Small craft harbours Pacific Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (PRHAAC)
Record of discussion
November 29, 2021
Video conference
PRHAAC members | Small Craft Harbours (SCH) PRHAAC members |
Regrets |
1. Welcome and review of agenda
Brenda O’Hara welcomed newest PRHAAC member, Leslie Taylor, Harbour Manager for Comox Valley Harbour Authority
Brenda O’Hara welcomed PRHAAC members and review the agenda
2. Review of RoD and Action Items from November 12, 2020 and June 7, 2021 meetings
The RoD had been reviewed and approved by PRHAAC members.
All action items from the previous meetings had been completed.
3. SCH update
Karen Calla, started her new role with the Canadian Coast Guard on October 1, 2021. In the interim, Brenda O’Hara is the acting RD of SCH until a new RD is announced.
Lam Hughson has accepted a new role with SCH as the G&C coordinator.
Arian Eshfagh joined Harbour Development as a Plastics Program Office and will transition over-time to the Harbour Development Program Officer role.
Vianna Boparai joined the Engineering team as a Project Support Engineer.
Anthony Van Hulsen and Jeevan Padam joined the Engineering team as Engineering Support Technicians.
Ashlee Ahn is the new Client Services Co-op student.
- HA Ops manual
Brenda thanked Julie Blood and Janet Rooke from HAABC for representing the Pacific Region on the HA Ops Manual National Working Group.
The manual has been completed and is available on SCH’s website. National SCH is now turning their sights to updating the Harbour Manager pocket guidebook, which will act as a quick reference guide for Harbour Managers with tips and guidelines related to their daily operations.
NHQ will continue to engage with this working group for input.
- Budget 2021
Under Budget 2021, SCH program will be receiving $ 300M over the next two years which is in addition to the $ 70M in regular funding.
The Pacific Region is expected to receive approximately $50M over two years to support important improvements at some sites through dedicated projects and throughout projects for various Small Craft Harbours along the Pacific Coast.
- Head lease
Brenda thanked Jaime Gusto and Lutz Budde for representing Pacific Regional on the National Head Lease working group.
The Head Lease template has been finalized and it has been approved for implementation.
Pacific Region will be moving forward with implementing new head leases for HAs who are currently in over hold through a priority bases, depending on which Harbour has been in over hold the longest.
4. Accrual accounting
Brenda O’Hara provided an overview of both the current accounting method that is being used and accrual accounting along with their differences. SCH is exploring opportunities to move towards the accrual accounting method; which will mainly impact the spending on infrastructure.
5. COVID-19
- SCH update
DFO is developing a strategy for staff to return to the office post covid. Currently, a hybrid solution is being considered where staff can work both at home and in the office.
SCH can share with PRHAAC members once finalized.
- Vaccination for contractors
Brenda O’Hara confirmed that DFO requires all contractor and subcontractor personnel who perform work at and/or have access to Government of Canada workplaces to be fully vaccinated.
Since SCH sites in the Pacific region do not employ full-time federal employees the vaccination requirement does not apply.
If Harbours have received a Vaccination Certification form from DFO, they can indicate that the contract does not require access to any federal government workplace.
If no form has been received, no further action is required.
It is highly encouraged for all HAs to continue to adhere to provincial, regional and local public health guidelines within each respective locations.
Action: SCH to share a copy of the Covid-19 Form for HA’s regarding the proof of vaccination.
6. Crane survey update
Lam Hughson provided the group an update regarding the Crane survey through a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation.
7. Roundtable, wrap-up and next meeting
- Round table
Lam Hughson
Lam Hughson confirmed that the HAABC seminar will be held in Comox.She is exploring MS Teams to determine if it would be a good forum for PRHAAC to use to share information and documentation.
Action: Lam and Arian to explore MS Teams to determine if it can be used for information and documentation sharing and report back to PRHAAC.
Jaime Gusto
Jamie Gusto provided an update regarding the net recycling program.Steveston HA is still currently looking for a recycling partner who can accept nylon nets therefore cannot accept nets at this time
HAs are asked to hold on to their nets until further notice.
Ben Mabberley:
Ben Mabberley noted that there has been more than the usual amount of debris in Whaler Bay due to the recent flooding in the Fraser Valley.Action: HAs to report on any affected areas due to the floods and the financial/operational impacts it has caused.
- Next meetings
HAABC/PRHAAC/SCH meeting at the HAABC seminar
Next PRHAAC meeting – Spring, June
Action items
- complete - SCH to obtain and share a copy of the Covid Form for HA’s regarding the proof of vaccination.
- In progress - Lam and Arian to work on an MS Teams chat system for PRHAAC
- complete - HAs to report on any affected areas due to the floods and the financial/operational impacts it has caused.
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