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2004 Commercial Salmon Retained Catch-to-Date (Pieces)

for Period April 1, 2004 to March 30, 2005

AREA Sockeye Coho Pink Chum Chinook All Species Estimates
SEINE Salmon Area A 198856 56810 1494610 672880 1 2423157 complete
SEINE Salmon Area B 573051 8 57046 949373 24 1579502 complete
SEINE Total 771907 56818 1551656 1622253 25 4002659
GILL NET Salmon Area C 411098 14703 325033 938803 14898 1704535 complete
GILL NET Salmon Area D 197265 2880 30461 413352 12554 656512 complete
GILL NET Salmon Area E 276083 0 16 252349 7892 536340 complete
GILL NET total 884446 17583 355510 1604504 35344 2897387
TROLL Salmon Area F 2574 257185 38090 181 155431 453461 incomplete
TROLL Salmon Area G 10 198 60 3429 154106 157803 incomplete
TROLL Salmon Area H 148489 7 9291 105997 660 264444 complete
TROLL Total 151073 257390 47441 109607 310197 875708
Grand Totals 1807426 331791 1954607 3336364 345566 7775754


  1. This report contains ONLY commercial catch estimates; it DOES NOT include testfishing, recreational or First Nations data
  2. These figures are preliminary in-season catch estimates and are subject to change
  3. Consult the applicable Fishery Manager or Biologist as to the status of particular catch estimates.
  4. All catch estimates are reported in pieces (numbers of fish).
  5. Catch estimates include adults and jacks combined.
  6. In the "Estimates" column, a "complete" means that catch estimates are available for all days fished; an "incomplete" means that at least one catch estimate is missing.
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