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Aquaculture licensing in British Columbia

General information

General information

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is responsible for issuing B.C. aquaculture licences for marine finfish, shellfish and freshwater (or land-based) operations. The province of B.C. is responsible for licensing the commercial harvest of marine plants.

In addition, DFO issues aquaculture licences for all salmon hatcheries in B.C. Salmon enhancement facilities include those that are federally operated as well as non-commercial production facilities operated by First Nations and community groups.

B.C. aquaculture facilities must operate in compliance with key environmental and health legislation such as the Health of Animals Act, Food and Drugs Act, and Species at Risk Act.

B.C. aquaculture licences define the responsibilities of operators and assure processors and consumers that they are buying seafood from a licensed facility.

Licences are issued for the operation of a specific aquaculture site and licence holders must apply for a renewal at the frequency specified in the conditions of licence. Companies and organizations with multiple sites must obtain a separate licence for each site.

Additional licences are required for specific activities that may be required to conduct aquaculture operations, such as imports and transfers of fish. The process to acquire an aquaculture licence and tenure (if required) can take one year or more.

Multi-year licensing

Under the authority of the Fisheries Act, aquaculture licences can be issued for periods of up to 9 years, at the discretion of the statutory/authorized decision-maker.

Conditions of Licence

Licence conditions set out the specific operational and reporting requirements to which licence holders must adhere in order to operate legally and be in compliance with the Fisheries Act and regulations. They contain provisions to ensure that aquaculture sites are operated in an environmentally sustainable manner that minimizes the risk to wild fish stocks and the marine resource.

Together with the regulations, licence conditions are used to regulate and govern the aquaculture industry in B.C. Failure to comply can result in investigation and enforcement actions under the Fisheries Act.

Specific conditions of licence have been developed for marine finfish sites, shellfish sites, freshwater commercial hatcheries, and other freshwater/land-based facilities to ensure each type of operation is appropriately regulated. Site-specific conditions of licence may also apply based on the geographic location, the species being cultivated and the facility type.

An operation may cultivate a number of different species at one site at various times and may be licensed for species not currently being grown.

The conditions of licence for non-commercial production facilities (e.g., salmon enhancements, universities, classroom incubators) differ from commercial aquaculture hatchery licences but they have the same categories of licence conditions with respect to fish health management and reporting. The conditions of licence have been tailored to address the particular management needs and nature of enhancement facilities.

Applying for an aquaculture licence

While licences for aquaculture operations in B.C. are issued by DFO, the provincial government and other federal departments also play a role in the licensing process. DFO, Transport Canada and the province of B.C. share a single harmonized aquaculture application. The required forms for new sites, or amendments to existing sites for freshwater, shellfish or marine finfish aquaculture operations, are available through FrontCounterBC or by calling 1-877-855-3222.

Siting guidelines

DFO's Siting Guidelines for Marine Finfish Aquaculture in British Columbia set out the issues related to siting that are considered during the review of applications for new facilities. The Department's goal is to locate aquaculture facilities in areas that are environmentally suitable to the support of farmed and wild fish health, while promoting an economically prosperous and socially sustainable industry. These guidelines also provide First Nations, industry, stakeholders and the public with more information and increased transparency regarding DFO's review process of such applications.


The province of B.C. has authority over land and foreshore use. Aquaculture operations that required a provincial lease or tenure before 2010, when the province was responsible for regulating aquaculture in B.C., continue to need one to comply with provincial law. More information is available via FrontCounterBC.

User fees

Aquaculture licence fees comprise two components:

  1. A flat fee applied to partially recover administrative processing and licence issuance costs under the British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program. The flat fee is charged when a licence is issued for a new facility, when licences are renewed and for changes of ownership.
  2. An access-to-resource fee for finfish and shellfish licences for exclusive use of, and access to, the respective water column and surface area. Access to resource fees must be paid annually.

Policy on Remission: Learn about the service standards, exceptions, remission calculations and payment timing.

Aquaculture user fees 2025 2024 2023
Access to resource fees Shellfish (per hectare of the licensed area) $6.00 $5.90 $5.80
Marine finfish (per tonne of the maximum licensed biomass) $3.00 $2.95 $2.90
Freshwater/land-based N/A N/A N/A
Administrative fee $120.00 $118.00 $116.00

Since most freshwater operations do not access a federally-regulated resource (the freshwater column is considered a provincial resource), these operations are only charged the flat fee portion. University and fish enhancement facilities are exempt from both fees.

