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Marine finfish aquaculture reporting template:
Appendix 17 wild mortalities and incidental catch

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Marine finfish aquaculture reporting template: Appendix 17 wild mortalities and incidental catch
(.xlsx, 120 KB)

Instructions for using this Excel template

  1. Go to "step 1 - general info" worksheet.
  2. Select licence holder name from drop-down list
  3. Complete the remaining columns (if applicable)
  4. Go to "step 2 - report details" worksheet.
  5. Then select “facility reference No" from drop-down list
  6. Enter data and complete the remaining columns (if applicable)
  7. If the species cannot found in the "species common name" pick list, select "other" and specify it in the "other species - specify" column
  8. Data can be copied and pasted into multiple subsequent rows. However, please note that data can not be copied to cells marked "do not enter". *
  9. This template has a limit of 1000 rows of data. Should you have data to submit in excess of 1000 rows, please contact the department.

Colour meaning

Red - mandatory field (data missing)

Grey - do not enter

White - enterable field

* N.B. in order to maintain data integrity, data from external sources should not be copied directly into greyed-out cells. Please input the data directly into this spreadsheet.

Step 1 - general info

Licence holder name Reporting year Reporting period
Pick licence holder (start here) Pick list Pick list

Step 2 - report details

Facility reference number Facility name Event type Date of catch Month of catch Year of catch Species common name
Pick list Do not enter Pick list Input format: YYYY-MM-DD Input format: MMM Input format: YYYY Pick list
Species scientific name Other species - specify Released (estimated pieces) Mortalities (pieces) Average weight (grams) Pacific herring spawn extent (square metres) Pacific herring spawn cover (%/sq metre) Comments
Do not enter Specify the species if selected "other" in pick list input format: 0-999999 input format: 0-999999 input format: 0-999999 input format: 99999 (allow input for pacific herring only) input format: 0-100 (allow input for pacific herring only)

Guidance for reporting of wild mortalities and incidental catch

Wild mortalities
means non-cultivated fish that have died within the Containment Structure Array but dows not include Incidental Catch. For the purposes of this report, Wild Mortalities will be reported in the Event Type of "Net Observation" or "Carcass Recovery".
Incidental catch
means any wild finfish (excluding sharks) from within the Facility caught during Harvest, Handline Events, movement of fish between Facilities, or net removal. For this purposes of this report, Wild Mortalities will be reported in the Event Type of "Harvest"," Handling", "Transfer", "Treatment", "Processing Plant" or "Net Removal".
Facility reference number
means the Facility Reference Number of the Facility at which the non-cultivated fish were captured. For fish captured during Transfer events, report the incidental catch at the originating Facility.
Facility name
Do not enter. The Facility Name of the Facility at which the non-cultivated fish were captured. This field is automatically populated based on the Facility Reference Number entered.
Event type - net observation
Wild mortalities removed from net pens during routine inspection activities.
Event type - carcass recovery
Wild mortalities collected during routine mortality removal of cultured fish (ie. in farm uplifts).
Event type - harvest
Incidental catch captured during harvest activities, either in the Facility net pen or on the harvest vessel.
Event type - handling
Incidental catch captured during handline events such as fish sampling or on-site transfer activities.
Event type - transfer
Incidental catch captured during transfer activities between aquaculture facilities, such as wellboat transfer activities.
Event type - treatment
Incidental catch captured during treatment activities such as mechanical removal or bath treatments for sea lice management.
Event type - processing plant
Incidental catch collected at the processing plant after harvest.
Event type - net removal
Incidental catch captured or released during routine facility net removal activities at the end of a production cycle.
Date of catch
means the date on which the non-cultivated fish were collected or released. This field is optional. Data may be reported for the month/year.
Month of catch
The month in which the non-cultivated fish were collected or released. If the actual date of catch is reported, this field should be automatically populated.
Year of catch
The year in which the non-cultivated fish were collected or released. If the actual date of catch is reported, this field should be automatically populated.
Species common name
The common name of the species of non-cultivated fish captured at the Facility, using the drop-down list provided. If a species is not listed, choose "Other" and enter the Common Name in the "Other Species - Specify" column.
Species scientific name
Do not enter. The scientific name of the species of non-cultivated fish captured at the Facility. This field is automatically populated based on the Species Common Name selected.
Other species - specify
If a species is not listed in the Species Common Name drop-down list, choose "Other" and enter the Common Name in this column.
Released (estimated pieces)
The number of live non-cultivated fish returned to waters outside the aquaculture Facility in a manner that causes the least harm, as per CoL 8.3.
Mortalities (pieces)
The number of dead Incidental Catch or Wild Mortalities collected at the Facility.
Average weight (grams)
The average weight of the dead Incidental Catch or Wild Mortalities.
Pacific herring spawn extent on facility infrastructure (sq metres)
If Pacific Herring Spawn are observed on Facility infrastructure (nets, anchor lines, walkways, etc.), the estimated number of square meters covered. This number is used to describe the extent of spawn coverage. To enter data into this field, choose "Pacific herring" in the "Species Common Name" field.
Pacific herring spawn cover on facility infrastructure (%/sq metre)
If Pacific herring spawn are observed on Facility infrastructure, the percent coverage per square meter of spawn. This number is used to determine the density of spawn coverage. To enter data into this field, choose "Pacific herring" in the "Species Common Name" field.
Any additional comments pertaining to the Incidental Catch or Wild Mortalities reporting.
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