Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program and Pacific salmon
Focuses on the management of impacts to fish resulting from habitat degradation or loss and alterations to fish passage and flow
We work collaboratively to manage impacts to commercial, recreational, and Aboriginal fisheries resulting from habitat degradation or loss, alterations to fish passage and flow, and aquatic invasive species. A key area of this work involves providing advice to people and companies engaging in projects near water to help them to proactively avoid and mitigate the effects of their work on salmon and salmon habitat. We also review proposed works and activities that may affect fish and fish habitat, issuing authorizations and permits, where appropriate, with conditions for offsetting, monitoring, and reporting so that the project complies with the Fisheries Act and the Species at Risk Act. With the goal of protecting fish and fish habitat to ensure sustainable aquatic ecosystems, we provide expert support to federal custodial departments, through science-based and nationally consistent advice, to foster effective and cost-efficient federal contaminated site management.
Through the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, we provide funding to recreational fisheries and conservation groups undertaking fish habitat restoration activities. These activities support the common long term goal of enhancing the sustainability and ongoing productivity of our recreational fisheries.
Related material
- Projects near water
- Integrated Planning for Salmon Ecosystems
- Extreme environmental impacts on Pacific salmon
- Measures to avoid causing harm to fish and fish habitat
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