Frequently asked questions - aquaculture licensing in B.C.

Reference notes:

  • Landfile number: The provincial government issues tenures under the Land Act for Aquaculture Operations in B.C.. A landfile number is assigned to each tenure issued. Facilities operating on private property are not required to apply for tenure.
  • Site common name: Each aquaculture facility is assigned a site common name. These are usually based on a description of the area where the facility operates.

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Applications and decisions

Applications and decisions

Applications under review

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) posts summary documents associated with licence applications under review for new or amended aquaculture facilities. These documents provide information on the applicant, the location, size and type of facility, and the species to be cultivated. Once a decision is made on the application, the outcome is posted and will remain online for an additional 30 days.

DFO considers environmental sustainability, potential impacts to wild fisheries, fish health, site suitability and many other factors as part of the review process.
Read more about DFO's application review process

Transport Canada (TC) and the provincial Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) each conduct their own application assessments; TC ensures that aquaculture sites do not impede safe navigation and anchorage under the Navigation Protection Act and FLNRORD considers land use and general suitability of the site location for aquaculture purposes. Please visit FLNRORD's Applications and Reasons for Decisions website for more information.

Applications under review

Marine finfish

For more information or to comment on a specific application, please contact us.

Date received Application summary Applicant General location Decision status
2024-06-07 Amendment summary, facility 314 Cermaq Canada Ltd. Ross Pass, Northeast McKay Island Under review
2024-02-13 Amendment summary, facility 1078 Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Hecate Channel Approved
2024-01-24 Amendment summary, facility 1705 Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Williamson Passage/Nootka Sound Under review
2024-01-18 Amendment summary, facility 1849 Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Muchalat Inlet/Nootka Sound Muchalat North Under review
2023-12-04 Amendment summary, facility 1700 Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Muchalat Inlet/Nootka Sound Muchalat South Under review
2023-06-13 Amendment summary biomass, facility 526 Cermaq Canada Ltd. Clayoquot Sound Under review
2023-05-17 Amendment summary biomass, facility 6668 Cermaq Canada Ltd. South Clayoquot Sound/ Fortune Channel Under review
2023-02-14 Amendment summary biomass, facility 540 Cermaq Canada Ltd. Fortune Channel Under review
2022-04-12 Amendment summary, facility 1382 MOWI Canada West Robertson Island, Richards Channel Under review
2021-06-24 New application summary, facility 10010 Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Chatham Channel / Ga-Guump Under review
2019-01-17 Amendment summary, facility 1702 Marine Harvest Canada Goat Cove Under review
2021-04-15 Amendment summary, facility 1691 MOWI Canada West Inc. Klemtu / Kid Bay Under review


For more information or to comment on a specific application, please contact us.

Date received Application summary Applicant General location Decision status
2024-04-14 Amendment summary, facility 1707 Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation Cachalot Inlet Under review
2024-06-07 Amendment summary, facility 894 David Geoffrey Nikleva Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island Under review
2024-04-23 Amendment summary, facility 816 Jin Lai Holdings Inc. Ship’s Point, Baynes Sound Under review
2024-04-15 Amendment summary, facility 1119 Lucky 1’s Oyster Co. Ltd. Nanoose Bay Approved
2024-02-21 Amendment summary, facility 6814 Island Shellfish Ltd Union Bay, Baynes Sound Approved
2023-11-15 New application summary, facility 9630 Russell Patenaude Okeover Inlet Under review
2023-11-01 Amendment summary, facility 1487 1109276 B.C. LTD. Okeover Inlet Under review
2023-08-28 Amendment summary, facility 842 Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC Okeover Inlet Under review
2023-07-25 Amendment summary, facility 88 David Geoffrey Nikleva Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island Approved
2023-05-09 Amendment summary, facility 1522 Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC Trevenan Bay Under review
2018-09-04 Amendment summary, facility 6712 Maplestar Seafood Ltd. Nanoose Bay Under review
2018-02-19 New application summary, facility 8393 Fan Seafoods Ltd. South Savory Island Under review
2017-04-10 New application summary, facility 8153 Han Pacific Shellfish Ltd. Baynes Sound / NW Shore Denman Island Under review


For more information or to comment on a specific application, please contact us.

