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Licence renewal fees for the 2024-2025 fishing season

In accordance with the Service Fees Act, the annual licence renewal fees will be adjusted by the annual rate of inflation as determined by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by Statistics Canada.

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Vessel based

Species Category Fee structure Licence renewal fee
Salmon seine AS Full fee $ 4,457.64
- AS Reduced fee $ 3,067.50
Salmon gillnet or troll
*OAL is 9.14 m or greater
AG / AT Full fee $ 815.70
Salmon gillnet or troll
*OAL is less than 9.14 m
AG / AT Full fee $ 494.01
Salmon gillnet or troll
*OAL is 9.14 m or greater
AG / AT Reduced fee $ 746.76
Salmon gillnet or troll
*OAL is less than 9.14 m
AG / AT Reduced fee $ 436.57
Schedule II species C - $ 32.27
Schedule II species tuna CT - $ 34.46
Transporting (packing) D - $ 32.27
Geoduck and horseclam G - licence renewal fee will be based on the following formula: the product of $289.51 multiplied by the number of tonnes of geoduck authorised to be taken under the licence; that product, minus 40 percent of that product where the product is less than $2,872.19, or minus $1,148.87, where the product is $2,872.19 or more.
Sablefish K - licence renewal fee is based on the following formula: $259.25 multiplied by the number of tonnes of Sablefish authorized to be taken under the licence, minus 40 percent of that product where the product is less than $2,689.32, or minus $1,075.73 where the product is $2,689.32 or more.
Halibut L - licence renewal fee is based on the following formula: $333.48 multiplied by the number of tonnes of halibut authorized to be taken under the licence, minus 40% of that product where the product is less than $2,689.32, or minus $1,075.73 where the product is $2,689.32 or more.
Crab R - $ 677.83
Shrimp trawl S - $ 114.88
High seas SEC68 - $ 574.43
Groundfish trawl T - See groundfish trawl table below
USA68 USA albacore tuna USA68 - $ 574.43
Prawn and shrimp by trap W - $ 367.64
Yukon assistant salmon AYRA - $ 1.15
Salmon Yukon River AYR, AYRF - $ 28.72
Domestic salmon Yukon River AYRD - $ 11.48
Salmon Taku River or Stikine River ATBRF - $ 22.97
Salmon Taku River or Stikine River ATBR - $ 229.77

Groundfish trawl

The licence renewal fee is based on the combination of a base licence fee of $537.87 and the Permanent IVQ holdings of the licence on February 20th, measured in pounds.

IVQ species Fee per tonne of IVQ Fee per pound of IVQ
All rockfish species $ 16.14 $ 0.01
All sole species $ 17.21 $ 0.01
Lingcod $ 17.21 $ 0.01
Pollock $ 8.07 $ 0.00
Hake $ 4.30 $ 0.00

Party based

Species Category Fee structure Licence renewal fee
Fisher registration card FRC - $ 64.54
Roe herring gillnet HG Full fee $ 215.15
Roe herring gillnet HG Reduced fee $ 107.57
Roe herring seine HS Full fee $ 4,281.39
Roe herring seine HS Reduced fee $ 2,140.70
Spawn on kelp J - licence renewal fee is based on the following forumula: $1,631.88 multiplied by the number of tonnes of herring spawn on kelp authorized to be taken under the licence, minus 40% of that product where the product is less than $2,689.32, or minus $1,075.73 where the product is $2,689.32 or more.
Red sea urchin ZC - $ 608.90
Green sea urchin ZA - $ 494.01
Sea cucumber ZD - $ 114.88
Euphausiid ZF - $ 107.57
Food and bait herring ZM - $ 32.27
Rockfish ZN - $ 107.57
Pink or spiny scallop by trawl ZR - $ 34.46
Pacific sardine ZS - $0.00 *
Eulachon ZU - $0.00 *
Pacific wild oyster ZWO - $ 32.27
Special use bait herring
personal (1 Ton)
ZX - $ 34.46
Special use bait herring
sport bait (3 Ton)
ZY1 - $ 34.46
Special use bait herring
commercial bait (3 Ton)
ZY2 - $ 34.46
Special use bait herring
domestic food and bait (3 Ton)
ZY3 - $ 34.46
Special use bait herring
zoo and aquarium (3 Ton)
ZY4 - $ 34.46
Clam Z2 - $ 32.27

* Fee while fishery is closed for conservation concerns.


Licence type Category Fee structure Licence renewal fee
Scientific/other Various
(i.e. XEO, XAQ, CSO, XPD)
- $ 107.57
Scientific/other - master harvester/harvester - - $ 21.51
Vessel registration - - $ 53.79
Contaminated shellfish - depuration CS - $ 114.88
Master harvester/harvester - - $ 22.97
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