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Killer whales in Canadian Pacific waters

Canada's Pacific Ocean is home to marine life of many kinds, including the Southern Resident killer whale. Learn about what we are doing to protect them.

Follow us

Report dead or distressed marine mammals

To report dead, injured or entangled marine mammals, please visit report a marine mammal in distress.

Services and information

Management measures

See the measures we have put in place to protect Southern Resident killer whales


We carry out research and provide scientific advice on whales and their habitats to inform decision-making

Marine Mammal Response Program

Learn how we are assisting marine mammals in distress

SRKW species profile

Learn about Southern Resident killer whales

NRKW species profile

Learn about Northern Resident killer whales

Transient killer whale species profile

Learn about Transient killer whales

Authorization to disturb marine mammals

Application form to get authorization for activities that will disturb a marine mammal

Pacific salmon

Learn about what we are doing to sustain Pacific salmon

What we are doing


Oceans Protection Plan
Oceans Protection Plan

Working in partnership to protect our coasts and waterways for generations to come.

Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative
Sockeye salmon

Together, through partnerships and action, we strive to ensure healthy Pacific salmon populations.

Whales Initiative
Killer Whale

The Government of Canada is working to support the recovery of Canada's endangered, iconic whale populations.

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