Marine charts, maps and data
Find links to maps and atlases available online as well as charts for sale through vendors across Canada.
- Fisheries management area maps
- Commercial fishing areas
- Open Government maps
- Rockfish conservation area maps
- Groundfish management area maps
- Commercial salmon fishing area maps
- Restricted fishing areas
- Bivalve shellfish contamination closures
- Tides, currents and water levels Tide tables for all of Canada.
- Management measures to protect Southern Resident killer whales
- Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound Glass Sponge Reef Conservation Initiative maps
- Map: WCPFC/IATTC convention areas
- Canadian Hydrographic Service nautical charts and services - The Canadian Hydrographic Service is responsible for surveying Canadian navigable waterways and for producing a number of nautical publications, including nautical charts, sailing directions, bathymetric maps and tide and current tables.
Related links
- Community Mapping Network The primary goal of the Community Mapping Network (CMN) is to provide a service that collects and integrates natural resource information, maps and mapping information to promote sustainable resource management and to assist planning sustainable communities in British Columbia, Canada.
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