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Commercial fisheries licensing rules and policies reference document Pacific region

Prawn and shrimp by trap

Categories W and FW

Licence category

A commercial or communal commercial prawn and shrimp by trap licence (category W or FW) is required to commercially harvest prawn and shrimp using trap gear. Category W licence eligibilities are limited entry and vessel based. Category FW licence eligibilities are party based and must be annually designated to a registered Canadian commercial fishing vessel that meets established length restrictions. Category FW licences are held by a First Nation.

Vessels authorized to fish under authority of a Prawn and Shrimp by trap licence are also permitted to:


Licence category background

Prior to 1990, prawn and shrimp by trap fishing was authorized by a party based, category ZH licence eligibility designated to a vessel annually. In 1990, licence limitation was introduced into the fishery. Licence eligibilities were issued to individuals who landed a minimum of 1000 lbs. of shrimp or prawns by trap in any two of the 1986, 1987 or 1988 fishing seasons. Prior to appeals, 128 applicants were eligible and 276 licence eligibilities were established after the appeals were heard. A maximum vessel length (MVL) was established for each licence eligibility based on the surveyed length of the last vessel licensed to fish prawn and shrimp by trap prior to January 1, 1990.

In 1993, the limited entry length restricted category ZH licence eligibilities were converted to category W vessel based licence eligibilities. Vessels identified were required to be within the same MVL restriction and had to be eligible for a vessel based licence eligibility. When the vessel held a Schedule II Species eligibility, that eligibility was retired.

From 1991 on, trap limitations were considered as a means of control over the annual increase in gear that rose to more than 80,000 traps in 1994. Trap limits were adopted as a pilot program for the 1995 and 1996 seasons, with a limit of 300 traps per licence eligibility. Vessel owners have an annual option of combining two trap allocations on a single vessel. When combined, traps are limited to 500. To offset associated incremental monitoring and enforcement costs, vessel owners pay management fees. Trap limits were extended indefinitely as a management practice for this fishery. No area or quota restrictions apply.

Beginning in 2004, amended conditions were made available to participate in the Prince Rupert Harbour humpback shrimp fishery anticipated to open September 1st annually. An amendment request is required to participate and this fishery will continue based on continued biological sampling and monitoring. Confirmation of having obtained service bureau services for additional observer sampling is also required.

Due to vessel stability and ship safety concerns, the maximum allowable wetted trap weight is 7 kg (15.4 lbs.). Fish harvesters who had trap inventory still in use exceeding this limit were required to register the number of “heavy traps” with DFO and were only permitted to use these traps until the 2012 fishing season.

In 2010, additional closure areas were established in the Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area under the Canada National Marine Conservations Areas Act. Additional closures and restrictions regarding octopus retention were also introduced.

At the same time, it was decided that commercial vessels were prohibited from having prawn or shrimp catch on board that was not caught under the authority of the commercial licence. This was to prevent commercial vessels from circumventing their licence restrictions and limits, retaining undersize prawns, and illegal sales. ‘Dual fishing’ (fishing for food, social and ceremonial purposes concurrently with commercial fishing) was also not allowed.

The use of solid sided traps was phased out completely by 2016. Solid-sided traps have been replaced by improved trap designs that better sort undersize prawns while on the sea floor.

Licence renewal fee

The annual renewal fee for a commercial category W licence is $320.00.

There is no annual renewal fee for a communal commercial category FW licence.

Licence issuance

A commercial Prawn and Shrimp by trap licence must be renewed, and the renewal fee paid, every year by December 31st to retain the privilege to be issued the licence in the future This means that vessel owners must renew the licence whether they intend to fish or not. If the licence is not renewed by December 31st, the licence will cease and DFO will not be able to consider a request to issue that licence in the future.

Every year, communal commercial Prawn and Shrimp by trap licence eligibility holders must also designate a fishing vessel to hold the licence by submitting a request through the National Online Licensing System. Instructions are available.

Prior to licence issue, the vessel owner must ensure that:

Trap reallocations

All vessels are allocated 300 traps at the beginning of the season. Temporary trap reallocation is permitted on an annual basis when both licence eligibilities are allocated 300 traps at the time of application.

Trap reallocations are only accepted prior to licence issuance of both licence eligibilities. When traps are reallocated, 100 are temporarily relinquished and the receiving vessel may fish a maximum of 500 traps. Trap allocations revert to original licence eligibilities at the end of the season.

Traps may be reallocated to but not from owner/operator (“grandfathered”) restricted licence eligibilities.

Licence documents

Prawn and shrimp by trap licence documents are valid from the date of issue to December 31st annually.

Vessel owners and licence eligibility holders may reprint any lost or destroyed licence documents using the National Online Licensing System (NOLS).

Vessel replacement

The owner(s) of a prawn and shrimp by trap licensed vessel may apply to replace a commercial fishing vessel. Both the replacement vessel and the vessel being replaced must have a survey on file with the Pacific Fishery Licence Unit or the survey must be submitted with the vessel replacement application. Vessels must be surveyed according to DFO guidelines.

Vessel owner(s) should also note the following rules:

Communal commercial licences are not eligible for vessel replacement.

The Application to Replace a Commercial Vessel form is available.

Temporary vessel replacement

Temporary vessel replacements are allowed if the vessel has been declared a loss or the vessel is out of service due to an accident or unforeseen damage. Vessels that are in disrepair at the time of purchase, have engine problems, or have encountered delays in annual maintenance or rebuilding do not qualify for a temporary replacement.

Written confirmation from an insurance company, shipyard, or marine engineer explaining why the vessel is inoperative must be submitted to a Pacific Fishery Licence Unit when declaring the vessel a total loss.

Temporary replacement vessel may not exceed the overall vessel length plus 10 per cent of the prawn and shrimp by trap vessel.

Should the prawn and shrimp by trap licence eligibility be temporarily split from other licence eligibilities, the remaining eligibilities may not be placed on a third vessel. If you require further discussion or information on the above mentioned vessel replacement policies, please contact the Pacific Fishery Licence Unit.

Fish buying station licence and transporting licence requirements

When product is transferred from one vessel to another vessel or a vehicle, that vessel or vehicle requires a provincial Fish Buying Station licence. This licence is required for all types of vessels and vehicles, including aircraft. The licence may also be required for personal vehicles in some instances, when a vehicle is carrying the catch from more than one vessel, even if the licence holder owns both vessels. Fish harvesters should contact the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Courtenay Access Centre at 250-897-7541 for additional information.

If catch is transferred from a Prawn and Shrimp by trap licensed vessel to another vessel, the receiving vessel must have a commercial fishing licence or a transporting licence according to the Pacific Fishery Regulations, Part II, Section 24.

Multi-licensed vessels

When a Prawn and Shrimp by trap (category W or FW) licensed vessel also holds a Shrimp by trawl (category S or FS) licence eligibility, all Shrimp including Prawns caught under the authority of the category S or FS licence eligibility must be offloaded before that vessel may fish under the authority of the category W or FW licence eligibility. Likewise, all prawns caught under the authority of the category W or FW licence eligibility must be offloaded before fishing may begin under the authority of the category S or FS licence eligibility.


Logbooks may be obtained through J.O. Thomas and Associates Ltd. by calling 604-291-6340

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