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Scientific research and Pacific salmon

Researching and monitoring the Pacific salmon and our marine environment to inform management decisions

Our scientists work with Indigenous groups, industry, stakeholder groups and other partners to collaborate and share research and information about Pacific salmon and salmon habitat including changes in stream, estuary and ocean conditions in order to identify and mitigate risks to these populations. Our scientists also manage the very complex task of forecasting and stock assessment that allows fishery managers to look at salmon population trends in the 1300 to 1500 salmon bearing rivers and streams in BC and the Yukon. We also have a robust aquaculture science and research program that advances our understanding of the interactions between aquaculture and the aquatic environment.

Pacific salmon stock assessment

Scientific research and stock assessment information is essential for managing fisheries in a sustainable manner. Pre-season forecasts, in-season stock assessments, and post-season evaluations are conducted through a variety of means and allow resource managers to make sound decisions regarding fishery opportunities.

We conduct the following regular in-season activities to ensure that our fishery managers have the most current information available to make impactful management decisions on a daily basis:

Ocean productivity and climate change

Pacific salmon populations are sensitive to changes in stream, estuary and ocean conditions. Warmer conditions are linked to lower abundances of salmon. To better understand these linkages we conduct a range of ocean research to help management make decisions that protect salmon populations.

Aquaculture science and research

Aquaculture continues to be an important and growing sector of the seafood industry in Canada as well as globally. As aquaculture continues to grow, the role of science in supporting the sustainable management, regulation, and responsible development of this sector is more crucial than ever. The program is designed to increase our scientific knowledge and inform regulatory decision making and policy development.

Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat

The Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) coordinates the peer review of scientific issues for fish and communicates the results of scientific review and advisory processes. This includes the peer review of aquaculture research, such as the scientific advice for finfish cage aquaculture and shellfish aquaculture in the marine environment.

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