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2005 Commercial Salmon Retained Catch-to-Date (Pieces)

for Period April 1, 2005 to March 30, 2006

AREA Sockeye Coho Pink Chum Chinook All Species Estimates
SEINE Salmon Area A 71305 89459 7536924 265066 0 7962754 complete
SEINE Salmon Area B 56129 2511 93812 1005109 4755 1162316 complete
SEINE Total 127434 91970 7630736 1270175 4755 9125070
GILL NET Salmon Area C 133689 11449 378570 488267 11412 1023387 complete
GILL NET Salmon Area D 52355 1563 8899 300413 18636 381866 complete
GILL NET Salmon Area E 11511 0 3602 355042 140 370295 complete
GILL NET total 197555 13012 391071 1143722 30188 1775548
TROLL Salmon Area F 207 309737 43728 54 152287 506013 complete
TROLL Salmon Area G 0 2014 105 2248 123257 127624 incomplete
TROLL Salmon Area H 20177 4 21997 49017 0 91195 complete
TROLL Total 20384 311755 65830 51319 275544 724832
Grand Totals 345373 416737 8087637 2465216 310487 11625450


  1. This report contains ONLY commercial catch estimates; it DOES NOT include testfishing, recreational or First Nations data
  2. These figures are preliminary in-season catch estimates and are subject to change
  3. Consult the applicable Fishery Manager or Biologist as to the status of particular catch estimates.
  4. All catch estimates are reported in pieces (numbers of fish).
  5. Catch estimates include adults and jacks combined.
  6. In the "Estimates" column, a "complete" means that catch estimates are available for all days fished; an "incomplete" means that at least one catch estimate is missing.
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