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Region 3 - Thompson-Nicola: Recreational salmon fishing limits, openings and closures

Learn more about fishing for salmon in B.C.

Salmon limits, openings and closures

There is no fishing for salmon in Region 3 except for the opportunities listed in the table below.

This table refers to fishing for salmon only. For information on other species please refer to the B.C. Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis.

Waters Specific area Species Dates Limits/Gear
Bridge River All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for salmon
Clearwater River All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for salmon
Fraser River Mainstem waters of the Fraser River All Apr 1 until further notice No fishing for salmon
Kamloops Lake Chinook Aug 28 to Sep 22 4 per day, only 1 over 50cm
Pink To be determined To be determined
Little Shuswap Lake - see South Thompson River
South Thompson River From the green can buoy near outlet of Little River, including Little Shuswap Lake, to the fishing white triangle fishing boundary approximately 100 m downstream of Campbell Creek. Chinook Aug 16 to Sep 22 4 per day, only 2 over 50 cm. Monthly limit of 6 over 50 cm from the South Thompson River.
Pink To be determined To be determined
Thompson River From Kamloops Lake outlet downstream to the fishing boundary signs just downstream of Gold Pan Provincial Park, except:
  • Deadman - from the fishing boundary signs approximately 1 km downstream of the Hwy No. 1 Bridge at Savona to the CN rail bridge approximately 500 m downstream of the confluence with Deadman Creek.
  • Juniper - from the fishing boundary signs approximately 1.5 km downstream from Juniper Beach Park downstream approximately 4 km to the fishing boundary signs located at 50°46.893' N and 121°08.110' W.
  • Ashcroft - from the fishing boundary sign at the upstream side of the mouth of the Bonaparte River to Hwy 97C bridge in Ashcroft.
All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for salmon
From the white triangle fishing boundary signs just downstream of Gold Pan Provincial Park to the easterly border of the Skihist Ecological reserve along the Thompson River located at 50º25’N, 121º31’W, this is approximately 5 km northeast of Lytton at Skihist Park. Chinook Aug 28 to Sep 22 4 per day, none over 50 cm
Pink To be determined To be determined
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