Ongoing
Aquaculture Shellfish Aquaculture Industry Advisory Panel (SAIAP) Ongoing
Aquaculture Finfish Aquaculture Industry Advisory Panel (FAIAP) Ongoing
BC fisheries Halibut Advisory Board (HAB) Ongoing
BC fisheries Sablefish Advisory Committee (SAC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Commercial Industry Caucus (CIC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Groundfish Integrated Advisory Board (GIAB) Ongoing
BC fisheries Groundfish Trawl Advisory Committee (GTAC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Groundfish Hook and Line Sub-Committee (GHLSC) Ongoing
Oceans Offshore Pacific Area of Interest advisory committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative consultations Ongoing
BC fisheries Eulachon consultations Ongoing
BC fisheries Tuna Advisory Board (TAB) Ongoing
BC fisheries Integrated Herring Harvest Planning Committee (IHHPC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Sardine Integrated Advisory Board (SIAB) Ongoing
BC fisheries Sport Fishing Advisory Board Ongoing
BC fisheries Commercial Salmon Advisory Board Ongoing
BC fisheries Salmon Integrated Harvest Planning Committee (IHPC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Recreational - Commercial Allocation Implementation Committee (AIC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Updating the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework Ongoing
BC fisheries Prawn advisory board Ongoing
BC fisheries Crab Sectoral Committee (CSC) Ongoing
BC fisheries Scallop sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Geoduck sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Euphausiid sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Shrimp trawl sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Pacific oyster sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Sea cucumber sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Intertidal clam sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Green sea urchin sectoral committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Red sea urchin sectoral committee Ongoing
Policy Initiative to update the Salmon Allocation Policy Ongoing
Small Craft Harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC) Ongoing
Yukon transboundary fisheries Renewable resources councils Ongoing
Yukon transboundary fisheries Stikine River salmon management advisory committee Ongoing
Yukon transboundary fisheries Yukon River joint technical committee Ongoing
Yukon transboundary fisheries Yukon salmon sub-committee Ongoing
Yukon transboundary fisheries Taku River salmon management advisory committee Ongoing
BC fisheries Shellfish and invertebrates consultations Ongoing

Reporting programs

Related links

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