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Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)

Record of discussion

November 12, 2020

PRHAAC Members Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC Members
  • Bruce Evans, Fanny Bay Harbour Authority
  • Frank Mauro, Harbour Authority of Pender Harbour
  • Mike Jacobs, Haisla Harbour Authority
  • Lutz Budde, Oona River Community Association
  • Jaime Gusto, Steveston Harbour Authority
  • Ben Mabberley, Whaler Bay Harbour Authority
  • Robert Hauknes, Port Edward Harbour Authority
  • Karen Calla, Regional Director
  • Robin Richardson, Regional Manager, Harbour Development
  • Lam Hughson, A/Harbour Development Officer
  • Jonathan Thar, Client Services Manager
  • Vahid Kahnamelli, Regional Engineer
  • Andrew Cornell, Sr. Engineer
  • Brenda O’Hara, A/IPPA Manager

1. Welcome and review of agenda

Karen Calla welcomed new PRHAAC member Robert Haukness.

2. Review of RoD and Action Items from May 6, 2020 PRHAAC Meeting

The RoDs have been reviewed and approved by PRHAAC. All action items have been completed.

3.SCH Update

4. COVID-19

5. NHAAC Updates

6. Crane Update

Action: PRHAAC to provide input/feedback on the materials presented to Lam Hughson by Friday, Nov 27th.

7. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting

Action Items

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