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2003 Commercial Salmon Retained Catch-to-Date (Pieces)

for Period April 1, 2003 to March 30, 2004

AREA Sockeye Coho Pink Chum Chinook All Species Estimates
SEINE Salmon Area A 170462 9941 7003457 684571 0 7868431 complete
SEINE Salmon Area B 696346 0 967061 999892 0 2663299 complete
SEINE Total 866808 9941 7970518 1684463 0 10531730
GILL NET Salmon Area C 682747 467 768291 779807 12826 2244138 complete
GILL NET Salmon Area D 316084 6261 32735 387746 9597 752423 complete
GILL NET Salmon Area E 249014 9 17638 238758 5801 511220 complete
GILL NET total 1247845 6737 818664 1406311 28224 3507781
TROLL Salmon Area F 3671 213736 109587 246 137534 464774 incomplete
TROLL Salmon Area G 101 150 867 3612 167459 172189 incomplete
TROLL Salmon Area H 123889 0 104837 85153 1123 315002 incomplete
TROLL Total 127661 213886 215291 89011 306116 951965
Grand Totals 2242314 230564 9004473 3179785 334340 14991476


  1. This report contains ONLY commercial catch estimates; it DOES NOT include testfishing, recreational or First Nations data
  2. These figures are preliminary in-season catch estimates and are subject to change
  3. Consult the applicable Fishery Manager or Biologist as to the status of particular catch estimates.
  4. All catch estimates are reported in pieces (numbers of fish).
  5. Catch estimates include adults and jacks combined.
  6. In the "Estimates" column, a "complete" means that catch estimates are available for all days fished; an "incomplete" means that at least one catch estimate is missing.
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