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Marine finfish aquaculture reporting template:
Appendix 9 mortality by category

The plain text on this page is for your information only. To submit your report, please download the Excel (.xlsx) version and return it to us.

Depending on your browser settings, you may need to right click on the document link and select a ‘save’ option.

Marine finfish aquaculture reporting template: Appendix 9 mortality by category
(.xlsx, 170 kB)

Instructions for using this Excel template

  1. Go to “Step 1 - General Info” worksheet.
  2. Select Licence Holder Name, Reporting Year and Reporting Period from pick lists provided.
  3. Go to “Step 2 - Report Details” worksheet.
  4. Select “Facility Reference No.” and “Calendar Month” from drop-down list.
  5. Complete all remaining columns where applicable.
  6. If more than one therapeutant is used, enter applicable information on the additional therapeutant on a new row.
  7. Data can be copied and pasted into multiple subsequent rows. However, please note that data can not be copied to cells marked "do not enter".*
  8. This template has a limit of 1000 rows of data. Should you have data to submit in excess of 1000 rows, please contact The Department.

Colour meaning

Red: Mandatory field (data missing)

Grey: Do not enter

Blue: Enterable field

Pink: Enterable field

White: Enterable field

* N.B. in order to maintain data integrity, data from external sources should not be copied directly into greyed-out cells. Please input the data directly into this spreadsheet.

Step 1 - General info

Licence holder name Reporting year Reporting period
Pick licence holder (start here) Pick list Pick list

Step 2 - Report details

Facility reference no. Facility name Landfile no. Fish health zone Calendar month
Pick licence holder
before select facility here
Do not enter Do not enter Do not enter Pick reporting period
before select month here
Cultured species Other species - specify Fish production category Environmental
Fill only if entering data in blue Specify the species if
selected “other” in pick list
Pick list format:
Fresh ‘silver’ Infectious disease Handling/transport Maturation Old (decomposed) Poor performer/cull Predator attack Mortality total
Do not enter
Treatment start date Treatment end date Treatment # Product name Active ingredients Treatment reason
input format:
input format:
input format:
Pick list Pick list Pick list
Species treated Total aqueous product (litres) Total medicated feed (kg) Total active ingredient (kg) Notes
Pick list input format: 999999.99999 input format: 999999.99999 input format: 999999.99999
Date modified: