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Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)

Record of discussion

May 06, 2020

PRHAAC Members Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC Members Regrets
  • Bruce Evans, Fanny Bay Harbour Authority
  • Frank Mauro, Harbour Authority of Pender Harbour
  • Mike Jacobs, Haisla Harbour Authority
  • Lutz Budde, Oona River Community Association
  • Jaime Gusto, Steveston Harbour Authority
  • Karen Calla, Regional Director
  • Robin Richardson, Regional Manager, Harbour Development
  • Lam Hughson, A/Harbour Development Officer
  • Ben Mabberley, Whaler Bay Harbour Authority

1. Welcome and review of agenda

2. Review of RoD and Action Items of Sept 18, 2019 PRHAAC Meeting and Jan 15, 2020 PRHAAC/HAABC/SCH Meeting

The RoDs have bee reviewed and approved by PRHAAC. All action items have been completed.

3.SCH Update

4. COVID-19

Action: Mike Jacobs to share Fish harvesters interactions in coastal communities document to PRHAAC.

Action: SCH to contact CBSA for clarification on the no gas for foreign vessels directive and share with PRHAAC.

5. New PRHAAC Member

Action: PRHAAC to identify any more consideration to Karen Calla.

Action: Karen Calla will make a decision on who to invite to participate on PRHAAC and send out an invitation.

6. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting

Action: PRHAAC members to send inputs on the HAABC Crane waiver sign to Lam Hughson.

Action Items

Bring forward

  1. The Dredging topic will be deferred to the next face to face meeting as further discussions need to occur within SCH.
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