Date received Application summary Applicant General location Decision status
2023-06-15 Amendment summary, facility 1200 West Coast Fishculture (Lois Lake) Ltd. Lois Lake, Powell River, BC / Lois Lake-Lake Site Application withdrawn
2023-06-13 New application summary, facility 10370 Community Advisor, Central West Coast of Vancouver Island: East to Nanaimo, South to Chemainus Clayquot Sound, BC / Ahousaht Hatchery Approved
2023-04-06 New application summary, facility 10430 Community Advisor, N Vancouver Island; Mainland, Knight Inlet to Cape Caution Orford Bay, Bute Inlet/ Orford Bay hatchery Under review
2023-06-14 New application summary, facility 10450 Community Advisor, Central Interior: North of 100 Mile House, and NE B.C. Hanceville, BC, Cariboo Regional District /Tsilhqotin National Government Jas (Chinook) Hatchery Approved
2023-04-21 New application summary, facility 10410 Community Advisor, North Side Fraser River, Burnaby to Mission 265m North of MetroVan Coquitlam Watershed gate / Kwikwetlem Sockeye Hatchery Under review
2023-01-06 New application summary, facility 10352 Little Mountain Farm Ltd. Salmon Arm, BC Approved
2021-12-14 Amendment summary, facility 8996 Community Advisor, Lower Vancouver Island, South Gulf Islands and Cowichan River Watershed Confluence of Rocky Creek and DeMamiel Creek, approximately 5km west of Sooke. Under review
Enhancement / stocking

Enhancement and stocking licensing in B.C.

Under the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations, all salmon hatcheries in B.C. require an aquaculture licence to operate. The aquaculture licence and conditions of licence are designed to ensure the sustainable operation of enhancement facilities. Fish stocking licences are issued to the Freshwater Fisheries Society of British Columbia, which cultivates fish expressly for the purposes of releasing them into natural freshwater bodies to support public recreational fishing opportunities.

The following lists will be updated regularly to reflect changes in licence status:

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Freshwater / land-based

Freshwater/land-based aquaculture licensing in B.C.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for licensing all aquaculture facilities in B.C. The aquaculture licence and conditions of licence are designed to ensure the sustainable operation and development of freshwater aquaculture.

The following list will be updated regularly to reflect changes in licence status:

Reference notes:

  • Region: In the case of freshwater facilities, the site common name may contain the address of the facility. For this list, in order to protect personal or proprietary information, only the region is identified.
  • Facility type: Hatcheries raise juvenile fish from eggs. Once the fish reach a certain size they are moved to a grow-out facility, where they are allowed to grow until they reach the desired size for harvesting
  • Land or water-based: Freshwater aquaculture operations may be conducted either on land or in a body of water, depending on the species being cultivated. For example, rainbow trout prefer cold water conditions and can be raised in dugouts, ponds or net-cages suspended in lakes. Fish that prefer a warm water environment, such as tilapia, thrive in land-based re-circulating tank systems which allow operators to carefully control temperature and water quality.

Related links

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Marine finfish

Finfish aquaculture licensing in B.C.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for licensing all aquaculture facilities in B.C. The aquaculture licence and conditions of licence are designed to ensure the sustainable operation and development of marine finfish aquaculture.

Marine finfish reporting templates:

The following list will be updated regularly to reflect changes in licence status:

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Shellfish aquaculture licensing in B.C.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for licensing all aquaculture facilities in B.C. The aquaculture licence and conditions of licence are designed to ensure the sustainable operation and development of shellfish aquaculture.

The following list is updated regularly to reflect changes in licence status. It provides assurance to shellfish processors that they are purchasing seafood from a licensed operation.

Reference notes:

  • The Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations describe the surf line and divide the Canadian fisheries waters of the Pacific Ocean into areas and sub-areas that are often referenced when describing fishery openings and closures. Clicking on the area of interest will reveal a more detailed map illustrating the sub-areas.
  • Any shellfish aquaculture licence listed is authorized to harvest varnish clams (nuttallia obscurata) within the licensed area unless that area is closed by prohibition order.
  • The Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP) is delivered jointly by DFO, Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and contains measures to ensure that bivalve shellfish (i.e., oysters, clams, scallops and mussels) are safe for human consumption. Under this program, conditional management plans are developed to allow shellfish harvesting in areas that may be periodically at risk for poor water quality. These plans clearly set out the circumstances which would trigger a temporary closure of the area to shellfish harvesting.

    In B.C. there are currently five conditional management plans in effect. The first four cover harvest areas near wastewater treatment plants in Ladysmith, Chemainus, Crofton and French Creek. In these areas, the conditional management plans are in effect to manage the potential risk of the release or discharge of wastewater materials beyond the normal operations of the treatment plant.

