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Shellfish and invertebrates

We manage the commercial, Indigenous and recreational fisheries of 25 invertebrate species on the Pacific coast including clams, shrimp, prawns, geoducks, sea cucumbers, crabs, euphausiid, scallops and sea urchins.

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Services and information

Integrated fisheries management plans

We use integrated fisheries management plans to guide the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources


Information about fishing licences

Recreational harvesting

Information about the recreational shellfish harvesting

Prawn and shrimp

Information about Pacific prawn and shrimp fisheries


Information about Pacific crab fisheries


Information about the intertidal clam fishery

Sea cucumber

Information about the sea cucumber fishery


Information about geoduck


Information about the euphausiid (krill) fishery


Information about the scallop by trawl fishery

Green sea urchin

Information about the green sea urchin fishery

Red sea urchin

Information about the red sea urchin fishery

Pacific oyster

Information about the Pacific oyster

Contact us

Contact the shellfish fisheries management team

What we are doing

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