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Eden-Bonwick-Midsummer-Swanson Islands Rockfish Conservation Area

Map: Rockfish Conservation Area boundary and proposed changes

Description of current Rockfish Conservation Area boundary

Those waters of Subareas 12-6, 12-7, 12-26 and 12-39 that lie inside a line that:

begins at 50°45.000'N 126°45.000'W in water
then to 50°45.510'N 126°42.831'W Duff Point
then southerly following the
shoreline of Eden Island to
50°44.402'N 126°41.178'W Eden Island
then to 50°43.613'N 126°41.170'W Crib Island
then to 50°42.933'N 126°41.656'W Hudson Island
then to 50°42.095'N 126°41.386'W unnamed islet
then to 50°42.236'N 126°40.661'W west of Betty Cove
then southerly following the
shoreline of Bonwick Island to
50°41.135'N 126°40.152'W west of Success Point
then to 50º 40.756'N 126º 41.353'W Sedge Island
then following the northerly
shoreline of Sedge Island to
50º 40.667'N 126º 41.568'W Sedge Island
then to 50°40.000'N 126°41.600'W Canoe Islets
then to 50°39.667'N 126°40.674'W Wolf Island
then following the southerly
shoreline of Wolf Island to
50°39.549'N 126°40.292'W Wolf Island
then to 50°39.700'N 126°37.900'W Morning Islets
then to 50°39.600'N 126°37.100'W Gilford Island
then to 50°37.867'N 126°34.350'W Warr Bluff
then following the westerly
shoreline of Village Island to
50°36.715'N 126°33.863'W Village Island
then to 50°36.386'N 126°34.628'W Hail Islets
then to 50°36.245'N 126°36.275'W Alder Island
then to 50°35.331'N 126°36.337'W Harbledown Island
then westerly following the
shoreline of Harbledown Island to
50°35.555'N 126°40.206'W Whitebeach Passage
then to 50°35.737'N 126°40.202'W Sarah Islets
then to 50°36.170'N 126°41.222'W Stoker Point
then northerly and westerly following
the shoreline of Swanson Island to
50°37.691'N 126°43.572'W Swanson Island
then to 50°38.075'N 126°43.339'W Wedge Island Light
then following the easterly
shoreline of Wedge Island to
50°38.310'N 126°43.273'W Wedge Island
then to 50°40.700'N 126°42.100'W Sedge Islands
then to 50°43.200'N 126°43.467'W near Kate Islet
then to 50°43.500'N 126°43.100'W near Crib Island
then to 50°43.500'N 126°45.000'W in water

then to the beginning point.

Proposed boundary change

Reason(s) for proposed boundary change

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