    The fifth conditional management plan applies to shellfish harvesting in Baynes Sound, the most active shellfish aquaculture region in B.C. In Baynes Sound, water quality may be adversely affected when substantial amounts of rainfall occur over a relatively short period of time. This may lead to runoff from the upland areas and increase contamination levels in the marine environment. Baynes Sound is divided into three different areas, with each having an established rainfall trigger amount for temporary shellfish harvesting closures.

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Frequently asked questions - aquaculture licensing in B.C.

What information should I read or know before applying for an aquaculture licence?

Anyone applying for an aquaculture licence in B.C. needs to review:  

How can I apply for an aquaculture licence?

For Pacific shellfish, marine finfish and freshwater/land-based aquaculture licences, applications and instructions, see:

How can I amend my existing aquaculture licence?

An application is required. See instructions located on the B.C. Government website at:

Is DFO accepting applications for new aquaculture facilities or applications for changes to existing aquaculture facilities?

Yes, applications are being accepted; however, not for all species i.e.sea cucumber) or areas (i.e. Discovery Islands).

What is the fee structure for aquaculture holders?

A fee structure for aquaculture licences is under development.

What species can I apply for in my aquaculture applications?

The list of species considered low risk for introduction and transfer in B.C. by the Introductions and Transfer Committee (ITC) is available at: Note that there are some species acceptable for introductions and transfers that may not be approved for aquaculture.

If you have questions about species for aquaculture, contact Aquaculture Resource Management

What happens to the aquaculture licence if I sell my business?

If the business is sold with a valid aquaculture licence and the buyer wants to continue with the same management plan, the new owner only needs to submit a licensee amendment at:

If the new owner doesn't want to keep the aquaculture licence, s/he needs to inform the Pacific Fisheries Licensing Unit at 1-877-535-7307 or at

What is the role of the Introductions and Transfer Committee (ITC)?

The ITC reviews and approves applications for introductions and transfers of live fish in B.C., into any (proposed) fish rearing facility or fish-bearing waters. This includes the introduction or transfer of live fish into (proposed) aquaculture facilities. The ITC can be reached at: or for more information, read the ITC web page.

Are there a maximum number of licences provided for certain species?

There are no limits to the number of licences for a given species.

How can I tell if my licence has been renewed?

Your Pacific aquaculture licence renewal form will be mailed to you prior to the expiry date of your licence. Complete the form and mail it back to the Pacific Fisheries Licensing Unit. Once received, your licence should become part of the valid licence holders list after the expiry date. For more information, contact the Licensing Unit at 1-877-535-7307 or at:

Can you send me an electronic copy of my licence renewal application?

Yes, for an e-copy of your application, contact the Pacific Fisheries Licensing Unit at 1-877-535-7307 or at

How do I cancel my aquaculture licence?

Contact the Pacific Fisheries Licensing Unit. They can be reached at 1-877-535-7307 or at:

Where can I find an up-dated list of valid licence holders?

A complete list of Pacific aquaculture licence holders by sector can be found at: Look for "Aquaculture Licensing Links” on the top right hand corner of the web page. Choose from Freshwater, Marine Finfish or Shellfish to view a list of current licence holders for that sector.

How do I find out about new aquaculture applications and how do I provide comments on new aquaculture applications?

Applications for aquaculture facilities requiring new land tenures and information on how to submit comments can be found on the B.C. Ministry of Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, Land Tenures Branch web page.

Comments may also be submitted directly to DFO Aquaculture Resource Management.

How do I transfer shellfish, marine finfish or freshwater fish?

Your Pacific aquaculture licence conditions outline the circumstances whereby fish species may be transferred. Should these circumstances not be met, the ITC must approve the movement of fish into or within B.C. Contact the ITC directly at or see the ITC website.

How do I import shellfish, marine finfish and/or freshwater fish into B.C.?

To import such fish for aquaculture purposes, you must obtain a valid Canadian Food and Inspection Agency (CFIA) import permit, as well as an Introductions and Transfer licence, prior to transfer. See the CFIA website at:

What conditions must be met in order to farm Tilapia?

You need to apply for a Pacific fresh-water/land-based aquaculture licence. As well, the ITC reviews and approves applications for introductions and transfers of live fish in B.C., including marine finfish, into any (proposed) fish rearing facility or fish bearing waters. This includes the introduction or transfer of live fish into (proposed) aquaculture facilities.

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