Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)
Record of discussion
June 7, 2021
Video conference
PRHAAC Members | Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC Members |
1. Welcome and review of agenda
Karen Calla welcomed PRHAAC members and reviewed agenda.
2. Review of RoD and Action Items from November 12, 2020
The RoD has been reviewed and approved by PRHAAC. There is one action item that is in progress.
- Lutz Budde to work with HAABC to gather COVID plans from the HAs and develop a package to share on their website-in progress
3. SCH Update
- Budget 2021/2022
SCH program received $ 300 M for 2 years of which Pacific Region was expecting approximately $37.5M to fund 45 projects to “repair, renew, and replace small craft harbours”. Since the meeting we have confirmation for $34.6M and 43 projects to the Region.
- Regular funding
Regular budget for fiscal year 2021/22 is $ 9 M for 15 projects.
- Ghost gear
Ghost gear is a two year initiative to address lost and/or abandoned gear in the ocean. This is the last year of the program and with $ 10M for funding.
Under this program, SCH has a 2 year Contribution Agreement with Steveston Harbour Authority to evaluate how to expand the net recycling program to reach all BC harbours and to determine how to make the program self-sustaining.
DFO’s Ecosystems and Fisheries Management (EFM) branch has been funding organizations to retrieve lost and/or abandoned gear. They have been using strategically located small craft harbours to store marked gear to allow owners the opportunity to reclaim them.
Ben Mabberley informed SCH that there had been incidents where the organizations retrieving gear from the ocean were taking FNs gear that was not properly marked but was not abandoned and/or lost. SCH will pass the information to EFM.
Action: Brenda O’Hara will inform EFM that there has been disposal of FNs unmarked gear that were not lost and/or abandoned.
- Staffing update
Brenda O’Hara has changed roles in our team and is now the acting Regional Harbour Development Manager.
Stella Xu joined SCH as the new regional IPPA Manager. She is from Finance and has an extensive financial background.
Stephanie Paterson is on assignment as our new Manager of Indigenous Consultation.
Mina Jung has accepted the role of the Client Services Manager and will be working along side Jonathan Thar.
Valerie Schwark joined SCH at the beginning of May and is the new Program Officer to backfill Mina Jung.
Jady Ho and Warren Bush joined SCH at the beginning of February as the new Program Officers.
Naomi Oya has accepted the PO position to backfill Jady who will be going on maternity leave in June.
Oliver Lu is the CST co-op student and manages SCH’s front desk system.
On the Engineering side, SCH is sad to announce that Andrew Cornell is departing DFO. He is been part of SCH for over 18 years and will be missed.
Mike Braim has returned to SCH for the next 6 months and will be working on special projects before pursuing other opportunities in DFO.
4. PRHAAC Membership
After 14 years of serving on the Board of Directors for the Harbour Authority of Pender Harbour and 10 years on PRHAAC, Frank Mauro has decided to step down to pursue other adventures. Karen Calla thanked Frank for his dedication to the HA program and participation in PRHAAC.
With Frank’s resignation, Karen is searching for a new member.
PRHAAC members are asked to review the list provided by Karen and provide Lam Hughson with input/recommendations by June 18, 2021. From the recommendations Karen will decide on who to invite to join and send an invitation.
Action: PRHAAC to provide input/recommendations for new PRHAAC member to Lam Hughson by June 18, 2021.
Action: Karen Calla to invite a new member to PRHAAC.
5. COVID-19
SCH Staff are still working remotely except necessary field work and hope to be travelling later this summer.
HAABC is reaching out to Shelly Quinte for advice to help the HAs on the issue of staff and vaccinations. She is the labour, employment and human rights lawyer who presented at the last 2 HAABC seminar regarding employers responsibilities.
6. NHAAC Updates
- New head lease working group
The new head lease template is in its final reviewed with DFO’s senior management and the tentative roll-out date is summer 2021.
Pacific region advocated to increase the head lease’s duration from 5 years to 10 years. After DOJ review, it was decided to keep the duration to 5 years with SCH having the authority to negotiate some exceptions.
- HA Ops manual working group
NHQ is currently finalizing the HA Ops Manual and hope that it will be complete and ready to use by summer 2021.
- Indigenous working group
The working group had their first meeting in March where each region presented their activities related to their Indigenous Partners.
NHQ presented a Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business and Indigenous Benefits Plan and how the program will be developing strategies for increased participation of Aboriginal contractors for work being done at SCH harbours.
Ben Mabberley noted that the working group should concentrate on the struggles/issues that the regions are facing to develop strategies to address them. While the majority of FNs in his community are recognized as FNs, they are considered as Peoples of Non-Distinction by the government therefore aren’t a part of the Department’s reconciliation process.
The procurement organized by Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly known as Public Works) is very restrictive, preventing FNs business participations which limits who SCH can use.
In the spirit of reconciliation, SCH will be working with Ben Mabberley on a pilot project to create an inventory of FNs business in his area and their capacity for SCH to use and employ for smaller local projects.
Another option is for SCH to require companies that qualify through PSPC to hire local FNs/FN companies.
Action: Brenda O’Hara and Lam Hughson to collaborate with Ben Mabberley to create an inventory of local FNs businesses and capacity for SCH to use and employ for projects in the area.
7. Crane Update
All HAs who either have a HA owned or SCH owned crane have filled out the crane survey. Lam Hughson will be reviewing the information and will provide a summary to PRHAAC.
HAABC at the preliminary stages of develop crane training options that may be delivered via on-line or at zone meetings.
Action: Lam Hughson to share crane summary information with PRHAAC.
8. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting
- Round table
Jaime Gusto
Jamie Gusto provided an update on the net recycling program which was highly impacted by Covid therefore SHA hasn’t been able to recycle many nets.Through the Ghost Gear initiative, SHA received funding for the program and hired a consultant to expand the program. With the help of HAABC, the consultant surveyed HAs to determine where nets are located and then start developing a transportation plan.
SHA’s new tenant, Ocean Legacy, specializes in recycling poly and SHA is hoping that they will diversify and recycle nylon which will help stabilize the program.
Bruce Evans
Bruce Evans expressed concerns regarding liabilities which resulted in a discussion regarding liabilities for both SCH and the HAs. Ben Mabberley stressed the importance of the directors insurance to ensure that board directors are properly protected. - Next meeting
November 2021
Action items
- complete - Brenda O’Hara will inform EFM that there has been disposal of FNs unmarked gear that were not lost and/or abandoned.
- complete - PRHAAC to provide input/recommendations for new PRHAAC member to Lam Hughson by June 18, 2021.
- complete - Karen Calla to invite a new member to PRHAAC.
- complete - Brenda O’Hara and Lam Hughson to collaborate with Ben Mabberley to create an inventory of local FNs businesses and capacity for SCH to use and employ for projects in the area.
- complete - Lam Hughson to share crane summary information with PRHAAC
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