Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)
Record of discussion
May 06, 2020
PRHAAC Members | Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC Members | Regrets |
1. Welcome and review of agenda
2. Review of RoD and Action Items of Sept 18, 2019 PRHAAC Meeting and Jan 15, 2020 PRHAAC/HAABC/SCH Meeting
The RoDs have bee reviewed and approved by PRHAAC. All action items have been completed.
- Action: Lam Hughson to share Pacific Region’s representatives for National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) working groups with PRHAAC.
3.SCH Update
- 2020 Budget
- COVID-19 shifted Government priorities and SCH is not expecting additional Abase/ B-base funding. It is uncertain if there will be any stimulus funding for this year.
- SCH Staff Update
- Athen Yuen will be returning to SCH as a Client Services Manger
- Even though SCH reported Athen Yuen’s return to SCH, he as accepted another offer and will not be returning as planned.
- Jonathan Appleton returned from parental leave.
- SCH New Office Update
- SCH has moved to 701 West Georgia but until further notice, the mailing address still remains 401 Burrard Street.
- NHAAC Update
- National Lease Working Group
The SCH’s lease working group has been working on a updated lease and it will soon share it with the NHAAC lease working group.
- National Lease Working Group
4. COVID-19
- Access to Facilities
- SCH would like to commend HAABC for doing a fantastic job providing current and relevant information to the HAs.
- SCH reiterated that food harvesting is considered an essential service therefore harbours are to remain open but HAs should exercise due diligence to ensure safe harbours for staff and users.
- HAs should apply safety measures and procedures in alignment with advice and guidance from all levels of government and have the authority to restrict access to their harbour.
- SCH recognize that every harbour has their own unique situation therefore the HAs are the best ones to decide what measures and procedures are best for their harbours. SCH have been working with isolated HAs to see what services they can safely provide.
- SCH have been working with Fish Management in regards to fishery openings to anticipate impacts to specific harbours and been working with those harbours.
- HAs are encouraged to reach out to SCH if there are any anticipated impacts related to COVID-19 such as opening of fisheries.
- Concerns are expressed of what will happen when restrictions are lifted. Since this is unchartered territory and there are many uncertainties and unknowns, it is unsure what will happen when the health authorities lift restrictions. It is expected that the HAs will have the authority to decide what is safe to reopen.
- For any HAs who are receiving moorage and/or tenant relief requests, they are to encourage them to apply for federal government funding assistance. HAs are also encouraged to apply for funding from the government. It was noted that not all HAs qualify for the funding.
Action: Mike Jacobs to share Fish harvesters interactions in coastal communities document to PRHAAC.
- Liveaboard
- Karen Calla gave an overview of the expectations of liveaboards during COVID-19. They are to follow same protocols as those who are living in their homes such as practicing self-isolation and social distancing. They are expected to respect HAs restrict access policies along with any HA safety measures and procedures.
- Lutz Budde gave an update on the HAABC liveaboard agreement. It is being finalized by Darren Williams and will be shared with the HAABC membership. The agreement will help standardize liveaboard protocols for the HAs.
- CBSA Directive- no gas for foreign vessels
- Concerns were expressed that if foreign fishing vessels cannot fuel up, this will cause other problems. If HAs are facing this issues, they should contact CBSA at 1-888-CANPASS.
- It is thought that perhaps this directive is for transient vessels traveling between USA and Alaska and are not scheduled to stop.
- It is agreed that more clarification is required.
Action: SCH to contact CBSA for clarification on the no gas for foreign vessels directive and share with PRHAAC.
5. New PRHAAC Member
- There was a discussion regarding those who were put forth for consideration to be invited to join PRHAAC. While all three considerations have extensive experience that would benefit PRHAAC, two are active fishermen and sit on similar boards/committees that Mike Griswold is on while the third comes from a fishing family.
- Karen Calla expressed that PRHAAC would benefit with having an active fisherman on the committee and this will be a priority.
Action: PRHAAC to identify any more consideration to Karen Calla.
Action: Karen Calla will make a decision on who to invite to participate on PRHAAC and send out an invitation.
6. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting
- Mike Jacobs confirmed that his community is closed due to COVID-19.
- Lutz Budde noted that the HAABC has been busy providing COVID-19 updates the HAs. The HAABC also hired Darren Williams to produce a Myth and Facts poster regarding liveaboards and shared it with their membership.
- Frank Mauro provided an update regarding the CCG-ER/SCH-HA meeting. It was an informative meeting and hopefully, there will be protocols/policies in place to prevent environmental contamination from reoccurring.
- Lam Hughson gave an update on Cranes. The shared crane waiver was drafted by HAABC and has been vetted by Darren Williams. They haven’t shared it with their membership as they are waiting to hear inputs from SCH. This waiver is a fist step towards lowering liabilities as signage has been very helpful with disputes. SCH is working on a survey and will be sending it out within a few months. PRHAAC are asked to fill out the survey as it will help SCH determine the next steps in drafting a Crane policy.
Action: PRHAAC members to send inputs on the HAABC Crane waiver sign to Lam Hughson.
Action Items
- Complete - Lam Hughson to share Pacific Region’s representatives for National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) working groups with PRHAAC.
- Complete - Mike Jacobs to share Fish harvesters interactions in coastal communities document to PRHAAC.
- Complete - SCH to contact CBSA for clarification on the no gas for foreign vessels directive and share with PRHAAC.
- Complete - PRHAAC to identify any more consideration to Karen Calla.
- Complete - Karen Calla will make a decision on who to invite to participate on PRHAAC and send out an invitation.
- Complete - PRHAAC members to send inputs on the HAABC Crane waiver sign to Lam Hughson.
Bring forward
- The Dredging topic will be deferred to the next face to face meeting as further discussions need to occur within SCH.
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